
Topic: The Unoffical TV Show Mega Thread

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watching the rest of Star Wars Rebels Season 1 today/tonight

and watching Glimmer Man on Tubi along with From Hell. Johnny Depp, Heather Thomas and whatshisface from the Harry Potter movies and Krull and Goldfinger



"Pokémon Horizons: The Series premieres on Netflix in the U.S. on February 23, 2024". It's apparently exclusive to Netflix in the US.


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Been on a major Batman kick as of late with me getting the 2 LEGO games that I missed out on as a kid in addition to The Batman finally arriving on Netflix, so I took the opportunity and finally started watching Batman: The Animated Series for the first time and have been having a fantastic time so far.

I was actually introduced to Batman through TAS's sequel series in Batman Beyond so getting to watch the original for the very first time has been a wonderful experience, helped out even moreso by the show itself being genuinely brilliant. I still find it incredibly hard to believe that TAS ended up with only a PG rating in the end because the subject matter it tackles on an episode-by-episode basis is shockingly mature (drug use, bipolar disorder, EVEN GODDAMN CHILD EXPLOITATION LIKE OH MY GOD). These enthrallingly dark plots are accompanied by some absolutely stunning animation/art; from the fight scenes to the sweeping establishing shots of Gotham, you're constantly glued to the screen as you take in the gothic atmosphere present across every angle of the city and it is GLORIOUS. The voice acting at work is also immensely enjoyable: Mark Hamill is expectedly wonderful as the Joker and the late Kevin Conroy gives what is easily one of my favourite interpretations of Batman such charisma and sternness throughout every episode.

So yeah: I'm having a great time with TAS so far. Currently just wrapped up the Two-Face 2-parter (which I'm just now realising is an utterly genius pun given the character it centers on) and am about to launch into the next couple episodes now, can't wait! 🦇

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Anyone watching My Daemon on Netflix? Has to be the best 'How Pokemon would actually be like in the real world' adaptation I've ever seen. A tad bit gruesome but they clearly aimed it to not go too far and they manage to keep it feeling basically like a Pokemon game which is kind of impressive.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


I knew the true story of the post office scandal before seeing it however Mr Bates Vs The Post Office is bloody soul crushing and you just can’t help but be angry watching it. Wonderfully acted and gripping as hell. I’ve got one small complaint of there being no mention of Adam Crozier in the show.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I'm not watching it as I'll end up screaming at the TV.
It's interesting that this has been well documented for years, Private Eye has been campaigning about it, but soon as a telly prog starts, Sunak is all, "oh are people watching a TV programme about it? I must be seen to be doing something!"
Pity he decided to do the square root of FA when he was chancellor and in charge of allocating compensation.
But it's good to see that the Tories and Lib Dem quislings are now fighting like rabid cats. Always a good look in an election year



@Rambler on the show the only notable MP is a Tory who actually helps but with how all the news are proper going in on this so it should be a major talking point come election time. I heard about this on a podcast years ago, it’s one of those things where you hear about it again years later and you go to yourself “what? That was years ago, how has this still not been sorted out yet!”.

I reckon after the success of the show there is going to be a few more social outrage shows to come now and if they get people to care then good! Grenfell fires, Hillsborough, Primodos, Rwanda immigration (it boggles my mind how they thought that was a good idea just on cost alone let alone the principles), pandemic contracts, cash for honours etc.

I’m looking forward to the Hollywood remake where Chris Pratt or Tom Cruise decide it’s their turn for an Oscar so take a paycut form meh action movies for a drama to play a humble relatable British postmaster fighting for justice.

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


I sincerely hope so, it will be like that Comic Strip episode come to life

There's also the contaminated blood scandal that has been stretched out over 40 years, with still no sign of compensation (in this case it really does feel like they are dragging their heels until everyone dies)

I can imagine that there will be a few more programmes like this, then the compassion fatigue will set in, and it will be back to normal..!



@Rambler Perhaps an American Horror Story/True Detective type show where it resets every season. With every season showing true British culture, large indifference to horrible situations which ruined people’s lives.

Ooh, I’ve never heard of The Comic Strip (before my time) but I like the cast and premise. I’m gonna see if it’s on my streaming thingies later.

Thanks for the link, I’ve been following the story in the news already. Some of the points raised in that article are in the show, like when it went to court The Post Office called an Indian man to the stand thinking he’d be easier to show as an idiot who couldn’t get the program to work but backfires on them and gave good testimony. I did like seeing the tweet in the article about looking how Fujitsu’s shares are doing but it can’t be displayed because of the network error.

[Edited by jump]

Nicolai wrote:

Alright, I gotta stop getting into arguments with jump. Someone remind me next time.

Switch Friend Code: SW-8051-9575-2812 | 3DS Friend Code: 1762-3772-0251


Ha! That would make for a very interesting programme!

The Comic Strip is very hit & miss, but it's brilliant when it works. Five Go Mad In Dorset and Five Go Mad On Mescaline are probably the original Enid Blyton piss-takes in that style (and where you get the line, "lashings of ginger beer"), and of course Bad News
(According to Wikipedia, it looks like I've not seen series 5 onwards, but apparently they aren't very good anyway.



currently binge watching Virgin River Season 1 on Netlflix. not a bad show. alot better than the young sweaty horny teen show Outer Banks



Been binging on the Castlevania Netflix series. I am enjoying it alot and must say it follows the two games really well. The only part I didn't like and felt like it was thrown in was in season 3 the part of Alucard and the twins. That whole part just felt like it was added just to give Alucard screen time. Would have preferred if they just didn't have Alucard and say he was in his slumber which according to the game mythos after Castlevania III he was.

Other then that I am really enjoying the series and can't wait to start the next one. Loved the battle with Dracula army with Bloody Tears playing.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


Finished up Castlevania. It's one of the best show based on a game series that I have seen. Looking forward to the next series which I will probably start here soon.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


I can't stop watching After Mindnight<33 It's on CBS after Colbert, also available on Paramount+. It's hosted by Taylor Tomlinson. I've watched them all except one. It premiered Jan 16. It airs 4 nights a week, Mon-Thur. There's about 8 episodes so far.

The show is basically a resurrection of the late night Comedy Central show called @ Midnight. The new host is good. I like her!

[Edited by WoomyNNYes]

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currently binging through Smallville Season 2 on Hulu since I dont have Season 2 for DVD.

then after that ill jump back in Season 3 of Teen Wolf



Anybody else enjoy watching preschool shows more than adult ones, or just me?



Watched Netflix's Avatar The Last Airbender and I was disappointed. The first episode filled me with hope. The cast really looked like their animation counterparts, but the budget cut decisions and their behavioral changes were just ... bad.

While they looked like in the show, they acted very differently.

So, a solid 5/10 from me.


@Zuljaras I didn't even know Netflix made a live action Avatar. Good to know to avoid it and just stick with the original series.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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Nintendo Network ID: Tasuki311


@Tasuki Ah don't get me wrong. I did not like it, but other people might.

I watched it past episode 1 just to see some nice bending fights.

My main problem was that there was zero chemistry between the characters. But again, that is just me. You might have a totally different experience

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