We've got some fresh new shots of the special stage from Sonic Generations and we're not afraid to use them.
As previously confirmed, the special stage rather resembles the bonus level from Sonic Heroes, with the spiky speedster collecting variously coloured bubbles or balloons to get ever closer to that elusive Chaos Emerald.
We went hands-on with an early version of the game last week. Read our Sonic Generations (3DS) preview to see how Sonic's latest is coming together.
Comments 21
Sonic looks great in that caption shot.
Graphically, looking good!
Also, maybe the last sentence should say, "Read our Sonic Generations (3DS) preview to see how Sonic's latest isn't coming together."
The graphics look so nice! I'm really tempted to get the game and I don't even like Sonic! The preview you guys did is really off putting though.
HD versions all the way. This looks like a carbon copy of Sonic Rush (not a bad thing of course).
I really hope they manage to fix the problems I hear about classic Sonic. Other than that this game is still on my radar. If classic Sonic ends up more polished than the demos, then it will be a must buy.
This looks awesome!
I still am furious that we are only getting the butchered version.
@Dragoon I'm also annoyed that the 3DS version is a watered down version without the 3D stages and I don't see why they couldn't have downscaled the graphics to port it to the wii.
The graphics look great, and if the online co-op is still planned, (and actually remains in the final version) this just might be a great game. I'm definitely looking forward to it, despite NL's less than ideal preview, hopefully the final build will be better. D:
Does the theme of Sonic R play, when your in the Emerald levels?
That's more I like it SEGA, It's lookin' good! I might actually by the 3DS version along with the HD version now. I need my Sonic fix on the go.
I just hope that they fix the Sonic 4 physics for Classic Sonic, but if it makes it into the final version I wouldn't waste my time raging...like others, sigh
Wouldn't a Wii version be a watered down version too? ...Oh SNAP!
The thing is, Sonic Generations HD is built with the Hedgehog Engine (The Hedgehog Engine is a GRAPHICS engine which was made for the HD consoles ONLY), downscaling the graphics and putting it on a console which cannot handle the Hedgehog Engine is impossible. That's fact.
The only way Sonic Generations can come on the Wii is if they built a version of it with a graphics engine compatible with the Wii...they did that with Sonic Unleashed (Wii) and look how that turned out compared to the HD versions. Not to mention that Sonic Team have to split up their team and resources even further if there was a Wii version in the works.
Luckily Nintendo have finally made a powerful HD console and SEGA do not have to worry about that sort of issue anymore in the future.
@Krazybean I wasn't calling the 3DS version watered down because of the graphics as it obviously wouldn't have graphics near the quality of the HD versions, I was calling it watered down because the modern stages are Sonic rush style stages rather than the 3D stages in the HD versions and those stages will probably still be fun but they wouldn't be as different from the classic stagrs as the 3D stages in HD versions.
They're bringing back the special stages from Sonic Heroes?
Good God I hated those stages.
Why can't they do a Wii-U version...... that console is meant to be HD.
Should've been the special stages from Sonic 3D Blast Saturn.
Hope those special stages control better in Generations than they did in Heroes. I've no doubt, actually - the game engine for Heroes was sh**. Just like all the Sonic Adventure-thru-Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 game engines they used, they were glitchy and barely functional with loads of collision issues. But the engine they used for Sonic Colors and Sonic Unleashed is rock-solid, and they've refined the gameplay to boot. Colors was awesome. So I'm looking forward to Generations very much.
Although I really find it weird there's a 3DS version, but no Wii or Wii U one coming. I'll probably get it on PS3 anyway.
I find it interesting that the 3DS version is supposed to be more about Sonic's handheld heritage, hence the Rush-style boosting and so on, but the Big Arm boss and special stage are from Sonic 3 and Sonic Heroes respectively, both home console games. I would have liked the special stage to be like Sonic Labyrinth personally.
This is Sonic's 20th anniversary game...not his 21st. The Wii U is coming next year, that's why.
For the record, a version of this same special stage was in Sonic Colors on the DS.
Wait, there's no Classic Special Stage? WHAT ABOUT BLUE SPHERE?!
My i can't wait to get it.
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