@Drxhannibalec I have added both of you FCs. Please add me back! Thanks!
Hello all! I just made a Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLLH947Qqbt2e1HMU08sdw If you are interested, please tune in! I am going to be playing games over the next couple of months.
3DS FC: 0302-0517-5392
Pokemon Y Friend Safari: (Troh, Mienfoo, Tyrogue)
@Benzt I have a 3iv ditto. Willing to trade for a 5 iv honedge.
Hello all! I just made a Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLLH947Qqbt2e1HMU08sdw If you are interested, please tune in! I am going to be playing games over the next couple of months.
3DS FC: 0302-0517-5392
Pokemon Y Friend Safari: (Troh, Mienfoo, Tyrogue)
@Kevvo When is it possible for you to come online so I can get your third safari pokemon? Thanks!
Hello all! I just made a Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTLLH947Qqbt2e1HMU08sdw If you are interested, please tune in! I am going to be playing games over the next couple of months.
3DS FC: 0302-0517-5392
Pokemon Y Friend Safari: (Troh, Mienfoo, Tyrogue)
Anyone have ditto Safari?
If you do, add and say you have it and i'll add you back!!
add me
Added you! :3
I love Anime and Wii U and 3DS games with Barry and Ross.
And Im playing Super Mario 3D World, KI:U, Colors, etc
My friend code:
3711- 7655 - 4325
My Nintendo network ID :Pokelover10
Topic: Pokemon X and Y Friend Safari
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