
Topic: Corbie's fascination with 7's

Posts 1 to 20 of 55


Well many have claimed that I give out scores of 7 too often, and someone asked me for a list of all my reviews on the site along with the scores so here it is. And with only 9 sevens awarded in 70 reviews, it seems I'm not as big a fan of the number 7 as once thought.

In fact I'm rather partial to 8's and 9's with 14 scores of 8 given and 19 scores of 9 given out. Even the lowly 4's clocked in 10 given out. WOW!

Alien Crush Returns - 8
Art Style: Rotohex - 8
Boingz - 3
Bruiser & Scratch - 4
Critter Round-Up - 4
Crystal Defenders R2 - 7
Equilibrio - 7
Family Glide Hockey - 3
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles - 9
Pong Toss - 2
Gradius Rebirth - 6
Groovin' Blocks - 7
Gyrostarr - 7
Jungle Speed - 7
LostWinds - 9
Mega Man 9 - 9
Pit Crew Panic - 6
Planet Pachinko - 5
SPOGS Racing - 3
Star Soldier R - 7
World of Goo - 10
Yummy Yummy Cooking Jam - 5

Animal Crossing Calculator - 5
Animal Crossing Clock - 3
Brain Age Express: Math - 7
Dr. Mario Express - 8
Master of Illusion: Deep Psyche - 4
Master of Illusion: Funny Face - 4
Master of Illusion: Shuffle Games - 4
Mixed Messages - 2

Excitebots - 9
Klonoa - 9
Marble Saga - 6

Blue Dragon Plus - 8

Virtual Console:
Alien Crush - 8
Bio Miracl - 8
Bomberman '94 - 9
Bravoman - 4
Clayfighter - 4
Detana Twinbee - 8
Fantasy Zone 2 - 8
Final Soldier - 8
Galaxy Force II - 4
Gaplus - 5
Jumpman - 8
King of the Monsters - 4
Mega Man 3 - 9
Moto Roader - 4
Neo Turf Masters - 6
New Adventure Island - 9
Ninja Commando - 8
Ninja Spirit - 7
Ogre Battle - 9
Phantasy Star IV - 9
Pitstop II - 7
Ristar - 9
Samurai Shodown II - 9
Secret Command - 6
Secret of Mana - 9
Star Parodier - 9
Super Fantasy Zone - 8
Super Mario RPG - 10
Zelda Ocarina of Time - 10
Uncharted Waters: New Horizons - 8

Densetsu no Stafi - 8
Dragon Warrior Monsters - 9
Star Ocean - 9
Sutte Hakkun - 9
Terranigma - 9

70 reviews in total
Total number of scores of 7 - 9 out of 70

[Edited by Corbs]

Plain old gamer :)


Can you add all those scores up and give us your average score? Wouldn't it be weird if it was a 7?



Ah actually it was 6.885. WHEW!

[Edited by Corbs]

Plain old gamer :)


This changes nothing Corbie! The 7 jokes aren't going away anytime soon!



This changes nothing Corbie! The 7 jokes aren't going away anytime soon!

Well I had to try.

Plain old gamer :)


This is some hefty damage control.



Nah, I'm just having some fun with it. In all honesty, I was a bit curious how it stacked up myself.

Plain old gamer :)


Bah! I always round scores. Your average is a 7 mate, and that's what I call fascination.



My inflated ego prevents me from allowing others to affect how I feel about my reviews. I don't like any of my reviews any more because people praise them and I don't like them any less when people criticize them.

Oh and I always round down. It's an average of 6!

EDIT: I also got in this DS game today called "Personal Trainer: Walking"
Anyone know anything about this one? It's got a little accessory that you put in your pocket and it tracks how much you walk each day. Then the tallies are beamed into the DS via the Wi-fi and it keeps track of everything. I'm afraid this one slipped under my radar.

[Edited by Corbs]

Plain old gamer :)


Personal Trainer: Walking? Are you serious Corbie? I never heard of such a game. Sounds pretty hardcore though!



Yeah I missed it too. I got it in from Nintendo today. It's a Touch Generation game. Supposedly it comes out on the 26th. I've been carrying this little pedometer-like thing around for the past four hours. Unfortunately, I've hardly left my desk.

It even has one you can clip on your dog or cat to track it's walking.

[Edited by Corbs]

Plain old gamer :)


I'm personally well aware of Personal Trainer: Walking. Although I have no intention of getting it, it does sound interesting as it further capitalizes on the very same niche Wii Fit is now leader of. Not to mention it introduces a new function that Nintendo is sure to continue using in future games.

Also, I saw Marble Saga getting a 6 and stopped reading the rest. Lol. j/k
So you don't like them any less when people criticize. C'mon everyone. All-out war against Corbie's future reviews! Who's with me?



Wow, so Personal Trainer: Walking even has a clip-on pedometer for your pet. LOL! Nintendo should have saved this little gem for E3!

[Edited by WolfRamHeart]



Corbie wrote:

Ah actually it was 6.885. WHEW!

It rounds to 7, and Nintendo Life doesn't give decimals, so yes, it's a 7. You're such a 7-lover. I bet you have 7's painted on your walls, and bedsheets decorated with 7's. Admit it!

[Edited by Adam]

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


My secret is out. I even have a costume like the Riddler's but instead of "?" it has "7" all over it. And I was born on 7-7-1977 at 7pm. I live at 777 W. 7th St. Apt #7. There are you happy now.

Plain old gamer :)


TMI, man.

Come on, friends,
To the bear arcades again.


Corbie wrote:

And I was born on 7-7-1977

Hey me too.

Except for the year part, no way I'm that old. lol



Corbie wrote:

My secret is out. I even have a costume like the Riddler's but instead of "?" it has "7" all over it. And I was born on 7-7-1977 at 7pm. I live at 777 W. 7th St. Apt #7. There are you happy now.

I wasn't even going to bother posting in this thread at all... but I have a bone to pick with this post right here of "The Great" Corbie's!
And that's just because he listed his personal informtion... like where he lives! I hate it for people to get the wrong impression & go do something aweful to him if they knew where he lived in the US!

And I hate to remind people that's its not wise to give out personal information... because its obvious that people already know that & should know better! I mean I know the laws of the internet; & I obied by them!

So I wouldn't even go out on a limb & report that above quoted post myself; for I know I seriously won't!

Just looking out for you Corbie!

Also I'm just curious why people even care about this kind of subject; even if you all find it interesting or funny for some odd wierd reasons?! 7 scores aren't that all bad you know! I just hate low scores though; anything that is scored low is "white trash" SHOVELWARE" to the core!!!



#1 it wouldn't' do you any good to report the post as it will go to me.
#2 That's a joke, not my real personal information.
#3 It's just a silly running joke about the 7's as there was a stretch where I gave a few in a row.
#4 I'm getting tired of numbering these items so I'll stop now.

EDIT: Oh and I don't go by "The Great Corbie" anymore, I've moved up to "The Amazing Corbie" now. Just FYI.

[Edited by Corbs]

Plain old gamer :)

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