
Topic: Splatoon 3

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I experienced a weird bug. While Big Run when the the match has started, the game crashed. I was like, oookkaaay? Well, start the game again....

--- NOPE!.... It says the game files are corrupted. What? I didn't know that this can happen to a physical game?

I had to download something(?) for 45 minutes. I think it was the update files, but not sure. It said updates downloaded in the top left corner and DLC is now playable.
In the entire lifespan of the Switch that never ever happened to me. So I was actually surprised that the redownload (for a physical game) thing existed.

Laugh Hard, Run Fast, Be Kind


@Budda Oh no, that sucks! I'm sorry to hear! I'm guessing it was the update files that got screwed up, since this was during Big Run. Is your game OK now? You may want to check the game for corrupted data before you start playing it again. Do give us an update. You may also want to contact Nintendo about this. I'm sure they'll help you out.

[Edited by MarioVillager92]

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


Yes it's fine now. I had to wait another 10 minutes for disconnecting as well. In total I had to wait an hour. Kind of annoying if you ask me.

Laugh Hard, Run Fast, Be Kind


There was a time during Big Run that I was inexplicably kicked out of a job, and then got a warning for disconnecting & got the ten minute ban, even though I didn't disconnect.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


@Budda Dang, once again that sucks. Hopefully they'll fix that crashing glitch since that wasn't your fault.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995

Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

My Nintendo: MarioLover


With a Nintendo Direct confirmed for tomorrow, I'm expecting some Splatoon 3 news.

It'll most likely be revealing the details for Summer Nights, maybe even presenting it in the same manner as the deserted island and ice cream Splatfests from previous Directs with Anarchy Splatcast. Even I would admit that those reveals were kinda lame, especially since those were just ordinary fests and not something like a collab, but this is a "special" seasonal one.

Even so, I'm hoping for more than just that. What about those two datamined amiibo? I can still see them teasing Final Fest again, like showing Smallfry wearing a party hat with those Splatoon idol badges.

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


@Croctopus yeah I’m almost certain they will announce the next splatfest and in the autumn direct the will prolly announce the final fest.

Switch friend code:SW-3744-8516-9497
User name: Lime!
Third kits??



Welp, no Summer Nights news yet, squid and octo kids. At least it didn’t take up time in the Direct. You know the end for Splatoon 3 is near when even Nintendo Switch Sports gets an update announced in the Direct instead…

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


Summer Nights details are FINALLY announced!

The theme is Palace vs. Theme Park vs. Beach, asking which summer destination you would reserve for a day. The Sneak Peek begins in July on Friday, the 5th with the Main Event from the 12th through the 14th.

[Edited by Croctopus]

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


The beach is more likely to have a skatepark/bowl, and i love a beach. So beach it is! I like the team color and shirt, too.

Edit: Oh, it is for just a day? I see @croctopus's post below. That's... lame? As long as it's an aspirational fantasy, a week or weekend would have been better.

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

Extreme bicycle rider (<--Link to a favorite bike video)
'Tendo liker


I’ll choose Palace. Beach would be my second choice because I always love a good, relaxing beach vacation, but a palace would be different, I’ve never had a luxurious vacation, and I miss being on Shiver’s team. Big Man keeps winning all of these special Splatfests anyway.

I thought the Splatfest was about renting out a place for all summer, not just one day.

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


I was gone for a week and WOW a Direct and a Fest! That's great news to come home to!


Courage need not be remembered, for it was never forgotten.
-Princess Zelda

Team Past!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


@CaleBoi25 omg thats so good actually !! i once made a moveset for callie and marie but i lost it 😓 the salmonoid attack would be amazing tho…

team BREAD
and most importantly team future !!! so exicited for final fest its becoming a really big year for nintendo now !!


@OctolingKing13 TYSM! That took me quite a while to come up with something that would actually seem feasible in the game and not just a fever dream concept lol


Courage need not be remembered, for it was never forgotten.
-Princess Zelda

Team Past!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


The Japanese SRL says that the Summer Nights gear will be available today, along with a new banner.

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


Time for Cartoony Funface jumpscars...


Courage need not be remembered, for it was never forgotten.
-Princess Zelda

Team Past!

Switch Friend Code: SW-3225-4369-7994 | My Nintendo: CaleBoi25


I already have mine downloaded. Time to get ready to main my Fox Funface for Summer Nights!

Whirling Samurai
July 30- My 2nd Nintendo Life Anniversary

Switch Friend Code: SW-6880-0040-8826 | Twitter:


Haven't been on here for a long time because I lost my switch T_T. Got a new one, but it seems that my progress in side order hasn't carried over? I still have the octoshot and everything, but it didn't save any of my hacks and made me do the tutorial again. I haven't checked the normal story mode yet, but I care much more about my side order progress. Does anyone know if this is fixable? Everything else seems fine. Also, I can't wait for summer fest! (team beach ftw!!!)

Switch friend code: SW-7583-4577-0599 Username: Dagenais


@BingleyBongley Multiplayer progress, like what weapons you've unlocked, is stored on Nintendo's servers so you'll have all of that no matter what console you use. Single player progress is stored locally on your console. If your old Splatoon 3 save file was backed up with the NSO cloud save feature, then you should be able to restore it from that.

[Edited by CinnamonRobin]


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