
Topic: The Chit-Chat Thread

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@kkslider5552000 Yeah I agree with your point. Though I think there is actually a lot of confusion about the gender thing out there, but I think that’s because we’ve defined it so rigidly. We want to define ourselves as “traditional” based on what we gather to be our values or principles, but in reality the modern West values individuality over anything else. It just seemed inevitable that the masculine/ feminine paradigm would fall apart eventually. It’s not radically different from the feminist and gay rights movements in the 60s and 70s, which was just as much about a fight for group rights as it was about individual preferences and lifestyle choices.

I’ve kind of stopped buying into the media hype surrounding it and all the reactionaries that say it’s end times.



I don't get that confusion. A man can't be a woman and a woman can't be a man. No matter the surgeries and stuff.

If people have mental problems and don't know what they are well they should seek help instead of trying to change the society.

So why will be the first to call me a bigot and homophobe? Just kidding

@ThanosReXXX I couldn't agree with you more. It is fine to acknowledge certain things but to cater to such extend is just idiotic.

Edited on by Zuljaras


@ThanosReXXX It's a face thing. Customers mistake me for a woman too. But they've also never seen me before 🤣

And no it's not offensive. For reference, I don't understand the concept of relationships, so I find the whole notion rather...weird? But I just let folk get on with it.

As for my voice, the accent I use while I talk to people is male yes. I have an image to maintain. 🤣 My natural voice though is way, way more feminine. Normally though I just slip back into my male voice from habit. I've been doing it for almost 17 years now. And I only started doing that so people stopped asking if I'm Scottish when I moved south.

Generally I do weird voices to make people laugh anyway. I don't think they'd catch on that I normally sound like that even if I did it.

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A Man can be a woman and a Woman can be a man.
Hmm.... 😏
Natasha (ANTM cycle 8 Runner up)

Jaslene (ANTM cycle 8 Winner)

Edited on by Anti-Matter



Salute from me for Miss J Alexander to embrace his feminine side. 👍😘

Edited on by Anti-Matter



@Anti-Matter I think you should stop watching these evil toxic shows that demoralises girls. They are evil and satanic and gives children a false perception of how a girl should be. They are brainwashing you.

Although when I was in mix school I would of agreed. I was a boy and would of loved to go to the girls toilets. I would of used the excuse. I’m a girl.

I’m not too religious but thank god it was Adam and Eve and NOT
Adam and Steve

Edited on by Maaryotyme



Wow, Adam and Steve ? 😮
Gotcha ! 😉
I have those six pack dudes.




The ancient philosopher Bimfucius once wrote, “You are what you hate,” or was it, “You hate what you are”? Doesn’t really matter, either way, you’re miserable.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


@La-weejee That’s just childish and crass. This isn’t a private forum and nobody wants to see disrespectful things like that here.



@Zuljaras - Nobody cares about any of your politics, gender, sexual, world or otherwise, so save them all for your angry guy sub Reddit.

@La-weejee - Bad day at the office = it’s okay to act like an idiot online? You may want to try more conducive stress relief techniques.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor


Yeesh, check the chit chat thread this morning and it just blew up. Let's get along guys. This thread is the most laid back one on the site, it would be cool to keep it that way.



@La-weejee Thanks for understanding. Hope your day gets better.

@Zuljaras Not sure there should be any totally off limits topics. Usually everyone here is reasonable and knows not to push buttons. Can’t imagine why anyone would get into what their sexual preferences are here 😄. Surely there are other more appropriate outlets for that.



@Zuljaras - There’s very little political talk here, and when it creeps in, it’s usually from a historical perspective. No one is usually talking hot button topics, even though the topic of gender did make its way in here recently; though the discussion was not really about personal beliefs (prior to today), but more of a discussion about understanding/trying to understand. I guess if you possess nuance and some level of tolerance, people might be interested in what you write. Otherwise, save it for the overwhelming amount of platforms on the internet where groups of like minded people gather to yell in an echo chamber.

limby-bee was a jerk.

My Nintendo: RedNestor

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