Nintendo, as it likes to drop big announcements through press releases and social media posts, has confirmed the rumours and unveiled the Super NES Classic Edition (NA) / The Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (PAL). Let's just call it the SNES Mini from this point on for clarity.
It's not just the names that are different this time (as was mostly the case with the NES), as each region's unit adopts the design differences seen in the original hardware.

The lists of games seem identical, with 21 included - the headline is undoubtedly the stunning release of Star Fox 2. The unreleased title will finally see the light of day; you can read all about its history here. The other difference is that you get two controllers in the box, whereas the NES Mini had one. That makes sense in terms of supporting some of the multiplayer games included, and balances out the value; that said this one will have 9 less games and a suggested price of $79.99USD, $20 higher than the NES Mini.
With release coming in late September, then, there's not too long to wait (and hopefully Nintendo is lining up plenty of stock). The big question is, are you excited about this and planning to get one? We want to know, so hit up the polls and comments below with all of your thoughts on the Super NES Classic Edition.
Comments 168
I voted for Super Metroid, Secret Of Mana and Yoshi's Island.
I'm very excited, in particular, to try Star Fox 2, see how well the emulation for Yoshi's Island (given the Super FX chip) is and play games like Secret of Mana and Earthbound, which I've never tried until now. Here's hoping they have enough stock.
Expect even more scalpers to grab the first line this time.
The Star Fox games look like the aforementioned unicorn droppings. Sure back then it was a minor miracle but today they look terrible. To those of you voting for Star Fox 2, I suggest you take a look back at Star Fox again on Youtube and not through the rose-tinted glasses..
Nintendo BETTER make enough stock so that there are more than just 5 units in stock globally. I exaggerate but seriously, they cannot afford another NES Classic PR blunder. Make enough stock and offer up the ability for retailers to pre-order. That's the only way you can guarantee stock demand.
I love how after 37 voters there is 0% belief that Nintendo will meet the demand with supply
Without the ful DK trilogy I'm a little disappointed, but star fox 2 brings me back up again.
No excuse this time Nintendo about the item being a limited run for holidays since you again did not mention this in the press release.
I'm super excited, especially if I can preorder. I've never actually seen an NES Mini before.
I'm excited but I guess there will be stock issues.
So dunno.
I voted for Yoshi's Island, FFIII, and Star Fox 2 since I've never played either before.
I didn't want this. I was actively against this. People still haven't forgotten the NES Classic, and unless they plan to rerelease that some day I think it will go down as a big black mark. I didn't think we needed this because the Switch is so hot....
But good night, I want this so badly!!! I want Secret of Mana, Mega Man, and I've never finished Super Lario World
Real dissappointment is no Chrono Trigger.
Nope, I have my old school Nes and Super Nes...haven't touched it in years.
Sure there are other games I wished were on the system but that's an argument for another day.
At the moment, I'm thrilled over this! I was one who refused to believe the rumors and am gladly surprised to find out I was wrong.
Depends on if NA gets preorders or not. Right now I'm treating this like vaporware.
I'm excited, but there is that concern of actually getting one. I did preorder one with Game just now, which will serve as my back up in-case I don't get an order from Nintendo's UK store then I'll cancel the Game order, but still there is that uncertainty till I get the dispatched email.
For games, I'm looking forward to Starfox 1+2 and Yoshi's Island purely for reason these have never had a VC release (Yoshi's Island had the GBA version, but never the SNES version.)
Pre-ordered 2 just incase.
@Donutsavant I don't think anyone's ever finished Super "Lario" World.
Why would I be excited? I still have my childhood SNES and I'm pretty sure it works. I have no need for this novelty item.
It's a shame that I've already played most of the games for the SNES that I'm interested in. Because of that there are only 4 games that I'm interested in. Hopefully the games I want will eventually be on the Switch's virtual console when it launches.
Looks awesome, but stupid timing imo. People are still pissed about the NES Mini (or lack thereof), Switch's first holiday season, New 2DS just released. Slow down Nintendo!
Plus take out Star Fox 2 and put in Donkey Kong Country 2. Not that I'm against Star Fox 2 at all, but this product doesn't need it. Will sell gangbusters anyway, plus it's a nostalgia product, people don't have nostalgia for something that didn't exist. Save it for the Virtual Console and make a big deal out of it there.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE you kidding? I revisit Star Fox every once in a while. It's only a product of its age and it's certainly still fun in a gameplay sense.
I am reaaaaaalllly hyped for Star Fox 2.
Pretty cool that Secret of Mana is included on the system. That game isn't even available on the eShop, IIRC!
Seriously looking forward to Star Fox despite having an idea how poorly it's aged. Skipped SNES almost entirely back in the day, only played a small fraction of the first-party games on VC, and lost interest in buying the real system and carts. This'll be a treat for me, if I can find one...
I'm not excited at all until I either secure a preorder or physically hold the box in my hands. Until then, I'm hesitant.
I'm not excited. The game lineup doesn't do much for me. Also, the poor handling of the NES mini remains fresh in my mind, so I wouldn't buy this anyway.
Releasing Starfox 2 is great, though. And two controllers helps balance out the smaller list of games at a higher price. I would have liked seeing Sunset Riders, Ninja Warriors and Pocky and Rocky. I'm not aware of any major licensing issues with those like there would be with the Ninja Turtles.
It's incredibly surprising that Star Fox 2 is seeing the light of day in an official release. From what I've heard, there was a lot of legal trouble surrounding that title after the game was canned and the main development team was dismissed without being paid, and then their code was stripped for assets in other titles. I guess that means they compensated or otherwise made amends with the at least some of the original developers in recent days.
It'll be interesting to see the gameplay differences between the completed, official version and the patched leaked version.
...Although I doubt I'll ever see the SNES Mini on shelves.
I'm on the fence. The only game I want but don't own (in multiple formats) is Star Fox 2, which isn't worth $80 to me, although I'd definitely like to play it. I'd like to know the length of the controller cables, too...
It's a pretty glorious collection for the more casual market, though. My personal lineup wouldn't be that different, and I don't begrudge the inclusion of any of the games that made the cut.
Also meant to say, the fact they're putting this on sale earlier than the NES mini is slightly encouraging for supply, even if they cut it off after the holidays.
I'd much rather have a Virtual Console for Switch than a novelty console that will be available at about 5 units per store and then disappear before anyone can buy it.
Not interested. I don't need to play either Star Fox games, and I have every other game on Wii U (albeit the GBA port of Yoshi's Island), even if I do have to go into Wii mode to access a few of them. So why pay for games I can play right now, many on Game Pad even? I'm not interested in the novelty of having a mini SNES either. Cool, but not really for me.
At the time of writing, I can't believe that 20% of you believe that "Nintendo has learnt their lesson."
I was never able to get the NES Mini, so I am more angry that I have been passed by than I am excited at the prospect of likely getting passed by again.
im excited! but i don't know if it will last long...
has Nintendo learn their lesson as they said? let's find out!
Breaking news: Nintendo has just discontinued the SNES Mini.
A spokesperson said "It was only ever meant to be a one day thing"
It's a few essential game short for me:
Chrono Trigger
R-Type Third Lightning
Street Fighter II New Challangers
Super Star Wars/ESB/ROTJ
Turtles In Time
@bezerker99 Secret of Mana is on the Wii but not Wii U.
I got mine on the pre-order list though I wish they would replace Kirby's Dream Course with Chrono Trigger or Tetris Attack.
I'm not getting one and even if I really did want one, I wouldn't be able to for obvious reasons. That said, I am willing to be wrong about my (and everyone else's) predictions for the stock situation. And for sale of completion I voted on Secret of Mana, Mario RPG, and Earthbound, though there are plenty of good games on there.
@Switch81tch In time, my friend. We have only reached the early 90's in the Nintendo timeline!
@Bass_X0 Oh, cooL! @Spoony_Tech and I were discussing this very topic last week. I think I'll download that once payday arrives! Thanks for the heads up~
Yes, of course I'm excited, but why did everything get just a little bit worse? The price goes up yet the number of games comes down. These are digital copies of games from 25 years ago; there is no additional cost involved in putting SNES games on this thing vs putting NES games on the NES Classic Edition. It already felt pretty tight with the NES selection of games, and even though the titles included in the SNES Classic Edition are generally great, there's even more missing games you'd want this time around. At least this time the system comes with two controllers, which is great.
And Sega just recently announced its latest Genesis/Mega Drive Classic Game Console will come with around 40 official Genesis/Mega Drive games, plus around roughly 40 indie titles, as well as two wireless controllers and the ability to play all the old Genesis/Mega Drive carts in the machine too, for the same price.
Why does Nintendo always have to do something to annoy me!
We need Turtles in Time and Maximum Carnage in it.
Just pre-ordered mine on Games website although I think £79.99 is a little expensive as the Nes mini was only £49.99 yes you get an extra controller but the Nes Mini had 9 more games. I also hope they don't make the same stupidly short controllers again.
The price goes up yet the number of games comes down.
Because Final Fantasy III is equal to the likes of Ice Climber?
I am not old enough to have owned a SNES during my childhood (heh, my first console was the Wii) and so I voted for Super Mario Kart, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars and Star Fox 2
I would be excited if ROMs weren't a thing
A Link to the Past
Mario RPG
Mario World
I have to go with Super Metroid, everything about that game is just perfect.
Given the NES Mini and Switch situations I have exactly 0% confidence Nintendo will produce enough stock.
R.I.P Virtual Console.
Yoshi, Star Fox and Star Fox 2. One unreleased game and 2 previously unable to be emulated on vc! Awesome Nintendo best tell us their plans for vc on Switch before this is released.
This is cool but I'm starting to think Nintendo could just re-release the actual consoles again with carts. That would be awesome, especially if the games were about £20. Would sell like rather hot cakes and make them much more money...
Super metriod, final fantasy 3, and yoshi's island!
Nice choice of games, but it's Super Metroid, Super Mario RPG and Earthbound that get my vote. Although, you know, you could just wake up the virtual console on my Switch, Nintendo...
The only reason I didn't vote for being "super hyped and can't wait till get one" is that I'm not confidant I will be able to get one to begin with.
@Torakaka I agree i have the cart but the mini should have it.
I think I have all these on Virtual Console. Between old Wii, Wii U, and PlayStation 3. I mainly want this for StarFox 2. I've waited my a great chunk of my life to play the real game. However, its lame we gotta deal with this and not the convenience of Virtual Console. The Wii U had a whole lifespan of opportunities. They could have added a few more games too. Like Terranigma and Secret of Mana 2. The DKC sequels. This thing has less games but costs more than the NES edition.
I voted for metroid, secret of Mana and star fox 2, not buying it though, I can already get any snes game on my Vita emulator
I wasn't excited for it-----until I saw that lineup! Wow! That lineup has about 90% of every game that I could possibly want, with absolutely zero filler (unlike the NES Classic, which had some garbage to sift through)!
For those of you who are complaining about the lack of Chrono Trigger: just do yourselves a favor and buy the DS cart on the cheap! The fact that they included THREE Squaresoft games (FF3, Secret of Mana, and Super Mario RPG) is a small miracle, in and of itself! I love how RPG heavy this set is, and the inclusion of Starfox 1 AND 2 and Yoshi's Island is the icing on the cake!
Unlike with the NES Classic, I fully intend to take some PTO and camp out for one!
Don't really see the point of these when emulation is a thing.
Or Virtual Console, for a more legal route.
In fact, these things could be the very reason we don't have Virtual Console on Switch, which is actually enough to make me dislike them...
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I love the look and feel of the original Star Fox. Played it again recently and still really enjoyed it. The soundtrack is sublime.
I'll just download the Star Fox 2 rom after it's inevitably ripped out and uploaded to the internet. This isn't worth my money.
@bezerker99 Agreed. I think there will always be some games left off of this sort of thing (at times inexplicably, since they take up so little space), but I'm happy with what we're getting. In particular, I've never played Super Mario RPG or Yoshi's Island, so those are pretty exciting!
@retro_player_22 that Tetris licensing is the problem.
The first answer to the first question should read, "I'm very hyped! I can't wait to not get one!"
Nintendo will keep demand artificially high so that they can go and (re-)release
The Nintendo Classics Edition: Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
And then...
The Classic Nintendo Classic Edition Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System
And then...
The Classic Nintendo Classic Edition Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System, The Limited Edition
and then...(Nope, not old just yet)
The Nintendo Classic Collection: Classic Nintendo Classic Edition Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System, The Limited Edition
...whenever they need a quick buck.
Those Nintendo fans will eat it up as usual.
Now I can't wait to get my hands on the Nintendo Classic Collection: Classic Nintendo Classic Edition Nintendo Classic Mini: Super Nintendo Entertainment System, The Limited Edition whenever that comes out!!!
Should be a pool that says: Is this the reason Nintendo hasn't gotten the VC running on Switch yet? YES
2018 the n64 mini
No Donkey Kong Country 2? It was better than the original; I don't get that one. And no Pilotwings? AND no Super Mario All Stars?
Missed opportunities in my eyes...
Link to the Past, Super Metroid, Mega Man X (the first one, at least), Yoshi's Island, Super Mario World all terrific games, Mario Kart / F-Zero haven't aged nearly as well but still fun. Mario RPG, Earthbound, Super Castlevania IV all solid. Then you've got FF III / VI, the GOAT. When will Nintendo just put this on the New 3DS VC so I can die in peace?
I was gonna buy one until I saw that there's no ac adapter again.
@DarthFoxMcCloud I would say the NES Classic was anything but a PR blunder. A supply chain blunder, sure, but the amount of hype and positivity surrounding the product itself was very high. The good PR they got from the NES Classic is almost certainly helping to drive the hype for the SNES Classic even higher.
I'd rather buy a cartridge for my Switch that has all of these games on it!!!
Where's the Wii U Classic Edition?
No point in getting excited about something none of us will even be able to buy.
Luckily I'm first "in line" at my local Game store, so when they come in I get the first console!
I don't really see the appeal. Starfox 2 is not enough for me to make it a must have.
This is one of those odd times you'll see me vote that I'm NOT excited at all.
I couldn't get a NES Classic, let alone actually even see or touch one to be assured it ever existed, so I'm not going to be wasting any of my time being excited for yet another mess.
Well, I was finally ready to let one of these mini systems go until they announced the Star Fox 2. Now, I really don't know what I'm going to do on this. Part of me says don't fall for it, but then, there is that other part that can't imagine not getting one.
So many things to consider!
1. They must have figured out the Super FX chip emulation issues, since Yoshi's Island, Mario RPG, and StarFox are all on there.
2. Dylan Cuthbert recently said in an interview that the ROM version of StarFox2 on the internet was incomplete. So is this an internal/different/more complete version of the game?
3.Secret of Mana is 3 players. How about a MultiTap???
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I also voted for secret of mana, never played it myself but I am watching a lets play of it and it seems this is a nice opportunity to play it. Lovely game.
@Ogre I would guess no multitap is incorporated. Too bad tho.
I'm absolutely against this. This gives Nintendo no incentive to properly release SNES titles as Virtual Console options on the Switch. I hate how they can keep re-releasing this for decades by playing with supply and demand. I really want to play games like Super Metroid--not play games like waiting in long lines or hunting down over-priced options online. This is why they haven't said anything about the Virtual Console options on the Switch. They will release this baby to much fanfare in 2017, sell it out, and when the dust settles, all of the titles (SNES and NES) will magically be available Summer 2018 on the Switch via subscription or individual sales--pleasing Nintendo shareholders.
Nope, not going to support poopy practices. Besides, I'm counting on a "SNES-flix" service or Virtual Console option on Switch eventually.
still salty over how Nintendo handled NES mini
Can't wait to play super metroid with snes controller only used wiiu and 3ds I want the real thing
This announcement ruined my day. I want this so badly but know that I shouldn't expect to be able to get one. The scalper problem has gotten worse and worse instead of better. It's deeply upsetting that I can't walk into a store and buy the things I love from my favorite company, and Amazon will likely put up preorders at some random time unannounced that will sell out in seconds.
I'm leaning towards not getting this. Would be cool to have it, but I don't want another appliance to hook to the tv I'd rather just be able to play them on the switch.
Nintendo's current plans are only to offer it this year. "Super NES Classic Edition is currently planned to ship from Sept. 29 until the end of calendar year 2017," it said. "At this time, we have nothing to announce regarding any possible shipments beyond this year." from gamespot
2019 is Gamecube Mini.
2020 is Wii U Mini (Actual Wii Mini was already exist)
Part of me wants to ignore this thing like I did the NES Mini because it will only have the games that it comes with and I just want all my Wii U VC games to roll over to Switch.
But when I found out a supposedly complete Star Fox 2 is in the thing...WHERE CAN I FIND THIS NOW???!!!!
Are Europe and USA version share same 21 SNES games ?
Hey, I saw a profanity in your post.
Watch your words !
I already have 8 of those games, so don't feel the need to get this, especially seeing as there's only the first donkey kong country, no chrono trigger and no pilotwings. I'll possibly pick up a few of the games I'm interested on wii u instead, and pray that star fox 2 pops up on vc at some point (or play in an emulator). Doesn't help that there's 9 fewer games on this than the NES mini. I'd be very surprised if they get supply right with this, especially seeing as they're barely coping with demand for the switch
This is a early Christmas miracle! I'm so happy.
PS. I know everyone is hyped for Star Fox 2 but I actually found it to be a rather crap game*. I'm happy it's here just because of the pure novelty factor, but if this game starts getting rave reviews I'm going to get annoyed--it doesn't deserve them. Luckily, the seminal original Star Fox is included too, and the also seminal Yoshi's Island as well.
*Maybe Nintendo will have polished it a bit better for the official release. I really hope so. But, either way, I just don't think it's has quite the flow and impact that the original did/does.
Haha, good one indeed. If I'm able to obtain one, I'll eat my Mario hat.
Not at all interested.
I would rather have VC releases on the switch.
Neither the NES or SNES classic have titles that represent my favorites from either platform. (Example, Guardian Legend and Bionic commando for NES)
Don't want it. All the games I'd want to play (aside from Star Fox) is on the 3DS VC, and I don't use TVs anymore so I have no interest. I just want to have Star Fox on the 3DS but that's looking unlikely.
Virtual console for Switch when?
Would rather have them on my Switch on a virtual console.
I didn't care for the Mini NES and I don't care for this either.But I am curious about Starfox 2.
I'm hoping I can board swap the controllers with the originals like I did with the NES Mini. Playing with brand new official Nintendo NES controllers in 2016 on the original console was a minor miracle
I voted for "I'm hyped..." though there should been an option for, "I'm hyped but I know I probably won't be able to find one unless I pay way over the rrp for one."
No chrono trigger is a big sad. Who cares about starfox i wanted earthbound 2 and secret of mana 2.
Also no shadowrun... no hagane... missing too many good games.
dammit Nintendo!
Tha legendary Star Fox 2 + Yoshi's Island, a game I never owned but completed thanks to a friend and finally: Super Mario RPG, even though this last one I would rather have on my N3DS, but who knows if they'll add it now.
@PigmaskFan I know, but I own the DS version and have played it multiple times.
I bought a SNES last year and all the games I could want for it. That is except for Super Metroid. Anyone know where I can find one for a low cost?
@GamePerson19 try ebay.
Would of like to see Illusion of Gaia and Turtles In Time on the list !
I am I excited...... I am sitting at work with the EB Games Australia website open waiting for pre-orders to start.........
@buildz Well considering they have decided it is worthy of Starfox 2 which used an even more powerful version of the FX chip I would imagine it's a very good emu for Yoshi too =)
If I don't get one, I'm done with Nintendo!
Finally the Super FX games! I can't believe SF2 is finally getting a legit release. God bless Nintendo!
I'll be excited if I can get one, but it won't be a big deal if I don't. Between my SNES cartridges, various VC versions, and remakes/ports, I have all of the games from that list I would want. I can't imagine Star Fox 2 being locked to this, so I would get thhat as a future VC purchase on Switch hopefully.
@FTL I just hope the two games don't run at a poor framerate, by perhaps emulating an overclocked Super FX chip instead, since, let's be honest, I think we'd all rather play Star Fox /+2 at something closer to 30fps, even if it isn't perfect.
Of course, Yoshi's Island didn't use the Super FX chip heavily so it wouldn't be an issue there.
I want one
please hope i get one
Next they can do the nes again for all who did not get one
@Shinnos i think so too.
Playsation will get my money
@bezerker99 Secret of Mana is on Wii Virtual Console tho.
Still a great addition of course.
Ugh. I want to get excited about this thing, but I don't believe Nintendo is going to make it any real easier to get than even a Switch or NES Mini. I only now just got my hands on a Switch, from buying it from a friend at a higher price. I have no chance to just swoop in and snag one like a lot people in my area do. I'll just hope that people see how awesome Starfox 2 is, and leave it at that. Got to build my Switch library now, after all.
@meltendo :I absolutely agree with you. Nintendo keeps playing supply and demand games and it is disgusting. The only people buying this are scalpers. I wanted to purchase a Switch and have yet to find it. I'll stick with my Wii U. Today's announcement confirms the jokes on the consumer.'s cool and will keep people talking "Nintendo" ...

....but my <3 belongs to another SNES Mini...
They have a pretty solid lineup of games on this thing (particularly surprised Super Mario RPG got in, such a great game).
At this point, I played most of these games already so I probably wouldn't play too much on it, but my nephews are coming of age and it'd be great to have them try it (and the classic controllers should hopefully be easier for them to handle)
How about Nintendo release a special pack called the SNES mini pack as a Switch download. This will help offset the inevitable scarcity of this novelty console.
Zero interest from me. Nor will I ever understand all the hype around this type of thing. Enjoy your free money, Nintendo.
I don't know I guess I'm excited since the SuperNES is one of my favorite consoles of all time. But I don't think I'm interested in buying one. I've played all those games over and over again throughout the years since I bought my original SuperNES.
Things would be very different if Nintendo releases once and for all the Virtual Console on the Switch. THEN I'll be over hyped since I'll be able to enjoy all those games both on the TV and on the go. That might be a good reason to buy them all over again...
Right now, the tiny machine looks lovely, but it really doesn't offer anything I don't have already (never was into Star Fox to begin with, so Star Fox 2 means nothing to me)
When/if I see one in front of me, then I might get impulsive and buy it, but right now is a pass.
It would be nice to have one, but part of me doesn't even want to bother because of the NES classic debacle. I was lucky enough to be able to snag one.
Also an $80 USD price point equates to a yet-to-be-determined price likely around $100-110 CAD, so I really dunno.
I bet the vast majority of of folk here have never played the original Yoshi's island.With many others only having played the GBA version,which is good but nowhere near the same experience.Leaving a small minority who have played it,made up of older gamers,collectors or those who played it on an emulator.
So to those of you who've never played it,you're in for a absolute treat.In my opinion it's the best game Miyamoto ever made.
I'm okay with getting this. It's got 2 controllers packed in, probably done that way in reaction to people not being able to find the official controller for the NES Classic. The game selection is good, it actually replaces some of the games I sold off a couple years ago (sadly, due to some bills piling up). And if the HDMI output is as good as the NES Classic, then I'm going to have some spectacular video capture! That's one of the main reasons I'm into this. Legacy connections on older consoles usually don't output at great quality, even using my retro adapter for my Elgato. And in order to get the best output otherwise, one would need to invest a few hundred in a box like the XRGB Mini. The further I can put that purchase off, the better (but I hope the supply doesn't dry up before then). I'm more than willing to put in the time to wait on line at Nintendo NY or Best Buy for better video output
Speaking of Best Buy, the placeholder page is up:
Go activate those notifications!
Though I doubt I'll buy it I selected A Link to the Past, Super Metroid, & Mega Man X.
I already bought a Switch & a NES classic this year. I don't need a 3rd system. So one more out there for the rest of you to buy. Looks cool though. 30 games would've been nicer. Are the controller cords super short again?
I get what you're saying about Star Fox looking bad, but I don't have to look on youtube as I have the cart. I always think "it sure has aged" and then get sucked in anyway and play it all through.
Star Fox 2 is the most exciting because it's unreleased. I have carts of almost everything else here. Had Earthbound and sold it and got the Wii U download. So hard to be too hyped about games I already have.... but Star Fox 2? I do not have. aged poorly or not, it's new star fox and I still love the SNES one best.
They really need to make it play actual carts too, and include VC style future updates for more games.... then I would pay $200
I think it's neat, and had a good collection of classic games, but I played the crap out of these games when I was younger, and I got too many new games to play to care about this. So in short, really cool, just not for me.
With how little stock Nintendo puts out with Nes Classic and Switch, so you really think this system will be any different?
I voted very excited but I can't say hyped. Mainly I think this will be impossible to get. I'm not sure when I can preorder and he fact that it could literally happen when I'm working and won't know... well doesn't look promising.
Most excited for earthbound and ff3, but being new to Nintendo(Switch is my first Big N console) almost all the games will be new to me. I worry about most being anything better than something I play for a few minutes, but I think my girlfriend and her friends will love it.
Assuming that I ever can order one
I'm not too fussed about Starfox 2, but its a nice if unexpected addition.
I voted for Super Castlevania 4, such an amazing game. Secret Of Mana, which if I had my way would have its audio fixed, so that the music doesn't cut out then you strike an enemy. Such an amazing soundtrack but the constant cuts are annoying.
And Super Mario RPG, which I've never played. The recent Gaming Historian video covering it got me super keen to try it.
Once again, the game selection can't please everyone. The real perk are the StarFoxs, the original NEVER making a VC appearance and the sequel never making an appearance anywhere.
A bit surprised Nintendo left off some of its own oldies like Pilotwings and SimCity. The omission of Chrono Trigger is just ridiculous.
"A bit surprised Nintendo left off some of its own oldies like Pilotwings and SimCity. The omission of Chrono Trigger is just ridiculous."
SimCity is still EA's license though. And SE likes to milk Chrono Trigger it's own way.
I am excited because it means
2018 - N64 Mini
2019 - GameCube Mini
2020 - Wii Mini
2021 - Wii U Mini
2022 - Nintendo Switch Mini
2023 - Game Boy Mini
2024 - DS Mini
2025 - 3DS Mini
2026 new 3DS Mini
2027 new 2DS Mini
Nintendo have the next 10 years planned!
TBH I'd rather get the Switch virtual console
@Matthew010 You forgot Game Boy Color mini, Game Boy Advance mini, Game Boy Advance SP mini, DS Lite mini, DSi mini (normal and XL), 3DS XL mini, 2DS mini and New 3DS XL. Also the timing is really bad. The Switch mini would definitely be last.
@DaLoneSheep oh so sorry, i really don't think they would release a dsi mini as well as a ds mini, they literally play exactly the same games and i was going through home consoles before handheld consoles, I do not work for Nintendo therefore I do not know their official Mini timetables
Game Boy Advance mini
More miniature than the Game Boy Micro?

Nintendo should just re-release the Game Boy Micro as it was; only with twenty built-in GBA games instead of a removable cartridge.
I might get one if a local store has it sometime, but will not go through too much effort.
If you already own the NES Classic and hacked it, this one would have been needless if it wasn't for Star Fox 2.
It's a very smart move from Nintendo including that game. Otherwise NES Classic owners would have no need for this at all. I bet that's one of the reasons they chose to include it.
@Aneira I think the reason was so scalpers could make more money.
Nintendo should have released this next year not 2017. Come October, the hype will be on this console not Super Mario Odyssey... They could have package all those game and sell it as a limited time exclusive on the Switch, and it would have make more money and supercharge demand for the Switch this holiday season...
And they are putting money on the table, they could have charge it for $99, and it will still sell out...
This release will also be rare. Nintendo knew they were out of stock and people were asking for more and yet they've stopped the production. So with this one I don't believe there will be any more release. For that reason alone I won't buy!
They should have announced this at e3, and they would have totally owned that event...
I'm not particularly excited about it. It's a nice little unit but £80 for 20 games is basically virtual console prices, and I've played all the SNES games I wan't to there. Plus the Switch online service is going to give us even more duplicates of these games.
I'm not excited at all. Now I know that Virtual console on Switch will be delayed on purpose to help SNes mini sales, and I'd rather have Virtual console for my Switch. Also I think the games included are too few. It should at least have had games lile Final fight 2, King of Dragons and Demon's crest. Since you will not be able to buy new games for it but game pad will be available to buy separately it would have been better to sell this toy with more built in games and only one controller.
Being that I still have a working SNES and all but 1 of the good games in this list, I'm not actually excited. In fact, I got the SupaBoy S last Christmas to play my vast catalog of SNES games on and it not only hooks up to the TV like this but also is a standalone handheld system with a screen size the same as the 3DS XL and looks sharp and bright. I just play all my games on that and I'm super happy with it. I wonder if Nintendo will make a GameBoy replica next.
Not that hyped, honestly. I didn't care about the NES Mini either. These are definitely good games, but with limited funds and even more limited time I'd rather buy some exciting NEW games.
Same thoughts as for the mini NES. I have most of those games I'm actually interested in playing, and for the ones I don't, it would be far cheaper just to grab them.
Why is the USA one so ugly!
Honestly, the main point of interest to me is learning of the potential for hacking and loading on more games. I would have been more on the fence given that Mario Allstars ain't included. But fortunately there is still hope to rectify this.
I have bought the SNES VC games that I wanted, and only 21 games this time around for $80. I was more excited for the NES Classic, if they would just bring that back. and I would happily pay the $80-100 for that. Why doesn't Nintendo just get it!
It'll be fun to see how desperate people get when they don't find one XD
Jokes aside I agree with everyone here NINTENDO BETTER IMPROVE THEIR STOCK LEVELS OR ELSE!
On side note people have two options: 1) Be excited about the SNES Classic (which everyone is following) 2) Be worried that this'll possibly result in Nintendo pulling the plug on VC on Switch as these devices exist. I'm going with the option 1 obviously...
I just don't see why they only included 21 games this time around compared to the 30 on the NES Classic Edition. I can easily think of nine more SNES classics to include:
Chrono Trigger
Final Fantasy II (IV)
Sim City
Super Bomberman
Legend of the Mystical Ninja
Gradius III
Final Fight 2 or 3 (preferably 3)
Sigh... This is the American versions of EarthBound, Final Fantasy VI, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Super Castlevania IV, Super Mario Kart and Super Mario RPG. Those games were censored in America, and I don't buy games if I know they have censorship. So, no, I'm not excited and I won't buy it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE The Original Star Fox holds up extremely well today and the music is fire.
Can't wait to get mine. It's gonna look good next to my NES classic
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