The Nintendo Switch comes with 32GB of internal storage, but the end user will only have access to 25.9GB of that total because the OS and other files gobble up 6.1GB of storage.
The information comes from the recent leak which showed off the console's UI menus, and was spotted by IGN.
The Switch comes with a Micro SD card slot which can accept media of up to 2TB in capacity. Given that only 26GB is available out of the box - and that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes up 13.4GB on its own - it goes without saying that a memory card is going to be an essential purchase.
With that in mind, make sure you check out our guide to the best Nintendo Switch Micro SD cards you can buy right now. Have you got a card on order already? Let us know by posting a comment.
Comments 126
I haven't bought a big microSD yet as I need to pay off other things first. I don't plan on downloading much early on though (will go physical when I can) so I'm not too worried. Got a random 32GB card that I'm not using so that will do for now.
I've got a 64GB Micro SDXC card sitting on a shelf ready for when the system arrives and is updated. I'll only be getting digital-only eShop titles, DLC and updates in that manner, physical for retail games.
Do we have any idea how big other games are ?
@Tibob Nintendo Everything has some sizes of Nintendo Switch games here.
Better than expected.
@jswhitfield8 to be fair they could have used android system and still got more space
@Tibob From Nintendo's Japanese website (of games we have announced over here):
Breath of the Wild - 13.4 GB
I Am Setsuna - 1.4 GB
Snipperclips - 1.6 GB
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 7 GB
Puyo Puyo Tetris - 1.09 GB
Good thing I already bought a bigger SD card
Given that only 26GB is available out of the box - and that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild takes up 13.4GB on its own - it goes without saying that a memory card is going to be an essential purchase.
It should go without saying that this only applies to the digital version of the game, but I'm sure someone is going to ask it.
No, you don't need a large microSD card if you're planning to buy physical versions. DLC and eShop titles (and maybe game installs) will fill the memory fast, but I'd wait before buying any card. You're not going to fill 25GB day one, and these things get cheaper fast.
That sounds like how a modern 32 GB tablet works, yeah.
Is this a joke? Two big games and it's full.
It's 2017, Nintendo.
Mind blowing information. Something else to moan about.
Inb4 the 'clickbait' whingers!
Yes, this info was there for all to see in the video days ago - nothing new here.
Yes, the use of the word 'only' in the title is there to outrage us.
So what? I love it!
@Yasume - how much internal storage do you think it should have?
What did anyone expect - when has Ngb ever meant Ngb available on a smart/computing device? It's always N-OS.
I don't trust digital versions so will buy cartridges for my games. Wont worry about an SD card until Gamecube games become available on Virtual Console (well hopefully)
YOU LIED TO US NINTENDON'T! 😣 You promised us 32gb!
Luckily I found a gopro while scuba diving, it had a nice 64gb card.
@SanderEvers Per disc. Remember, some titles were split between two discs (Twin Snakes, REmake, the Baten Kaitos games, among others)
Unless if your game in physical form, 26 GB remaining is still very large space.
I'm going physical copies, always have.
Like this.
Cue the complaints about the lack of storage when we've already known for ages how much would be there.And anyone with any sense would have already predicted 25 to 27gb would be the real amount we will have access to.
@Yasume Nintendo better unveil that supplementing computing device for the system soon.
@gcunit 32GB is a joke to begin with. It should have had as much as the PS4 or at least as the PS3.
Wow, No booklet ?
But I saw nice wallpaper behind the box.
Btw, how big is Switch cartridge compared with NDS cartridge ?
Don't forget people. When WII U got released we got only 8gb memory.... i'm expecting the Switch will eventually released with at least 64gb..
@Yasume In a portable tablet? That was never going to happen.
Not sure as it's not my hand in the pic, my hands aren't good enough to be a hand model
The cartridges look to be longer and not as wide.
No booklet but we get nice wallpapers.
@Yasume I know right! Nintendo shoudlve slapped a HDD right next to the battery! Screw portability!!!!! /sarcasm
@Alucard83 There was also a 32GB option.
Breath of the Wild - 13.4 GB
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe - 7 GB
these are really tiny file sizes given the games. add in splatoon and it will still all fit. that said I will buy the biggest sd card I can afford as soon as I need it. it doesn't worry me cos I had a ps vita and remember having to buy a memory card day one. considering how much of a pain in the arse it is to change a HDD on a ps4, this is going to be heaps better!
I've got a 200gb sd card waiting to go into my switch when it arrives
@Yasume If you're going to complain at least use logic.
your sorted! you know we are trying to get angry about this right? take your solutions elsewhere
@ChilledLadmcr I have a 200GB MicroSD card as well.
I purchased the Sandisk Ultra 200 GB microSDXC UHS-1 Premium Edition card.
All physical for me unless it on eshop only or dlc ooooooooo and VC games that take my fancy fingers crossed for GameCube
The information is inaccurate.
32gb from à manufacturer point of view is actually only 29.8gb usable from a software point of view.
storage uses 1gb = 1000mb = 1000000kb = 1000000000b
Software uses 1gb = 1024mb = 1048576kb = 1073741824b
That gives a difference of around 7.4% per gb
So the OS uses less Than 4gb
This doesn't bother me as much since I buy physical games when possible. I'll buy a memory card when I have to if I fill up the internal storage with dlc, virtual console, etc.
@Yasume Why exactly should it have that much storage? As far as we know, you don't have to install anything from the cartridge, so your average game will only take a few MB of memory for save files. Also, it's not like the Switch is a multi-media center like the other consoles are either.
So no, I'm not seeing it. It would be better to have more storage space, of course, but I hardly see it as a necessity.
I too care more about physical than I am with digital so this ain't a problem for me. I will eventually get a suitable microSD card anyways and I still hadn't filled up my whole 64GB SDXC card on my Wii U yet. If Nintendo had a transfer method for me to transfer all my craps on Wii U to the Switch, then I could just format that same 64GB card and re-used it on the Switch instead.
This is going to be fun...
@booker_steve coolest find ever!
Don't forget this doesn't include the Day 1 Patch which should deliver some other features.
@Yasume The Switch has more hard drive available than the PS3 with 12gb hard drive.
Remember also that all Switch games bought physically won't require more than 1 to 30 Mb of installation, or something like that. It's that tiny. Internal storage is just for DLC and patches.
I spotted the available space when the video first leaked... didn't think it was really worth talking about, as it was around what I was expecting anyway.
@smashboy2000 typically system files are stored on a dedicated partition with reserved space, so an update will never require you to delete games.
so it should include the day1 patch as well as any future updates.
Its the same one i got
I found several!
Well, given the choice between $400 for 128GB internal and $300 for 32GB, I'll go for 32GB every time. Plus, SD cards can enlarge the storage space.
Not a fan of SD cards? Well, turns out the Switch's onboard memory is modular, meaning you can go and buy a larger eMMC chip, dump the Switch OS on there, and replace the existing chip.
Guarantee there'll be even less space come launch day when there's an automated update.
@Yasume: It is indeed 2017. Most tablets have no more than 16 GB of space, none of them use hard drives, and flash memory is still somewhat expensive in the high range. Also, PS4 and Xbox may have more space, but a huge chunk of that is wasted by inefficient physical media.
@jswhitfield8 my sentiments exactly. Also, I wasn't expecting the OS to take up no portion of the 32gb, that would really be magic.
@Yasume im in your camp dude, I also think that 32gb is a joke. I sell smartphones and tablets for a living. Mobile devices is something I have allot of experience with but I'm not a portable gamer as it's too much like work 😉.
Alot of rose tinted spectacles on here I think?
People comparing to a low-hdd ps3 forget that that model was cheap, far cheaper than a switch! How much memory would an 'entry level' switch come with 😂😂
People saying it's not going to need much forget how many download only games Wii u received compared to the generation before. How much storage the system requires gets bigger over time. And most importantly how standard it is to release half finished games with major patches required. Nintendo doesn't do this often but the entire rest of the industry updates broken/unfinished games during launch and beyond. The whole industry isn't going to change to make it easier for switch users.
Finally, the cost!?! If you can buy a smartphone with 64gb storage for under £99 then you can use the same memory for a 'premium gaming device' which is how the switch is being priced/marketed atm.
I firmly believe that the memory is a major issue with the switch.i feel its a badge of shame to have made no progression from the last generation in terms of numbers. The market is embarrassingly driven by 'higher numbers' even if we (as Nintendo fans) I'm admittedly not the person this device is aimed at. I'm only a Nintendo fan boy 😉
All these people saying that it would affect the cost forget the fact that these things are much cheaper to buy by the million so it really would be far cheaper for them to foot the bill ahead of expecting the consumer to do so. Wouldn't as much of an issue if they included a 32gb SD card straight out of the box. This would have cost them pense 😉
32gb was a lot more justifiable for the Wii U since it was a home console. With the Switch being portable, the idea of having games on the system and lowering the amount of things you need to carry around (Other game carts/cases etc) is more appealing, so it's disappointing that we have less than 32gb available out of the box.
I know that micro SD cards aren't that expensive, but I wouldn't really call them that cheap either. And honestly, Nintendo is already pushing it with their prices. $300 is just barely acceptable, and the accessory prices are ludicrous. It doesn't come packaged with a game and doesn't even come packaged with a suitable amount of storage. Instead, we're paying premium prices to feel virtual ice cubes.
I'm going all digital for the switch, my 128gb card came the other day so i'm all set...for now
@MarcelRguez thanks man, I was literally on here to ask just that.
He gently strokes his purring 200GB card
Patience, my pet.
tbh I'm not too surprised. I'll be going mainly physical anyway, but I'm definitely gonna get a 200gb or 256gb micro sd card at some point. Something I can't wait for is this Sunday... because I'm going to the London switch play event! In the meantime, I've been enjoying my new mini nes that I got brand new for £50 last week from my local game store
@AhabSpampurse Glad to help!
If you buy both Zelda and Just Dance digitallly, both launch day games by the way, then you've only room for one or the other on the system. How's about that for planning? Theoretically, you can only fit one game on your Switch. Amazing!
Oh boy...
You would think that the OS would look a little prettier with all that beefiness. Apparently not.
Wii U did it better!
Love all these people whining about paying $300 for a Switch with 32GB. Must be nice not living in Europe. We're paying the equivalent of $400 for the Switch. It's not really a big deal getting a sd card, and this isn't a Playstation. Buying a physical game isn't like buying a digital download. It's actually buying a physical game when it concerns the Switch.
@iGen Wii U's OS and UI were charming, but by no means did they do it better. It was clunky, slow and horribly optimized. Switch is miles ahead in this area, bar the charm factor.
I'll take this amazing performance over slow, charming clunkiness any day tbh.
@ULTRA-64 "People comparing to a low-hdd ps3 forget that that model was cheap, far cheaper than a switch!"
The original retail price for the 20GB Playstation 3 was $500/€500. I wouldn't call that "cheap, far cheaper than a switch!"
"All these people saying that it would affect the cost forget the fact that these things are much cheaper to buy by the million so it really would be far cheaper for them to foot the bill ahead of expecting the consumer to do so."
Sure Nintendo can get discounts on large orders, so it would be cheaper than when the consumer has to buy it themselves. But it will raise the price for EVERY Switch, when not EVERY consumer will have a need for more memory. I think when the mainstream audience (hopefully) embraces the Switch like they did the Wii, the majority of the owners will never see a need for a microSD card. Did you ever need a microSD card for your Wii? But you expect every consumer to pay more for their Switch, because you want more internal memory.
I personally think Nintendo made the right choice to keep the price as low as they are comfortable with (without losing money on an unit) to get it into as much people's homes as possible.
@Gorlokk "It doesn't come packaged with a game"
Nintendo is the only console manufacturer of the big three that ever bundles a game with the base system at launch (NES with Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt, GB with Tetris, Wii with Wii Sports). The other two have NEVER done it. Maybe they had bundles with a system and game available at launch, but these were always more expensive than the base console. There was no one complaining to Sony and Microsoft their systems didn't have pack-in games.
The fact you expect the Switch to have a pack-in game comes more from your sense of entitlement than anything else.
It wasn't as slow as you say.
It was an evolution of the Wii Menu man! An evolution of the Wii Menu!
@Snader first of all yes, I have multiple SD cards with games stored for my Wii console. This is despite the tiny size of download files allowed on the Wii generation 😉
The ps3 model you are referring to was released 10 years ago at launch , the lower memory/entry level ones I refer to , released 5 years ago for a fraction of that cost (120ish?) as memory gets cheaper every year and the need for sales necessitated a more attractive price point and consumer choice. Since Nintendo needs to attract new consumers to the brand they must offer competitive value in their products. To win people over.
You can buy a more powerful console (xb1 for example) with 1tb solid state drive for less than the price of a switch without any accessories or games. I'm a loyal Nintendo fan but the 'value' offered to the consumer is minimal in comparison when you remove the selling point of portability. When I say that the cost of an SD card is pence when bought by the million I mean it. It would have cost Nintendo around 50p a unit tops to bundle one in. This would damage their profits to a tiny degree but the idea of value would be far greater to the consumer. They do it with the 3ds don't they?
Don't lump me into the 'should be the same as ps4/xbone's ' category. I do appreciate the model they have chosen, giving us choice, but I think that 32gb is just an insult to industry standards in this area. I believe 64gb is the minimum that should in the box!!
Unless you buy a 200GB sdcard like me.
Dragon Quest is a 32g download.
@Anti-Matter They are maybe 20 - 30% smaller. I actually got a chance to see a Switch last night (behind closed doors) and we popped out the 1 2 switch cart and it was shockingly small.
@iGen It was slow. It wasn't outrageously slow, but you can't say it wasn't slow xD Meanwhile, the Switch has the sleekest OS ever. So damn fast too.
In other news, water is wet, the sky is blue, and Nintendo still hasn't revealed the NX.
Oh wait, maybe that last one isn't news.
Funny, Switch has same $300 as PS4 Slim price and some peoples in my place still complaining that $300. They thought $300 of Switch is more expensive than $300 ps4 slim.
With bigger size of Micro SD card at least 64 GB and higher, say thank you to your micro SD card, say hello to your 32 GB games.
This is standard. Anyone with a smartphone will see the same thing when they look into their memory. It makes the 8GB iPhone models particularly useless.
Yeah I'm definitely buying an sd card on the 3rd. Off topic, but I was surprised to see in this weeks Best Buy add that they will be selling Zelda and 1 2 Switch this Friday 2/24 a week before the Switch system.
But it looks terrible.
oh look another switch post where the majority moan. old news about internal memory. Physical is the only way to go. keep sd for dlc and smaller non physical games.
I'm pretty accustomed to not counting on storage with Nintendo devices at this point. It mostly just encourages me to keep my games a bit more organized.
I'm not at all concerned about storage. 32GB MicroSD cards can be bought for less than 15 EUR. But I probably don't have to because I just love how efficient cartridges are
I don't get it. How does Zelda take up that much when it comes on a cartridge? When this crap is reported on all the sites, it always mentioned how much the file size is but isn't that ONLY if you download it? Isn't all this on the game card plus the 26 gigs and THEN the SD card? Am I missing something here?
@ULTRA-64 "first of all yes, I have multiple SD cards with games stored for my Wii console."
Ok, my bad. But what percentage of the 101 million Wii owners do you expect have ever felt the need to buy a SD card for their Wii? I expect it to be just a fraction.
@JudgeMethos If you buy the physical game, it won't take up any room. The 13 GB is the full size of the game on the game card. If you buy the download version, that is the amount of space it will take up.
I don't know where you get the 26 gigs from... The full game is just 13GB.
Edit: never mind the last sentence. I now realize you're refering to the available storage space
So yeah, the available storage space is 26 gigs of the internal memory + the size of your microSD card and both will be untouched when you buy the physical version of Breath of the Wild, except maybe for a patch and the DLC that was announced last week.
@Yasume yeah, if downloaded. You buy the game card, then the space stays there until the dlc starts coming out.
@Snader the 26 gigs (25.9) is what's left of the actual memory like the title says. That's what I was talking about. Read it carefully. "Isn't all this on the game card plus the 26 gigs and THEN the SD card?" Meaning, isn't the 13 gigs on the game card, PLUS you have 26 left of memory on the actual system, and THEN you also have the memory on your SD card. Thought that was kinda self explanatory.
I am going to buy a 128 gb micro sd card for indie and virtual console games. I plan on buying physical copies of Switch games. So I should be set for awhile.
I never understand why memory cards only come with certain amounts. Why the jump from 64GB to 128GB? What happened to 80GB/96GB/112GB? Or, if you're making a console with 32GB, custom make 38GB storage so you have 32GB clear for games! It surely cant be that hard!
I got me that Samsung evo 256gb they gave out with Galaxy 7 pre orders, so I'm good.
I don't understand why this is a story. We all knew how much memory the Switch came with and unless you don't understand how devices work, we all knew the OS would use some of that.
Complaints are still complaints. Would it have been nice to have more memory? Sure. The question is would it have been nice enough to justify paying more? The answer for me is no, since I try to avoid digital purchase where I can(I am a collector)
For those that said yes it's worth paying more, here is news. You CAN pay more for more memory. And it's not at a huge expense by having to buy proprietary(am I still sore about my vita? Maybe). So I'm not sure I see the problem.
Was to be expected!
On a sidenote: I wonder why sooooo many developers opt for download only instead of the Switch-cards.
Are the cards to expensive, like in the olden days. You know Nintendo!
Are developers cautious? Its less risky to release it as a download.
Are the cards faaaar to small? Developers struggling to get it on the cards. Nintendo managed to bring Breath of the Wild on a card, but they know how to do it.
Maybe a combination of all the above? As I said earlier: If everything is a download minus the Nintendo first-party titles, that would be awful. It would also be bad for Nintendo themselves, since the people will find empty shelves in the shops. Not good! Makes you wonder why there is still a game-card slot!
@JudgeMethos Yeah, I understood it the moment I posted the reply My bad. I edited my previous post accordingly.
i don't really care that the Nintendo Switch has only 32GB of storage space. all smartphones have the same issue of where the OS takes up a part of the internal storage space. at least we know how much.
lets just hope that the Nintendo does a better job of data storage management than the Android OS. i used to have a android phone with 4GB of storage and it ran out of space fast even though i had a SD card for it. for some reason the Android OS is setup so that apps still stores at least 20% of the application data on the internal storage space even after you move the application to the SD card. because of that issue i went back to using Windows based smart phones.
the only issue with the Windows Phone OS is that system updates take up too much internal storage during the system update. maybe those data management issues in the Android OS have been fixed in the last two years.
either way, i will be purchasing physical copies of the games instead of the digital copies. and I already have a MicroSD card for when the time to use it comes. and unlike some users, i am not interested in the GameCube VC since i still have my GameCube from back in the day.
maybe we will get lucky and Nintendo will make the GameCube VC games worth purchasing. for example they may add some minor updates to the GameCube VC games so that they have more content in them
and i just hope that they will make it so that our VC games from the Wii, Wii U, DS, and 3DS can be moved over to the switch for if we wish to do so.
Basically, they said instead of us charging you for the memory, go find your own. They know you need a ton more space, they just keep the appearance of cost down by letting you hunt amazon for a deal instead of them picking the size and adding it into their price.
In one way it makes sense. I can get a big card and wait for the best deal rather than Nintendo give me it at "Nintendo branded" price.
But do 2TB cards exist? and if so they gotta be like $500.
@speedracer216 Nope the highest card you can get at the moment is 256GB and its around $150.
doh! I guess I go mostly physical anyway. I have a 3tb in my PC and have used like 20%. lol. guess i overshot my storage needs but those hdd's are getting so cheap now.
@Henmii If I recall, if you are an independent developer, your game will not get a physical release unless Nintendo wants it to. I am sure if you want to get a physical release, you would have to possibly pay for the carts / enter a deal with Nintendo who then becomes the publisher, who then gets some of your profits on top of whatever percentage they get for putting it on the eShop. You will also have to develop a digital version and a physical version of your game.
In short, indie devs get more return if they do digital only.
@speedracer216 lol nah you can never have enough HDD space. In regards to Micro SD's I suspect 512gb or 1TB to be out by the end of the year for around $200. There are ones that you can find today, and say they are 512GB, are 100% fake. They just hack the card to say whatever they want when it actually is like 32gb or something.
Physical copies all the way man. All you need is enough space for DLC and updates.
Not bad at all. I remember the Samsung Galaxy SIII or something offered 16 GB, but only 7-8 GB was available since the OS took up 8 GB.
@fluggy Its about binary in a sense. Thats how computers read memory. its always 1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,256,512,1024,2048,4096, etc. 1TB is essentially 1024GB. Its about standardization. You essentially can't make custom drives that are random sizes.
....Yeah, looks like I'll be buying a memory upgrade this time. I've barely avoided it with the 3DS and Wii U through software management.
That's yesterday's news, we already knew that since the leak happened.
@MarcelRguez there is day one updates and DLC to take into consideration so I'm guessing an extra SD memory card will be an inevitability for most people.
"In short, indie devs get more return if they do digital only"
That's probably the case.
That isn't a bad footprint for the OS and whatever preinstalled bloat ware they've tossed on it. I'll be trimming whatever fat I can once I get mine. TWO MORE WEEKS!
@gspro15198 For sure, but not on day one.
@KiWiiU_Freek Really need an NSFW tag on those photos....
@Yasume "Is this a joke? Two big games and it's full.
It's 2017, Nintendo."
Like my $800 phone that came with 32GB and has no microSD slot to even add any more, where I could have paid $150 more to get 64GB? Or like the 16GB iPod Touch's for $200 that has no SD slot to add more?
This is how mobile tech works. As you said, It's 2017, Yasume
At least it's better than PS Vita where you had to buy your 32GB memory cards that were priced like 128GB Micro SD cards, and almost all games were download only. Not only do you get to add your own memory, but it's future proofed to future sizes not on the market yet, and prices will come down year after year. We're already doing better than Apple, Samsung, and Sony.
Going physical for the big games. I don't forsee the need for a Micro SD card for a while.
Lucky SD's aren't that expensive I guess.
I'll buy a card when I'm out of memory.
Picked up a 64 GB SDXC card from Amazon.
@MetaRyan Find it hard to believe it will be that simple lol.
I have a 128GB card ready to go on day one; tested it to make sure it's not a fake or anything. I also plan to go physical for most of my games, unless there's a significant price cut on the digital versions.
Thats weird... I bought a pro duo double micro sd adapter for psp. Put in a 64gb and 16gb card. Made it into one 80GB partition .... my computer read it as a single 80GB memory card with zero problems!
@fluggy Thats not a single drive / SD card. You combined two cards into a single one. You are combine / partion drives to have ANY size you want.
Its not a problem. Buy a SD card and a lot of people have SD cards laying around somewhere in the house. This also says that Nintendo supports physical purchases more then digital which im fine with. In the future biggers sd cards ate available but its optional. If you want to go mostly digitall then again buy a SD and if you are going to go physical you actually have nothing to complain about.
Absolute garbage! Nintendo shares tank when investors see the switch lol!
@NEStalgia Wait what.. Your phone cost you 800$ and it came with NO sd slot?? Is it an Iphone (lol) Bro there's something wrong with that, my 70$ phone came with an micro sd slot..
Micro SDs ARE getting cheaper but they're still a little expensive for some of us, i rarely find 128gb sd cards on sale and when i do they cost around 70-80€ i've never even seen an 256gb sd card :/
@mechamen8 With that kind of insanity it must be one of two options, Apple or Samsung. I was going to get the SD-equipped follow-up model, but unfortunately that plan blew up in my face and went down in flames..............(bada bing)
Seriously though, I love the series, and I need it for work productivity, nothing quite compares. But those prices.... (To be fair, I didn't pay the full price and bought it a bit later, just before the incendiary replacement arrived, prices fell, incendiary replacement went nova, and prices bounced up again )
SD price: For comparison 128 seems to run about $40USD. But 256 are still over $100. Considering the switch can take 2TB, I'm sure in a few years those 256's will be $10. Seems like they're anticipating a capacity spike down the line.
@Snader I was going to write a lengthy response, but it really isn't worth it in a comment section filled with people adamant about defending everything Nintendo does.
I will, however, mention how you singled out one point of my entire comment, that being on a pack-in game. I don't know how my comment read like I'm an "entitled" gamer that was expecting a pack-in game when that's not the reality at all. I only pointed it out as another potential disappointment-- like the lack of space, which was my original complaint. Not lack of a pack-in game.
@Gorlokk It was the only point in your post I wanted to reply to since I already gave my opinion on the "lack of space" in post #70, right above the post you replied to. I didn't want to clutter the comment section by repeating my opinion.
I apologize for the way I replied on your post. I shouldn't have singled you out. I should have written:
"The fact people expect the Switch to have a pack-in game comes more from their sense of entitlement than anything else."
@Steven_the_2nd So create a single card ... that combines the characteristics of two cards, and format it to 80GB.... or a 32GB Card and an 8GB card and create a 40GB partition for Switch!
@thedicemaster Your comment makes totally sense. Thank you !
@fluggy That would have to be done manually essentially and creates A LOT of extra cost in the manufacturing of the piece of tech. Its standardized for a reason to lower costs everywhere. If everything had custom sizes, the end product would cost a lot more. Pratically everything uses the same standardized flash memory. Your phone could very well have the same flash memory as your Wii U as your PSP Go, as your kindle, as your tablet etc etc.
@NEStalgia I have a Samsung but it's one of the older models and by the looks of it seems i'm gonna keep it for a while..
The cheapest 128gb (micro) sd cards i've found over here were these PNY cards and they cost 60€ :/
But on the other hand, the prices will most probably come down and at least they don't cost you a leg like the ps vita cards lol..
@mechamen8 Yeah, in their quest to become Apple, they dropped the SD slot for a generation. There was a lot of backlash on that so they've brought it back on the newer models. HOPEFULLY permanently. Unfortunately they've continued not supporting replaceable batteries. The irony being it was the non-removable battery that cost them a chunk of the value of the entire company with the exploding Note 7! If they stuck with the old model they could have just recalled the batteries rather than disposing of an entire generation of phones. S7, Note 7 brought back the SD slot. We'll see what S8, Note 8 (if they even keep the Note name) has in a few months!
60 for PNY...ouch. But yeah the prices will definitely keep coming down. And at least we get to buy memory rather than selling the "Switch 256GB model is only $599!" Or the Vita.... I've only ever lost two flash memory cards. One was an ancient 32MB full size SD card for a camera, the other was a Vita card... :/
@NEStalgia Yeah the prices on sd cards are a bit steep here :/
I'll probably have to order one from another country (it'd still be cheaper with shipment costs).
I used to have an 64gb ps vita card it cost me 100€ back then lol..
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