This year's Nintendo Direct featured a varied and wonderfully large number of games - some already known, some brand-spanking-new. If the excitement of the final Super Smash Bros. Ultimate DLC announcement somehow overwhelmed your memory banks (don't worry, we understand), fear not - we've collected here a list of all the titles that featured in the presentation.

All the titles below are listed in order of release date and, as you can see, the first two are available at the time of writing on Switch eShop so fans of Contra and the Mana series can head there immediately!

Now sit back and allow us to jog your memory...

Collection of Mana (Switch)

What you've got here are two of the finest examples of the genre, accompanied by a third likeable entry which is also well worth a look, although when you consider how many titles Konami is packing into its Anniversary Collection packages – and that their retail price is almost half what Square Enix is demanding for the three games included here – it's impossible to not question the value of Collection of Mana.

However, there's no denying the fact that Secret of Mana is one of the finest console RPGs of all time, and even though it's readily available elsewhere, playing it on Switch is like wrapping yourself up in a warm and familiar blanket; it's just right somehow.

We could argue that Secret of Mana is merely the appetiser for the real star of this collection: Trials of Mana. It's nothing short of a masterpiece and finally getting the chance to play it officially in English is a landmark moment for SNES and RPG fans alike.

Contra Anniversary Collection (Switch eShop)

While it’s a shame that there are fewer games here than in other Konami collections – we’d have loved to have seen NES title Contra Force or the now-extinct WiiWare title Contra ReBirth – the ones included in the Contra Anniversary Collection are universally brilliant. The 8-bit and 16-bit Contra games are among the finest examples of the run ‘n gun genre, and to have almost all of them included in a single release and emulated flawlessly is an absolute treat. Whether you’re a fan of the series or a curious onlooker who’s always wanted to see what the fuss was all about, this is essential.

Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda (Switch eShop)

Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring The Legend of Zelda *breathe* is an excellent game, but is it a Zelda game? Short answer: Absolutely.

Long answer: Brace Yourself Games didn't simply swap out Crypt of the NecroDancer's sprites with Link and Zelda. This musical, roguelite take on Hyrule delivers everything you'd expect: the exploration, discovery, wonder, items, dungeons, and — most of all — music, all shot through with a rhythm-based gameplay twist that takes a while to get used to but is immensely satisfying once mastered.

This would be a great Zelda game if you've played all the others to death; it's the most replayable entry, with each new run juggling the landscape and layout of the kingdom (cleverly playing with the notion of Hyrule's ever-changing geography throughout the series), meaning no playthrough will be quite the same.

It won't click with everyone, and if you're after 80-hour epics, look elsewhere. But there are plenty of those already. Having a smaller Hylian experience that feels uniquely fresh and also completely 'Zelda' is a joy.

My Friend Pedro (Switch eShop)

My Friend Pedro is a violent ballet about friendship, imagination, and one man’s struggle to obliterate anyone in his path at the behest of a sentient banana. The strategic use of split aiming, slow motion, and the ol’ stylish window breach create one sensational action sequence after another in an explosive battle through the violent underworld.

Catan (Switch eShop)

One of the most popular board games ever, Catan, is coming to Nintendo Switch in 2019! In Catan, players are challenged to settle and expand their territory through clever trading and construction as tides quickly turn. The goal of this mythic board game is to become the largest colony and dominate the island. Ultimate victory is achieved by out-strategising you opponents.

Super Mario Maker 2 (Switch)

Super Mario Maker 2 took everything you loved about Super Mario Maker and turned it up to 11.

It's added more of everything: the Super Mario 3D World style, enemies, gizmos, power-ups, vertical levels, the Story Mode having an actual story, multiplayer, and more (including slopes, of course). The list of additions is truly massive.

There are a few small issues here and there — the online is still hilariously obtuse in a way only Nintendo could make it, and the slight awkwardness of button-based building is disappointing after how natural it felt on the Wii U GamePad — but they're overwhelmingly dwarfed by the sheer joy and unbridled freedom on offer.

Free updates and tweaks to the formula evolved the experience over time, much like the original, with Ninji Speedruns and various new elements — like the ability to create world maps — added to this expansive, essential Mario toybox.

Stranger Things 3: The Game (Switch eShop)

Developed and published by BonusXP in collaboration with Netflix, Stranger Things 3: The Game is the official companion game to Season 3 of the hit original series. This adventure game blends a distinctively retro 16-bit art style with modern gameplay mechanics to deliver nostalgic fun with a fresh new twist. Fans will be able to experience their favorite show through a mix of exploration, puzzles, and combat.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 (Switch)

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a much more confident game than its predecessor, boldly expanding on its concepts, fixing many of its flaws, and providing an overall more robust adventure experience that fans won’t want to miss out on. The melding of JRPG conventions with the open-ended and creatively focused sentiments of sandbox gameplay proves to go over much smoother than you’d expect, especially now that Square Enix knows what it’s doing with this sub-series.

Charming characters, a well-tuned gameplay loop, and near-endless replayability ensure that you’ll be coming back to this one for quite some time, and though the performance issues are disappointing, Dragon Quest Builders 2 is still worth it.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order (Switch)

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3: The Black Order isn’t a groundbreaking, narrative-heavy reinterpretation of the comic characters you know and love, but then again neither were the first two games. In that regard, it’s a very faithful sequel that mines the vast roster of characters from the comics while including plenty of nods to the current state of the more modern Marvel Cinematic Universe. While it doesn’t do anything particularly new or outstanding, it embraces the brainless fun of its brawler combat with gusto, and it’s at its absolute best when played with a team of player-controlled supers.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses (Switch)

As soon as Switch launched it seemed like the perfect console for Fire Emblem. Portability and strategy games are a marriage made in heaven, but being able to throw the battle on the big screen in HD gives Three Houses a scope that wasn't possible on the diminutive 3DS.

Three Houses added new strings to the series' bow, with the Garegg Mach Monastery providing a Hogwarts-style academy to explore as you build those ever-important relationships with the Black Eagles, Blue Lions, and Golden Deer. It's clearer than ever before that the key to the franchise is its ability to evoke feelings for your units through canny writing and charismatic characters; Three Houses created the perfect environment to foster and develop the students in your chosen house.

Indeed, the huge number of options open to you, not to mention the alternatives closed off with each choice you make, makes Three Houses a daunting prospect, but it excels in forging a vital and worthwhile experience whichever house you pick or route you take. And, thankfully, you don't need to buy another game to go back and travel the road not taken. Take that, Fates!

And if that's still not enough for you, there's always DLC. Did somebody say four houses?

Wolfenstein: Youngblood (Switch)

Wolfenstein: Youngblood is a brand-new co-op adventure from award-winning studio MachineGames, developers of the critically-acclaimed Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus, in partnership with Arkane Studios Lyon. Play as one of BJ Blazkowicz’s twin daughters and undertake a do-or-die mission to find their missing father in 1980s Paris. Wield an arsenal of new weapons, gadgets, and power armor abilities in a fight to kick Nazis out of the city of lights.

Astral Chain (Switch)

With its amazing visuals, fantastic presentation, varied gameplay, and deep, rewarding combat, Astral Chain is one of PlatinumGames' most accomplished titles. It mixes detective work with exhilarating battle sequences that are inventive, challenging and — perhaps most importantly — breathtakingly cool.

The complexity of the game's myriad systems may prove intimidating for some players, but the inclusion of a co-op play and the ability to automate many of the mechanics via the 'Unchained' mode means that even complete newcomers can still enjoy the ride.

Astral Chain isn't just one of the Switch's standout hits, it's one of Platinum's best video games.

Spyro Reignited Trilogy (Switch)

Spyro Reignited Trilogy is a wonderful love letter to a classic series, keeping everything that made the original games what they were, but slapping on a fresh coat of paint for the HD era. There are a few creaking bones showing their age here and there, but only due to the developers’ desire to keep things as accurate as possible. The Switch version looks absolutely stunning and runs surprisingly well, so if you’re looking for a classic 3D platforming experience, you should definitely give this a look-in.

The Sinking City (Switch eShop)

The Sinking City is an action/investigation game set in an open world inspired by the universe of H.P. Lovecraft. In this new type of adventure, you take on the role of Charles W. Reed, an investigator in the 1920s United States. No sooner have you arrived in Oakmont, Massachusetts, than you are led to investigate a mysterious flood inundating the city, in the hopes of shedding light on the darkness that has seized the place and corrupted the minds of the inhabitants - and yours...