@TheLZdragon In all seriousness when someone sees a lame filler clone in a game where they the guy were hoping for doesn't show up. I think it's fair they'd be a bit upset.
Lucina stole Ridley's slot after all
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@TheLZdragon In all seriousness when someone sees a lame filler clone in a game where they the guy were hoping for doesn't show up. I think it's fair they'd be a bit upset.
@Snaplocket What? Cloud is the physical representation of RPGs, and Ryu the same for fighting games. Smash isn't just a celebration of Nintendo anymore, it's a celebration of video games. It's damn awesome that companies like Square and Capcom are getting behind Nintendo and sharing their characters. Plus, it appeals to people who aren't Nintendo fans, and gets them interested in Smash.
@meleebrawler I don't see why not. Bayonetta is from an M-rated game, so that obviously has no bearing on the decision. Would make for an interesting character in terms of play style.
@Snaplocket Conveniently forgetting that "utterly out of place" Bayonetta beat out all the characters you mentioned in a poll designed for the very purpose of determining wanted characters...
Just because Smash started as a Nintendo-specific celebration, doesn't mean it has to stay that way. Nintendo has greatly influenced the course of video games over the years, and not just through their own software. Plenty of other developers and companies have them to thank for being in business to this day. Licensing and budget will obviously put a limit on third-parties, and I see no harm in what is essentially two companies giving each other a nod of recognition.
And besides, guest fighters are everywhere in fighting games these days. We have Geese Howard and Akuma in Tekken, the Arbiter from Halo in Killer Instinct, and most recently Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Injustice 2.
Edit: I was only half-sarcastic. Nothing is truly impossible at this stage, just varying degrees of unlikelihood. I'd only be concerned if non-video game characters like Goku or Shrek started getting in. But I'm pretty sure the Smash 4 poll was explicit in excluding those.
@Snaplocket You're right that for Nintendo fans Cloud means nothing, especially when there are Nintendo exclusive RPG characters like Isaac. But having Cloud in the game is huge for Nintendo, especially since he wasn't even in Playstation All-Stars, his home platform. Also, like meleebrawler has mentioned, the fan poll clearly showed that people want third-party characters in the game.
People can scream about Ridley and King K. Rool all they want, Bayonetta was what got voted in. How can we be sure that people who want Ridley and others are not just a minority? Obviously on a fan site we can get more obscure choices. But for mass appeal and marketing, characters like Cloud/Ryu/Bayonetta is what gets people talking.
Anyway, we all know what's going to actually happen. The next Smash will feature a bunch of Fire Emblem characters, a Pokemon from Gen 7 (probably Decidueye) and more clones.
@Snaplocket A minute ago you claimed Bayonetta had more of a right to be in due to her second game being funded by Nintendo, yet now suddenly she's undeserving of her fan demand just because her game was recent?
Sorry, but I don't see any reason to hate the concept of third parties except sheer salt at not getting the characters you wanted. But the idea that they prevented your wish-list from coming true is ridiculous, too.
@Snaplocket What would make a good judge then? If the fans of the game aren't a good measure, then who is? Honest question.
With all being said, money is more important to Nintendo than representing their characters. And if the money is with third-party, that's where Nintendo will go. With mass market games like Smash, they HAVE to appeal to the wider audience.
@Snaplocket That isn't exactly true. The Fire Emblem Heroes poll had Ike win best Male character and Lyn win best Female character. Both of these are from much older games in the series. Cloud is still regarded as one of the best FF protagonists 20 years later. Sometimes, you just have to give credit where credit is due.
There is always going to some level of bias I agree 100%. But there's more to it. People just found Bayonetta more interesting than Nintendo characters.
Lyn and Ike were the first female protagonist and male protagonist in the series for Western audiences respectively (Lyn is the only female protagonist in the series period besides the Avatar).
Wait. Am I missing something here? Eirika and Celica are both female protagonists. And both Eliwood and Ephraim were male protagonists before Ike.
Smash is the main factor for popularity regarding pre-Awakening characters. Marth and Roy were made playable in Melee, Ike was made playable in Brawl and one of those 2 games (I don’t remember which) introduced Lyn as an assist trophy. If you take those 4 away, you’re left with mostly a load of Awakening and Fates characters regarding popularity.
@Snaplocket No worries. I just got a bit confused by that statement.
They added much more personality to characters in Awakening. That's one of the reasons it sold so well and kept the franchise alive. While I have my favorites in the older games as well, I don't feel the same kind of connection to them because they don't really spend much time on the characters. I ended up liking characters like Neimi and Joshua in The Sacred Stones. The reason being their introduction, design and combat abilities. In Awakening you get to know the characters inside-out thanks to huge amount of dialogue dedicated to each one of them.
Oh, this is about Smash for Switch? Yes, please. I want to play Smash on my Switch. I want to play as Inkling.
@Grumblevolcano You have to consider Marth only got in Melee by being well-liked in Japan in the first place. And putting in a character from an as-yet unreleased game (Roy) certainly shows confidence in the franchise.
Fan demand is wildly different across regions, the poll even separated them for this reason. We may clamour for Metroid characters and K. Rool in the west, but not many care much for them in Japan and they remain lukewarm at best towards Ike to this day.
They added much more personality to characters in Awakening. That's one of the reasons it sold so well and kept the franchise alive. While I have my favorites in the older games as well, I don't feel the same kind of connection to them because they don't really spend much time on the characters. I ended up liking characters like Neimi and Joshua in The Sacred Stones. The reason being their introduction, design and combat abilities. In Awakening you get to know the characters inside-out thanks to huge amount of dialogue dedicated to each one of them.
Yesss, I feel the exact same way. Glad to see someone who agrees with me on this.
Topic: Smash Brothers for Nintendo Switch
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