Jolly well deserved those sales are too, what what.

It may have failed to set the charts alight but Red Steel 2 still performed in line with Ubisoft's sales estimates.

In its end of year financial report, the company failed to give more exact sales figures but did say it had performed in line with revised estimates, a reference to the halving of expectations just before launch.

Most interestingly is the revelation that a massive 42% of Ubisoft's software sales last year were on Wii, with 17% on DS, PS3 on 12% and Xbox 360 only mustering 8%. Bear in mind that highly-acclaimed adventure Assassin's Creed II launched on both HD formats at around the same time as the Wii received Just Dance and you start to get the picture.

In fact, Just Dance has sold nearly three million units worldwide, resulting in almost three million cases of people looking like idiots in their own homes.
