
Topic: Nintendo Music App

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This is a pretty great OST, definitely adding the overworld theme to my favourites. Really surprised we haven’t gotten any new GBA games since the launch of the app

(Switch Name: Raycraft)

Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden (Switch)
NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition (Switch)


@SplatRay001 GBA has been quite the dripfeed on the NSO Expansion Pack side of things, nothing since F-Zero GP Legend and Climax in October.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


@SplatRay001 If it helps, you can listen to the Mario World OST and pretend they're high quality restorations of Super Mario Advance 2.

Anyways, yeah, this is a good drop. Can't complain. Though of course for me, nothing beats the arrangements from the Official Jazz Album.

[Edited by N00BiSH]

"Now I have an obligation to tag along and clear the area if Luigi so much as glances at a stiletto."


Super Mario World's OST is an all-time classic that should've been there from the start, really.

My top five tracks aren't anything surprising, but...
1. Ending- I love everything about Mario World's ending. It has it all: a cheerful, catchy tune, a parade of characters, a showcase of enemies and bosses and a special ending screen.
2. Title Screen- Definitely brings out the nostalgic feels every time it plays.
3. Ground BGM- It might be an odd ensemble of instruments between the steel drums and that one horn in the background that gets to me for some reason, but it all just flows together in the game's usual cheeriness.
4. Athletic BGM- Leave it to a lively piano to set the scene for a frantic time in the air or the waves!
5. Castle BGM- Still my favorite castle theme for a Mario game. Doesn't matter if it's the first castle or Bowser's Castle, this theme is appropriately ominous.

Bonerattle Arena Samurai


My Nintendo: Dev-N


I love Super Mario World's soundtrack so I'm happy to see it here too. Out of all the classic 2D Mario game OSTs, SMW's is easily my favorite of the bunch, and it's already my favorite classic 2D Mario game to begin with. But yeah... it's been long overdue. I'm surprised Nintendo took this long to put it on their music app.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
Dream Address: DA-1613-1378-1995
Playing: Pikmin 4

My Nintendo: MarioVil92


Super Mario World!
Bizarre that it wasn't there from the start but a lovely soundtrack nontheless.

It HAS to be Wind Waker!!


As other people have mentioned, kind of surprised this wasn't already there!

Also @skywake called this in their last prediction so I'm giving them the point this week.

skywake: 2 (Super Mario Kart, Super Mario World)
Grumblevolcano : 1 (Arceus)



Something weird I noticed about the app is, as far as I’m aware, none of the songs from Scarlet and Violet can be extended. Is this just a weird oversight or is there another possible reason?

(Switch Name: Raycraft)

Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden (Switch)
NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition (Switch)


Turns out they decided to add their weekly addition a day early, Golden Sun is out now.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897


@Grumblevolcano Tuesday is apparently a federal holiday in Japan, so that's why they did this week's addition a day early.

Anyways, Golden Sun is a fantastic addition! Didn't expect them to add that one so soon.

3DS Friend Code: 2363-5630-0794


@Grumblevolcano Huh, interesting.

Besides there still being no 3DS game, GBA was the next most needy category. Looking forward to Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga the most!

Bonerattle Arena Samurai


My Nintendo: Dev-N


Finally, a GBA game. Took them long enough. I’ve never listened to Golden Sun’s ost so this should be interesting

(Switch Name: Raycraft)

Currently playing: Persona 4 Golden (Switch)
NieR:Automata The End of YoRHa Edition (Switch)


How dare Nintendo not wait for us to make our predictions!! ** angrily shakes fist **

Never listened to Golden Sun so this will be fun, also happy to finally see another GBA game on the line-up!

It HAS to be Wind Waker!!


Right!? I guess they have spared me from trying to work out which games were valentine's coded.

A lot of us had been predicting a second GBA game but no one had brought up Golden Sun yet so I think this would have escaped us anyway.


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