
Topic: Unpopular Gaming Opinions

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I am not a fan of WarioWare Gold's voice acting. Partly because I don't really think WarioWare needed full voice acting, but mostly because the voices for the characters aren't all that great(the exception of course being Charles Martinet, who's having the time of his life playing Wario).

I know the older games had the characters voiced by employees from the localization team, but I feel that made the voices stand out better. The lines themselves weren't much to sneeze at, but the voices had an energy to them, some even had filters which made them stick in your mind a little more.

Gold's line reads, on the other hand, sound a lot more generic and I think that has a lot to do with there being more dialogue than usual.

[Edited by N00BiSH]

"Now I have an obligation to tag along and clear the area if Luigi so much as glances at a stiletto."


I just find it odd that Gold had full voice acting, then Get it Together didn't.. and now Move It does again.

"It is fate. Many have tried, yet none have ever managed to escape it's flow."


@VoidofLight I actually kind of liked that they dialed it back in GiT, but it does show how generic the new voices are to what came before.

[Edited by N00BiSH]

"Now I have an obligation to tag along and clear the area if Luigi so much as glances at a stiletto."


Starting to dislike the whole "you will own nothing and be happy" message some are pushing when it comes to digital games. As someone who plays on PC and bought lots of DRM-free games from GOG over the years, I have a feeling many saying this don't realize DRM-free games exist, or just ignore them completely.

I have all my GOG games backed up on a USB stick, as well as CD-R and DVD-R discs, I can install and play them even if I have no internet and if GOG went away, I can still play my games. GOG was down awhile back, and I was still playing my GOG games.

I get there's truth to it, but I get the feeling DRM-free games often go ignored in the conversation about digital games. Maybe it's because I play PC in addition to Nintendo consoles and know about the option, and uses it.

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!


@Sunsy The problem is that ONLY GOG (as far as I know) is on the market with DRM-free games. Everyone else is pumping their digital games with DRM crap, in-game shops, micro transactions, ads and online-only services. And they have the audacity to tell us that the constant internet requirement is for delivering a better product for their gamers.

And the worst part are the "people" that buy those things and fool themselves it is worth their money.

Just look how many people defend games like Suicide Squad and Diablo 4. And the market will get even worse because more and more companies will have the motto "Release crap now and try to, MAYBE, fix it later."


@Sunsy They go ignored because a lot of these people don't seem to want a solution, they just want the attention.



people saying that games in the 2000’s and 2010’s are better because they were play tested and didn’t require patches. There were tons of great games back then that sadly had some pretty nasty bugs and glitches like billy Hatcher having a bug where if you try to roll an egg onto a red rail it just falls straight through it and you have to treat it like a blue rail in order to use it properly and because patches didn’t exist back then the bug is in the game forever while nowadays the bug would’ve been patched. Although I do agree that Mario sports game were great back then due to not having to patch in any newer characters.



I don't have much interest to think too much about 1st party games possibility from next Nintendo Direct in June 2024 as I still have way more interest with 3rd party games than 1st party games.
Even for 1st party games by Nintendo, I don't really have big interest with them despite I still want to buy & play some them.
The only 1st party Nintendo game I still have strong interest is ACNH, when the game became more The Sims style and less antics from older games, it made me more interested.



I've noticed games with major bug and performance issues being an issue for enough AAA games for at least a decade, even ignoring retro games most N64 games ran on average. The thing THAT is happening is that parts of AAA gaming are seemingly dying spectacularly in front of us.

The one silver lining is that this will hopefully also stop people pretending that Switch being underpowered mattered, it clearly did not, and now you're not even gonna want a lot of those Ps5 games on Switch 2 anyway. Because now there aren't gonna be western AAA games to pretend you'd want to buy on Switch, because you're not gonna want them at all.

While we're on that, I still don't want those budget increases and needlessly long dev times on my Nintendo, so I'd be fine if Switch 2 doesn't even come out next year. Maybe wouldn't be the best business move, but the issues Switch has had already is certain games taking too long to come out (any 3D Mario or Mario Kart after 2017, Metroid Prime 4 even with the restart in early 2019 in mind,), Pokemon RPGs having the exact opposite problem and certain games (mostly sports and 2018 games) over-relying on free updates over being a 60 dollar experience day 1. I don't want those issues to get worse. Unless its a TOTK but with an actual completely original world, I don't need games in development for 6+ years, I'd much rather have anything else tbh. (especially since that Zelda still won't have as good a story as the gameboy one lolz :V)

Non-binary, demiguy, making LPs, still alive

Megaman Legends 2 Let's Play!:


@kkslider5552000 Considering third party games and indies and even some Nintendo exclusives have run badly on Switch lately, Switch being under-powered certainly seems to make a difference. Not really sure what the alternative of Switch 2 is since the issues seem to have gotten worse.

As for AAA games? tbh, most of the PS5 exclusives I want are Square Enix; I'm glad they said they would be going back to more cross-console games once Nintendo has a console which can run things.

I do like that companies like Nintendo and Square Enix make a mix of games with a long development cycle and fairly speedy games. All one or the other is less interesting and companies which put all their eggs on the super expensive games are definitely playing a risky game.

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Most of the time it's poor optimization, rushed development, or issues with the engine the game is running on(and I'm sure other issues) rather than the hardware itself. Pretty crazy to see people still act like the Switch is too "underpowered" for some of these indie games than could look like they could run on Gamecube or even lesser hardware.

But yeah, these development issues won't go away with the Switch 2 with third parties. Sure as hell didn't go away with PS5 and Series X. I'm pretty confident in Nintendo handling budgets, development time etc. heading into Switch 2.


Nintendo Network ID: KryptoniteKrunch


@KryptoniteKrunch It's all relative to the software (including engine etc as you said). Switch is underpowered for a lot of those games in the sense that the game was developed for pc or whatever and could easily port to PS5 and Xbox but not to Switch. Could they spend a lot of time and money to make it work well on Switch? Sure for many games. Would it easily run well without all that extra work if they didn't have to optimize things so differently for just one console? Also yes. The fact that a lot of games don't run perfectly on PS5 doesn't change the fact they run even worse on Switch.

[Edited by FishyS]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


The recent Q&A gives the impression that Nintendo's going to experience the same problems with Switch 2.

Q1 - "I'd like to hear your thoughts about your game software development resources. You will be
announcing your software lineup for the second half of 2024 in a Nintendo Direct in June but
judging by the first half, the lineup seems weaker than usual. Have much of your development
resources already been shifted to the successor to Nintendo Switch? I'd also like to hear about
your long-term strategy for expanding your development resources."

A1 - Shuntaro Furukawa (President and Representative Director, Member of the Board):
"Creating a successor to Nintendo Switch takes years of preparation, so of course many
aspects must be taken into consideration in terms of software development resources. But we
are also continuing to develop software for Nintendo Switch, and will announce more about
our upcoming software lineup at the Nintendo Direct scheduled in June.
We have continuously expanded our development resources over the past several years
through the recruitment of recent graduates and mid-career hires. We will continue to actively
work to secure the necessary development resources to increase the long-term value of our IP
and to constantly offer unique entertainment proposals. Although development resources
could be expanded through M&A, first we will work within the company with our developers,
who thoroughly understand and have built up the Nintendo brand over the years, to have
them nurture talent who can drive Nintendo's future development. In addition, many of our
external development partners have gained a deep understanding of Nintendo's way of
thinking and game development methods over the many years of collaboration, and we would
like to further strengthen our ties with such partners. *The process of game development will
inevitably become longer, more complex, and more advanced*. It is vital that Nintendo offers
consumers new and unique experiences through game development, so we will actively invest
in expanding our development resources."

While potential 3rd party support is looking very promising for Switch 2, I would rather see the current Switch era last for a lot longer as it would guarantee Nintendo doesn't get into the same mess that PS/Xbox is in.

For some reason bold isn't working, the part of the quote I wanted to bold has "*".

[Edited by Grumblevolcano]


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano I'm just hoping that longer/more complex is just for the occasional game like TotK and that they keep spitting out random smaller games.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I think a option to turn on exp share should be the stander for rpgs going forward, like maybe not all of them but there are times where I wished I could just so I wouldn’t have to grind for a character I didn’t use all game. That or just options that can help with leveling characters lower then the main character faster.

Nintendo are like woman, You love them for whats on the inside, not the outside…you know what I mean! Luzlane best girl!

(My friend code is SW-7322-1645-6323, please ask me before you use it)

I’m very much alive!

Current obsession: Persona 4 golden!


I'm going digital from here on out. I dislike materialism, have never seen the visual appeal of game boxes on bookshelves, and am kind of annoyed by having to swap out cartridges. I'm glad physical exists so I can play games from the library, but unless I want something to gift-wrap and give to someone, any game I'm interested in will be digital.



Wasn't sure where to post this, but I kind of falls into unpopular opinions. I've just realized I've played alot of games in 2024 that not imo, are highly overrated. It's been a string of them lately, and that probably explains my slight burnout. Here's my 2024 completions below that I would call, overrated..

-Ghost Trick
-Diablo IV( this was the best of the bunch for me. Still decent enough, but not nearly as good as I expected. I enjoyed 3 much more).

Alot of hours were put into these games unfortunately. Hoping may 2024 turns a corner for me. Started off the year great with PoP, then it went down hill. Thankfully, TTYD, and Hellblade 2 are coming.

[Edited by NintendoByNature]



@NintendoByNature I was the opposite with Hades. Despite the glowing praise it got I was sure I wasn't going to like it as I generally don't like 'Roguelikes'. Eventually picked it up in a sale and really enjoyed it.



sunny63 wrote:

I'm going digital from here on out. I dislike materialism, have never seen the visual appeal of game boxes on bookshelves, and am kind of annoyed by having to swap out cartridges. I'm glad physical exists so I can play games from the library, but unless I want something to gift-wrap and give to someone, any game I'm interested in will be digital.

Lmao I'm the complete opposite, I've bought more physical games than ever at this point. I don't see buying physical as materialism at all, at least when compared to the alternative, which is corporations playing with your games as they see fit. If companies delist a game from their shop, or the console gets discontinued, that's it, the game is wiped from existence for good. Sony and Microsoft know this, and that's why they offer digital only consoles without disc drives, to stop people from buying physical.

Plus... y'know... I just wanna put the cartridge in and play the game.

Currently playing:
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Baldur's Gate 3
Catherine: Full Body
Luigi's Mansion 3
Paper Mario: TTYD

Switch Friend Code: SW-6764-9521-9114

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