Metroid Dread: EMMI Strategy
Image: Nintendo Life

E.M.M.I.s are the big new addition to the series' traditional core gameplay in Metroid Dread and we're not gonna lie, they're absolutely terrifying.

During your stealth-flavoured encounters with these clever robotic foes (which we've written a handy guide to here), you'll often find your best efforts to run and hide fail as your cloak loses power, you make a wrong turn, get stuck in a corner or come into contact with the E.M.M.I.s ever-searching motion tracker.

Metroid Dread: EMMI Strategy
Image: Nintendo Life

Metroid Dread: How To Counter An E.M.M.I.

However, even when you do get caught out by these fearsome beasts, all may not be lost as you are given two opportunities to wriggle free from their mechanical clutches. When an E.M.M.I. grabs you it'll signpost two opportunities to parry, once as it initially attempts to seize you (pictured above) and a second time as it goes in for the actual kill. Manage to successfully time your "X button" press for either of these chances and Samus will stun her opponent, giving you a very brief bit of time to move away, get cloaked and, hopefully, successfully escape the area.

Yes, it's almost impossibly difficult — and terrifying — but don't give up when you get caught as there's always a tiny glimmer of hope where Samus is involved.

This guide is part of our Metroid Dread walkthrough and guide series, which includes all ability locations, all missile tank locations, all energy tank locations, all energy parts, all suit upgrades, all power bomb tanks, plus every compatible amiibo unlock, E.M.M.I. and boss battle tips, and other helpful tips to help you get through the game and get those post-game unlocks.