It's almost 2017, the year of the Nintendo Switch, and hype is building ahead of the upcoming January event and March release.
Just recently a Reddit thread popped up showing some in-store displays from GameStop in the US.

Also, Reddit user 'PMurphy1978' took to the /r/NintendoSwitch subreddit too, sharing their findings from a local GAME store in the UK. Somewhat infamously, GAME has been taking pre-orders for quite some time with an ambitious price.

The store had already put up advertising that promoted the Nintendo Switch, and while contents on said ads are minimal, this also helps to re-assure any remaining doubters (if there are any) on the March release.
Notably, the ad also states that The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is on track for a March 2017 release. When this game will arrive has been up for debate, as rumours that localization has been hindering its release would be placing the title a couple of months after the launch of the Switch, while GameStop's focused marketing calendar stated otherwise.
All in all, it's nearly time to Switch things up in the New Year.
Comments 104
I'm wondering are they going off of what they have heard in the past or do they actually know more then we do? I'm referring to the date of Zelda.
I'm going to pre-order this the moment it's possible.
Why is "It's time to make the Switch" in quotes in the subheading? Is it on one of their promotional signs? I've felt for a long time something along those lines should be Nintendo's slogan for the Switch, so if this is how they're marketing it I'm very happy!
I want Nintendo Switch !
Give me best color, Nintendo !
I've prepared some money.
If localisation is the issue behind why the title is delayed then I'm sure it's something they can put more people on and build a bigger team to speed the process up. That's if they really want it to launch in march at the same time as the console. It'll be the first time a system launches with simultaneous Zelda and Mario titles.
I'm planning on standing in line the day it's available to preorder. I can't wait!
I'm not really that hyped to be honest, it's just too soon. They haven't even announced any exclusives for it yet, how am I supposed to be excited for a console that doesn't have any games I want to play?
I see advertising in GAME? Thats new.
I wonder if the Switch will carry over digital purchases..? here's to 2017 being the Year of the Switch.
Good luck Nintendo,don't mess this up.
I can't wait for January 12th!
I preordered my Switch a couple of days after it got announced lol got £400 saved up ...Can't wait! ... Jan 13!!!
"It's time to make the Switch"
Give me a reason, Nintendo. Literally one. And I just might.
I bought Wii U day one, I won't fall for that tomfoolery again.
@gatorboi352 You will make a reason after watching the event.
Those advertisements have been there in game uk for at least over a month
Owned every Nintendo console Day 1, aside from the NES as I wasn't born then. I see no reason why this will be any different! If the rumoured date of the 17th is to be believed that would be ideal as it's my 30th on the 18th and already have a week booked off of work!
I guess we'll find out in 12 days.....
Not worth it. He's the biggest downer/pessimist/naysayer on here and rarely has anything nice to say about Nintendo.
On topic: Zelda would be awesome at launch, but then again Mario is supposedly going to be there day one so I think they'll spread the releases out especially when considering third parties. Zelda has been a major part of the marketing though so it could go either way. Maybe that Zelda demo will be there at launch but we shall see.
@capitalism judging by his avatar, he must be the skankhunt42 of this forum....
Day one. Switch. In my hands. Day off work. Yes.
Excitement set aside for a second, I don't dare put a pre-order on the console just yet. Not because I don't want one, but that something's telling me GAME will make a mess of things yet again. No thanks. I'll preorder it sometime February just to be certain pricing, bundles and games are all consistent.
@ottospooky I think BotW will release in March... but maybe a week or so after the Switch launch itself. Throwing more people into the localisation can speed things up it can also lead to issues further down the line. If we can convince France, Germany & Spain to all speak English we might be able to reduce localisation speeds perminently though!
@Clownshoes I'm loving thr koolaid man. OH YEAAAHHH!
@gatorboi352 How about the Mario game? I wanna try that game out!
looks like gamestop is taking preorders now for switch.
@Clownshoes Do you ever stop calling people that are optimistic and excited for a new Nintendo system "Nintendo koolaid drinkers"? Yes, the Wii U was a commercial failure, but it had a lot of games that people enjoyed. Same with any other Nintendo system. Besides, we know right off the bat that there will be a lot of great games for this system, plus it's portable. Can't those be good enough reasons for people to be excited? Or does the Switch need to be as powerful as a PS4, with killer 3rd party support and over 100,000,000 system sales for their enthusiasm to be justified?
Walked into my local GAME today, music from the reveal video playing, and sure enough there it was on the big screen. Preordered for £20, had a choice conversation with the sales team about the 'leaked' price on their site (hint - it's genuine), and had a bit of banter. As it was extremely busy, I went about my business, got some lunch and later on went to the neighbouring store to consolidate my Xmas gift cards. They were heavily advertising Pokémon for Switch as well as taking preorders.
They know too much, and they can't keep quiet.
Its time to "SWITCH" from my old ps4 and xb1 and wiiU to the New Nintendo switch! I cant wait... Man.. O... Man! Its been a very long time i got this Hyped! The last time was when de N64 was anounced.
So thank you Nintendo to bring the Hype back.
@Not_Soos Nope, it's just a tagline that I myself came up with.
If you're listening Nintendo, I'm willing to do freelance work for slogans.
Just think, we are only less than two weeks away from the Switch being fully revealed! I suppose it won't hurt me to wait just a little bit longer. I am already excited about the system, all I really need to know is what that bad boy is going to cost!
"how am I supposed to be excited for a console that doesn't have any games I want to play?"
I can only speak for myself here, but allow me to answer that question
1 Every Nintendo console I've ever purchased has had at least one (usually more) immaculate launch exclusives. I would be shocked if that wasn't the case here too
2 New Zelda is exciting. You say it doesn't have any games you want to play... imo, if you don't want to play Zelda BotW you may as well just stop gaming Nintendo altogether
3 New 3D Mario- the same point from #2 pretty much applies here as well
4 Hardware is exciting. The mere notion of a portable gaming device that can run current gen games... that's something worth getting excited for. Even 3rd party ports, like Skyrim Remastered, are exciting when you're talking about playing them on a portable device for the first time ever
5 Dragon Quest XI is worth getting excited over. Particularly when you get the portability of the 3DS version, combined with th graphics of the PS4 version.
6 Lots of rumored games which, although not all of them may see fruition at least some will, and plenty of others we haven't even heard of yet. Having games like Final Fantasy XV and Dark Souls Trilogy on Nintendo alone is exciting. Having them playable on the go? Even more so
So ya, if there's truly no games on Switch you want to play, I'd really have to question your taste in video games. But even if that were true, there's still plenty of reasons to be excited knowing that it's going to be getting plenty of great games
Hope you can share games between more than 1 console in the family!
@Cooligan because sometimes it's the console that makes the games better. My 3ds is my fav system because I can play console quality games on the go. I don't care that it doesn't have uncharted, I can play that on my ps. The switch ad and the guy with his dog is exactly how i game today. Soon I'll have a portable console that will play on my tv too... I can't wait.
Wii U has plenty of great games, switch will too.
@KirbyTheVampire What great games are you talking about and alot of people like me don't care for the portable of the console at all. Why should I have to pay for something that I would never use it for I don't play or purchase handheld console, just home consoles for me. And yes the Switch needs to have good 3rd party support that is what kill the wii u.
Those posters have been up in ebgames australia for over a month. Preorders have been up for a lot longer.
tfw youer 0 shares
@mowerdude I don't care at all if you buy a Switch, if you like portable gaming, or if the games are attractive to you. My point is that a lot of people are excited for the games that have been confirmed, and there are many others that we don't know about. If people don't like the Switch, the games, or Nintendo systems in general, that's fine, but I'm just saying people who do like them shouldn't be accused of drinking Nintendo Koolaid.
I agree that it does need good 3rd party support to survive, but it doesn't need PS4 or Xbox One level to succeed, or to be a fun system.
Given Nintendo's habits of controlled stock distribution, isn't it a bit of a gamble for some places to offer pre-orders? They might not be able to fill all the orders and people will be pissed. Either that or they'll have no stock left for the shelves.
I wouldn't pre-order anyway... especially from those game places. Here in Aus, the big department stores are always cheaper, especially for games.
I'm going to wait for a good bundle to appear before buying the Switch. Or a special edition that looks this:

Im so switching systems...........hee hee
@DarthNocturnal - Do Nintendo ask Game, EB Games, etc for preorder numbers? If they did, then yes it could be used as a measuring stick for stock. But to my knowledge, those chains simply get what stock Nintendo chooses to give them.
If someone knows, I'd be interested in the answer.
"I don't care at all if you buy a Switch, if you like portable gaming, or if the games are attractive to you"
Man preach it. Some people truly love video games, and only need one good reason to invest in a console. There could be 1,000 excuses not to, but a true gamer only needs one reason. For others, they only need one reason not to invest. And you best believe that's exactly what they're looking for... just scrutinizing everything looking for any reason they can hoist up and say, "Nope, not buying! Not interested!".
Which hey, if that's how a person wants to roll... go for it. None of us here give two **** whether anonymous NintendoLife member JoeBlow buys a Switch or not. But when a person goes so far as to accuse and insult anyone who doesn't share their anti-gaming views... well, it speaks volumes about the underlying reasons for their pessimism. Almost as if it bothers them to see Nintendo do well, and having a comment section full of excitement is too much to bare. Gotta start slandering honest gamers and fans in an attempt to shame them out of being excited. In their mind, maybe if they shout loud enough they can convince some people not to buy one in hopes of throwing a wrench into Nintendo's success (which, any person with half a brain knows a few naysayers in a comment section don't stand a chance of halting Switch's success- it may succeed, it may fail, but whatever happens it won't have anything to do with efforts to kill hype in some comment section).
If Switch is an awesome system people are gonna buy it. Period. And nobody can stop that, nomatter how much they crusade against it or pretend to be victimized by Wii U (oh it was soooooo bad, such a hooooorible system... evil Nintendo tricked me and I'm such an innocent victim). If it's truly a bad gaming system then it won't need people crusading against it to fail. It will fail of its own accord. It's interesting though, you look at Dreamcast and people are quick to point out it's excellent library and unique strong points, but when it comes to Wii U (whose library obliterates the Dreamcast) all people wanna talk about is how horrible it was.
I'm a gamer. I appreciate all systems that contribute great games. And Wii U (despite being far from my favorite) had some of the best games I've ever played. If Switch is gonna get better 1st party support than Wii U, even better than 3DS (maybe even better than both combined?) that right there alone is enough to guarantee its one of the best Nintendo consoles of all time, 3rd party support be ******
So excited for this.
The ability to play home console games anywhere is the best feature I've ever seen in a console.
Please, please don't screw this up. Ninty.
NO HYPE for ME! Maybe 2 or 3 years down the road I might pick one up.
I no longer have faith in Nintendo.
I'm so HAPPY to collect Nintendo games and machines !
And so what ?!
Maybe after Switch presentation, you might change your mind. Who knows ? Perhaps...
@JaxonH Exactly. I understand people who are a bit hesitant about it, given what happened with the Wii U, but it looks like Nintendo has learned from their mistakes for the most part. At the very least, it will have one of the biggest libraries of first party games on any Nintendo system ever, and that's a good enough for me to buy one, regardless of the sales, battery life, 3rd party support ect. If the Switch in general isn't good enough for some people, that's totally fine, but there's no need to slander it or the people who like it. For example, I personally couldn't care less about the PS Vita, but not once have I gone over to the Sony forums and blasted the people who like it, or rubbed in their face that I would never buy one. Who cares? If they like it, great. I'm glad they have a system that brings them entertainment.
Your pessimism might be "Switch"ed after watching Switch presentation. There will be a lot of mysteries behind the curtain. I have no regret at all to have Wii U and what's wrong if Wii U not success ? Anyone can failed, nobody or nothing is perfect. And you will NEVER enjoy gaming if you keep your pessimist level on Top. Nintendo needs more 3rd parties, but doesn't really need lame AAA Western third parties to boost up. Their games are NOT Role Model of Everything (Game that you MUST Play or else...). So Stop wishing Nintendo games must be ALL Western. Remember, Nintendo is from Japan. You can't expect Japanese have to like Western stuffs like that. Even some Japanese people still treat some Western peoples like Strangers, don't really care.
I hope the Switch doesn't get scalped as much as the NES Classic Edition. Otherwise, I'm making the Switch to XBox One S! If I wanted Yooka-Laylee, it would be for a system I already have. Plus, Rare Replay is on there, along with Killer Instinct. You can play as Rash!
For Switch, I have booked (I mean I have write down my games that I want to buy) 2 port games from Wii U: Mario Kart 8.5 and LEGO CITY UNDERCOVER Remastered. The rest, I will entrust Nintendo to deliver wonderful game library.
I have to buy the Switch now or else it'll be sold out and will be too hard to find one! What a world!
@YoshiAngemon And the Xbox hasn't got any other exclusive games worth playing. And most of the Rare Replay games are very weak, all their best stuff is on Wii U VC.
Switch looks amazing. Whether it succeeds or not I'm gonna love the heck out of that thing for many years to come. But I'm pretty sure it's gonna do well, and I think most people see that too. Which is probably why they're bothered so much. They know they can't stop it.
Be sure to preorder cause every console sells out for a month or more. Even Wii U was MIA till February. Even if you do get a Switch, I still strongly advocate for getting an Xbox One down the line as well. But don't get an X1S. Scorpio will be out next Christmas and a far better value for your money. Rare Replay is great but I'm gonna be honest, Killer Instinct sucks. Don't waste your time or money. Although there is a free version so, you could always check it out first.
The OS is clunky and sucks, but, the controller is excellent. And it has 360 support which is HUGE. Games like Lost Odyssey, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect Trilogy, Portal etc and more coming. Plus Scorpio is gonna be pretty powerful so it'll be perfect for 4K gaming (which you may not care about yet, but you will once you experience it).
The exclusives aren't that strong but it does have some good ones. Ori & the Blind Forest is worth owning an Xbox for alone. And there's Halo 5 plus Masterchief Collection, Halo Wars 2 plus the first remastered, Gears of War 4 plus Gears 1-3 and Judgement, Forza Horizon 3 plus the first 2. Quantum Break was terrific, and I really enjoyed ReCore. Scalebound is coming and Phantom Dust, among others.
And a ton of 3rd party games.
Worst machines ever in my opinion.
I'm probably old. My immediate thought was the Dunkin Donuts commercial with the "Time to make the Donuts" guy.
If Japanese third parties can deliver great games just like 3DS, I will be so excited. 1st parties + Japanese 3rd parties rules !
(Looked at SNES edition of Switch)
I can die in happiness if Switch have so many colorful bundles like that.
Im super excited. I just hope that I am able to get one release.
I mean look, I like alot of AAA games. And I'd love to see as many make the jump to Switch as possible. But, that's not going to make or break whether it's a satisfying platform.
Nintendo platforms are unique in that their appeal comes from the exclusives. Granted, Switch will benefit from ports more so than any Nintendo console in the past by virtue of portability. People will be drawn to playing 3rd party games anywhere. Nobody was drawn to playing them on Wii U, but with Switch those games will actually have substantial appeal.
But I'm excited seeing Nintendo funnel all of their software to one platform. Double the 1st party output almost unilaterally ensures the console will never go long without games. Add to that the fact that while before they could have this team make Mario Kart 7 and that team Mario Kart 8, they're not gonna release 2 Mario Karts back to back on Switch. Meaning those teams will be forced to branch out into more obscure franchises and lesser known series, as well as new IP.
And Switch will surely succeed in Japan, meaning full support from 3DS developers like Level-5 and Atlus. Add to that ease of porting- if Switch even gets a breadcrumb's worth of AAA supoort, once comounded with all the above it will make for one heck of an impressive library.
Yes, indeed. To be honest my Nintendo games collection dominated by third parties actually, mostly Japanese third parties (SquareEnix, Bandai Namco, Konami, Marvelous, KOEI, MTO, Syn Sophia, etc) and some first parties. I need Killer First parties (Like Animal Crossing Switch edition, Mario Kart 9, Pokemon Switch edition, etc) and Killer 3rd parties (Like The Sims 4, Story of Seasons Switch edition, Go Vacation 2, Kickboxing games, Non Western licensed LEGO games, Cute RPG like Fantasy Life, etc) for Nintendo Switch.
They already taking preorders?
I don't disagree. I'm all for it.
All I'm saying is Nintendo has enough software and exclusive support that, that will determine if it's worthwhile.
If Switch gets great AAA support (say, full parity which will never happen) but crap 1st party support and crap exclusive support, I'd be disappointed. However, if it gets great 1st party and exclusive support but crap AAA support, I'd be satisfied.
Granted, given the system's portable abilities, I don't think there's any scenario I will personally be disappointed, barring Nintendo completely abandoning it within year 1
@arrmixer yeah and one promotion if you preorder switch you have a chance to win a switch game to go with it.
Although I will say this: I am particularly interested in seeing as much 3rd party support as possible simply because of the portability aspect. I've never really had much reason to care about ports before, but now I have a vested interest in seeing as many games ported to Switch as possible, be they Western, Japanese, AAA, JRPG or otherwise. Not having them isn't going to kill it for me, but having them would very much excite me.
Er. Use it as a home console then. You're not paying any extra for anything.
@JaxonH I
Agree on the ports. I have other consoles to play the big AAA stuff on but being able to play some games on the go is a big draw. I'm thinking sports games, racing games, RPGs, Strategy games. Doom would be nice for that Arcade mode. Anything remastered from PS3/360 would work great. Judging by the GTA games on the PSP open-world stuff can work on a portable so maybe we'll see Watch Dogs 2.
Switch isn't going to get everything on PS4/XB1 but there's plenty that could work and really complement what's hopefully going to be a big library of Nintendo games.
You know, I'm starting to realise I'm not really hyped for Switch--I'm just not finding anything it's doing or offering particularly compelling or exciting so far--and that's probably not a good sign for this platform's future in my personal opinion. Here's hoping Nintendo can somehow "switch" that around very soon, or else I'm officially worried. It's just this overall feeling of indifference I have toward the console and almost all of its currently announced games right now, and a sense that maybe a lot of people outside of sites like Nintendo Life may actually be thinking and feeling similarly about the system.
It hardly has anything announced though? Beyond Zelda we don't know what Nintendo are releasing for a start.
@impurekind Well for what it's worth,it has a couple of my mates interested.One only games on Xbox and hasn't owned a Nintendo console since the 64 (which he loved) and has had no interest in them since.The other mate has only owned a Wii and was into it for a wee while but quickly moved on.Now he only really plays all the big AAA games on his Xbox.I tried to convince both to get a Wii U but they both weren't having it.The Switch hasn't even had hardly any games revealed yet and it has them interested,so the concept or at least the way the trailer came across must be working for those outside the Nintendo fanbase.Or at least it is on my mates anyway.
"And the Xbox hasn't got any other exclusive games worth playing."
The Forza games are superb. Especially Horizon 2. One of the best games of this gen.
"And most of the Rare Replay games are very weak, all their best stuff is on Wii U VC".
For the first time in 2017, it's time to press the WRONG Klaxon
I'm cautiously optimistic about the Switch, and have set aside a nice chunk of money in case I do make the swap. Zelda on the go would be awesome, but I could just play it on my Wii U. So... yeah... We'll see.
@Clownshoes Until they get more games out for the Switch, yeah, they won't have a large shelf space yet, however, they'll push away the Wii U, VITA, Wii and possibly the PS3 and 360 spaces away. I think they already stated to me that the PS3 and 360 are going to be ending with trade ins soon, as Wii is basically getting pushed aside. I like Gamestop, as the employees in the stores that I go to are nice to me, my wife and kids and know us by name...not sure about the other ones, but the ones around me (3 in total) are fine...not much else to really purchase from except Toys R Us and Best Buy...and of course Walmart and Target
Still interested in the Switch, but, I don't see nintendo making a huge and strong comeback with won't be until 2018 almost the end of that year, that we'll know if it will be the 'great' nintendo console that they once had, but I'm hoping it does very well and I really hope that plenty of games come out for it...retail though, as the retail games are what most consumers will see...if there's not much retail games shown, many people will step aside. Other than that, I'm not interested in ports, as I own a PS4 and very happy with it, but if it gets plenty of great exclusives and a large variety of genres and games for it (like the PS4 has), then I'll be happy with it. I got the NES, N64, Gamecube, Wii and Wii U on launch...Super NES later due to owning a Genesis instead...and still own all the nintendo consoles and portables (except I got rid of my Wii U and have no intentions of delving back into it), so I really hope this is a system that I'll grow to love and get hyped for and continue to be playing...The Wii seemed to grow old fast, but the others (excluding the U), kept my interest from the beginning to the end. Income Tax Return come, preorder and pay for in full with some games, and wait for the launch date! Maybe this will help put my PS4 at rest for a few days!!!! Was going to purchase an XBONE, but after the problems I've had with the 360 and the fact that (since owning a PS4), there's nothing that I see on XBONE (own all the Rare Replay games on the N64, so don't care for it), not really interested in wasting the money on it. Come on nintendo...bring your love back to more than just us fans!!!
I simply love how everyone's acting like we know a ton about the Switch. Let me break down what we 100% do know.
1. The Switch is a hybrid system that can be played at home or on the go and is powered by Tegra.
2. Confirmed titles include Dragon Quest XI, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Just Dance 2017, LEGO City Undercover, Story of Seasons, and some indie games.
3. The Switch portable has a kickstand, headphone jack, and removable Joy-Con controller that can each work as separate controllers.
4. The Switch is releasing in March 2017, possibly on the 17th.
5. Most other things will be revealed in 11 days.
@Mega_Yarn_Poochy yep, everything else is just rumours at the moment.
So trolls thought nintendo was going to delay launch lol burnnnnnnnnn !! Come on March
Guys the Switch is going to be a great success. To all the people that complain about the portable aspect of it, have you realized what it means to play big games on the go, wherever you are, with HD graphics and power? Think about it. Yes, you may not use it now, but from now on you will have the option to. Yes, it probably only will be 720p, but this will still look amazing on a small screen. Switch will change the way everyone plays games, especially gamers. And it will sell very well. If only half the people who own a WiiU or a 3DS buy it (and they will), Nintendo will still be good, not counting newcomers! Nintendo had a brilliant idea, and this will be recognized by the people. These are really exciting times for the Nintendo fans, and gamers in general.
@JaxonH I doubt this is what you entirely meant, but many people scrutinize every aspect of a console before buying it to ensure they're getting exactly what they're paying for.
I don't have a lot of money and the reason why I would scrutinize the Switch so much is that I want to be confident that I'm making a wise investment. I don't want to buy one and have any doubts/regrets about doing so.
Oh no doubt. That's not what I'm referring to of course. I'm talking about the people that want to find a reason to reject it, want to hate it, want to trash it... And as we both well know, if you want to hate something you'll find plenty of reasons to do just that
That said, I think people expect the world now for $250. Unless you're specifically buying a Nintendo console for third-party games (which I would strongly advise against) there's really no way you won't get your moneys worth. Because at the absolute worst you'll still get as many great games as Wii U... and that's as a worst case scenario. That's not that bad of a worst-case scenario (and in the case of Switch, most anyone can logically deduce that it's going to get, at the bare minimum, twice as many 1st party games than Wii U, just on account of Nintendo funneling all their games into one platform alone- and if you are a console/handheld gamer, you're getting a system far better than Wii U and a handheld FAR FAR better than 3DS combined into one with system level crossbuy- all for the same price the dinky little 3DS launched at).
Back in the day when I would get a console as a kid I might only play three games on it the entire generation and yet I loved that console to death just for those three games. Nowadays you get three excellent games just with the launch lineup, and scores more throughout the generation.
I mean, if money is truly that tight... if spending 250 bucks every 5 years is that crucial of a purchase, to the point you would actually have regrets over it ... I would think that maybe video games aren't the best avenue to be spending that money. When I buy a console I do so knowing that I could throw it out the window the next day and not miss the money I spent on it (of course I would never do that!). If I can't afford to do that though, then I probably shouldn't be spending money on a new console where games are $60 a pop. I'd be better off sticking a generation behind and playing cheap games, which a lot of budget gamers actually do.
I'd love to get one for my Birthday it's in April but Nintendo will screw up the supply and demand again, like they did with the mini NES. So i'll see what games will come out and ask for one for Christmas 2017!
This type of advertising has to be in every Gamestop. In fact, it should be in every store that sells new games. Make certain that the Sandwitch gets more shelf space than the Wii U and 3DS put together ever got. Or else, it will also fall short of expectations. Use that Wii/DS bankroll that has barely been touched since then, and the Nintendo Sandwitch just might become both the next major home appliance and mobile device, all in one.
Have you work ?
If yes, try to save some money.
You can always buy video game consoles anytime.
Oh, no need to feel guilty after buy. You're deserved for the things that you buy. Treat them nicely because it's your responsibility to take care your belongings.
@JaxonH You can still be into video games if you're poor, but PC gaming is the better route for that. Hardware might be more expensive, but there's tons of free software and games. Not to mention huge sales which often outdo any console game sales...
Ironic enough, most people in my country Indonesia still stuck on PlayStation brand. They think Nintendo is a weirdo or not a good video games or stupid names (Because never heard before). Even there are some New Nintendo video games right now, they don't want to know, don't care, show disinterest reactions or even pay little attention. Their brain just stuck on PS , just that brand, nothing else. Such a pathetic peoples.... they play like Zombies. That's the reality in my country. Horrible, isn't it ?
Ugh... now I think PC gaming is not everlasting hobbies. How long is your PC age ? For how long your PC can keep your latest save data ? If your Harddisk broken due to aging, no more games, must install again from beginning after your harddisk installed by new one. Installation can be tricky and tedious, not every people understand. Being NON portable (PC) is not a big deal for me, even can being a portable (Laptop) but still can't be compared by actual video game machines. Beside, i'm not interested at all by Western style of OMG Ultra Realistic HD graphic (Lame, Typical, Mostly adult themes). It just only raise my Disgust level to MAX. I only use my PC for typing, drawing, listening music, browsing internet, nothing else. NO PC Games allowed, even kid friendly PC games. I Quit, no more PC games, bye bye PC games forever, let me forget the existence of PC games, pretend they are never do exist and don't care with their existence. I only say hello and welcome to actual video game machines, not on PC. Sorry about my comments.
If you buy a console, that's not portable either. Kind of one-sided to rail against PC for not being portable but champion consoles which aren't portable either.
PC is amazing. I still need my consoles too, but PC allows me to play just like a console, set up right beside my Wii U, PS4 and Xbox One, connected to my 4KTV and uses an Xbox controller just like consoles.
Not only does it provide exclusives not found on consoles and console games from past generations that I can't otherwise play, it also plays all my GameCube, Wii and PS2 games and make them look better than Wii U graphics. And with a normal controller. Metroid Other M feels like a brand new Metroid on Wii U that the world doesn't know exists. It's absolutely amazing playing it in 4K (and that's RENDERING in 4K, not just output) and with normal controls (no more Dpad for 360 degree movement, or pointing the stupid Wiimote at the TV screen for missiles or pointing up to reload).
Ya I was gonna mention PC but, cost of entry can be steep as you said.
@erv so go and do it then
@YANDMAN not yet possible where I live. Probably in the week after the 12th... Otherwise I would have preordered of course:)
I haven't tried Nintendo kool aid before, but I’m really into new things. Where do I get some and does it come in raspberry flavour cos that's my favourite!
@ElementSponge Loving the SNES style Switch.
@Anti-Matter It's not difficult to back up your drives these days. Just ask around on the web and look for the appropriate tools to use. It''s not tricky at all.
PC's have long since moved on to solid state disks (SSD's), which have a limited life span of reads/writes, but are far less likely to break than HDD's. Their read/write speeds far outclass the HDD's used in non-Nintendo consoles, it's not all about graphics production. (Even the flash memory used in the Sandwitch is going to be slower than what's available on PC.)
The more recent SSD's last much longer, easily 10 years. Even for HDD's, though, my PS2 HDD still works after almost 13 years, and my main PC HDD still works after almost 7 years. So they can last a long time if you take care of them.
In addition, there is now a vastly improved type of solid state memory called M.2, which sort of looks like a RAM stick that fits into a PCI Express port. That will become the norm over the next few years, and it blows the storage data capabilities of current consoles (and the Sandwitch) out of the water completely.
I work with computers regularly, so I'm not daunted by occasional upgrade needs, but even my systems have a few parts from several years ago. My two PC's have a Core i7-870, and a Core i7-970. They're old, but still fine workhorses. The funny thing is that they can still compete handily with PS4Pro and XB Scorpio, just with occasional upgrades.
I can tell you're not an enthusiast, but it also seems like you dismiss PC's unnecessarily due to some personal bias. That's fine if you only want a lower end PC for basic tasks, nothing wrong with that. But don't forget that PC gaming is the driver of the console industry right now. Even Nintendo is getting the graphics in the Sandwitch from NVIDIA, a major PC industry player. It is their involvement that will allow the Sandwitch to get more ports from third parties, including from PC, and that benefits even you.
I want to see what games are on offer first. If there's a Mario game at launch then that would be the first Mario game launched on a console since the N64. I still want Breath of the Wild on Wii U for some strange reason.
I am very wary if there's going to be lots of ports though.
@JaxonH Even a $600 rig can go a long way these days, though. Initial setup of a brand new system as a whole might be in the realm of $800-1000... not a cheap investment. However, by waiting for sales, the amount spent on software is much less than that spent on consoles. By the end of a console generation, if you've been saving those receipts, I think you'll notice that you've spent hundreds (or potentially even thousands) less dollars on software alone. Console gaming is patently now a more expensive investment over time than PC gaming.
@Anti-Matter if they like playstation, there is nothing wrong with that. You calling them pathetic and playing like zombies makes you look pathetic. Don't generalise everything. I like PlayStation. Nothing wrong with that.
Looks like you have some problems with other gamers who like other platforms other than Nintendo. Great for you.
Also like someone already said "NVIDIA, a major PC industry player".
Idk, I mean STEAM is known for its sales but they're far and few between.
Every game I've gotten on STEAM so far has been same price buying used on eBay. Like Final Fantasy XIII games, they're $7-10 on STEAM during the sale but only $8-12 brand new. Fable games were about $30 for all 3 on STEAM, but also $30 buying like new on eBay
So Idk if I'd say it's that much cheaper. And my PC isn't a super beast. Just an i3 at 3.7GHz with AMD RX 480 graphics card. Good for emulation and runs modern games, albeit not on Ultra settings or anything. But even this PC was $600+ not to mention activating Windows for another $120
It's a very high cost of entry, even for less powerful PCs. And with games not really being that much cheaper I can't say I'd recommend it to save money.
Unless of course a person is into online gaming. That's where free online can be far cheaper over time. Or for people interested in just playing GameCube, Wii and PS2.
Compare that to buying a PS3 for $120 with free online and games cheaper than even STEAM can offer. That's the way to go if you're a budget gamer imo
@electrolite77 I forgot about Forza, the last one I played was 4, I have yet to play the Horizon series.
But I didnt care for most of the Rare Replay games, their stuff I like the best was on Nintendo hardware, and their top level stuff is on VC.
My most regretted gaming purchase was my Xbox One. Aside from the lack of non-racing exclusives that are fun, it still crashes a lot and has such a bloated OS and the UI is frustrating and many things are hard to find. It's as if its by the same company who made Windows Vista and Windows 10. I later bought a PS4 and gaming and watching DVDs/Blurays & streaming apps are all much quicker to get into and nothing hangs or closes on me. Ditto Wii U without the DVDs/Blurays.
@mowerdude "Why should I have to pay for something that I would never use it for I don't play or purchase handheld console, just home consoles for me."
That's easy, it's the combined library. You'll have twice as many games to play for your home console as Nintendo isn't splitting up their resources like they always have in the past.
@Clownshoes Someone's just looking for attention. 😏
Hey, to each their own. Play whatever games you like on whatever systems you like. Nothing wrong with that.
But you'll understand if many of us don't share that opinion. Switch is a new console, and no new console is only going to get Wii U ports for the span of 5 years. Even Wii U got dozens of amazing new games. And Switch will surely see more than that, and far better games too. And personally, I think it's way to early to be judging that new Mario game. We got like 2 seconds of off screen footage. Anyone who can see 2 seconds of footage and form a definitive conclusion based on that.... just amazes me. Makes me wonder if people see what they want to see.
Besides, when's the last time we got a main series 3D Mario that wasn't absolutely amazing... Even 3D World was one of the funnest games I've played in years. I'm very excited to see which direction this new Mario takes. I seriously doubt it'll be similar to 3D World- I think Nintendo themselves even said they're going back to a more open style- but even if it was similar, I'd be thrilled to get any new 3D Mario- those games are fantastic no matter how they play
@mowerdude "people like me don't care for the portable of the console at all."
Sure you say that now. But I bet the MOMENT, Sony or Microsoft shows off a portable variant (which they will if the switch is successful) of the PS4 and Xbone. ALL of the fan boys and girls are going to be salivating over it.
Then buy it in droves. Which then would make all of them look like hypocrites, because as you said. "people like me don't care for the portable of the console at all."
Yet I bet will buy it if it has a Sony or Xbox label.
@JaxonH You have a good point, although PC gaming still costs less if you're only willing to wait a year or two after release to buy a new game, rather than several years. If you wait out a whole generation, then yeah, used physical copies will naturally drop by then.
I'm not sure it is that much cheaper. Only if you play an incredible amount of games and buy them all Day 1. You'd have to make a lot of savings to cancel out the startup and upgrade costs.
What's wrong with portable video games ?
Not so powerful as PC ?
Dream On !
Being portable is Extra Benefit for you if you still want to play but have to go somewhere. Sitting down for very long time on the couch is not healthy actually. You need some fresh air, take some walks, share your gaming experience with your friend with portability of Switch. There is nothing wrong for being Portable. It will not degrade your pride as a gamer. You're still a gamer, even playing portable games.
"It's time to make the Switch"
reminds me of the N64 US launch "Change the System".
(before it was soon replaced with "Get N or Get Out")
I can appreciate that. And I don't judge you for it.
But for me, I can't own almost all of those games on different consoles... because I've never seen Nintendo games on PS4 or X1. All Nintendo games are exclusively on Nintendo.
And though I haven't seen the Switch's lineup, much less the games it will offer over the coming 5 years, I have seen the exclusives Wii U got, and the exclusives 3DS got, and the exclusives Wii got, and the exclusives GameCube got, and so on. So it's not hard to be excited simply basing my expectations on past history. And knowing that this time around, it will be supported by the full brunt of Nintendo's business (not split in half due to supporting two platforms simultaneously).
And that's just on the games side of things. Once you factor in hardware also (which is very exciting to me- who doesn't get excited over a sleek, powerful hybrid device) it's just icing on the cake.
There's just no reason not to be excited imo. If you are a video game enthusiast, and there's a new platform being released that will bring with it 5 years worth of new games to play, and finally a way to play real console games with console graphics on a handheld... what about that is not exciting? If a person hates video games I could understand not being excited over that, but if video games are what you love... how could anyone not be excited to see the next era of Nintendo gaming on the horizon? Or the first-ever hybrid console? This is exciting stuff
@electrolite77 It's been cheaper for me, at least. I've skipped out on the Wii U in the 8th generation, and even now, a lot of the games force you to buy used to achieve the degree of sales savings I've found on PC. Nintendo games have a habit of not readily dropping in price. And I can use those PC games I've bought on any compatible PC, not just one console (or more if modded).
My situation might be a bit unique, though, since my PC's are actually built almost entirely out of parts from my workplace; and I got my Windows/Office licenses for free from there, too... So I've basically paid no money at all for my current systems, sans the graphics card.
@KingMike It's a bit more pragmatically toned, which is more palatable. The N64 advertising went from having anarchic tones to having (perhaps unintentionally) incendiary, overbearing tones. A strange contrast to the N64 being called "The Fun Machine"...
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