
Topic: Movie thread.

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Se7en i seen it in my local Theater last week

i enjoy Mario Kart Double Dash and Cups of Tea !!!!


@MontyCircus Kieran Culkin's role as Fuller will forever be his crowning achievement, lol.

Just in the last few days the star of Emilia Perez has had many old tweets discovered and translated where she says quite a few repugnant things about various people and groups, so it does seem like the worm is turning.

“Why do you speak of certain reversals—machinery connected wrong, for instance, as being ‘ass backwards’? I can’t understand that. Ass usually is backwards, right? You ought to be saying ‘ass forwards,’ if backwards is what you mean."


@MontyCircus yep, that movie is awesome. The cameos from the other animated characters were really cool and sometimes unreal seeing in the movie. They got both the most well known characters and least well known ones too. It was crazy seeing some more obscure characters like Woody Woodpecker in it, because I watched quite a few of those cartoons back then but I realized he’s kind of one of those more forgotten cartoon stars nowadays.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1834-9478-0593


ThatZeldaNerd wrote:

At this point I (almost) lost all hope in Marvel Studios but some friends wanna watch Captain America: Brave New World with me so I'll let yall know how bad the movie is 🙏
Maybe it'll be good who knows.

You didn't like Deadpool & Wolverine? Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?

They were both very well-regarded (critics, and audiences, and box office). I will concede, the MCU isn't hit after hit after hit anymore, but those are 2 hits out of the last 3, which is still better than you'll find with any other franchise.



Sir_Axeman wrote:

Se7en i seen it in my local Theater last week

Just re-watched Fincher's Fight Club. It's one of the movies I most regret not seeing in theatres in its original run. I put it up there with his Se7en and Zodiac.



WoomyNNYes wrote:

Saturday Night is on netflix. If you ever ever liked Saturday Night Live, it's a good watch. The movie is about the 90 minutes leading up to the first episode of SNL. Trailer:

I think it's best if you go in with a knowledge and reverence for this history of SNL.
I do, so it was an easy sell for me!

But I could see the "John who? Chevy what?" crowd not caring.

Too bad it didn't really get any big award season nominations.



Been watching the entire Rebirth of Mothra Trilogy last night. I remember watching all 3 on Sci-Fi back in 2002 when the channel was running that Godzilla marathon on Thanksgiving. Spent all day in my room watching my t.v. until afternoon. I miss that time.

Luckily, I was able to own the trilogy on Blu-ray when I bought it for $14. But I'm not really liking how Sony handled the release so at some point I'm importing Toho's Blu-ray set. Speaking of Blu-ray sets, I recently ordered/bought Arrow Video's Gamera Showa Era set. I could've bought Mill Creek's set but I'm not too fond of how Mill Creek handle their releases. They're pretty bad, or not very good, with compression for movies. Right now I only got Gamera the Brave on Blu-ray rn. Was able to nab it for $23 at a antique mall. Just need the Gamera 90's trilogy & I'm good.

I sell my famous Chesapeake Tupperware.



MontyCircus wrote:

You didn't like Deadpool & Wolverine? Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3?

To be honest Deadpool & Wolverine was a Massive X-men fan fiction. If you didnt know the backgrounds of the characters (which i had to explain to my wife whilst pausing it - luckily dont have a good cinema where I live) it is just odd
And Guardian's of the Galaxy Vol 3 wow way to bring down the series with Rocket's friends, I didnt let my wife watch that depressing animal violence laden awfulness.

[Edited by Bunkerneath]


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | X:


@MontyCircus Yes I have watched those and they are great but im getting sick of marvel slacking with movies and shows like The Marvels, Thor Love and Thunder, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania, THE ETERNALS, (literally any MCU show except for Loki) ect the cons are sadly outweighing the pros
but maybe captain America will be good

"The right thing...
What is it? I wonder...
If you do the the right thing...
Does it really make....
~ Moon Child

My homie 😎 -----> CaleBoi25

Switch Friend Code: SW-5348-4240-7813 | My Nintendo: ZeldaNerd


Saw a bit more movies on YouTube, and ive got to say, the film selection is sometimes good but sometimes random and bad.

The Nut Job - This one I’ve seen before, but the only thing I ever remembered from it was them using Gangnam Style in the credits. I gave this one a rewatch, just for fun, and I thought the premise sounded pretty fun. This one centers on a group of park animals who have been running low on food for the wintertime. After accidentally destroying the animal’s food supply from a failed nut cart robbery, a squirrel named Surly is kicked out of the park and sent to the city, where he plans a nut heist on a new nut shop, which in actuality, is being used as a front by a group of mobsters who are planning a bank heist.

This movie, I thought had an interesting premise, and I thought the story about a squirrel and a group of park animals planning to rob a nut shop that is run by criminals planning to also rob a bank was interesting, and a pretty fun premise that I think had a lot of potential for something enjoyable. The animation is pretty good for a film that had a lower budget than Disney’s blockbuster animated films, and I enjoyed the designs of the animals a lot.

But, this movie wasn’t really good despite how much I liked the premise and animation…my main issues come from the characters. The film tries to make the main character, Surly, likable and charming, but he kinda comes off as a-holey (especially toward his best friend Buddy) and after he gets banished from the park after literally making the tree holding the animals’ food EXPLODE and BURN, he becomes kind of angry and pouty, and when he walks out into the city during his banishment and Buddy is trying to go with him, Surly pushes Buddy away and says something to him like “this is my punishment,” which implies Surly didn’t do anything and it’s the animals fault when it was his own fault that he got kicked out in the first place, plus he literally destroyed a tree in a public park! There was a part where he did do something heroic, which was saving a duo of groundhogs he was working with from drowning in a hole as a result of a sabotage by Mole (under instructions from the Liam Neeson raccoon) but even then the characters think Surly was the one who did it, which tells you he is very untrustworthy with the animals too and unlikeable. The rest of the characters aren’t jerks, but they are super cliche, flat and so unmemorable. The antagonist wasn’t memorable either, and his motivations were so shallow and unserious in my opinion. The only character I kind of liked was Grayson, but even then, his character traits are generic and bland.

The jokes are unfunny too. It’s a lot of nut puns and boring jokes that aren’t hilarious and so bland. There were a few fart jokes, but not so much, and if I’m being honest, I’d take the bland jokes over that. I guess the only part I found funny (ironically) was the animation in the credits, where they play Gangnam Style by PSY and all the animal characters do the choreography to the song. I only found that funny since Gangnam Style is such an old 2010s song (The Nut Job came out a few years after Gangnam Style so it was used there) and the squirrels and other animals looked so stupid (in a funny way) when dancing. It had a nice premise and animation, but it’s so flat and unmemorable with everything else. If it was like another animated comedy film like Barnyard, where it fails at being funny but actually has a genuine and heartfelt message and theme and more likable characters (who are far more memorable), then I probably would have liked The Nut Job more if it was like that, but I think the fact I only remembered the Gangnam Style dance in the credits more than the characters and plot itself just tells me it was a bland film.

The Tale of Despereaux - also another movie I saw before and rewatched. This one is an adaptation of a children’s book, and is about the adventure of a brave, courageous, and smart book-loving mouse in a kingdom where, after an incident that left its king brokenhearted, banned soup and rats, with the kingdom falling into sadness.

I liked this one quite a bit. I found the premise to be nice and fairytale-like, and it really sounds like a story in an actual medieval story. The animation, look of the animation and setting, and the character designs fit the setting wonderfully and, for a 2008 film, the animation holds up pretty well! My favorite part of the animation is when Despereaux gets into a book he’s reading and the animation gets a storybook-look to it and kind of looks stop-motion esque. But, I liked the look of the mouse and rat village the most compared to the kingdom and the contrast between the two, the mouse village being elegant and clean-looking and made of items, while the rat village is unkempt, dirty, and grungy, which suits the personalities of most of the rats in the film and the fact the rats have a war-like attitude compared to the mice.

The characters were nice and pretty interesting. I wouldn’t say they are all memorable, but I liked Despereaux and Roscuro the most with their personalities, Despereaux being heroic and brave while Roscuro is empathetic, kind, but also regretful and wants to be forgiven by the people he hurt because of something that happens in the film that I won’t mention because of spoilers.

But, the plot is okay. It was interesting but I only found it that way when it was focused on the mice, rats, and Despereaux’s friendship with the princess. I feel like the plot was a bit all over the place and some characters weren’t really important, especially with the princess’s servant girl and the soup chef and his Arcimboldo soup genie that helps him make soup, but I think it’s also because they didn’t have much screentime, though the servant girl does play a role in the plot. However, I think some parts of the story were a bit unfocused, and I kind of would have liked it more if it just focused on the mice and rats, who are the main focus of the story. I feel like the film was more uninteresting when it centered on the human characters. Nice movie, but its plot is not the greatest.

As for movies I plan on watching soon, I’ll probably watch a few of Aardman’s films (I saw The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! on there) and Chip ‘n’ Dale: Rescue Rangers when I get Disney+ again. Liked that film and I’m in the mood to see it again after seeing Who Framed Roger Rabbit.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1834-9478-0593


Pastellioli wrote:

As for movies I plan on watching soon, I’ll probably watch a few of Aardman’s films (I saw The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists! on there)

I recommend Gideon Defoe's The Pirates! books. They're short and oh so silly!



@MontyCircus I didn’t know that was based on a book! That’s really cool. I’ll look those up soon. Thanks for the recommendation!

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1834-9478-0593


I saw Flight Risk at the weekend, and it was actually better than I expected.

It's been pretty much universally panned by critics, and I went in with expectations suitably lowered. The story was all over the place and the acting was pretty terrible considering who was in it, but despite all that, I actually quite enjoyed it.

Sure, it's not going to win any awards (maybe a Razzie or 2), and it's not telling some great story or anything, but as something you can just switch off your brain and not have to think too hard about it was decent enough.



I forgot to mention this too!

All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 - After I saw the first movie and enjoyed it, I saw the sequel was on YouTube Movies for free, and I gave it a watch a few days ago.

The plot goes like this; set decades after the first film, Charlie has started to grow bored of his life in Heaven and misses Earth. However, after a special horn used to open the Pearly Gates to Heaven is stolen by his enemy Carface and lost on Earth, Charlie is allowed another chance to be on Earth again,with help from his best friend Itchy in getting back the horn.

Unlike the first film, Don Bluth did not direct this and wasn’t involved in it at all, and I kind of think the affected the quality a lot…but I’ll start off positively.

First off, I really like the film’s use of color. Compared to the first one, this movie is really colorful, especially during scenes in Heaven, which is very fitting since it’s supposed to be a place full of fun and play and where everyone is happy, while Earth uses more dull or normal colors, and I thought it was a nice contrast between the environments of the places. Some of the animation was more slapstick-y than the first and I liked that a lot. It’s more fitting here since 2 has a more lighthearted tone than the first and less darker.

I did like the songs a bit. While they aren’t anything stunning or amazing, I thought quite a few of them sounded better than some from the first film, though I should clarify that I still think the first movie had nice songs. The first song in 2, “It’s Too Heavenly Here” (which Charlie sings to express how bored he is in Heaven) I thought was good in terms of vocals and the instrumental and lyrics and does a good job showing Charlie’s feelings. I’d say it’s kind of like an “I want song” (common in Disney movies) since he also talks about what he wants, that being to be mortal again.

However, I kind of think that the animation, while still good and not bad, is kind of a downgrade from the first. Again, Don Bluth wasn’t involved in this, so I have a feeling that could have contributed to that fact, but the animation had more errors and issues for certain parts (I remember in one scene there was water clipping through the characters and some dog leashes weren’t connected to each other or properly animated) and sometimes the lighting and colors didn’t fit the atmosphere of a scene; one that comes to mind is a part where David (the human boy replacing Anne-Marie from the first film) and Itchy are sleeping on a boardwalk and surrounded by birds, and there’s supposed to be shading on them but the birds are unshaded and a bright white color, and it looks off.

The returning characters are still good, Charlie retains the same personality and his character growth he experienced in the first film is still there, in how he wants to help David and stay with him, and he doesn’t manipulate or lie to him after first meeting him compared to how he was with Anne-Marie at the start of the first film, and then he grew more loyal and caring to her as the first film went on. Itchy was good too, but I think they butchered Carface so bad…he’s originally manipulating, cunning, aggressive and so evil in the first film, but the sequel demotes him to a henchman and he’s more timid, the comic-relief, and even stupid since his role as main villain is replaced with a new character simply named Red, who I honestly didn’t think was intimidating, not even in design (plus his villain song wasn’t good in my opinion, at least lyrically). I’d have to also assume Carface is like that because he’s been in Heaven for a while and dead for decades, and of course his dog sidekicks and minions are probably dead but they really didn’t have to ruin his personality because of the new antagonist they introduced. He still could be a henchman, but they still could have made him intimidating rather than making him the bumbling henchman who gets berated and yelled at by his boss. The newer characters were fine, but they aren’t super memorable I feel.

This wasn’t amazing, but not so terrible, but I still prefer the first over this one. The sequel just doesn’t feel like the first one, and I think that they should’ve left it at the first film since that was already good and had a perfect ending. And, if I’m being honest, the quality of All Dogs Go to Heaven 2 reminds me of one of those direct-to-video sequels Disney used to make for their OG animated films in the 90s-00s, and almost all the time the sequels weren’t good quality in terms of characters, story, writing, and sometimes animation.

[Edited by Pastellioli]

A random gamer that loves retro games, Rareware, Vocaloid, ballpoint pens, drawing, squirrels, and sleeping.

Switch Friend Code: SW-1834-9478-0593


watched Scavenger Hunt on Tubi a couple of days ago. fun movie but i think I remember the other movie Midnight Madness a little bit more.



I watched Babygirl over the weekend, a fairly trashy movie where Nicole Kidman, head of a big Amazon-style company, begins a dom/sub affair with her much younger intern, played by Harris Dickinson. It was ridiculous and over the top at times, but I actually had quite a fun time with it.

I also watched Little Nemo, a film that I remember as being quite disturbing when I watched it as a child (I'm old enough to have seen it on home video in the early 90s). Nowadays I can appreciate all the dark and surreal elements much more. The animation is beautiful and it features songs from the great Sherman Brothers (known for Mary Poppins and many other things). A weird one to be sure, but a cult classic. It's available on Youtube for free (the production company has uploaded the English-language version to their channel in its entirety).

“Why do you speak of certain reversals—machinery connected wrong, for instance, as being ‘ass backwards’? I can’t understand that. Ass usually is backwards, right? You ought to be saying ‘ass forwards,’ if backwards is what you mean."


@Pastellioli Alot of Don Bluth's films tend to suffer some form of quality decline when it comes to sequels that were not directed by Don Bluth himself. The only spin-off that didn't suffer was Bartok the Magnificent ( it's supposedly a prequel but I think it's more of a spin-off than anything). Also it's the spin-off directed by Don Bluth.

Though to be fair, American Tail: Feivel Goes West is pretty good on it's own. But don't get me started with The Pebble & The Penguin...

I sell my famous Chesapeake Tupperware.



Watched Varan the Unbelievable, The BFG (1989), The Thief & the Cobbler. I will say the The Theif & the Cobbler was quite a strange one. I remember seeing it on Cartoon Network back in 1997. I didn't really get it tbh.

The BFG (1989) is by far the best adaptation. I wasn't too fond of Disney's film back in 2016. But I love the 1989 animation style, which I thought could rival most of Disney's films at the time. It really help adding a bit of a dark tone to the movie. Making the giants even more frightening really does wonders.

Lastly, Varan the Unbelievable is an odd one in Toho's films of the 1950's. While it's not bad by any means, I consider it to be one of the weaker films compared to Rodan. I think it was also the last Toho film to be released in B&W. I remember see it released on DVD by Tokyo Shock back in 2005. But I've never bothered buying nor did I even see the American version either. But it was released on Blu-ray alongside Dogora (which I do own DVD), Gorath (never watched), & Space Amoeba (which I did owned on DVD until it was lost) in Japan. So I'm gonna import it from amazon JP.

I sell my famous Chesapeake Tupperware.



I love the Smurfs, and I'm actually excited for this one.

The resident Trolls superfan! Saw Trolls Band Together via early access and absolutely loved it!

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