It’s the final weekend before E3 2012, and thousands of members of the gaming industry and mainstream press are descending on Los Angeles to attend. It’s amazing that a single convention has risen to such prominence in the gaming calendar, but that’s the status that E3 has earned: while there may be a number of other events and video game conventions throughout the year, few seem to capture the imagination quite like the L.A. behemoth. E3 has become a focal point for publishers, developers and the three main hardware manufacturers to stake claims on our attention and loyalties.
There’s an extraordinary amount of hype around a single three day convention, but it’s an occasion that's invaluable to the gaming industry as it continues to evolve and face new challenges. We’ll look at it from a Nintendo perspective, and ask why E3 is so important to gaming.
Grabbing the headlines
It seems almost unfair on the many other gaming expos that E3 plays such a dominant role in the year. Events such as the Tokyo Game Show, Gamescom and Eurogamer Expo, to name just three of many, all bring big venues, high-quality organisation and a love of gaming to the table. In terms of intense media coverage, however, they can’t match up to E3, which the gaming media in particular embraces with the fervour that its readers demand. Perhaps it’s the fact that the North American outlets treat it as the year’s conference of all conferences, the glamour of the venue or a mixture of both reasons. Whatever the case, E3 dominates the landscape.
From Nintendo’s perspective, and that of its rivals in the console business, it’s a media extravaganza with levels of exposure that simply have to be exploited. While playing to industry websites such as this one is part of Nintendo’s goal, it will also be keen to win headlines from the mainstream press such as newspapers, TV stations and general technology publications. For news outlets with only a fleeting interest in what’s happening in gaming, E3 can represent a catch-all opportunity to learn about what’s big in the industry right now and in the future, without necessarily following it day-to-day throughout the year.
For attendees at E3, therefore, it’s a chaotic wall of noise as companies chase attention and favour. Nintendo has enjoyed a lot of headlines in recent years after unveiling 3DS in 2010, Wii U in 2011 and now Wii U again this year. Nintendo's efforts last year had mixed success, which takes us to the most significant aspect of E3.
Major reveals to a global audience
For Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony there’s one big focus at E3: big game and hardware announcements to excite gamers and, hopefully, other consumers looking on. Announcing big-name games or consoles is also a sure-fire way to grab the headlines that we’ve just mentioned, so that explains why much attention is focused on the press conference presentations of each company. In fact, for those looking on from the outside it’s the press conferences that stay in the memory, not necessarily talk of a particular game impressing in a demo booth.
If the conference hall is for attendees, then, the press conference is for those watching from outside. As mentioned earlier, Nintendo has used its last two conferences to show off new consoles for the first time, outside of unexpected leaks and against a backdrop of fevered speculation. Much thought and effort undoubtedly goes into the script for the conference and the accompanying footage that is showed off, which probably means that Nintendo will have been disappointed with some media reaction after Wii U emerged. Some were full of praise while others were confused: is it a tablet to go with the Wii, is it a handheld? Mistakes that will no doubt be avoided this year.
Nintendo is understandably going all-out this year to ensure that its big reveals for Wii U’s launch and, let’s not forget, upcoming 3DS titles will be available to as many people as possible: Facebook, YouTube and its own dedicated website will be showing the event live. While the company often plays it safe in giving others access to stream its broadcasts online — such as Nintendo Direct — the big N has given gaming websites access to the E3 coverage, allowing us to broadcast it here, for instance.
The main point is that through media and the focus of the press conference, and to a lesser degree follow-up roundtables and events, Nintendo can show an enormous audience the gaming entertainment that it offers. It calls the shots, controlling how we see a new game or console for the first time; it’s a vital 75 minutes every year when it comes around.
Gamers, developers and journalists all together
E3 isn’t just about the big name developers, however, with a number of small studios and publishers also attending with booths and game demonstrations. The preparations for the event often involve plenty of emails and tweets between game writers and these smaller exhibitors to arrange times for interviews and gaming sessions. For smaller developers well known on Nintendo platforms such as Renegade Kid, Nnooo and Gaijin Games, E3 offers an invaluable opportunity to show off their work and get to know those who’ll be telling readers all about their games.
The main purpose of E3, beyond business and networking, is surely to entertain us gamers. There’s a reason that so many enthusiasts get excited at this time of the year; it's because it’s a festival of game reveals, footage and unexpected delights. For those who love video games, E3 is guaranteed to have a number of moments to enjoy.
Gaming needs E3, because there’s nothing else quite like it.
Comments 36
Yeah I agree it's a pity that other conferences don't get the same coverage but at least in making all the major announcements at one event it makes it easier to follow what's going on. If they announced new hardware sometimes at the other events it would mean you'd need to keep up with all of them which could get a little old...
man I can't wait!!
yeah and from a marketing stand point it is an ideal setting.. kinda like a super bowl or league championship game attention grabber... but bigger since this is a world wide thing.. guess world cup on a yearly basis?
E3 is like Christmas to me. It is without a doubt the most exciting gaming event of the year. You know you're hyped for E3 when you have dreams about it
its like a worldcup final for gamer. but everyone wins
Oh E3, what could we do without you?
@6ch6ris6 Nintendo wins E3!
Are Nintendo conferences always 75 minutes?
Gaming needs E3 because this year I will be there, talking about important stuff.
It's got games and babes. Of course it is important.
I've been to 7 E3 events (E3 1999-2005) in L.A. The excitement on the show floor hypes gamers up big time! Not to mention all the free goodies you get. Long live E3!
I like E3 because it's basicly the only show where you really get to see ALL of what Nintendo has in store for us, and usually, Nintendo is VERY quiet about everything till E3 happens as well
Kinda sucks that we can't go... :c
E3 is like heaven for gamers. Nothing else like it on the planet.
I've been following E3 since the early 90's and it boggled my mind that just up until 10 years ago most of my friends did not know what it was. For me E3 is just as big as the Super Bowl or the Academy Awards; it's a freakin' holiday!
"Grabbing the headlines"
Translation: Getting lost in the crowd.
"Major reveals to a global audience"
Translation: Revealing things that half the world doesn't care about and the other half already knew about.
"Gamers, developers and journalists all together"
Translation: Gamers watch from afar while developers talk and journalists misinterpret, stretch, and bend pretty much everything they say.
Yeah, we really do need E3.
@iPancakez And it can dictate what's under the Christmas tree as well
@HP_3 What kind of "Free Goodies"? Like Kid Icarus: Uprising AR cards?
I guess its importance comes from the fact that it is directed to the North American market, which is probably the biggest one regarding games. And that market also includes Canada and Latin America.
And besides that, it must be one of the few conferences where all the hardware companies participate. And one that we can see live from anywhere in the world.
I took the day off at work, and that must be like the only year event where I do that. Definitely excited, even more than last year.
Avengers, assemble!
yes, i totally agree, it gets all the hype ready for new games coming out in the holiday season. only a few more days away....
E3 is just an event that announces a large portion of games and sometimes a system in a matter of an hour.
We don't need it but it's a very convenient occasion that announces everything in one go so we don't have to wait weeks at a time to learn more information.
I love E3. Biggest, best and busiest time of the gaming year.
You all are a bunch of nerds! And I love you.
Yes, things like that, lots of t-shirts, gaming contests, and beautiful women. I'll never forget E3 2001 when the Gamecube was first playable to the public. That year Nintendo had the most people in their booth than any other company at the show. Great times!
E3! You come so slowly! Hurry, before I finish Xenoblade!
As for E3 in general, well obviously it is an amazing event and an amazing time of the year, but on the downside, I've always found it kind of overwhelming and mentally exhausting to have to take in so much information and so many new announcements all at once. It's a bit of an excitement overload. Each year I get into a weird state where I both look forward to it and dread it in equal measure.
If the industry wants to be as relevant as the movie industry, it just needs a very big annual show. The smaller, cheaper event from a few years ago was a big misstake!!
I am happy that the show is big again, and in June (as it should be, in my opinion)!
E3 is like a second Christmas for gamers.
Why would anyone pay $1500-plus for a game conference??
I feel more excited about this year's E3 since Nintendo clambered its way back up to my #1 favorite developer.
No E3, No peace.
E3 is right over finals week.....WHICH ONE DO I CHOOSE?!
TV has Emmys, Movies have Oscars, the 4 major sports have all star games and playoffs. E3 is gaming's biggest spectacle, especially when there is no definitive major awards show.
@FJOJR: But we have an Emmy too.
i couldnt get to sleep last night because i was so excited for E3
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