The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes was released on the 3DS recently, and while some may feel it's not one of the greatest Zelda games to date; at least the quality of the writing won't be a problem, will it?
The answer to that question seems to depend on where you live. The European version which we reviewed has a very charming translation from the original Japanese version - Nintendo of Europe did its own translation and seemed to do a reasonable job of making the script entertaining and witty.
And then there is the other translation which Nintendo of America has produced, with a Twitter user sharing a screengrab from GameXplain alongside the European equivalent; there's quite a difference.
Needless to say a number of American gamers have voiced their unhappiness at doge memes being included, in particular. We'd embed some of these angry tweets below, but we are a family friendly site and most involve copious amounts of swearing. Some are naturally not bothered, but such is the nature of social media that the unhappy are often the loudest.
Where do you stand on doge memes finding their way into a Zelda game? Do you prefer Nintendo of America's version when it comes to a more light-hearted spin-off game such as Tri Force Heroes? Or do you feel Nintendo of Europe made the right decision in offering a more conservative translation?
Comments 229
Very interesting that Nintendo has the resources to make two English translations, independently from each other. I was always happy that NoE often used the Japanese original for their translations rather than using a poor English translation of NoA.
People are unhappy about this? Umm...okay. I mean, I wouldn't like it if it's overused, but I like it when Nintendo games include some small, cheeky reference to current, popular trends. It just goes to show how up-to-date the Treehouse is and how clever they can be with their writing. This reference was certainly harmless, and since Tri Force Heroes is a game with an already over-the-top plot, it would be expected that little nods like this are included.
It's so stupid but it's not a big deal really, shouldn't really impact the overall experience of the game.
Nevertheless, definitely glad we get the European translation here in Australia.
The whole bloody game is light hearted! People are dumb.
So camp, such ruined.
OMG Really? People seem to get mad over anything now in days
So Zelda
Much Doge.
Very controversy
@BenAV so it's not a big deal but you're glad you get the UK translation? Contradicting yourself in the very same sentence, that's impressive.
The internet needs to be less anonymous.....that way I know all the crazy people I need to avoid. Seriously if this makes you mad, you may need to step back and reevaluate your existence.
That makes people mad?
Wow. Such wow. XP
I'm glad Nintendo are finally doing proper localisations for English speakers in the UK. God knows it took them long enough.
It seems silly to get angry on something as minor as this. I prefer the Europe version though, as putting doge memes in just seems cringeworthy.
Glad to see millennials now working for Nintendo. blech
I have absolutely no clue what a doge meme is, I don't care to find out, and I find this topic even more of a pointless nonstarter than most of what impossible-to-please gamers will whine about.
I guess that the translation for Triforce Heroes is not worse than the one for Sonic Runners.
The game is silly, but memes aren't silly. They're obnoxious. The only "meme" I've really liked was overusing the word meme because of how dumb they are.
And Zelda games are often considered timeless, with Ocarina of Time still being considered a masterpiece despite how old it is. Memes die quite quickly, a lot of people will not understand those jokes in a couple years, which makes it even worse considering not only is it bad in my personal opinion, but it also is bad because people won't get it in a couple of years/months/last week.
And it barely even shows Nintendo is keeping up with the times since DogE is a really old meme. I barely even hear people making jokes about it anymore. If they wanted a topical meme they should've had an NPC scream what are thoooose or something.
But this is still a silly game so I couldn't really care much. I just think it's lazy writing. But if there is a lot of meme jokes in this game then that's when I'll have an issue.
I can't believe that people AREN'T mad about this. Memes are the worst thing to ever disgraced our culture. This mindless regurgitation of something just because it's popular shows that people don't like to think. Memes are the absolute most obnoxious thing that I have to deal with and only serve in these instances to make boring middle class Americans feel like they are part of some inner circle. There is no joke here. "Oh! It's funny because I've heard of it before!" Memes are kitsch. They are anti art, they actively seek to destroy art. They are worthless trends meant to be incessantly consumed and regurgitated until it has worn out its use, and then we immediately go to the next big thing without actually thinking about our mindless consumerism. They date themselves so quickly, and to put them in a product, in something that your audience is supposed to feel timeless so it can be used by consumers and continue to generate profit, is not something that was thought through very well. The actual line doesn't make any sense given the context of the universe. Why is this guy talking in broken English all of a sudden? Because the people who had a responsibility when translating this decided to put themselves first.
But it's also that they're obnoxious and we're sick of hearing them all the time.
I didn't know it was a meme...But yeah that is a bit dumb. Do they honestly think that they have to put memes in the american version of their game to make people like it? I mean its pretty lame. I should note I'm not mad or anything..just disappointed.
@OneBagTravel it's not contradictive to have a preference on a very minor issue.
Let's be honest here...
Anyone complaining about memes will be trotting out the 'My Body is Ready' quote ad nauseum once a Nintendo Direct comes. That and 'Please Understand' cos you know, they're the exception
@OneBagTravel wow you definitely dont sound like a bitter old man by generalizing an entire generation of people into one specific caricature
I don't even know what the heck a "doge" meme is, but since everyone is angry I might as well be too >:0
@martynstuff There's a different between using memes in fleeting social media context and putting memes in a game where they will stay forever.
Living in the west coast of America this phrase does not bother me as there is no such ancient ruins in this part of America however I would use this phrase if I see something ancient in another part of the world as it would be overwhelming to me. The only thing I can see as ancient on the west coast is if you find and old silent movie era 'set' out in the desert.
I know similar comparison was made with Splatoon's English translation, and how Nintendo of America made quite a few deviations from the original Japanese, going for a more "humorous" tone. This seems to have been the trend for a while now. Some people are going to enjoy this kind of thing, while others hate it. Personally, I guess I would prefer that they stay closer to source material, as that seems more appropriate for a translation. I think the main problem with referencing memes in particular is they are jokes that have been done to death and a lot of people won't find them funny.
@manu0 My point was that those quotes are just as tiresome and unoriginal as any other meme. Also the winky face kinda inferred I was being tongue-in-cheek
I don't get what a doge meme is, even after clicking on all the links, and the US translation is not only better, it's much better.
I can see people getting upset over taking the lingerie out of Fatal Frame, sex sells, but this doesn't really seem to change anything, it's not like they changed "Ganandorf will get you" to "Miss Piggy will get you" it's just a couple of sentences.
So, what's the deal w/ doge memes? Is it just using 2 word sentences? If that's the case I blame Todd MacFarlane's Spiderman. That man single handily destroyed the comic book industry back in 1990. Sure his artwork was phenomenal at he time but his writing, well it was less than writing.
His powers. Extraordinary.
His webline. Advantageous.
Say what you will about comics, but some writers actually wrote stories, McFaralne drew. Though Spawn was better. But the overly muscle bound out of proportion freaks never went away.
Not that I'm scarred or anything by a 25 year old comic book. Hmm, wonder what I would lave written on twitter back then?
Doing a Google search for that meme statement isn't even going to show relevant results...
@rjejr How is the US translation much better?
Glad I don't understand things anymore
I don't get the reference, personally, so to me the American translation just looks like it's very poorly made.
Nintendo should not put this garbage in games it has no place in. Memes are fine in games like Splatoon where it's more fitting because of the miiverse posts and overall tone of the game, but putting it in most other games is a lazy attempt at humor that will only make the game's dialogue feel dated in a few years. How is it funny that Nintendo referenced a meme? You can see thousands of references to memes on the internet that don't require buying a video game. These kinds of references in official Nintendo games are lazy because anybody could make that same joke. There's nothing clever or original about it. Not good for a company that some would say is all about making timeless games.
It's ridiculous for people to say that nobody should be upset about this. Consumers have every right to complain about bad trends that have appeared in Nintendo games more often lately because saying nothing means it will happen in more games they release.
@rjejr The DogE meme is generally a dumb looking picture with badly spelled stuff on it saying stuff like "Much Wow." or "Well Good" from what I've seen. The meme is pretty old which is probably why a lot of people don't recognize it.
I though we play video games to have fun. When did that start to change? When did certain people get so serious to the point they nitpick different regional translation. This would of never happen in the 90s, and I'm not just saying that because the Internet was slow and limited like a 3-legged turtle. Edit: Remember Earthbound you old timers?
Dollars to donuts the next hot topic would be how they degrade Link into a creepy cross-dresser/ drag queen, especially with the cheer outfit.
@Chandlero I would rather have the funnier US translation of Splatoon than the British one.
Memes in a Zelda game break the 3rd wall and ruin the timeless quality expected from the franchise.
I cannot stand that stupid doge meme. It's one of the most unfunny so-called "jokes" in recent memory.
I don't get it.
Might as well throw in more memes and call it Memeforce Heroes.
Sigh really people are mad about this? It is a little secret NOA decided to add it is no big deal. (It is out if the way. It is not like a person in the story says it). Also, it is a silly game so why you honestly get mad they made a simple joke? Finally, when I see this I think the translation team had fun with this which is awesome. It gives games like Splatoon its own uniqueness.
I'm shocked so many people are defending this. The whole meme is making fun of how badly language gets butchered on the internet. So Nintendo have purposefully done a bad job writing dialog, and people think it's clever?
Edit: Is this the ONLY example of it in the game? If so, then yeah, I agree it's actually not a big deal, but I've seen the outrage on twitter and got the impression the translation was full of this sort of thing.
Who cares. Is this even worth writing about?
I never got the popularity around the doge memes; to me, they're stupid and overused. Admittedly I wouldn't have caught that one if it hadn't been pointed out.
@Peach64 I assumed that this was the only example of it; since it was the only one mentioned and pointed out.
Edit: Yeah, after a bit of checking I can't seem to find any other direct references to memes other than the Doge one.
I prefer the American one. The European one is just a boring long sentence I have no interest in reading. At least the American one tries to make it funny. Plus of all the memes out there, the doge meme is highly known and one I still like to see every now and then. People need to lighten up. It's a tiny, insignificant part of the game in what is already a ridiculous game which barely deserves the Zelda title.
What a stupid thing to get angry about.
@OneBagTravel The US version is stupid, so if I have to chose between them I'll take the UK translation every day of the week.
I still wouldn't care much at all though if it was otherwise because it's pretty unimportant in terms of the overall experience.
I don't get it...why are people "upset" & really who gives fug if they are?? People are so damned whiny & then the "media" perpetuates it by making it an article over what is probably a very tiny minority. Let them be angry, there's a lot more going on in the world to direct your anger at.
@Peach64 No, there's more.
This is absurd. I don't get why people would be upset. It's not an OU Meme and Nintendo was just poking at some fun. People just like starting Internet War for the littlest of reasons
I wouldn't say that I approve, but at least the doge-talk was handled in a way that wasn't obtrusive. In 20 years, it'll just sound like he is being taken aback by the majesty, and I can't imagine many people ever being thrown off by the writing.
It's like, one sentence. What's the problem?
Federation Force intro:
Generic trooper "Samus! What happened to your powers? Y U NO CRAWL!"
I have no idea why this is even a problem.
@TheAdrock It's a problem because it's
1) lazy
2) doesn't have style
3) dates the game
4) no one will find it funny in ten years and beyond
The people complaining about this need to get a life. Memes can be annoying but this is funny and it fits the game.
If this is the reaction the American script has gotten, it's a wonder Nintendo of America ever survived Pokémon Diamond And Pearl, as its NA script was written by a Something Awful user.
Apparently people are so comfortable with their lives and have so little to worry about that they need to explode out a stupid pop culture reference in a video game...
Good for you!
I can't believe people are angry over this. I don't understand why.
I was amused by the line in the screenshot, but I'm not on social media (and I've quit WoW), so I don't get flooded with memes to the point that they're toxic to me.
If that line's representative, this translation is only going to get better with time, not worse, as overuse of the doge meme dies out and fades from memory, and all that's left is the humorous lingual tension it's powered by.
I don't really see what the problem is. I wouldn't have even known it was based on a meme if not for this article. I'd imagine that other people who aren't into memes, and future players who haven't heard of this meme, will be the same way.
You, on the other hand, are angry at the animator! Ain't I a stinker?
@NintendoFan4Lyf It's not the fact that there is a meme or two in the game. It's the fact that this meme has no place in that context. It just doesn't fit and is forced in.
As a European I would like to voice my outrage at being denied my share of doge memes in a Zelda game!
What? Tri force heroes? Oh, never mind, I don't give a crap one way or the other.
I'd be mad too if I love this game and they put BS into it. It doesn't belong in it.
A what meme?
So over-reaction, such pathetic.
People are always complaining...
You're despicable!
"Nintendo should not put this garbage in games it has no place in."
I disagree. I think it's fine in a ridiculous game such as this one. The very game takes place in a fashion savy, hip town called "Hytopia". You play through the game to defeat a fashion crazy witch so you can literally "save" the now unfashionable princess, Styla, who is cursed with wearing a black leotard.
Heck, one of the game's main gimmicks is dressing up in absurd and outlandish costumes. I personally find it makes sense in such an over the topish game.
TriForce Heroes? More like TriFarce Heroes )) But seriously the doge meme is pretty darn cute I didn't play the game, I don't want multiplayer-heavy game on my handheld, playing offline most of the time (no Internet on the train), but it looks pretty funny
@manu0 Too many syllables, not enough punctuation, in the UK version. I honestly cant read that sentence without having to stop and think about what I am reading, it has no flow.
Here, try reading the above like this, that's what it looks like to me.
Too many syllables not enough punctuation in the UK version I honestly cant read that sentence without having to stop and think about what I am reading it has no flow.
The second way is still readable, and it almost looks grammatically correct even, but it's a lot harder to read, don't you think?
The US sentence is kinda silly, but to throw a fit over it is, simply put, asinine.
@Aromaiden I didn't mean that over the top jokes shouldn't be in the game, I meant they shouldn't use this kind of lazy humor for cheap laughs. It can only make the game age worse.
To me, the script and translation are the least of this games faults. Can't believe Zelda fans are so butthurt. Even I find it silly and comical to complain about this.
@insertmemehere So, it's just how kids talk today?
I remember back in high school when everybody would say "not" after everything. Nice hair cut. Not. Nice throw. Not. What's worse than that though was in college when everybody started saying "my bad". I swear to this day, and it's been like 20 years now, every time somebody says "my bad" I want to punch them in the face.
So I guess I get the anger, but I don't get the meme.
@NintendoFan4Lyf It's the internet. What did you expect?
And they didn't complain about the doge in
Never could understand American.
Wonder what kind of spell checker they used.
@rjejr lol I don't have that problem. I can read all of NoE's sentences just fine even without much punctuation. Maybe it's because I'm German and am used to long, long, looong sentences. Seriously, we love building long sentences.
@Storytime7 I personally have no issue with it, and in the end I still feel like many people are overreacting.
Wow. Much butthurt. Such angry.
Nintendo of America's English localization team has been jamming memes into their translations for quite a few years now, while I am not outright offended, it does bother me. The reason is every time I see a meme, my immersion is immediately broken. I'm not having a laugh at how amazingly clever the localization team is being, because they aren't being clever, my eyes are rolling at this lame attempt to be hip.
I do hope Nintendo of America's English localization team gets the message that people don't want them to add their "own" "clever" jokes into the translation, they just want a translation of the source material. Please don't try to add your own "flare" to it, JUST TRANSLATE IT.
If this wasn't already a meme, nobody would care. And this would have created the meme. Also, can someone explain it? I have no idea where it comes from.
It's like a generic tumblr user hijacked the translation.
This game as a whole sucks anyway, who cares.
@Bearface The article links to the meme.
@DarkKirby Someone gets it.
I would understand the uproar if this was a mainline Zelda game, and a major character said something like this. It's a silly quote by a silly NPC in a silly game. I respect the opinions of the people who are upset, but I'm fine with this. I actually kinda chuckled a little when I read it.
I wonder how FE Fates is gonna be with them having separate translations.
Europe can't handle these dank memes.
Can't help but laugh at some of the angry responses in here. Other ones are just sad.
Also, the argument it will "date" the game is completely invalid. That line of reasoning is almost as stupid as getting angry about the quality of the dialogue.
@Peach64 does this mean from now on your actually going to play the games you actually talk about instead of blog ranting like u did when W101 came out? LOL!
@rjejr i find that Boromir meme hysterical LOL!!!
I don't see the problem. It's just a quote said by an NPC in a spin-off game.
Then again, people get offended over every little thing nowadays.
So wait, people are all of a sudden upset over Nintendo referencing memes after the past few years of absolutely loving when Nintendo references memes to the point of calling them Memetendo and saying that the guy who runs the Smash Bros Facebook page deserves a medal and a raise? The same people who found the over 9000 and my body is ready meme references in Pokemon X/Y funny? The same people who love to use hype train gifs and my body is ready pictures over the littlest thing regarding Nintendo?
Is it because they used the doge meme? Or are people upset because of "muh Zelda purity"? Get over yourselves.
I prefer the wacky translations. Splatoon is boring without the rampant puns. Only commies and Europeans don't like humor it seems in a light hearted game.
People are upset at silly dialogue in a Zelda game? Have they ever even PLAYED a Zelda game before?
I'm perfectly fine with it. Lately it seems people just want to find a reason just to complain about a game. :L
@manu0 I took a semester of German in college and another in grad school. Not only is there a general dislike of punctuation to break up sentences, there's a lack of spaces to break up words. Gesundheit. Good health is 2 words, not 1. I don't think I've ever come across 2 words German's couldn't compound into 1. Or 3 even.
Interesting how people complain that a) it's such an old meme and b) the meme dates the game and destroys the timelessness.
Couldn't that be the joke? The guy researches ancient ruins and thus stumbles across ancient texts? After all, some of the most interesting texts found in Pompeii were the scrawlings in the restrooms (since they reflected casual use of speech as opposed to literary works)...
Seriously I don't get what the fuss is about, people actually had problems with translation now?
Being ignorant of such a meme (I had to look it up) I can only think remembering this sort of word play ("So ancient. Such ruin") is nothing new, people have made dumb reiterative puns (if you could call it that) since forever.
Not knowing what the insiders knew reading this line, I found it funny. A-because I enjoy stupid humor like this, B-this sort of joke language has been around before the advent of the internet meme, and, C-clearly this game is not meant to be taken seriously; why not just chalk it up to that?
I'd rather know how the writing/translation is overall, not some random one instance nit-picked comedy line gone "viral."
@rjejr lol, you can compound as many words as you like into one word =)
Gesundheit is not a good example though, cause "heit" is not a word by itself, it just nominalises the adjective "gesund" (healthy).
Recently though people have started using more hyphens or even spaces to separate words. Which is not correct, but people do it anyway.
We just had a massive complaint week regarding NoA with Fatal Frame 5 for their localization, which turned out to actually be that NoE did it, so then the complaint went on about why they took from NoE instead of doing it themselves.
Now here we are with people complaining about why NoA did this and not just take what NoE did....
@MegaWatts Wow, some of the admins on this site sure are unprofessional. Maybe others are fine with this kind of trashy writing, but it's understandable why some do not want to see it. The less people complain about it, the more acceptable it becomes for Nintendo to keep doing this.
There's nothing invalid about saying it will date the game. Memes are generally used until people get sick of them, and find something else to spread around. People are not referring to the gameplay when they say this will date the game, but that it will leave a bad taste in people's mouths in a few years once everyone is over the memes they referenced. It's a lazy way to get laughs.
Are people really getting upset over this? I mean, it really isn't that big a deal.
Nintendo needs to make the text dialog shorter in their games. They usually run off into story books.
I find this hilarious. Such a simple little thing getting people upset.
So angry. Such salt.
@IxnayontheCK Exactly; it's a light-hearted game, so what's wrong having a reference to a light-hearted meme?
And so the great war continues:
People who get angry at things vs. People who get angry at people who get angry at things
...I smell a Splatfest.
@Storytime7 It's not trashy, it's merely referencing pop culture, something which tonnes of games (and other media) do. If that meme didn't exist and it had still been written like that, people wouldn't be kicking up a fuss at all. The quality of the writing is perfectly fine, and I imagine it would have gone over most people's heads had it not blown up in the farcical way it has.
Also, do not drag my professionalism (and so-called lack of it) into the discussion. I am entitled to an opinion just as much as you are — the fact you feel you can use that to dismiss my input just proves you're incapable of having a rational discussion with people. It's probably also why you're upset about a video game subtly referencing a meme in a small section of dialogue.
@manu0 "Recently though people have started using more hyphens or even spaces to separate words. Which is not correct, but people do it anyway."
Like married woman in America do w/ their last names.
I appreciate the hyphen in a last name, but when kids today named George Lincoln-Washington marries Linda Jefferson-Madison there kid is going to be named Bobby Jefferson-Madison-Lincoln-Washington. That's a lot of presidents.
I prefer the more professional and serious approach of NoE. Memes are like a fad. It will seem silly or ridiculous many years down the road when people come across this kind of text imo.. Therefore you gotta keep it timeless and traditional. Still nothing to get angry about lol
Looks like some people have nothing better to complain about
Only people who already know the meme will even notice it.
Kek. NoA don't realise that memes are ironic. They're an excuse to make fun of 12 year old idiots. You and me /b/ together forever. These normies don't understand.
This is what people are focused on this week?
They should be mad that Nintendo's holiday titles this year aren't online multiplayer focused, choosing to be offline focused.
I don't like memes but I find this kinda lovely.
This is like complaining about references and easter eggs used in the ace attorney games. I suppose the saying making mountains out of molehills makes sense here?
....Oh. My. God...
I have absolutely no idea what this is referring to and I'm still not entirely sure what a meme is.
@MegaWatts For the record, I'm not that bothered by this. I'm arguing in favor of the people against this because I think a lot of commenters are not seeing why some people are upset about this. Individual references are okay, but I would imagine this has blown up because people could see these kinds of pop culture references someday ending up in a mainline Zelda, or even Metroid. It's not that referencing memes here and there completely ruin a game, but that it could spread to other Nintendo games if nobody complains about it. People wouldn't complain if the meme didn't exist because it would be an original joke, not something that anybody could think of.
I was not calling you unprofessional to dismiss your argument. I was arguing against your point because I believe you are not seeing it from the perspective of the people that are upset about this, not because I claimed you were being unprofessional.
As for why I called your post unprofessional, the reason is simple. You said people who are more or less saying "Nintendo of America can do a better job than this" were "stupid" for arguing it dates the game, and implied you think it's pathetic that anybody would be upset about this. Isn't one of the rules of this site to respect everyone's right to their own opinions? I called you out because if even admins have that kind of tone in their posts, then why would other users on this site be respectful?
If people are this angry about one Doge meme in a Zelda game, they'd be apoplectic about all the pop culture and meme references in the Phoenix Wright games. Or is it the fact it's a Nintendo/Zelda title here mostly?
I'd hate to try to make this fanbase happy. It must be a nightmare. A lot of fanbases are like that though to be fair. This is definitely not the worst. For example, I'm sure I'll probably love the new Star Wars movie, but the super over the top nerds will probably hate it for some reason.
@Zelkardaim you win
Welcome to 2015. People are mad over everything and anything.
Geez, of all the articles to get 100+ comments, it's this one?!
Nintendo fans need to chill. It's just four words! It's not like it's one of those pictures with big white fonts or whatever...
Most of the outrage is from gamers as a whole.
What the hell is a dodge meme?!
That can't be! Nothing existed before the interwebs! <_<
So overreaction. Much wow.
We're talking about a game where Link wears a dress and dabbles as a cheerleader, you guys.
@rjejr there's a running joke in England that most American first names are combined versions of 2 names. Billy-Joe , Tammy-Lynn , Bobby-Ray etc....
Using your second name system things could get REALLY complicated and long winded in future over the pond there for you guys......
"I HATE EVERYTHING AND AM ALWAYS MAD", said Bruce Banner as he worked on keeping The Hulk under control by browsing web page comment sections
Oh no I said a doge meme while speaking to people, now they all want me dead!
I can get them not wanting to keep up this trend, but, it's supposed to be a silly game in the first place, right?
I like the way NOE did it. But I'm unsure of what's so terrible about the way NOA did it. Am I missing something?
That's a very, very, very big stretch and the way it is in that NoA translation isn't even how the Doge meme is written. While I'm from Europe we still got some NoA translated games such as Mario & Luigi Super Star Saga and this is still pretty much the kind of quirky writing NoA injects into their translations.
Ah, this is just like someone saying "totally radical, dude" ten years ago. Undesirable, yeah, but completely ignoreable.
Mario and Luigi: Partners in time had meme speak in it — leet speak, if I recall. 4th Gen Pokémon also tried inserting some popular phrases from the time like "for the win" and stuff. Is it the same translator?
I don't see what's so bad about it?
I wasn't aware of the meme until now and I still found it amusing. Something is wrong with people on the Internet....
I've seen some authors write like that. It is kind of punchy. I don't see the problem. Poor Audrey.
Actually, I think it's funny!
I hate localisation, especially where the translators take too much liberties with the source.
Are people really mad at THIS?
@KodyDawg The requests aren't for MORE Directs. That would imply that there are Directs in the first place. The request is to have ANY Direct.
So stupid, very offend, much anger, wow!
@yuwarite I think that's the point everyone is missing here. Not that it's a dumb meme but the fact that localization is stepping into an area that could be a slippery slope.
This seems like an overreaction. I'm much more angry about the fact an average game was made instead of anything I actually wanted.
@BaffleBlend don't you mean 20 years ago?
my only doubt is how many of the people mad about this actually bought the game
@rjejr Not going to lie. I didn't care for the European translation either. The syntax seems wrong.
@OorWullie Samus: "I took an arrow in the knee."
Remember when Zelda games didnt need to rely on pop culture quips and were completely original? Either way. Its just Triforce Heroes. Keep that outta Zelda U, at least in major parts. I expect A+ literature.
five years from now i would read this and not even know it was a meme... just a twisti on "ancient ruins".
but... i can't help thinking that all of the angry people are probably looking at the meme with exactly the same expression that dog has lol
@ULTRA-64 Billy-Joe , Tammy-Lynn , Bobby-Ray
You mean Red-Neck names.
I blame Larry-the-Cable-Guy. He's a comedienne, but I don't think that's his real name.
God forbid a game where the plot is the princess lost her fashion sense that they use the word adorbs or make a doge joke.
I hope you get the sarcasm in this post.
People are actually mad about something like that? Mad enough to write angry tweets about it? That is sad. Nintendo ventures to be fun and people get their panties in a knot over it.
Just goes to show people will find anything to get mad over these days. For christs sake its a Zelda game about a princess who has been stripped of her sense of fashion and the main villian is Kim Kardashian. Its not supposed to take itself seriously
...Um that's why its called localization, and not Translation. Treehouse packages up the dialogue in a way that is palatable to the target demographic...which is not folks in their late 20s and early 30s whom this would "offend". And their alterations have worked in their favor before, such as fawful for instance. You want the real text? Learn Japanese.
WOW OmG NIntendoh u userd a dank meme in my zulda!? Unsubscribed worse zuldo of all time 1/10!!!!one!
@Captain_Toad Oh snap, it got real! You brought out Ms. Kathy Griffin!
So instead of complaining about a game-breaking glitch, the story, a flaw with the gameplay, or the graphics, these people decide to get angry over a small piece of dialogue? Stay classy, internet.
Out of all the shortcomings this game has, they pick this one to criticize!?
It's this on top of the fact that Paper Jam is coming out 5 months behind the rest of the world that's making me to start doubting the treehouse team.
...Its just text. Its not insulting a person, its not attacking their family, an its not offending their loved ones.
Its just four words an two periods. You read it, you move on.
At this point though, I've already lost faith in most of humanity and don't expect much as they whine about anything.
Its times like these I hate being american because all the comments from other nations calling us stupid is pretty true.
This was slipped-in in such a way I wouldn't have noticed or cared, but for people that like the meme at least they would see it and have something trigger in their brain to make them happy. I'm just gonna move along, nothing to see or care about here.
Next thing you know Nintendo will start using social media or something...
Americans would find the butchering of the English language funny. Glad to be part of the PAL territory.
I just think....well this absolutely....its good it'd bad because....oh I don't care. Poor game gets dialogue that upsets people. Whoop-de-whoo.
The people who are defending this are more angry than the people "offended" by this. These people are going as far as to tell the people upset by this to "rethink their lives", and they're "dumb". Really now? Calm down people. No need to be so toxic.
As for what I think of the doge meme reference? I think it's stupid, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it. I can see why people are upset by it, though. It's just a poor attempt at humor.
I don't understand the problem, they are just having a little fun with translating
I think it's really dumb and unneeded but I'm not buying it with or without stale internet references inserted so whatever I guess. I would like more respect given to the source material and no censoring in games already rated for mature audiences though...
This is really blown out of proportion. The whole game's story is silly and jokes around so adding a meme or two shouldn't be a big deal.
I was pretty annoyed at the labeling of the Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water being called the 'spoopy' trailer. I don't get the meme and I don't care, some people at NOA shouldn't be able to undermine the hard work the actual developers have gone through, just to make some bad joke. A game like Fatal Frame puts so much effort in presenting and maintaining its setting, and it feels disrespectful some random person at NOA decided to ruin that immersion with a lame joke in the official trailer. As for this game, Tri-Force Heroes seems more playful and less meant to be taken seriously, so I don't see it as much of a problem, but the usage of the meme doesn't make any sense here either. You're not being trendy NoA, you're being obnoxious.
That's pathetic. I mean, doge memes? What year is it again? Memes in general have a very short shelf life and so any game which uses them is going to be extremely cringeworthy to play down the line. This honestly makes me feel like importing all of my Nintendo games from Europe from now on.
I prefer NOE translation from what I've seen, but I don't really mind. To be honest, I don't know what doge meme is beforehand though, so I didn't really paying attention.
This is such a non issue. People just like to complain. I will say however, calling Fatal Frame 5 SPOOPY is stupid.
@Bananaman678 It's not about the meme; it's about localisers overstepping their boundary, and taking liberties with the original creators property in a way that wasn't originally intended. It annoys people because they want their product to be true to the original artists creation, not the talentless localiser's misinterpretation.
@Storytime7 Perhaps it would date the game if the game's identity was centred around memes (kind of like how Sonic games became dated due Sonic's 90's mascot with attitude has) but this is one line that isn't even readily identifiable as a meme from anyone who doesn't know what it is and even then it doesn't follow the "much x", "very y" phrasing the meme is actually known for.
Another Nintendo game literally had an entire area centre around something that could be dated, Lon-Lon Ranch in Majora's Mask and the "They" were centred around aliens due to the popularity of "sightings" around the time of development/release(since Majora's Mask had a 1.5 year development cycle). Is Majora's Mask something that doesn't belong outside 2000 because of it? That didn't prevent Majora's Mask from being a timeless classic that was still considered good when re-released in 2015?
The overeaction is just thin skinned people making a mountain out of a piece of flat ground.
I'll throw in my two cents. I've seen some decidedly amateur-hour writing from the vaunted Treehouse over the last few years. And yes, the "voice" of the writing that doesn't sit right with me is usually that of someone tapped in to Internet-style humor. Straight-up direct references are even worse. Fewer people seem to be looking for games to be a timeless statement, and that deterioration has now infected the developer itself.
@yuwarite I don't believe people dislike Final Fantasy IV over "You Spoony Bard!" instead of the direct translation "Just how is it not what I think?!". Almost every game that is translated to english is localized because some lines, puns or references would fall flat in a direct translation.
For example in Super Paper Mario where they changed all of Francis's lines since the way he was in the Japanese version wouldn't have fit the western nerd/geek stereotype and a direct translation would never have gave us the wonderful line: "I love going on message boards and complaining about games I’ve never played!"
@yuwarite I feel that while the use could have been disrespectful to some, I think that people are blowing this out of proportion. Is NOE's team better? Yes. Should the treehouse have done this? No. But I stand by my opinion that people are making a mountain out of a molehill.
@LexKitteh Agree with the fatal frame part. To be honest I am completely indifferent to the doge memes in Tri Force Heroes though.
Such fanbase. Much whining. Wow.
ehhhhhhhhhhhhh i'm not sure
@Dr_Lugae The localization team for NA did amazing with Splatoon as well. They did wonders with the game's main antagonist, DJ Octavio, and he is far more enjoyable and entertaining in the NA version than in the EU version imo.
Why the hell did Nintendo waste time making TWO English translations? Why does that even make sense in the first place?
Don't tell these people about selfies in Wind Waker.
I have never even heard about this meme but that is largely because I don't really care about internet trends at all. Not sure why people would get so upset over this, surely they have more important things to worry about?
One character says "swagadelic"! That's also dumb, but it doesn't bother me that much.
What. Ever. They didn't even do it right.
Just let the memes die already.
It's beyond beating a dead horse at this point.
I don't really care about doge in TFH. Now if it were lolcats maybe but that's a much older meme.
People need to stop acting like memes are a new thing that Millenials and the internet invented, like some of you seem to think! That is a form of humor that has been around for decades if not longer. Check out "Burma-Shave" or "Kilroy was here" for some examples of pre-internet memes - and pre-internet humor! Which is really what memes are: a form of JOKE or HUMOR that is shared by a large group of people! Now, does it date the game? A little. But just because it's dated doesn't mean it won't still be fun to play in the future. There are tons of goofy, over-the-top 80s and 90s games that are still fun to play! Radical dude!
@Shepdawg1 yet things like that go out of style really quick, and if you play it in a couple of years or are a kid who hasn't come across the meme, you won't understand what it is or it will date the game.
Better to have people spread memes created from your content than parroting other memes, in my opinion.
@Dr_Lugae Lol, That was one of my most favorite video game line, I'm surprised It's not tossed around more often around here or any of the other questions (would of got 7/10 trues). I'm glad they did their own translation with that.
I don't mind it. In fact, I find it funny.
much controversy. very fail.
seriously, whats the problem here?
Although I live in North America This doesn't really apply to me. The Legend of Zelda series contains some of my favorite games; however, I am filing this under the same category as The Legend of Zelda four sword adventures. Meaning not for me.
I don't like it, but I won't lose sleep over it.
@Dr_Lugae Majora's Mask is too brilliant a game for one pop culture reference to make it feel dated. Besides, I would argue that what Majora's Mask did with the alien side quest is more original than just throwing in a simple meme reference. I don't think the aliens in that game are a good comparison to what some people are complaining about in Triforce Heroes. They're both references to pop culture, but one game actually does something with that instead of just throwing it in the game because someone will find it funny.
Wow people have way to much time on there hands, first world problems I guess.
I don't think anyone was angry over trainers in Pokemon X and Y saying things like "Your power level, it's over 9000!" or "I can has battle?" In fact people were joking about it as far as I could tell. Why are people mad over this? It's pretty subtle, it might not even BE a Doge reference.
Besides, the Doge dog is very adorable so if there was going to be a meme in a Zelda game I'm glad they went with that one.
Much overreact. Such salt.
I can't understand the hate this has generated. I like when Nintendo puts memes like this in. It makes me chuckle and its not like they're oversaturated in the game.
The only thing I hate about it, is that people find the need to complain about it online and make it seem like a massive problem.
People were fine when Pokemon X and Y used memes. SSB4 used memes. But when Zelda uses them, Nintendo's crossed the line?
Meme trash in video games should be illegal. I guess it's good they put it in the Zelda game everyone will forget about anyway.
Idiots raging over nothing again. Welcome to the internet. :/
@TrueWiiMaster You took the words out of my mouth! I didn't even know what was characteristically "doge meme" about the controversy until looking up the very meme, itself, either.
I am not denying that this writing is clearly derived from that meme. But internal monologuing is not a new thing, whether terse (such as with the doge meme and this quote from TFH) or otherwise. It still sounds like a something a wordy, old wise man might say; therefore, get over it people. It's not a big deal, if one at all.
Even if Tri Force Heroes wasn't the bland, obvious throwaway that it is, my reaction would roughly equate merely to quickly dissipating disappointment that the localization team would choose to make a pop-cultural reference that'll make it seem dated right fast. Meh.
Oh, and surely there are better things for which to criticize this disappointment of a game? Much mispriority. Such fail.
@Artwark Are we 100% confirmed on FE Fates having separate translations, or it will be like with FEA where the NA was done first and then was re-censored for the EU?
Because the last time that happened to an Intelligent Systems game, we got Days of Ruin vs Dark Conflict. Half the characterizations were different (and most of the names, too).
...To which I would say, calm down Nancy.
Jeez, who cares? Even if I recognized the reference (which I don't because other than this site I try to avoid the internet and the terrible things that people say there as much as possible), I hardly think it's worth freaking out over.
I am pretty sure the whole doge thing is making fun of an Asian person who misspelt dog as doge and their inability to construct proper english sentences. Then it took off and now anything can be made into a broken-english doge sentence for cheap laughs. Personally, the hilarity lasted about 1 millisecond when i heard it 3 years ago
@Gerbwmu I am loathe to agree, but the whole anonymity aspect of the internet gives rise to such idiocy and hatred over even the littlest of things, like this.
@Bananaman678 I agree, the use of that meme is not THAT big of a deal. But it still annoys people, because this is their only means of understanding whats happening in the game, and they feel like they're getting an experience that's a little removed from the original Japanese creators interpretation. Anime fans would criticise fansub groups for excess adlibbing in the same way.
FANBOYS. Get over it.
I really liked that reference. wow.
No idea what they were!
@Dr_Lugae I don't think "You spoony bard" would go over well now in the modern social media era. People would react in a similar way as they are now to this instance. But of course there was no social media/ mainstream Internet back then, and we were just happy to take what we could get
As for Super Paper Mario, Francis' character is largely the same in both versions. In the western version his lines are too over the top and lack the subtle humour of the Japanese version. In fact, that particular quote was changed from "Food fills the stomach. Figures fill the heart." Francis' lines are more pensive in the JP version, and in the western version it's like the localiser's are beating you over the head with the humour in a Family Guy joke style; it's like they feel they need to explicitly explain the joke to you, instead of you picking up on it yourself.
I wasn't even aware this was a thing.
If people are outraged by something as infinitesimal as this, wait until they discover REAL world problems like war, famine and disease...
@ProfessorMegaman Hi, welcome to the Internet.
@yuwarite Just because a number of people engage in crazy behavior, doesn't mean we should stop calling it "crazy".
@ProfessorMegaman It's the Internet and it's nerd culture, you're bound to have wacky opinions about this kind of minutiae, because it's the medium these people engage with in en masse, not the news or serious things in the world.
I think it's fine for people to have an opinion and even express their dislike for something they plan to buy. The main argument is people want a product that's close to the original artists source material, and it's perfectly okay for them to demand that as a customer (or potential one), and it's equally important for Nintendo to take note.
@yuwarite There's a rational limit to it, I think. Or there should be.
If something as immaterial as liberties being taken with a brief sentence in a game teeming with dialogue is enough to put people into a foaming frenzy, then it stands to reason that they could never like or condone any but one thing in it's truest, most rudimentary form.
That's a textbook example of autistic behavior.
Pop culture references can be done well, and NoA has an audience to think about, but... really? Couldn't have picked a breed of cancer that isn't 5 years old at this point? Do kids even know what doge is anymore? I mean, it isn't a huge deal, the rest of the localization isn't nearly as obnoxious and can be funny sometimes, and hell, this much butthurt over one dumb line borders on the insane, but I also just feel this is mindless pandering for no one. At least this game's rated lower than, say, Fire Emblem and Fatal Frame, games that didn't need to be censored, but that's a whole other can of worms.
I'm not going to read all this crap, but I'm just going to say THAT'S NOT THE DOGE MEME! Actually read it. It's perfect English. Someone could excitedly shout " Wow. So ancient. Such ruin." Using 'ruin' as an adjective to describe something. By not reading it correctly and automatically jumping to "it's the doge meme", the internet has fulfilled its own meme-obsessed prophecy.
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