Well many have claimed that I give out scores of 7 too often, and someone asked me for a list of all my reviews on the site along with the scores so here it is. And with only 9 sevens awarded in 70 reviews, it seems I'm not as big a fan of the number 7 as once thought.
In fact I'm rather partial to 8's and 9's with 14 scores of 8 given and 19 scores of 9 given out. Even the lowly 4's clocked in 10 given out. WOW!
WiiWare: Alien Crush Returns - 8 Art Style: Rotohex - 8 BIT.TRIP BEAT - 9 Boingz - 3 Bruiser & Scratch - 4 Critter Round-Up - 4 Crystal Defenders R2 - 7 Equilibrio - 7 Family Glide Hockey - 3 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - 9 Pong Toss - 2 Gradius Rebirth - 6 Groovin' Blocks - 7 Gyrostarr - 7 Jungle Speed - 7 LostWinds - 9 Mega Man 9 - 9 Pit Crew Panic - 6 Planet Pachinko - 5 SPOGS Racing - 3 Star Soldier R - 7 World of Goo - 10 Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam - 5
DSiWARE: Animal Crossing Calculator - 5 Animal Crossing Clock - 3 Brain Age Express: Math - 7 Dr. Mario Express - 8 Master of Illusion: Deep Psyche - 4 Master of Illusion: Funny Face - 4 Master of Illusion: Shuffle Games - 4 Mixed Messages - 2
Wii: Excitebots - 9 Klonoa - 9 Marble Saga - 6
DS: Blue Dragon Plus - 8
Virtual Console: Alien Crush - 8 Bio Miracl - 8 Bomberman '94 - 9 Bravoman - 4 Clayfighter - 4 Detana Twinbee - 8 Fantasy Zone 2 - 8 Final Soldier - 8 Galaxy Force II - 4 Gaplus - 5 Jumpman - 8 King of the Monsters - 4 Mega Man 3 - 9 Moto Roader - 4 Neo Turf Masters - 6 New Adventure Island - 9 Ninja Commando - 8 Ninja Spirit - 7 Ogre Battle - 9 Phantasy Star IV - 9 Pitstop II - 7 Ristar - 9 Samurai Shodown II - 9 Secret Command - 6 Secret of Mana - 9 Star Parodier - 9 Super Fantasy Zone - 8 Super Mario RPG - 10 Zelda Ocarina of Time - 10 Uncharted Waters: New Horizons - 8
My inflated ego prevents me from allowing others to affect how I feel about my reviews. I don't like any of my reviews any more because people praise them and I don't like them any less when people criticize them.
Oh and I always round down. It's an average of 6!
EDIT: I also got in this DS game today called "Personal Trainer: Walking" Anyone know anything about this one? It's got a little accessory that you put in your pocket and it tracks how much you walk each day. Then the tallies are beamed into the DS via the Wi-fi and it keeps track of everything. I'm afraid this one slipped under my radar.
Yeah I missed it too. I got it in from Nintendo today. It's a Touch Generation game. Supposedly it comes out on the 26th. I've been carrying this little pedometer-like thing around for the past four hours. Unfortunately, I've hardly left my desk.
It even has one you can clip on your dog or cat to track it's walking.
I'm personally well aware of Personal Trainer: Walking. Although I have no intention of getting it, it does sound interesting as it further capitalizes on the very same niche Wii Fit is now leader of. Not to mention it introduces a new function that Nintendo is sure to continue using in future games.
Also, I saw Marble Saga getting a 6 and stopped reading the rest. Lol. j/k So you don't like them any less when people criticize. C'mon everyone. All-out war against Corbie's future reviews! Who's with me?
It rounds to 7, and Nintendo Life doesn't give decimals, so yes, it's a 7. You're such a 7-lover. I bet you have 7's painted on your walls, and bedsheets decorated with 7's. Admit it!
My secret is out. I even have a costume like the Riddler's but instead of "?" it has "7" all over it. And I was born on 7-7-1977 at 7pm. I live at 777 W. 7th St. Apt #7. There are you happy now.
My secret is out. I even have a costume like the Riddler's but instead of "?" it has "7" all over it. And I was born on 7-7-1977 at 7pm. I live at 777 W. 7th St. Apt #7. There are you happy now.
I wasn't even going to bother posting in this thread at all... but I have a bone to pick with this post right here of "The Great" Corbie's! And that's just because he listed his personal informtion... like where he lives! I hate it for people to get the wrong impression & go do something aweful to him if they knew where he lived in the US!
And I hate to remind people that's its not wise to give out personal information... because its obvious that people already know that & should know better! I mean I know the laws of the internet; & I obied by them!
So I wouldn't even go out on a limb & report that above quoted post myself; for I know I seriously won't!
Just looking out for you Corbie!
Also I'm just curious why people even care about this kind of subject; even if you all find it interesting or funny for some odd wierd reasons?! 7 scores aren't that all bad you know! I just hate low scores though; anything that is scored low is "white trash" SHOVELWARE" to the core!!!
#1 it wouldn't' do you any good to report the post as it will go to me. #2 That's a joke, not my real personal information. #3 It's just a silly running joke about the 7's as there was a stretch where I gave a few in a row. #4 I'm getting tired of numbering these items so I'll stop now.
EDIT: Oh and I don't go by "The Great Corbie" anymore, I've moved up to "The Amazing Corbie" now. Just FYI.
Topic: Corbie's fascination with 7's
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