
Topic: National Novel Writing Month

Posts 221 to 240 of 255


Everyone's abandoning their novels already?




Wow you all is n00bs
I'm chugging along and still getting my words per day. The story is turning out to be a crazy NL story with lots of NL characters and it's wonderful

Check out SUBLIME GAMER, my YouTube Channel
God loves you


@SZM-you in college? have a job? how about both? nyeeeeeh

Plus if we're going for bragging rights, I've already written 4 novels. I just want to take my time with this one and get it right instead of doing it for OCD numbers reasons.*

*Not that I have anything against Nanowrimo, I did it and like it last year.

[21:14] pixelman: I blame fheblackdragon
[21:15] pixelman: That's not an f by the way, it's a fancy t.
[21:15] Objection: Tales of Graces "fancy t"
[21:15] Objection: Tinal Tantasy
[21:15] theblackdragon: lol OB
[21:15] pixelman: OB knows what he's asking about.

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0835-3789


I've started pulling out of my slump. I'm just about back on track like I was before, so things should go better for me from here on out.

Wild signature appeared!

3DS FC: 4270-1110-7770


HolyMackerel wrote:

Everyone's abandoning their novels already?

Not me! Though I'm sad to see a few folks pulling out. I've written some outright crap this month, but I've also written some surprisingly good stuff, and that more than justifies the experiment for me. I'll work on this draft over the coming year and turn it into something really special...for now, it's just for the fun of it. And I'm still having a great deal of fun.




@Chicken, HolyMack, SZM: i'm by no means abandoning my novel, or Nanowrimo. i've just had SO much going on, i'm still only at 5,000 words, and it'd be ridiculous for me to think i'll hit 50,000 by the 30th. The writing is slow because i'm always awake and active by 7, and never starting before midnight (at the earliest) with an extremely busy day in between, so i'm exhausted when i begin. still, i think i've only missed 2 days of writing, and i intend to keep writing what i can every day until i'm finished.

part of the problem, i think, is that i'm of the delusion that the novel has potential, so i'm taking my time with it. i'm unwilling to force myself to write crap just for the sake of writing, so i can "win" and go back later. i believe i'll try again next year with a less ambitious concept as an attempt to try to teach myself to write more quickly, but for this story, i'm unfortunately convinced it's potentially publishable, so i'm taking my time making each sentence as solid as i can make it.

it's not the point of Nano, i know, but i'm really enjoying it, and i'm learning a lot from the experience, and it's definitely stretching my skills as a writer, so not all's a loss, right?

[Edited by bro2dragons]

“I am a brother to dragons and a companion to owls." Job:30:29

Nintendo Network ID: bro2dragons


Although I could not participate this year, if anyone wants to read this short 500 story that was written in preps for exams, it can be found here.

EDIT: iWork doesn't work so lets use Google Docs.

[Edited by Aviator]


It's like, I just love a cowboy
You know
I'm just like, I just, I know, it's bad
But I'm just like
Can I just like, hang off the back of your horse
And can you go a little faster?!


44,886 words now! 19 chapters done, only about 3 of which are total crap. (The rest are varying degrees of only-kinda-crappy.) I might write another chapter tonight just to push myself further ahead of the game. I'm definitely on task to hit 50k within the next couple of days, barring tragedy...I just need to see if I can actually pinch off the narrative by the end of the month.

Fatigue is starting to set in...and passages that earlier in the month would have been rich and descriptive are getting glossed over instead. It's definitely tough to keep the pace steady, but...that's like anything really. It's easier to play a 3-minute pop song than it is to engage in an hours-long jam session...but only the latter has any chance of really being magical.

Happy almost-halfway-point!




OMg CB you are a monster. Your story writing skills put me to shame

Check out SUBLIME GAMER, my YouTube Channel
God loves you



OMg CB you are a monster. Your story writing skills put me to shame


“I am a brother to dragons and a companion to owls." Job:30:29

Nintendo Network ID: bro2dragons


Aaand I hit 50,000 today. Woo!

Only halfway through the month. I still have about 14 chapters left to write, but I can do this!




Congrats on the 50K CB!

Only 10,000 to go here... and then however long it takes to finish this story. I'm seriously considering splitting it into two separate stories due to how out of control this has gotten. I think it'll exceed 150,000 at this point if I keep it all in one thing.

Wild signature appeared!

3DS FC: 4270-1110-7770


Thanks Joe!

There's no shame in splitting your story. The first year I did NaNo I wrote half a novel (though well over the 50k mark) and the next year I wrote the second half. That just so happens to be the manuscript I'll be peddling to agents during the coming year (so wish me luck), and therefore I support whatever you decide to do with it.

Still 15 days to go...congrats to everybody out there who has stuck to it this long, regardless of your word count. It's something to be proud of!




Awesome, Bleh! Maybe next year you'll have more warning.

I wish you the best of luck. If you're anything like me, you'll spend every month that isn't November pondering potential novel projects for next time.




Well, I'm giving up on Nanowrimo, but I'm contuing work on the novel at my own pace and format. I want to serialize it online, with a new chapter every week or so. I think this would motivate me and also (even though it sounds like it wouldn't) give me more time to work on it. I'm thinking of using a wordpress blog but does anyone else know of a good place to host stories/blogs that let you archive them chronologically? Thanks.

[21:14] pixelman: I blame fheblackdragon
[21:15] pixelman: That's not an f by the way, it's a fancy t.
[21:15] Objection: Tales of Graces "fancy t"
[21:15] Objection: Tinal Tantasy
[21:15] theblackdragon: lol OB
[21:15] pixelman: OB knows what he's asking about.

3DS Friend Code: 1934-0835-3789


Exactly Chicken! I actually gave up the first time I saw people's synopses (and I've been following your blog where you publish your work and literally bowed down in shame.) but I saw one of the e-mails they send to folks who joined NaNoWriMo then felt inspired. It was kind of late. I hope I can make it to at least 50,000 by the end of the month or 5 days before.

[Edited by JustYourAverageBleh]



I don't have any real problems with splitting it, I need something to write outside of November, right?

Good luck with the manuscript!

45,000 words and counting upwards. I'll be first in my school to finish unless someone suddenly reveals that they're ahead tomorrow.

Wild signature appeared!

3DS FC: 4270-1110-7770

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