Yesterday we told you that you will be able to buy Ubisoft's steering wheel shell separately for racing games, now we have discovered another steering wheel and two other shells from company Venom.

It would appear Venom are currently producing three shells for attaching to your wii-mote to make the games fell more like-like. The three are:

  • Golf Club Controller Shell
  • Tennis Racket Controller Shell
  • Steering Wheel Controller Shell

These products have recently been spotted on for a price of £12.99 each. There are not any photos accompanying the products but I think we can guess what they will look like. The official Venom website also lacks information on the shells so it seems as they have just announced them so far and we will have to wait to see how they turn out. The first two though will most likely be released in time for Wii Sports to accompany the appropriate games.

Shells seem to a popular product for third party manufacturers to produce especially as they are selling the plastic holders at such a high price. I wonder what other types of game shells will be made for, maybe a plane for Wii Flight?