
Topic: Other game modes

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After completing the main story mode, does anyone else play the other modes as much as they did with the main game?

I've just re-completed the story mode with the new characters in TMHT:SR and tried the survival mode once with each character but i can't be bothered with it and have moved on to another game.



I mean... it depends on the game. Story mode is a relatively small part of some games like Splatoon or Mario Maker. A lot of people play post-game stuff in Pokemon even longer than they played the story. In New Super Mario Brothers Deluxe I wanted to at least near-100% it, so I played the various special trials and luigi mode and whatnot. For many games though I do one play through and feel satisfied and don't play anymore. I have to be fairly obsessed with a game to want to play every little thing or see every ending in an rpg or whatever.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


Uh...what game are you talking about?



I think it depends on the game. If I'm really liking a game, I tend to get as much done as possible in it, or playing something like an online mode. In Mario Kart, I would do all the Grand Prix cups, then I'd focus almost exclusively on its online multiplayer. I sometimes do Time Trials, too. In Splatoon, I also mainly focus on its online, but I also like playing through the story mode. I've mostly done Turf War and Salmon Run, but more recently I've been getting into ranked battles as well.

Similarly, I like getting as much stuff as possible in many of the Mario platformers. I like doing every level in Super Mario Bros. 3, for example. And in Super Mario Galaxy, I like going for every star, rather than just shooting for the last Bowser fight.

@HenryKibble AndroidiOS was talking about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. In the UK (AndroidiOS's profile says they're from the UK), the word "Ninja" was replaced with "Hero" - hence why they said TMHT instead of TMNT.

"Give yourself the gift of being joyfully you."

ACNH Name/Island: D-Pad/D-World
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Also known as MarioLover92. Please ask for my Switch FC if you want to play online with me. Thanks!

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@MarioLover92 Is β€œninja” a bad word over there or something?



@HenryKibble No, we use it here. But when the show was originally aired in the UK they renamed it, apparently ninjas were too violent...which kind of makes sense? Ninjas are basically assassins.

But was the name change necessary? No.
Does everyone call it Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? Yes.

It was just a weird censorship thing for TV. I don't think anyone cared in real life.



@Kimyonaakuma Ah, stupid Standards & Practices. They're the reason 4Kids made all those unnecessary changes in the English dub of the anime, especially One Piece.

Though to be fair, 4Kids didn't even WANT to do that one since they were well aware of how much that show couldn't be shown on a Saturday morning, but it was part of a package deal so they basically had no choice.

And then there's "Shaman King", which was controversial since most of the themes of death, souls, etc. were important to the story, and while it was one of 4Kids' best anime they dubbed, the parents...weren't happy about it.


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