
Also Known As
Miracle Adventure (Japan)
Number of Players
Release Date

Neo Geo

  • US Dec 1993

Wii (Wii Shop)

  • US 22nd Nov 2010, 900 points
  • EU 12th Nov 2010, 900 points
  • JP 3rd Aug 2010, 900 points

Switch eShop

  • US 14th Sep 2017, $7.99
  • EU 14th Sep 2017, £6.29
Official Site


  • Review Spin Master (Switch eShop / Neo Geo)

    Short but sweet arcade action

    The fiendish Dr. De Playne has taken Johnny’s treasure map and his girlfriend Mary. A globe-trotting adventure follows as you attempt to get both back, either by yourself or with the help of a friend who is given control of the identically handling Tom.  Despite featuring different characters and a more modern...

  • Review Spin Master (Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    Not masterful, but still pretty good

    With probably about half of the Neo Geo's library of games consisting of fighting games, it's always nice to see another platformer for the system released on VC. In Spin Master, you take control of either Johnny or Tom as you try to recover five pieces of a lost treasure map and rescue Johnny's girlfriend. It's...

Screenshots 6

Spinmaster Screenshot
Spinmaster Screenshot
Spinmaster Screenshot
Spinmaster Screenshot
Spinmaster Screenshot
Spinmaster Screenshot

Spinmaster News

About The Game

Spin Master is a side-scrolling action game that was originally released in 1993.

Take on the role of an adventurer named Johnny. Dr. De Playne has stolen your piece of a treasure map and kidnapped your girlfriend, Mary. Now you must set off to retrieve them both. Make your way through five different stages, each featuring a unique and colorful boss at the final turn. After clearing each stage, you will obtain a piece of the treasure map. Put all the pieces together and you're in for one big surprise.

Make full use of jumps and standard attacks to advance through the game. To experience really explosive and invigorating combat, be sure to employ the wide range of special attacks that are also available, including spirit charges, sliding attacks and super bomb attacks. Another player can also join in the action simultaneously!