
We suspect many regular readers of these pages are very familiar with AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake), a terrific fan effort that was released as a free download in August. We wrote an impressions piece praising it as "the Metroid game that fans deserve".

The work of Milton Guasti, known online as "Doctor M64", it was a project that took a number of years to complete; Guasti used the lessons learned in development to secure work in the games industry, and the final effort has earned a lot of praise online. Sadly, a Nintendo of America takedown notice has come through to the developer and effectively ended the project and future updates.

When the PC download arrived Nintendo was quick to issue takedowns to remove various download links, though there were still updates and improvements made to the game. Now, however, the developer has received a DCMA notice directly, and has announced that the project is over.

They've said the following in a blog post titled "No Future for AM2R".

Nintendo of America, Inc. has filed a takedown request under the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). I received the request on my personal email, so I'm complying with their requests.

There will be no more AM2R updates, and no more releases under any platform.

Thank you for the support during all these years.

It seems like a sad end. Though inevitable considering Nintendo's track record in taking down fan projects, there's little doubt that Metroid fans in particular will be frustrated by the course of events. When the first batch of takedowns went around in August Guasti did ask fans to support Metroid II on the eShop and avoid hate against Nintendo, however.

Let us know what you think in the comments below.
