
Topic: One-handed / Tilt Control Games / Touchscreen

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Hi guys,

I am looking for some simple games that my son can play with one hand - one controller games, tilt control/gyroscopic, or touchscreen games are great too! I have these already in my library -

Bomb Chicken
Mario Kart
Asphalt 9
Never Stop Sneakin'
Super Mario Party
Super Mario Odyssey (2 player mode)

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!



The games in the Piczle Lines series can be played entirely with the touch screen, they are some of the few games that don’t even require any sort of controller to be connected, so you could realistically take just the switch tablet without any controllers attached and play them just fine. They can also be played with one joycon.

Several games by Baltoro Games (solitaires, mini games, puzzle games, restaurant games, etc), the Sudoku Relax series (and I assume all other sudoku games), Lines, Harvest Moon Light of Hope, VolxelGram, Word Mesh, Link-a-pix, Uno, etc. are also all fully-playable with just the screen. There’s many many games like those that can be enjoyed with only the screen, and they’re usually pretty cheap. I’d recommend checking them out.

Pokémon Let’s go and Sword/Shield can be played with one joycon, though on sword/shield it has to be selected in the options menu.

Big Journey can be played by tilting the system and tapping the screen.

Hope you find some of those options interesting.

[Edited by Eel]


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It's also worth noting that a recent Switch update added the ability to remap controls, so more games may be possible to play with one hand by remapping their control schemes. I remember seeing people making one-handed setups for playing Animal Crossing, for example.


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