In this soapbox our resident Canadian writer and Pokémon expert Andrew Karklins shares his perspective from the recent Fan Expo 2014 event.
Just recently (28th to 31st August), I was lucky enough to attend Fan Expo Canada, a convention held in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. As the third largest convention in North America and hosting more than 120,000 people over the weekend, Fan Expo showcases many forms of media ranging from television and movies, to comics, anime and gaming. This year’s star-studded line-up included Matt Smith from Doctor Who, the Marvel legend Stan Lee, and Patrick Stewart from Star Trek: The Next Generation. Although many of the guests were awesome and noteworthy, the main draw for me to this convention every year is the abundant amount of video games available to play on the show floor.
Fan Expo was home to many popular game companies showcasing their newest and greatest products. Xbox, Sony, Warner Bros, 2K, and Ubisoft all had a major presence on the show floor to showcase their upcoming projects. The saddening and familiar part of this situation, however, is related to Nintendo’s relationship with these companies. Excluding Sony and Xbox for obvious reasons, there were only three games playable on the show floor that will reach a Nintendo console; those three titles were: Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes, Just Dance 2015, and LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham.

Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes was playable at the Disney booth and showcased not only the new figures from the Marvel universe, but also the game itself. My first impression of the figurines was very positive. As a big fan of the previous figures from the original, these figures maintain the same design style and will once again cause a big hole in my wallet in my quest to collect ‘em all. The game itself played very well, expanding on the previous game’s formula — the mission I had the chance to play involved escorting a SHIELD truck to a pre-designated location, which I took on as Captain America. The gameplay is very reminiscent of the original, while also incorporating brand new elements such as skill trees and crossover characters. Overall, my experience of Disney Infinity 2.0: Marvel Super Heroes was very positive, and Disney is bound to make a killing off those beautiful figurines.
The next game available to play was Just Dance 2015. As someone who personally has no interest in the dancing genre of gaming, my opinions are based on someone who has very little knowledge of these titles. Just Dance 2015 appeared to be what the series experiences every year: a nice refresh with a brand new soundtrack of songs. The songs sounded great and from what I saw looked just as fun as the previous iterations of Ubisoft’s party hit.
Lastly, the final game heading to a Nintendo platform that was available to play was LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham. The LEGO games hold a special place in my heart, as they have proved to be a series that ages well with time. I have played almost every LEGO game since the original LEGO Star Wars in the GameCube days and loved every one. LEGO Batman 3 provides a brand new roster of characters from the DC universe and brand new gameplay elements, ranging from new abilities as Batman and even a retro mode, allowing you to play as the cast of the 1960s Batman television show. In short, LEGO Batman 3 is exactly what someone who likes the LEGO game wants — a new setting with a brand new set of characters and blocks to build with it, while "building" off the original formula. On a side note, the Warner Bros. booth had this awesome Batman Tumbler promoting Batman Arkham Knight.

Overall, Nintendo’s presence at the third largest convention in North America was particularly disappointing. Three titles from those available to play coming to your platform should be raising some major red flags at Nintendo’s HQ, a situation that could have been eased if the big N had represented itself with its own booth. I can’t wait for next years Fan Expo, but hopefully Nintendo will realize the opportunity it has missed this year and will showcase its future line-up in years to come — considering the size of this event it should really be on the company's radar.
Comments 15
Batmobile...so cool!
I remember my friend telling me she went to Fan Expo, I probably would have gone as well had I known it was last month. Oh well, there's always next year.
This was the first fan expo I missed but I can tell you that Nintendo really screws this one up. The year the 3DS launched, both Sony and Microsoft had big spaces and Nintendo had a trailer (literally a hitch trailer) with 6 or so 3DS inside, 4 playing the new Star Fox 64 3D and one for Zelda and one for Pilotwings. I had my 3DS with me and they seemed surprised! "OH you have one???" The summer of 2012 had me really pumped for the Wii U and they were no where to be found!!! Ubisoft had one system available on a tiny wall for Zombi U, but sadly they had no plan of player usage so I stood for over 30 minutes in a line of 30 or so all watching the same guy play on and on and on. I left. Just as I was leaving, I noticed a Wii U behind the big WB banner for Batman Arkham City. It was empty as no one knew it was there. Last year they had no presence again. Not sure why they seem so intent on missing this boat.
SIDEBAR- Although Fan Expo is getting a bit lame in my opinion as it continues to get more and more expensive and exploited in my opinion, if you have a 3DS, BRING IT! You'll have a non-stop flow of new visitors to your system and will complete all your puzzle pieces in no time
Wow 3 games made by third party developers for the Wiiu was actually shown that's sad and one is a port with no DLC and the other is a dancing game that no one wants, but oh how can i forget every Wiiu owner only like to dance.And last but not least the fun toy game. What a great showing, i'm so amazed by how many games are coming that aren't from Nintendo.
I go every year. And yeah Nintendo never does anything really. Sony and MS do some good showings. Ubisoft are usually showing off the most stuff. Its pretty dissappointing. But like Mrclaycoat said, if you go bring a 3ds. Everyone there pretty much has one.
Oh well, met Bruce Campbell...thats all that matters.
I was selling crappy hot dogs in the main venue during the expo. You should have come, I'd have given you free crappy hot dogs.
I would like to inform the author of this article that Starwhal was indeed playable at Fan Expo and is indeed coming to Wii U.
Also, Fan Expo sucks really hard, no way around that.
I was there and yes there wasnt a whole lot of Nintendo going on.
Only thing that would've interested me was Matt Smith. Nintendo never goes to this one, so I don't either.
I'd like to mention that within the Eb Games zone there was a console available to play the demo of Hyrule Warriors
There were 2 Disney Infinity demos there. The one you went to, and a barebones one at the Big Hero Six booth, which exclusively had characters from Disney's upcoming animation. And when I mean barebones, I mean the person that made the toybox made it so unappealing. Infinity has a good prebuilt Toy Box, this one was flat and too big.
I got to play Starwhal there. I even got to ask one of the developers when the Wii U version is coming out. He said that it will release after the Playstation versions of the game. He also claimed that an incentive to play the Wii U version of Starwhal was because you'll be able to play the hilarious game with your old Wii Remotes (never talked about Gamepad usage, but I'm not expecting anything crazy, other than Off-Tv Play).
What I find interesting is that there may be no Nintendo booth at Fan Expo, but they were actually at the Toronto CNE, while Fan Expo was going on. The CNE the biggest fair in Canada that can grab as many as 1 Million people a year. They actually went there to show off Mario Kart 8. Last year, there were playable demos of Super Mario 3D World. Keep in mind that this wasn't released at the time. Nintendo has always chosen a braud audience over a group of gamers, so the fact that they're at the biggest fair in Canada, over the biggest Gaming (and more) Convention in Canada doesn't surprise me.
On a side note: When I was at Fan Expo I streetpassed with over 100 people in one day!
"Oh well, met Bruce Campbell...thats all that matters."
I used to live in Ashland, OR, just a few miles from Jacksonville, OR. We used to go to a bar there and he was there pretty often just hanging out. Being a big fan of him from Xena, Evil Dead, etc, it was hard not to go all fan boy on the guy so I just left him alone. One time while ordering a round I ended up standing and talking to him next to the bar. I ended up sitting and talking to him quite a while. He's a really great guy, very down to earth and actually pretty funny. I was actually pretty surprised how few people actually come up to him or recognize him, to me he's a legend.
Hyrule Warriors was playable in the EB booth...
Nintendo doesn't even do the Tokyo Game Show!! Toronto's fan expo would be even farther from their radar.
@micronean Regardless, Sony and Microsoft were at Fan Expo, and packed plenty of Demos. They could've easily brought one of their Smashfest Best Buy Demos to Fan Expo, and the line would've been a great way to grab attention. Unfortunately, they didn't even have a booth.
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