UPDATE: Mere moments after we published this feature, it was confirmed during the Nindie Direct that the Switch version of Yooka-Laylee will be launching "very soon" and will feature all of the game's multiplayer modes.
ORIGINAL STORY: The employees over at Playtonic have been through a lot to say the least, many of them coming from backgrounds at the ever-celebrated developer Rare that was responsible for such timeless classics as Donkey Kong Country, GoldenEye 007, and Donkey Kong 64 to name a few. So there's a pedigree to these people to say the least, but have they been able to maintain the magic of arguably their most critically acclaimed original IP? Banjo-Kazooie is a hard act to follow, especially for this writer, so have they managed it?
Yooka-Laylee is an obvious spiritual successor to Banjo in so many ways that it could almost be considered plagiarism if it wasn't the work of many of the same people. If you know the adventures of the bear and bird, you'll feel right at home the very moment you're given control - from the weight of the characters to the make-your-eyes-bleed colour popping off every character and environment. You start off in Yooka and Laylee's home, a beached pirate ship surrounded with lush greenery and with the words 'Bat Ship Crazy' supposedly scrawled by the former, more bat-themed character that makes up the game's title. That should be enough to give you an idea of the tone Playtonic is going for.
Each world we entered was meticulously designed and absolutely gorgeous in its own distinct way. From vibrant plantlife and crumbling ruins to the hub world's factory interior that feels like a cross between Gruntilda's Lair from Banjo-Kazooie and Frantic Factory from Donkey Kong 64, and that's no bad thing. And the variety in level design doesn't stop there, as anyone who has been following the game's progress will know. Sadly we only got to see a fraction of what the final game will have to offer, which was frankly gutting.
So the level design emulates Banjo's world well, but what about the humour and tongue-in-cheek self-awareness? Well worry ye not, as Yooka has this in droves just like the team's previous titles under the Rare banner. Expect double-entendres and euphemisms by the bucketload, and even the occasional breaking of the fourth wall sprinkled in amongst all the running, jumping and puzzle solving. That's a point, we should probably talk about the gameplay.
As is to be expected, the controls are just as you'd expect, except not quite as tight as they were back on the N64. Jumps were lovely and responsive, but Yooka and Laylee moved around with a lot more weight than we were expecting. Whilst Banjo and Kazooie could turn on a pinpoint, the lizard and bat move a lot more like the Kongs from Donkey Kong 64, with a much more natural curve. Whilst this does add an additional degree of realism and doesn't really affect platforming or any other aspect of the game, it did take us a while to get used to, especially considering the fact we'd been gearing up for this game by playing Banjo-Kazooie and its sequel.
The collectables have been stripped back quite a bit in order to streamline things and whilst its not 'traditional' per se, it's a breath of fresh air and helps to smooth over the whole experience. On the flipside, however, the ways in which you attain the primary collectables - called Pagies - is far more varied than previous efforts by the gang, which is saying something.
Overall our time with Yooka-Laylee - although criminally short given the amount of content the game teases - was positive, and if the final product can deliver on all the fronts it promises it'll have a hard time disappointing any Banjo fan.
Oh, and yes, there are quizzes.
Editor's note: The version referred to in this article is for the Playstation 4, not the Nintendo Switch. Whilst there shouldn't be any notable variations in content between the versions we felt it necessary to make it clear that this was not played on a Nintendo system. As you were.
Comments 38
I'm just so happy that this isn't another Mighty No 9 situation!
ya this really looks like it could be a nice repeating Nintendo exclusive in the years to come
Well, I wouldn't have expected the controls to be any different from what I had expected.
When is the switch release date?
@AlexOlney When you say "And yes today" it sounds like you're saying "And yesterday"...
Why is it in video games, I always far prefer levels/environments set outdoors than levels set indoors? The outdoor levels look far more appealing in this to me than the indoor ones. It's like I have virtual claustrophobia or something. Applies to NSMB and plenty of other games where environments alternate.
I've opted to switch around my previous Wii U order to, erm, Switch. But if the Switch version is released beyond late April as per the other formats, I'm going to NEED to play this elsewhere. Might get the physical XBone release
So, yeah, same thing as I said two years ago. These guys need a better technical art director.
Those colors, shadows, and materials are making my stomach turn.
And people are regularly "complaining" that Yooka and Laylee look very small in contrast to environments that en up looking very large and empty.
THAT SAID: I am still excited to play this when I finally do decide to get a Switch.
I dont think I can wait for the Switch version. Is this releasing at the same time as PS4?
@Dev the release date is also a concern of mine.
However the timing of this preview - just before the Nindies showcase - could mean something. Perhaps the Switch version will be confirmed for launch in the showcase. Maybe I'm just getting my hopes up!!
Seems only natural to play this on Nintendo given the history behind it, I think I can wait ... I'll still be playing BotW anyways.
*gasp * This was the PS4 version looked at??? TRAITOR!
cough cough
Of course its a good game its the real rare team.I will wait for the switch version which might be announced today
Is it just me or are the shadows in this game super dark? You can hardly see anything in the shade, including your main character.
"the Kings from Donkey Kong 64"
You mean Kongs!
@Pod welcome to the unity engine
Will launch very soon on the switch so it might make it the same day as the other consoles
Will be picking up the PS4 version unless they announce a Switch retail release before the game releases.
@AlphaJaguar I don't think you'll have to worry about that. The demos that people have played during conventions other different events have been getting positive feedback.
This is the only game till Mario that can get me to stop playing Zelda! Bring it on.
I like the look of the game and I liked banjo, so it is on my watch list. The problem with these indies is I hate downloading titles, and most of the games I am interested in will be downloads...
I've read some about the game actually being a little innapropriate. Would this one still be safe for kids to play?
Yooka-Laylee is dead to me.
They just cancelled the Wii U version with a lame excuse while other developers still support it.
And btw, I've been waiting for my refund for three months now. I've already had to send 12(!) emails to Playtonic and Backerkit, because they just can't get it done and regularly come up with new ways to delay it. They're basically betraying people by keeping the money and getting more interest on it.
A simple Paypal refund should be a matter of seconds or minutes...
So not only are they a company of liars, they're also highly incompetent.
And from what I've seen in recent videos about the game, I'm actually happy that I chose the refund, because it really doesn't look that impressive.
Looks so fun
@gcunit I'm kind of the same. Maybe we play games for some escapism and not to feel confined ? Who knows
Looking forward to this one. My poor, poor wallet....
Talking of which - are all eShop games the same price it is that at the developer's discretion?
So glad this got moved to Switch.
No sense wasting good games on Wii U when they can be turned into first ever portable versions (and still be console versions) on Switch
I'm definitely going to be picking this game up. I loved Banjo-Kazooie & personally I feel like the developers of Rare (before Microsoft's involvement) could do no wrong. I'll be picking this game up, and definitely waiting for the Switch version. Just doesn't feel right to play it on a non-Nintendo system.
Interested in this for sure. Looks like a nice throwback.
Has Playtonic said if there will be a retail physical release (on Switch hopefully and/or otherwise) for non-backers? This a game I'd really love to buy physical, even if I have to wait for it.
Sigh. So wish this was coming out for a platform I own or could afford.
I work in Unity myself. The engine only shows like that if people are handling it poorly. Same with the Unreal Engine and its icky grey shadows and overly contrasty normal maps.
Both engines can produce pretty games if the developers know what they're doing with their cameras and shaders.
In case of this game, I think it predominantly boils down to a lack of proper decision making with the art direction, or as I suggested before, lack of skill with implementing the direction in 3D and making sure the game on screens looks as intended.
>other developers
>supporting wii u
nice joke m8
Would be nice if they could give some sort of indication of when the game's due on Switch. :/ Surely they must have an inkling at least? This could end up releasing alongside the other versions, but I also wouldn't be surprised if this turned into a holiday release on Switch.
@WavedasherX Haven't you been following the news?
No seriously, in recent weeks I've been seeing several articles on NintendoEverything with a headline like this: "game XY is still coming to Wii U". So that's what I meant. I just searched for them on NE and here is a list:
These titles were planned to be released for Wii U prior to the Switch reveal and they weren't cancelled:
Darksiders Warmastered Edition
Heart Forth, Alicia
Soul Saga
Earthlock: Festival of Magic
Ghost Blade HD
I C Red
YIIK, Chromophore: The Two Brothers Director’s Cut
Wall Ball
Words Up! Academy
This games was just recently announced for Wii U:
Mutant Alien Moles of the Dead
Also, these titles will be coming to Switch AND Wii U:
Candy Hoarder
Cars 3
Battle Princess Madelyn
And there were several indie titles that were just released a few weeks ago.
Now of course, I didn't say anything about the quality of the games, but at least some of these look quite decent.
@popey1980 my exact thoughts. been stoked about this game since the kickstart but there's plenty of games to enjoy.
@Dev Thanks. Tough call...I might hold out for that physical release. I've been looking forward to this game since last....(looks at calendar)err...this gen!
@Dev alas we got the vague 'later in the year'. I'll probably end up double dipping on this because yes, I am impatient!
I'm hoping this comes out in the next few months. If it comes out too late, I'll be too busy playing Mario Odyssey to think about other 3D platformers. I'll definitely be getting this game though.
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