Is it a scorcher where you are, readers? It certainly has been in the UK this week. But the video game news has been pretty hot too! Hollow Knight: Silksong is alive with a brand new trailer! There are details of a rumoured new Fire Emblem game surfacing online. Final Fantasy VII fans are celebrating the news that the Zack Fair-starring prequel Crisis Core is getting remastered and coming to Switch. And no DLC is planned for TMNT: Shredder's Revenge. Yet.
In other news, Neon White is an absolute belter that you should not miss. We've listed all of the best cat games you can get on your trusty Switch. And we interviewed the developers of Zelda: Minish Cap-meets-Stardew Valley game Moonstone Island.
Now it's time to chill out and discuss our weekend gaming plans. A few members of the Nintendo Life team have done just that below, so feel free to give our entries a read and then join in with your own via our comment section. Enjoy!
Ollie Reynolds, staff writer
Hello! This weekend, I’m in the mood for some retro goodness, so I’m probably going to be booting up the NES and SNES apps for Nintendo Switch Online and jumping into some classic Mario and Zelda games. There’s really nothing quite like Super Mario World, is there?
Elsewhere, I’ll be trying out Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge on Game Pass. The Xbox service is my go-to for when I want to try out a certain game before inevitably throwing down some cash for the Switch version! It worked for Streets of Rage 4, why not this one?
Alana Hagues, staff writer
It's all about Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. I'm absolutely stoked to play through this with my partner, but here's the problem — we both have the same favourite turtle, Donatello! I think I might have to play as April or Leonardo here to keep the peace.
I'm also hoping to start Neon White and Omori this weekend too. I wasn't planning on getting Neon White immediately, but then the reviews rolled in, and I buckled. Machine Girl's soundtrack is incredible too (go listen to Vol. 1 and Vol. 2!). Omori, I've been waiting for the console version for a while. I've heard so many fantastic things, and the mix of horror, mental health, and RPG subversions is my jam.
My wallet is suffering after a weekend break and three brand new games. Can you tell? And this is only the beginning of the summer of gaming. Phew. Have a good weekend, everyone!
Gemma Smith, community manager
With all the recent Final Fantasy VII announcements, I thought I'd finally bite the bullet and play the original. I'm not the biggest turn-based lover but with the Switch version being portable and also having x3 speed, I'm really enjoying it so far. I've actually never played the original before, so I'm very excited to be playing it!
I'll also be brushing up on my hunting skills to get ready for the launch of Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak by playing the tasty new demo. Happy hunting!
Gonçalo Lopes, reviewer
What a delightful weekend ahead! Great physical arrivals include such wonders like Zombie Army 4: Dead War, Metal Max Xeno: Reborn, Bloodrayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites, and the lovely Wonder Boy Returns Remix. Alicia has become stronger than any tank in this last stretch of Valkyria Chronicles. Belt action is more than assured by Final Vendetta along with...
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder’s Revenge is not only my game of the week but might just be Game of The Year 2022. A long childhood dream became reality due to the perfect mix of talent and source material love from Tribute Games. Alone or with friends, this one is mandatory Video Game History 101. Cowabunga!
Kate Gray, staff writer
DRAGON'S DOGMA II!!! THEY'RE MAKING A DRAGON'S DOGMA II. I won't be replaying Dragon's Dogma though, since I just finished it recently after slowly playing it over the last couple of years.
I'm in that sort of awkward "I don't want to start anything new" mood, though, so all of the games on my backlog are going to stay backlogged for a while, and instead I will play Hollow Knight, try to finish Return of the Obra Dinn, and maybe see if I can get to the end of AI: The Somnium Files before the new one comes out!
As always, thanks for reading! Make sure to leave us a comment below with your weekend gaming plans!
Comments 105
This weekend I will continue the story in Batman Arkham Origins!
After that I will delve just a little into King's Bounty II. My first impressions are quite good!
And seeing Shredder's Revenge being so good I will practice/play some Beat ’em up games
Happy gaming!!!
TMNT Shredder’s Revenge, obviously.
It looks amazingly detailed!
Back to the 90’s!
I’m playing 13 Sentinels Aegis Rim which is such an amazing game. I think it will age really well and become a classic.
I did also impulse buy Shredders Revenge. The nostalgia got to me and it will be fun to play co-op with my lad and introduce him to the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
I'm going through the end-game of XC1 right now.
Hunting all those optional high level monsters is so much fun.
Hoping to complete the end game content for XC2 as well before XC3 comes out.
Very little this weekend. If I get chance, continue on in Earthbound, and probably some slay the spire. Have also been thinking about Into The Breach so maybe a bit of that.
This week I will be mostly playing
Sonic Colours Ultimate
Currently playing Furi. Awesome game, but hard as nails. Just beaten the 9th boss. Other than that i’m replaying FE three houses with the Black Eagles, first run was with the Blue Lions.
My focus this weekend is Cyberpunk and Red Dead Redemption 2, both on Series S. Probably some Mario on 3DS in-between. Cyberpunk is new and really enjoying it. RRD2 is just a classic.
On Switch, I'm still working my way through Crosscode's DLC. I'm past the halfway mark I think, so it shouldn't take too much longer! I've had to do a lot of grinding so far, but I am enjoying the new temple. If I finish the DLC this weekend, I'm thinking I'll move on to either Castlevania Anniversary Collection (Specifically Super Castlevania IV since I finished 1 and 3) or Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water. The other option is returning to Final Fantasy XII, but...
While I had very mixed feelings when I tried it on PS4, the new Steam launch of Final Fantasy VII Remake along with a decent discount made me pull the trigger on it, so I've started that up on my Steam Deck. Not sure if I'll shelve it for a little bit to focus on some other games I wanted to get through first or if I'll wind up powering through it all now. It's running surprisingly well on my Steam Deck, which is a pleasant surprise! I know they said it was Verified, but so did Horizon Zero Dawn, and the performance in that was pretty bad, so I was a bit worried here. I've wanted to try the game out again for a while, so this seemed like the perfect excuse to do so.
Elsewhere, I want to finish Shantae: Risky's Revenge on PS5 so I can move on to another game on the system; I'll either pick Lego Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga back up or start on Returnal, probably.
Been playing a lot of infernax last couple of days. Finished the ultimate evil ending yesterday. Lot's of fun
Thinking of starting "The cruel king and the great hero" and maybe "The last guardian"
Am hoping to start Kirby and the Forgotten Land this weekend. Also playing some Retro City Rampage on 3DS which is pretty neat.
Im away so brought my Switch along. Playing Traingle Strategy and Celeste. I tried out TMNT on game pass just before I left which is radically awesome!
As usual I have no free time but I will play a little trek to yomi and turtles between work. Since I found my xbox controller.
The Sims 3 (PC)
Saints Row Demo Create A Character (PC)
Mario Kart Double Dash (NGC)
Pretty much all PC for me:
Some more Shredder's Revenge, working on that No-Hit final boss ahievement.
Some more FF7 Remake, now that it's finally out on PC.
And maybe some more Persona 4, but its pacing is...testing me.
I'll be picking up TMNT: Shredder's Revenge today and playing it with my family. I basically haven't played any games in about a month, but this is my #1 most anticipated game this year, so there's no way I'm going to miss it.
Hopefully finish Shinsekai Into the Depths and then start This War of Mine Complete Edition.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna – The Golden Country
One unique monster left to defeat but I need to grind a bit first because of the large level gap between my party and the monster. Once I'm done with that, it's time to go back to XC:DE and hopefully finish it before 3 comes out.
Hatsune Miku: Project Mirai DX
Finally got this game earlier this month. It's been on my wish list since it came out but I believe it only got discounted once on European eShop and I didn't go for it then so I just never got around to buying it.
I gotta admit, despite having way less songs, the package as a whole is way more complete than Megamix. It's really charming. I'm almost done perfecting all songs on normal. I've also played some songs on hard. It's much easier game than Megamix. This feels like something I could complete while I can barely finish the easiest songs on extreme in Megamix.
Multiplayer games
I have friends coming over tomorrow. We'll probably start with Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as usual and then go from there. Good time to try out the new Turtles game as well.
I finished Shin Megami Tensei IV Apocalypse on the 3DS and started with Shin Megami Tensei V on the Switch. I'm 25 hours in and already love it. Especially the post-apocalyptic atmosphere.
I'm in the final stretch of Mad Max on PS5. I might start Outer Wilds after.
And TMNT: Shredder's Revenge on Switch. So much fun to play this game with my daughters
I got two PS4 games this afternoon. 😃
1. My Little Pony: A Maretime Baytime Adventure
2. Dreamworks Dragons: Dawn of New Riders
Continuing with Shredder's Revenge with my wife, some Poinpy, and then probably some Triangle Strategy; I've been playing it for months and I'm eager to get it wrapped up so I can move on.
Diablo Immortal and Apex Legends on the phone (blows my mind how much better the mobile version is than the Switch version).
On the Switch, Fortnite of course and Celeste for me since I picked it up for $5. It's definitely overrated but still pretty good fun, heard so much about how good the story is, but after 4 chapters it's been basically non existent? Maybe they start heaping it on soon or something but so far it's been more of a 6 than the 9 or 10 people claim to me. The music is absolutely great though.
I finished both Slipstream and Crossfire X last week, so have turned my attention to Godfall and Forza Motorsport 2 on the Xbox. Switch-wise, I plan to carry on with Titan Quest.
Shredders Revenge, I’d happily say it’s easily in my top 3 beat-em ups ever along with Streets Of Rage 4 & Alien Vs Predator.
Safari Week, an unofficial Pokemon shiny hunting event held in June every year, has officially begun so I've locked myself in the Great Marsh of Brilliant Diamond in the search for hopefully a shiny Wooper (let's just hope to god it doesn't flee).
Apart from that though, I've arrived at the Pokemon League in Let's Go Pikachu so I'll try and beat the game come Sunday in addition to continuing my first ever playthrough of Street Fighter 2 (made it to Vega and it's been some of the most nail-biting, exciting matches I've ever had in a video game), possibly beating Kirby 64 in prep for Pokemon Snap coming next week and sorting out boxes in Pokemon HOME. Some exciting stuff all round.
A little bit of Metal Max Xeno Reborn, a little Mary Skelter 2, some Cotton Fantasy and maybe Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk later on. I've had my eye on it for years and finally pulled the trigger when I read about the sequel coming out next year.
On the switch I will continue with xenoblade chronicles 2 currently exploring the leftherian archipelago, its quite overwhelming how big these maps are in this game plus the amount of side quests and requirements for the side quests.
I will also give Mario Strikers another try, so far in not really enjoying it, it's just too hectic and I've lost 9/10 games online and even when doing 2v2 I've lost all but one.
On PS5 I will continue with Trails of cold steel 1 and Scarlet Nexus
Major focus on MH Rise to prepare for Sunbreak, likely won't make it in time because of Three Hopes next week but will hopefully get somewhat close. As for other games, maybe a bit of MK8 Deluxe on the side.
Zero Team - Arcade Archives
Everything has been put on hold for the sheer addictive brilliance that is Hades. Even after the ‘final’ credits roll, there is an astounding amount of content, storyline and play styles to explore. It has become one of the best gaming experiences I have ever had, and that is saying something. Shredder’s Revenge will have to wait till next weekend.
I started a new (my 2nd) play through of Breath of the Wild. Great to revisit the beginning of that game! And plan to poke through the eShop and find something that inspires me. And, will probably buy TMNT Shredder’s Revenge because it looks so great.
Have a great weekend, everyone!
BBQ weather in the uk. Enjoy the weekend nintendo life
@JasmineDragon no crochet this weekend? Did you finish the jumper?
Turtles shredders revenge and omori, both on switch.
Edit: having a feeling a direct will come on or before Thursday this coming week.
I'm still finishing up Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition (I finished XC2 already) and playing TMNT Shredder's Revenge too!
TMNT is a blast. Seems lovingly created, too. Beautiful animations. It's like what a 90s side-scroller would have done with today's tech. Very cool
As much as I'm happy for all the people playing Shredder's Revenge, I won't be picking this up. I'm perfectly happy with Smash Bros, and I'm not a TMNT fan. I'll be playing a lot of Animal Crossing and Ashen in Between Episodes of Ms. Marvel and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Fun weekend!
Still playing The Origami King! With 3 kids of which the eldest is 4 yrs old, I am glad to put in 30 mins - 1 hr / day these days Made it to world 3 in the past 4 weeks...Game is a lot bigger than I expected beforehand!
Playing through Shin Megami 5, dragon quest 11 and disgaea 5 at the moment. Also going to give Warframe a go as I always here so much good things about it. Might also play a bit of resident evil revelations as I still need to complete it.
Playing digimon cyber sleuth complete edition. Completely addictictive with that game. Not on my wildest dream that I like digimon more than pokemon now (my past experience with digimon 3 and digimon on ds)
I'm playing the waiting game for a Nintendo Direct! All jokes aside I'm slowly 100% games I've left unfinished before fulling diving into Xenoblade Chronicles 3
Freshly procured Everspace on Switch, plus hopefully generous helpings of Xenoblades, Rune Factory 5, Dying Light, Neon Chrome, Vostok Inc, Bloodstained, plus probably some Bioshock 2, DerQ and more open-worlders like Immortals, Dragon's Dogma, Kingdoms of Amalur or BotW. Maybe a dose of Pillars of Eternity and Torchlight 2, too. And a couple more missions in Devil May Cry... or at least a couple more curbstomped attempts to beat another mission therein.😅
The laptop may well end up on a mixed ride through NFS Undercover, JC2, Witcher, FFXIII, Mad Max as well as possibly Daggerfall Unity (I'm curious how different the experience might be from what I've played of OG Arena to date) and Fallout 3... yeah, I'm still early in the first game, but I can't resist poking around this one in celebration of it finally launching past the title screen - it only took another laptop!😆 Tell me more about the ease of PC gaming.😏
And, of course, I'm still greedy enough to fancy some handheld stuff on top. Altair Chronicles and Endless Frontier, Spirit of Justice and Fire Emblem Echoes, Etrian Odyssey and SMT Strange Journey Redux, Gravity Rush and God Eater, Tales of Eternia and Blue Reflection... as usual, only time will tell which sessions will actually happen, but dream big or not at all!
This weekend I am chugging along on Kirby and the Forgotten Land. I love it so much that it's caused me to step back and look at how I gobble down my games,looking for what's next afterwards,and for Kirby I just want to slow down and appreciate how good and CUTE(!!) this game is.
If I get time between that I'm also playing Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow. I'm only an hour in and it's the last Castlevania I've yet to play! I am also savoring it
As far as this weekend goes, I’ll be looking to finish up Pokémon Ruby. I also downloaded the Stardew Valley game trial, so I’ve been playing that as well. I also recently picked up PJ Masks: Heroes of the Night for my youngest boy, so I’m sure I’ll be helping them out here and there.
Sadly, little time for gaming this weekend as I’m attending Pride 🏳️🌈🏳️⚧️ festivities today then preparing a Fathers’ Day cookout for my dad tomorrow.
I’ll still squeeze in a bit of Slay the Spire though - I finally had a good run and beat Heart-sama with The Defect, leaving just The Watcher now awaiting her turn to triumph.
And yes, leering jealously at everyone playing TMNT Shredder’s Revenge this weekend, as my copy won’t arrive till August (according to Signature Edition Games). I have enough games to be patient though. 😅
I’m surprised we didn’t get our post-E3 era Direct this week, but hopefully later in June.
Wishing everyone a fun weekend, and a Happy Father’s Day to all you devoted dads out there!
Kirby and Ninja Turtles for me. Oh, there's a crossover the world needs...
Diablo 3 for me. A lot of hours bike riding this weekend (training) Happy Father's Day to all th parents ...
No More Heros 2: Desperate Struggle
Well it would have been TMNT Shredders Revenge, but I have to wait for my physical copy from The Cool Shop and although I purchased a European e-shop download voucher to purchase the digital TMNT game, for some reason the Euro code does not work on my Euro region Switch???!! Any ideas anyone (PS still waiting on the legit online company to provide a work around who sold it to me)?? So on that note, it will be Mario Kart WIIU with the Grand Kids
New turtles game is solid. The controls and move-set feel like such a natural progression from Turtles in Time, and this makes the game feel like a proper sequel to the arcade series.
Well Gitface (and that is referring to your online name and not an insult) I'm glad your enjoying it and hopefully soon, I will be too!!

It's the same as other AW Games but with different characters and darker.
The TMNT game for sure. Also throwing in Mario Strikers, Cotton Fantasy, Shantae(original), and Kirby Forgotten World.
@Bucket Lol, no, I just thought people were probably tired of hearing me mention my non-gaming activities every week!
I'm actually crocheting right now. Working on the sleeves. I haven't made a lot of progress because gaming cuts into my crochet time. The sweater is almost done, but it will probably keep on being almost done for at least a few more weeks.
I'm playing a game called Symphony of War The Nephilim Saga, a turn based strategy game clearly taking some heavy inspiration from stuff like Fire Emblem and Ogre Battle. Just made is past Chapter 11 (out of 30 something I believe) I've been absolutely loving it, just good ol turn-based strategy gameplay with no monastery chores to boggle it down, what more could you really ask for.
I also happened to get a pretty good deal on Pokemon Let's go Pekachu, so I figured I might as well check it out since I've been in bit of a Pokemon mood lately, I went in knowing it'd be bit of a casualized mess. I made it to Cerulean, I've been enjoying more than I though I would at first, it kind of annoys me really, if it was just a more of a straight port of the classic without any of the weird Go catching nonsense and bizarre controller restrictions it'd actually be quite decent I think. Rattata replaced (partner) Pikachu as my starter because that's just how I like to roll and I also caught a random wild Pikachu as well which I think is a first time you can catch the Pokemon you had as a starter in any official game, thought it'd be funny to use it so I just named it Stunt Double and called it a day, Raichu is one of my favorites.
Possibly Breath of the Wild and Lego DC Supervillians.
I also started a Knuckles play through in Sonic Mania to hype myself up for Origins next week. You know darn well I’ll be playing that a lot, as I already have it preordered!
Strikers and Shantae and the 7 sirens
This weekend I will play a little.
I´m playing Snk vs Capcom Card Fighters (Snk Path) on Switch when I go to the bed. The replay value is insane. I think i´ll play it all this year at night.
And, on Steam, I´ll be playing Samurai Shodown 2019 (a online championship that I'm participating)
This weekend we will reveal the pregnancy to the whole family. Saturday and Sunday. There will be little or no time to play.
@JasmineDragon not at all. I'm a knitter, myself, but enjoyed reading your updates.
@Bucket It honestly never crossed my mind that there were other yarnies around in this crowd! I do some knitting, too, but I've been crocheting for much longer and am way better at it. I will continue to post my updates! 🧶
I played a bit of Mario strikers and Mario maker earlier and I just started earthbound beginnings. It's one of few nintendo franchises I never played and I can see why it has its fans still today as it stands out from other nes games.
I finished a couple games this week: the fantastic little fox adventure Tunic & the retro kick punching TMNT Shredders Revenge! The exploration and secrets in Tunic were fantastic & scratched my Zelda itch while TMNT hit me with a lol the nostalgia from my childhood. Very well done games
Still having my nightly rounds of Tetris 99 & Nintendo Switch Sports. Sitting at B rank in tennis ! Started Forza Horizon 4 as my racing game obsession lingers into the summer. Loving the Britain map much more than 5s Mexico but still miss the rivieras 2 had
Happy Gaming everyone !
Mostly Switch Sports and Rune Factory 5 for me like the last weeks. I also bought Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+ 2 during the sale and playing it has given me quite the rush of Nostalgia.
Great choice, one of my all time favorites that one.
After finishing Torna: The Golden Country almost a week ago and Professor Layton and the Azran Legacy yesterday (Both are excellent!), I've dug into a couple of short palate cleansers. Namely Kirby: Nightmare In Dream Land on the Wii U VC and What Remains of Edith Finch on Switch. The former is basically Kirby's Adventure with a fresh coat of paint and perfectly enjoyable. The latter is delightfully weird, wonderful, and unique.
I have a busy weekend with Father's Day and other goings-on, so I don't think I'll get to much else other than a bit of Pokemon Go. Happy gaming, and Happy Father's Day!
Elden Ring on Xbox, Spiritfarer and Shredder's Revenge on Switch
Zelda games this long weekend for me! May play some Mario Kart with family as well.
Well it’s mor DQ 11, but some Grisaia trilogy mixed in. However Shredders Revenge may take my time from those as I have some friends and family wanting to play it.
I finished up Xenogears earlier this week and oh my God...to say I was mind blown is an understatement! I did enjoy Disc 2 more than I thought I would but, I have to admit you can tell that it was rushed. It's a real shame because I haven't seen many games have this much depth with it's story. (Although to be fair, it would be a super long game if it was the same length as the first Disc.) After beating the game I looked up some explanation videos to clarify some of the things I was confused about and it only lead to my mind melting even more 😂. It's quite funny, I didn't see the hype for this game until around the end of Disc 1 and now I totally get it. I'm glad I played through the whole thing.
I'm now doing my 5th playthrough of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and I'm making a special effort to make sure I don't actually miss the Crimson Flower route this time 😅. It feels nice to play this game again. After I beat Crimson Flower maybe I'll pick up Three Hopes.
I've been kind of on and off with CrossCode lately. I love everything about the game so far except the length of the dungeons. After a few days I'm only now getting out of the first dungeon 😅 hopefully these aren't too common.
Dusting off the 3ds and starting to play FE Awakening. I find the 3ds better than the switch for these types of games. Maybe it is because I don't use the switch in portable mode.
TMNT: Shredder’s Revenge -Turtle Power!
Stardew Valley -I started playing the free trial this week and almost immediately bought the game. I had only ever played Stardew on mobile before and didn't like it much but apparently it's like 100 times more fun on Switch and now I'm addicted.
Hollow Knight - playing some for the backlog club.
Hollow knight has been in my backlog since it came out and with silk song news recently dropping I finally am playing it and I just got to the city of tears. Have a fantastic weekend everybody!
Shredder's Revenge, World of Final Fantasy, Final Fantasy VII Remake Integrade, Oddworld Soulstorm and probably New Pokémon Snap.
I finished Arise: a simple story. What a great game. Definitely in my top 10. What beautiful artistic platforming, and what a great story.
Happy gaming everyone!
Safari Week in Shining Pearl! This is the first year I'm attempting it, and I've never gotten a shiny in a Safari Zone before, so I'm crossing my fingers for a pretty blue Psyduck!
I'll also be working on Final Fantasy VII Remake, because I just have to see where its going after that Rebirth trailer and the Crisis Core remake announcement. I need to continue playing through Pokemon Omega Ruby as well, so will probably do that tomorrow while today is FF7R and Safari Week hunting.
More Monster Hunter Rise for me. I just finished up the three star quests in the village. Working on assembling a couple different armor load outs before I proceed. The Insect Glaive is my weapon of choice!
I’ve been dipping into Sonic Mania here and there, doing a level or two once a day. Maybe I’ll even dip back into SMT IV. We’ll see! Happy weekend!
I keep playing Strikers. I generally don’t play sports games or multiplayer games, but something about this one has me hooked at least for the moment. I’ve just been playing online alone versus others and I’ve been able to get some pretty competitive matches.
I probably still lose a bit more than I win, but not by too much. It seemed like I was getting to the point where quick battles were too easy, so I joined some random club and have found the matches challenging but winnable. I kind of wish it gave you some personal stats on your wins/losses and other things.
I also recently started to replay Hollow Knight and started Phantom Hourglass for the first time. I enjoy both of those, but I haven’t played them since I started strikers.
@eagletal88 likewise, I am returning to 3ds: It is perfect for breaks at work.
And New Pokémon Snap, I need to squeeze that in there too.
Going to explore some more in my first playthrough of Super Metroid. Banger game.
Also been way to into Splatoon 2 multiplayer the past few months. Made it to S Rank in Splat Zones and trying to do the same for the other modes.
Might dip back into Nintendo Switch Sports, been a hot second since I’ve played it.
Hadn't gamed much in three weeks (due to warm weather, riding the bike, and other stuff), but I did just play some Rocket League and TMNT Shredder's Revenge.
(That new Rocket League tile for the Switch home screen is kinda ugly. Ew.)
Started Phantom Hourglass up yesterday. Honestly one of the more underrated Zelda games.
Just put in an hour of 5 player couch co-op with the kids on Shredders Revenge. It was a lot of fun. I love my Switch but Game Pass rocks.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Shredder's Revenge. It was my most-anticipated game as soon as it was announced and definitely lived up to expectations. Like Streets of Rage 4, it's an absolute blast and takes me back to those 16-bit glory years of gaming.
After listening to the soundtrack for two days straight I finally caved and started Hollow Knight. I'm probably going to be stuck here for a while...
This weekend I took advantage of the Jupiter Anniversary Sale and got the entire Picross e series plus Sanrio Characters Picross. That's what I'm playing this weekend.
It doesn't include My Nintendo Picross: The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, Pokémon Picross (already have those) Club Nintendo Picross (no way to access it) Club Nintendo Picross Plus, Picross e9 and Pictlogica Final Fantasy (none of them were released in the west)
I’m kind of playing a variety of things this weekend as I wait for Fall Guys and Sonic Origins next week. I’ll be playing more Mario Strikers Battle League, as I have all of the Galactic Cups to do still and I may also play Sonic Mania yet again just for the heck of it. For multiplayer I’ll be playing Fortnite and Overwatch with my friends (looking forward to Overwatch 2). However, there’s one game I can’t decide on and that’s Hollow Knight. I’ve heard great things about Hollow Knight in the past and I want to be excited for Silksong, but I’ve struggled to get into Hollow Knight twice now. I’m feeling pretty good about it at the moment, so we’ll see if I finally learn to love Hollow Knight. I’d appreciate some tips for the game if anyone has any!
I'm currently getting back into XC2: Torna: The Golden Country finally. Glad I was early on, it's been easy to get back into the game. I'm supplementing it with the Stardew Valley game trial. It's a cool life sim vibe, but I'm not really feeling life sims atm, so I'll probably go back to Wallachia: Reign of Dracula.
Kirby, Mario, and Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2!
Finished TMNT Shredder's Revenge in 1 sitting last night, it was nice. The perfect gamepass game for sure.
I picked up Fire Emblem Three Houses and been chipping away at that lately to delve into Three Hopes once that drops!
Getting every “Most KO” and “Longest Combo” online as April O’Neill in Turtles.
Bits of Neoverse Trinity edition here and there. Despite reviews it runs fine on switch and the controls aren’t horrible.
Reading more Michael Moorcock, now on Behold the Man before returning to Von Bek. I recently secured a very rare signed, fine condition hardcover first edition Stealer of Souls from 1963 to go with my 1965 Stormbringer. This is Elric’s first appearance in book form, and this copy may be the ultimate Black Sword collectible. (There is an argument to be made for Yoshitaka Amano’s Elric statue)
80 hours into The Fruit of Grisaia and it'll be no different in another 80 hours, lol
Atari 2600 and old skool NES. Loving "Bad Dudes" & "Dudes with Attitude" at the 'mo! As well as a classic from my childhood, "Castlevania II: Simon's Quest"
Hollow Knight. That's it. I did boot up the demo of Shadowverse: Champion's Battle, but I haven't gotten to any real gameplay yet.
Holy crap, I actually finished Ibb & Obb with a 4-year-old!!! I don't think I need to worry about his English comprehension (it's not his first language since pretty much the only English he hears is from me) because that game would have been just as hard playing with one of my native-English-speaking adult friends.
Now I can spend the rest of the weekend staring at my shiny new Flip Grip because I don't have any games that are compatible with it yet!
Getting through Horizon: Zero Dawn Complete Edition on PC finally. I keep starting and stopping it. Have been doing that since launch day on PS4. I just reinstalled Final Fantasy XIV Online and need to still get through the base content. I just bought KOTOR II on Switch as I never played it on Xbox. I own it and never got around to it. I'm also playing Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Forces on PC with high-res texture mods and QOL improvements. Pretty solid Quake II engine shooter. Pretty long game it seems as well. 43 missions? Probably going to take a while.
@Dragonslacker1 Have you read anything good this week? Recently I've been reading The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson. It's my first novel by him, and I can't say I've fallen in love with it yet, but it definitely is interesting.
Bravely Default II: I've been looking for an old-school JRPG reminiscent of Final Fantasy and this fits the bill. It's also given me the opportunity to take note of some similar games (such as the Ateliers) for the future. Turn-based combat, job system, and of course the brave/default options all make this an easy sell for me.
If I finish that, to quote Monty Python's John Cleese, "And now for something completely different": Yoshi's Crafted World. I've never played a Yoshi game (btw, is it YOH-shee or YAH-shee? Always been curious to know the proper pronunciation.) and this looks like a nice and laid-back affair after a meaty RPG.
Tmnt Shredder's Revenge!🐢🐢🐢🐢🐀🍕
Well... In UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH Exe:Late[cl-r], I finished "You're Really Pissing Me Off" chronicle (2nd, 3rd, and 4th chapters; 4 chapters in total). In BLAZBLUE CENTRALFICTION Special Edition, I cleared Arcade Mode playing as Relius Clover, Carl Clover, and Nu-13. I'm again played for 4 times Ghost Ship Panic mini-game in Resident Evil: Revelations. First time killed Aculeozzo. In Capcom Arcade Stadium, I've played EN version of 1943: The Battle of Midway. I stopped on 16th round. 16th round is a final level with final boss. I've played the game from 6th to 15th level. Sigh That's was kinda boring and monotonous. In CHAOS CODE -NEW SIGN OF CATASTROPHE-, I cleared Arcade Mode on Ending A, playing as Cthylla and Kagari. In Guilty Gear XX ΛCore Plus R, I cleared Arcade Mode playing as Kliff Undersn and Zappa. In Shovel Knight: King of Cards, I replayed some levels on 1st map and cleared one level on 2nd map on two medals. Later bought secret cards(?) of 1st and 2nd levels. And beated two competitors in second tavern(Blorb in fire and usual forms, and Mole Minion). And in G-Mode Archives 25 Topolon, I've played 1 Minute, 5 Stages, and Endless games modes. I beated my previous best records in 5 Stage mode(if I don't confuse...) and Endless mode. My new best record in Endless mode is 18360, if I don't confuse. Well, that's all what I've played on this week. Have a nice gaming weekend, everyone.
On Switch, TMNT, and then a little more 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim. The story's currently locked behind battles so I've been grinding those out recently. On PS4, more Persona 5 Royal, doing another playthrough on Scarlet Nexus, and I recently picked up Tales of Berseria so I'm trying it out.
Just beat TMNT Shredder's Revenge about a hour ago, such a good game. Had a lot of fun.
@Abeedo hi just checked that book out seems very interesting! Have read a few okaying books, the cottage by Lisa stone. Am halfway through Tell me I’m worthless by Alison rumfitt which I bought based on the title alone. It’s quite messed up and dark! Will have to read something light afterwards xx
@Dragonslacker1 Tell Me I'm Worthless seems like an interesting book. I like reading dark stuff from time to time (the last one I read being Malice by Keigo Higashino, a book that was more crime than horror but still a little twisted) so this might appeal to me. If you find any more light-hearted books feel free to tell me.
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