I've been browsing Ebay however I am inexperienced when it comes to these retro consoles so I'm not sure which deals are good or bad (ripoff), any recommendations or are there better places to look to purchase these?
Not sure what to suggest but watch prices (to see what stuff ACTUALLY sells for, there's an option on ebay to only show "Sold" listings. Though you can also look at Completed auctions and those that sold are in green.
People tend to just look up auction listings on ebay and look up current ASKING prices, which doesn't NECESSARILY represent what something is really worth, since the current system on ebay allows sellers to list at speculative prices and let it sit there until, they hope, someone bites.)
Unfortunately that often extends to local stores, who will use ebay as a pricing guide.
(for awhile there was a tactic of sellers basically putting in their item price as the "shipping" charge and then putting a low "item" price to attract buyers. It doesn't happen that much since ebay officially banned excessive shipping charges but some might still try.)
Topic: Best place to purchase S/NES
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