It's the start of a new week, Europe, which means that it's Nintendo Download time. This time around there are various options across the Wii U and 3DS, including a long awaited remake, singing shenanigans and a retro trilogy. Without any more preamble let's get to the details.
Wii U eShop
Wii Karaoke U (Nintendo, Various prices) — This online-enabled karaoke app will give you access to over 1500 songs and a variety of modes to sing and annoy your neighbours. The app is free to download but then requires purchased passes, and you'll also be able to download a one-hour trial pass at no cost — this'll be available from 4th October, with pricing details for access below.
1 hour ticket — €1.99 / £1.79
24 hour ticket — €4.99 / £4.49
30 day ticket — €14.99 / £13.49
Wii U Retail Download
The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Nintendo, €59.99 / £49.99) — Perhaps the earliest mass-market shot across the bows of the Wii U's rivals ahead of a busy Holiday season, this title will arrive alongside a new hardware bundle and a console price cut. Already a wonderful title on the GameCube, this HD re-release includes a range of improvements and adjustments in order to deliver the definitive version. We were certainly impressed with the final results, recommending this as a must-have for those new to the title and well worth consideration for those that adventured through the original; check out our The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD review for full details. Available to download from 4th October.
Just Dance 2014 (Ubisoft, €49.99 / £34.99) — Available from 1st October.
Wii U Virtual Console
Final Fight (Capcom, €7.99 / £5.49) — This is one of the original arcade conversions to the Super NES, and an iconic beat 'em up that's certainly welcome on the latest Virtual Console. We shared a personal tale in our original Wii Virtual Console Final Fight review, and we'll seek vengeance on the streets in a fresh look. This is the US version of the game.
Final Fight 2 (Capcom, €7.99 / £5.49) — This second entry rights some wrongs of the first, including multiple playable characters and two-player co-op, though perhaps disappoints with some gameplay elements. You can see what we thought in our Wii Virtual Console Final Fight 2 review, while we'll take to the streets again to take a fresh look. This is the US version of the game.
Final Fight 3 (Capcom, €7.99 / £5.49) — Rounding off the Super NES trilogy of titles hitting the Wii U VC this week, this one includes more brawling on the streets but also the option of an automatic two player mode where you play with the CPU. By our reckoning this third entry is certainly the best of the group, as explained in our Wii Virtual Console Final Fight 3 review. This is the US version of the game.
3DS eShop Demo
Witch & Hero (CIRCLE Entertainment, free)
3DS eShop Temporary Discount
Heavy Fire: Special Operations 3D (Teyon, €3.99 / £3.59 until 17th October, normally €4.99 / £4.49).
3DS Retail Downloads
Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (SEGA, €44.99 / £39.99) — This terrific rhythm game from SEGA makes a rather belated appearance on the 3DS eShop, and we were certainly big fans in our review.
Game Festival 1 (Bigben Interactive, €24.99 / £19.99)
Those are the week's offerings, Europe, so let us know what you plan to download in the poll and comments below.
What will you be downloading first this week? (190 votes)
- Wii Karaoke U by JOYSOUND (Wii U eShop)
- The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD (Wii U retail download)
- Just Dance 2014 (Wii U retail download)
- Final Fight (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Final Fight 2 (Wii U Virtual Console)0%
- Final Fight 3 (Wii U Virtual Console)
- Rhythm Thief & the Emperor's Treasure (3DS retail download)
- Game Festival 1 (3DS retail download)0.5%
- Heavy Fire: Special Operations 3D (3DS eShop temporary discount)0%
- Just the Witch & Hero demo for me
- Nothing for me this week
Please login to vote in this poll.
Comments 81
Awful 3DS week...
Will probably get the WW disc instead of digital. Or an external HDD.
Yay, LoZ: WW HD! I don't know whether I'll download it or retail it yet, gotta see how the monies goes for when I'll even get it. Although I highly recommend Rhythm Thief to any who don't own it already, it's a very, very awesome game imo
Great WiiU week! Totally pumped up for karaoke other than that I still think 8 eur is too much for Snes titles but that might be just me.
oh and 60 eur for a digital version of Wind Waker is waaaaayyyyyyyyyy too much. Come on Nintendo
Zelda should be cheaper, for just a tenner More you can get the limited edition. Nintendo really need to work on their digital pricing, Steam took over pc digital sales via competitive pricing and Nintendo should do like wise.
FF3 is the only one with multiplayer right? Might dowload that then.
Final Fight 3 is one of the best games ever!!! Well done on capcom for the rate their titles are coming. Will be picking up the Final Dights if on a similar promo to the 3 street fighter games. Hopefully the rest of the MegaMan X games aren't far behind
zelda and final fight 1 2 3
No downloading for me this week, but I've had this beauty pre-ordered for a while now:
Good to see Rhythm Thief making it over to the download lineup, although that's a pretty hefty price tag for an older game
I'm definitely getting Wind Waker at some point (likely before the end of the year), but I haven't played The Wonderful 101 yet and I'm wanting to ensure I have budget for Wii Fit U on launch day.
Wind Waker HD! Can't wait. Also, 3 games for WiiU VC in one week? That's gotta be the most we've had for a long time. Keep it up please Nintendo.
Can't wait to play Wind Waker HD, but I'm not downloading it! Disc please! crappy week otherwise!
I'm getting the Wind Waker HD bundle, so I guess I'll be downloading TWWHD. ^^
Oh All three Final Fight games! Gonna be busy this weekend.
I wish I could get it but its not being sold here and on ebay its way overpriced.
Nothing interesting but it's okay. I'll get my copy of Etrian Odyssey 5 tomorrow and I'm still on Diablo 3 on Hell(360) and GTA5 so I got enough at the moment.
I thought I saw somewhere we were meant to get the first adventure time game this week, doesnt look like its coming
In one or two weeks, Pokémon X and Y are gonna come.
And it'll be AWESOME.
@Maneauleau i found it on a online retail for 50 euros
If the Final Fight games have the same promo that Street Fighter had, then I will definitely get all of those.
Ugh, those retail download prices, and an overall bad selection. Terrible week. Will be getting Just Dance 2014 on disc.
Here's a reminder for anyone after a digital copy of wind waker.
game.co.uk sell download codes for most nintendo games upon release, and normally at the same price they have retail copies, so it would be £45 through game.co.uk instead of the £50 nintendo want. Still too much for my liking, but whatever.
Gamesrocket.com also offers download codes for some WiiU/3DS games.
Just stumbled over this site yesterday.
Mostly the same prices as game.co.uk, but it's nice to have choices
Is there other places to get download codes?
@Hunter-D I accidentally pre-ordered it twice. Will buy both.
@BF-Medic "If the Final Fight games have the same promo that Street Fighter had, then I will definitely get all of those."
Totally! Seems like a missed opportunity. Hopefully we'll see the sale at a later date.
Zelda Wind Waker is the best Gamecube game of all time, and it'll be forever part of my gaming collection, but for me personally spending another 59,99€ for roughly the same game, as a download, no I'll pass. I was honestly expecting 39,99€ (49,99€ at most) and getting this day one but now plans have changed.
Haven't got Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara yet, so that's where my cash for beat'em up fodder lands first. But if Final Fight trilogy had a sale like Street Fighter II/Ghosts'n Goblins/Kirby I most likely would pick it up along as well.
The hell with the Rhythm Thief and WWHD prices?
I'll probably get the one hour karaoke trail.
50 £ for Wind Waker HD Nintendo?!?! FU no buy.
For a while I was starting to get used to wanting to buy at least one 3ds eshop game every week, but lately it's been mostly crap : c'mon nintendo, step it up
WHAAAAAAAAAT?! They added Final Fight to the Wii U but not the 3DS?
Mah favorite NES game.... ; 3 ;
I wonder why it only seems to be Capcom getting all the VC action. I hope Konami, Acclaim and Sega get some releases soon
Oh PLEASE bring those three Final Fight games to the North American VC this week too. (crosses fingers)
@Nintenjoe64 We just got a Konami game last week, Acclaim has been out of business for quite some time and Sega can't possibly bring anything to the WiiU's VC either, unfortunately.
Is the price correct on Rhythm Thief? I can't believe SEGA is trying to sell it at full retail, I was expecting a 10-20ish dicount.
If memory serves correct, didn't Rhythm Thief have awful sales? Maybe this is SEGA's way to try and make a profit off of the game.
I hope we get rhythm thief here in NA. I lost my copy and can't find it anywhere. I really miss that game.
Is that trilogy of games going to be available in a discounted bundle?
3DS really needs those Megadrive classics right about now
Man, the 3DS hasn't seen anything good in a while. The last was Super Mario Bros. 2 I think. At this rate we're never gonna get our GBA games, or the rest of the hit titles
@KeeperBvK Why not? Sega released tons of Virtual Console games for the original Wii.
@Marre35 And people wonder why Nintendo are failing in the UK...
FFS Nintendo, what is this addiction to shooting yourself in the foot?
And Sega, I have plenty of scorn left over for you too, regarding that Rhythm Thief price.
Someone still owns the Acclaim IP, loads of SNES classics being missed by all, and why can't there be Sega games on Wii U VC?
Why can't Sega bring games to the Wii U VC? They brought Megadrive, Master System and Arcade games out on the Wii VC and Gamegear games on the 3DS.
Wow, 45€ is very expensive for rhythm thief, considering I got the game last week for 10€...
Keep the plastic toy.
WW download for me :3
Nothing for me this week, I'm getting Wind Waker on disc instead.
Not quite sure what Nintendo is doing with its VC service. For a while there the 3DS beat it hands down. Then the Wii U VC endured some pretty meager weeks and now Capcom saves the day again (being the only other compant to really embrace the Wii U VC, especially with several releases at a time) while the 3DS VC seems to have, what, exhausted its supply of NES, Gameboy and Game Gear titles? Hmmm, perhaps if they'd finally get around to some GBA titles. I can only hope our soon to see updates include linked profiles and more VC options =)
Have my windwaker bundle pre-ordered (I never got to play wind waker) and I'm going to get Lego city as well as pre-order Donkey Kong TF and 3D world
£50 for wind waker
No downloads for me this week. Just a fresh retail copy of Zelda Wind Waker HD. Should be a treat. Never played the original.
Lots of Zelda love this year. Also looking forward to Link Between Worlds.
3 more days for Wind Waker HD !!! I haven't been so hyped since Wii u release in 2012 .
Oh my god, €60,- for WW. They've officially gone mad.
...And Picross-e3 releasing in September 2013 is WHERE EXACTLY?
I'm hoping on being put up straight after Nintendo Direct tomorrow.
I think maybe its time to download Mighty Switch Force 2...
@Emblem Hard to have "competitive prices" when there really is no "competition"
I find the Wind Waker price ridiculous considering it's $50 in the States
Not... A... Thing...
Considering I picked up the special edition for £50.99 that WW download price does feel a little steep. I was also hoping for a link to the past in celebration of its release but I'll pick up the final fights at a later date.
Wow, I don't think Capcom has many NES and SNES VC games from the Wii VC left to bring to the Wii U VC now!
Yeah Capcom really did their part on the VC, they've almost done a better job than Nintendo, now that I think about it, they have done a better job than Nintendo has. That's just sad!!!
I'll be getting those Final Fight games once they head here to NA.
Nothing for me, still not decided on wwhd....I finished it first time round but my gf nearly dumped me as I ignored her big time.....don't know if she'll take that a second time for the same game =(
£40 for Rhythm Thief? Are you for real, Sega?
I got it for about £25 near launch. Next thing you know they'll be saying we can't have a sequel because it didn't sell well enough. Ridiculous.
come on Capcom put Final Fight one (arcade version)
Where's that music app?
I was going to buy the digital version but I came across the WW retail disc for £35.00 online, good times!
Also, no Final Fight Guy!!
ouch £50 for digital version of WW you can get it for £35 physical !
@JogurtTheYogurt Sorry it's actually £35.99! Here.
For some reason I thought that WW digital release was on Sep 20th and the retail disc was the 4th Oct?
wait.... £50 for WW HD is the real price???
Nintendo must be stoned as hell charging this for a £35 retail disc game.
Nintendo do so much good work with the promotions for digital games, but the prices are alway ridiculous, which ruins all the goodwill. Wind Waker is even more expensive than previous releases.
I hope we get the Final Fight games this week. Not sure if I will download the first one since I already have the superior arcade version on my PS3. I also hope we eventually get Mighty Final Fight.
All three Final Fight SNES games released in one day??? This...
I hope NA gets them this week. And yay for the days of fighting game damsels, like Jessica, and Double Dragon's Marian!!! 😍
why WW is so expensive?
To all the people asking why there can't be any Sega games on WiiU VC: Simply because Nintendo has limited the WiiU VC to NES and SNES so far, and only opening a potential window for GBA games to be released anytime soon. They might change their policy, but as of now, Sega simply can't release a single game on the VC, as they obviously have never developed or released any NES or SNES games.
hey final fight, streets of rage called and left you a message, they want to kick yer a**!
Shoul I spend € 60 ($ 80!!!) for Zelda or € 40 for the COMPLETE edition of Dishonored? Good job Nintendo...
Nothing for me this week, buying The Wind Waker in retail edition.
This doesn't effect me any... but I would really like an explanation for that WWHD price. It is completely escaping me why they would price it at almost double the cost you can find for retail.
I just hope that means NA is going to get an eshop version of Rhythm Theif this week.
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