Over the last three decades, many types of Sonic fan have emerged and evolved. The type of fan you are often depends on where you jumped aboard the platforming franchise. You've got your 2D purists, your handheld advocates, your 3D defenders, your Werehog worriers, your people who say the 8-bit games were better than the 16-bit ones... and that's just the tip of the Green Hill.
Today self-described 'long-suffering Sonic veteran' Stuart Gipp takes a chronological look back over the entire series 'til now...
Sega’s great blue hope seems to go through incarnations like he must wear through pairs of socks. One has to wonder what on earth got him in such a hurry, but given the patchy quality of the series as a whole we suspect he might be trying to outrun himself.
Having looked at the many faces of Donkey Kong in honour of the gorilla's 40th anniversary, the recent – and typically catalysing — release of Sonic Colors Ultimate in the hedgehog's 30th anniversary year seems as opportune a time as any to have a look at a selection (although not quite the full gamut) of Sonics. A brace of Sonics. A snifter of Sonics. A Sonic aperitif.
We begin with a draught of the genuine article; the only Sonic that pleases the 'purists'...
Proper Sonic: The Mega Drive years (1991-1996)

Now, some will dispute the assignment of the label “proper Sonic” to this little lot, but they are all wrong – this is Sonic at the very apex of his powers. 2D platforming utilising momentum that’s never been equaled, or even convincingly imitated.
The original Sonic the Hedgehog and its two-and-a-half sequels (Sonic & Knuckles only sort of counts as a full game) still look and play great to this very day, hence the excitement for the upcoming Sonic Origins – which also includes misunderstood masterpiece Sonic the Hedgehog CD.
It’s telling, we think, that it took a direct lift of these classics in Sonic Mania for the series to achieve unanimous critical acclaim again following its early-'90s heyday.
8-Bit Sonic: The Master System / Game Gear years (1991-1996)

It would be remiss of us not to acknowledge the rather underrated 8-bit Sonic games, especially their Master System incarnations which we'd argue are, at the very least, thoroughly playable and aurally (or should that be sonically) wonderful.
While still speedy, the focus in 8-bit Sonic and Sonic 2 has been shifted to more linear, precision based platforming; an approach brought into focus by the series’ MacGuffin, the Chaos Emeralds; here, hidden in an obtuse location in each zone rather than locked behind Special Stages...
Until Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble, that is, at which point they, erm, locked them behind Special Stages again.
Extremely Confused Sonic: The Saturn years (1996-1997)

The promise of a future Sonic probably sold Saturns, which is a bit of a shame considering it never got one.
Yes, you’re screaming, it did get a version of Sonic 3D as well as the racing spin-off Sonic R, but the best Sonic title in this era was the Sonic Jam compilation of classics. Which isn’t exactly a great advertisement for your overpriced, easy-to-break new console. Aficionados are aware that planned and bizarre fish-eye lens title Sonic X-Treme had a very troubled development at this time, but it looked a hot mess and it never saw the light of day.
Outside of the Saturn, there was bizarre arcade fighter Sonic the Fighters, but that one didn’t exactly scream “Hi, I am the Sonic franchise. I know what I am doing”. It ran on the Fighting Vipers engine (which was also the Virtua Fighter engine) and was surprisingly good, though.
Confident Failure Sonic: The Dreamcast years (1999-2001)

Do you remember that scene in The Simpsons where Mr Burns’ doctor is demonstrating the fragile equilibrium of his patient's health with squidgy toys representing illnesses getting jammed in a mini doorway? Sonic Adventure is basically a game version of that, in that it’s a game which is completely falling apart and fundamentally broken, but somehow just about hangs together in a way that sees its wobbliness register as charmingly free-wheeling, rather than disgustingly unplayable.
Sonic Adventure remains extremely fun to play, arguably more so than any of its more rigid follow-ups. Sonic Adventure 2, for example, which is a far more polished and attractive title, but also a bit boring and rubbish, if you ask us. Many disagree, of course, but we find it rather homogenous.
The most interesting thing about the Adventure games is their complete (and somewhat admirable, in a way) refusal to trade on past glories – not only are these not classic Sonic games, they’re absolutely nothing like their forebears in almost any way besides the obvious loops, rings, etc. There’s something to be said for going from the most accessible platformers ever made to the sheer complexity and constant feedback of the Sonic Adventure series.
Throwing-Stuff-At-The-Wall-And-Seeing-What-Sticks Sonic: The multi-platform wilderness years (2003-2009)

Then, the unthinkable: Sega dropped out of the console business and began bringing its most famous brands to its former rivals’ systems.
And Hell followed: Sonic Heroes is toilet, but it’s a mere skidmark compared with some of the absolute rinse that saw the light of day in this very, very choppy period; Shadow the Hedgehog, for goodness’ sake; ports of the Dreamcast games that were, in Adventure’s case, even more broken; the wretched Sonic Riders and sequels; the awful Sonic Storybook Series with Secret Rings and Black Knight; and the interesting Sonic Unleashed created a portrait of a series that truly had no idea what it wanted to be or what on earth it was doing.
Thankfully, throughout this period, there was a solid core of 2D titles for Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS keeping things a little more on track – all three Sonic Advance games were a good time, not to mention Sonic Rush and Rush Adventure, which both offered high-quality running action. That said, even handhelds weren’t entirely safe, with Bioware’s appalling Sonic Chronicles wafting over the format like the gaseous aftermath of a plate of chilli dogs.
Oh; and a little something commonly known as Sonic ’06 damaged the series’ reputation forever.
Boost Sonic: The multi-platform wilderness years part II: some semblance of coherence (2010-2021)

Thank god, this deluge of crap came to something of an end with Sonic Colors, then, a title with a shocking level of purity and focus in a series that seemed to have long-forgotten what those things even were. Far be it from us to call Sonic Colors perfect, it was (and is) still a well above-average take on 3D Sonic; one that finally recognises the strengths of the games – that is to say the 3D Sonic traditional platforming stages you’d think would be the focus of preceding titles, without any alternate playstyles or pointless diversionary minigames to waste time. It’s just straight-up Sonic action, something that was taken from the “Day” stages in the otherwise mediocre Sonic Unleashed and expanded upon here as well as in celebratory follow-up Sonic Generations, a title that inarguably trades on nostalgia while still offering a good deal of meat on its bones for players to get stuck into.
There are some mis-steps in this era – Sonic the Hedgehog 4 was tantamount to a war crime for the gall of its name alone, the Sonic Boom games are best left unmentioned, and Wii U console exclusive Sonic Lost World was a misfire in most ways – but for the most part this consistency carried through to Sonic Forces, a widely-derided game that this writer contends is pretty much fine, particularly when you consider the vast waves of dross fans had to navigate before it.
And then came Sonic Mania, of course.
Future Sonic (2022-????)

Of course, many will disagree with the conclusions drawn here about what, statistically-speaking, are probably some of their favourite games. And that’s totally fine. We’re looking at the series here in a more detached way than enthusiasts would do. And we’ve missed a lot out, too – Sonic’s not just about the games, what with multiple beloved comic book universes (Archie, Fleetway, IDW), TV cartoons (Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic SatAM, Underground and later Boom), as well as many other deviations within the franchise (not to mention the huge hit movie), each of which is chronicled more exhaustively by the fanbase than we realistically have space for.
We like to think that Sonic’s success comes in waves and the upcoming Sonic Rangers has a chance of once again offering a consistent experience for fans, though it’s quite likely to be yet another brand new direction in a series that’s really struggled for identity at times. Nonetheless, we’re still quite fond of the silly blue sod and we just want what’s best for him. Which means we really must insist that he pick a lane.
What's your favourite Sonic era? Let us know in the poll below and feel free to let us know the exact type of Sonic fan you are in the usual place.
Comments 85
I like Boost sonic personally, Not all of the boost games are good, Gee alot of them aren't, but the ones that are good well, I do really in-joy.
And also, why is Sonic colors called the best 3d sonic game, when it acts more like classic sonic with mario powerups? I mean I know its 3d and all, but Shouldn't it be like, idk more 2d then 3d bc there is no real 3d sections.
I'll say one thing here and now that this article sucks. Like yes we get you guys want to say the Dreamcast games were always bad and weird, that the Genesis games are the only "good" Sonic games, that the Dark age was weird and that 06 is Satan and that Colors, Generations, and Mania are the second coming of christ because they "go back to when Sonic was good and wasn't more than Hedgehog stops bad doctor." Why can't people just be fans of Sonic, plain and simple
My first console was the master system, never had a Mega Drive, so the real Sonic for my brain is the 8bit sonic
Sonic was never a rival to Mario.
Sonic was all speed and no finnesse.
I liked Sonic Adventure on Dreamcast but Mario games were/are always much more entertaining and brilliant.
Original Sonic is the best design.
Any game where you've not got control of the character (i.e Sonic) for any length of time, no matter how short, is not for me.
@ShadowofTwilight22 I'm talking about gameplay wise.
Sonic games had none of the intricacies of Mario.
Compare SMW to any Sonic game...
@ShadowofTwilight22 Not denying that they were good games but as far as true platformers go, SMW is still to be bested.
@ShadowofTwilight22 No joke smiley ?
@ShadowofTwilight22 Opinions are good.
I'm so, so, so, SO glad to see someone other than me prefers Adventure over Adventure 2. I always see a lot of love for SA2 (which is great to see), but it's usually paired up with the take of it being so much better than SA1, which I just can't get behind. Much more polish, yes, but I didn't enjoy the gameplay or level design nearly as much, and I was really disappointed they dropped the open areas between stages. The story of SA1 somehow felt more alive with the ability to explore the city and the ruins and such. SA1 was rough, but you could feel the love and the ambition of Sonic Team, like Naka and everyone just poured their souls into it.
Then the next game was a commercial for Soap shoes.
@ShadowofTwilight22 It's just that yours are wrong.
@KiraMoonvalley I'm not saying all Sonic games were piss poor but Mario games have been consistently great.
I can't see an argument against that really,
@ShadowofTwilight22 no idea what that means.
@KiraMoonvalley I think the main thing is - we've all got a wonderful hobby that we all love.
Honestly I cannot pick just one chapter of the blue hedgehog, because I have been a fan since it began. To see the ups and downs he's been on, to rebound, excell, and surprise. Plus every soundtrack connects to us on another level.
Colors (+Ultimate) took chances to experiment, to see it remastered is amazing.
Mania, a masterpiece, a work of art.
Forces is an interesting chapter, it wanted to do so much, but a lot was missing, left to the cutting room floor. Curious what the next game will achieve. As a fan since 91' let's keep on going to find another adventure
@Kadosho Boom and Forces did have a lot of interesting ideas, but they never reached their full potential. I hope that the next Sonic game will be different.
Very weird article. All eras have positives and negatives, even the ones I don't like or whatever.
For me though, I loved Sonic Adventure 2, Shadow the Hedgehog and the first Sonic Riders was amazing.
Heroes was also fun and Secret Rings while leaving a looot to be desired I still enjoyed a bit.
Still wanna play the GBA and DS 2D ones, they look amazing to me. Never enjoyed the original 2D though. Also still gonna play some of the 3D ones I missed, boost formula gemerally looks to fast for me though.
@hypnotoad SMW is an amazing game and a classic, but I think it's a bit overrated.
SMW is not even the best platformer on the SNES.
That honor belongs to Donkey Kong Country 2.
Is Sonic Mania part of the 16-bit era or is an era by itself? It became the best Sonic title for me.
@Caryslan No it's not.
@hypnotoad DKC2 has better and more varied levels, tons of stuff to find and collect, better boss fights, and better music.
I love Super Mario World, but later games like DKC2 and Yoshi's Island surpass it.
That's a tough one, but if I have to choose, I'm gonna say his faces on Lost World (yes, I liked that more than Generations) and Mania, but I have a bit of a conflict on whether to cosider that one or not, not because I want to disregard the work of Christian Whitehead, but because it took a fan's work to get a good Sonic, which SEGA thought it was a good idea to shoehorn as a Forces prequel/excuse for Classic Sonic in Forces. And I say all that as someone who hasn't played Forces but wants to.
Voted another because I've love this series as a whole, all the eras. Classic, Dreamcast, modern, yes even the Boom (nope, not going unmentioned, Fire and Ice was great and best of the three IMHO).
I just always enjoyed Sonic games. I seem to just disagree with the popular opinion, mostly because I'm more of a play it myself and come to my own opinion kind of guy. Not just Sonic, but any games really.
Guess, you could call me more of a general Sonic fan as I just like the series as a whole.
@YusseiWarrior3000 Hey I like that era As well, first Sonic game I think I played that wasn't on the internet was sonic Ad 2.
My favourites are the original Megadrive and Game Gear versions. I was hyped for Sonic 2 when it came out, but even at the time once I'd played it for a while I preferred the first one as the pacing of traditional platforming and speed sections felt more varied. It looked amazing at the time coming from the C64, and the design and physics were very original for a platformer. I still try to play all the new Sonic games as I have a lot of nostalgia for the classics.
My favorite era is the wilderness years part 1.I love Sonic Rush,its sequel and the storybook mini-series.Sonic Adventure DX and Sonic Heroes were really nice too.
This article is garbage, as a Nintendo/Mario fan and NintendoLife follower I am very disappointed that we still get "Sonic is terrible" articles over and over.
I play Heroes proudly knowing that it's a much better game than Sunshine was back in the GameCube's day and I still believe this to be correct.
Sonic Adventure is an incredible game to play even today, and I think anyone who enjoys exhilarating and diverse gameplay will still choose it over Mario 64.
I will gladly say Super Mario World is worlds above all the Genesis games combined. But Mario 64? Nah. And Sunshine has some bs that trumps even Sonic 06.
I loved Sonic on the Genesis, haven't only recently played any other Sonics and it mostly seems like all you need is Sonic 1-3, Colours and Generations, everything else is discretionary
With just how many of the Sonic games are bad, I find it very surprising Sonic still has so many fans.
I've got to say, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, Sonic Forces is one of the most underrated games I've ever played. Is it as good as Sonic Adventure 1 and 2? No. But it's the first time since Heroes that I've played a 3D Sonic game and thoroughly loved it. I even love the cutscenes; they are just so fun to make fun of, and have tons of lines I use often, which is something I loved about the Adventure games too. As a long time Sonic fan who was disappointed with 3D Sonic from the Wii on, Sonic Forces brought back faith in the franchise for me, and I strongly suggest giving it a fair chance before joining with others in mocking it
@LemonyJams Damn, That is really unpopular. I did play it before hating on it, and I still disliked the game.
@Josh2396 same here.
@Hinade I have never played the GBA ones but Sonic Rush is very fun great soundtrack by Hideki Naganuma of Jet Set Radio fame.
It has this quasi skate like combo system that you can use when on rails or in the air and the switching between top and bottom screen makes for frantic but fun gameplay.
There's only one Shigeru Miyamoto.
Though I like the old Sonic games, I had a feeling a majority of the upcoming new ones are gonna be bad. Unless it's a 2D fan made one or a remastered of an old one, I think Sega just don't know what to do with Sonic going forward. They probably going to keep throwing gimmick at him and hope one works.
@HedgehogEngine The first Sonic Advance is probably the closest we had to a true Sonic 4 before the actual Sonic 4 (or Mania, depending on which way you look at it). It even has playable Amy with different gameplay mechanics than Sonic, Tails and Knuckles. Advance 2 and 3 feel a little more like predecessors to the boost-based games, especially the Sonic Rush games.
16 bit and adventure era for me. I love so many of the genesis sonic games (including the often forgotten sonic spinball). Sonic CD was a blast and the Christmas where I got a used dreamcast and Sonic adventure+ Ready to Rumble was one of my favorite Holiday breaks ever.
Are Mario Games better, absolutely, but I still have a special place in my heart for Sonic. And dang those sound tracks.
@chocolate_supra Me Too. I actually really like the quirkiness of all the different characters and their game modes and very much missed the open world. Just made the game much more of an immersive experience for me. I like to go back and forth every couple of years doing runs where its based on time (so I hop in and out of character stories) and then ones where I start with sonic then move onto tails then etc.
That being said I must admit, Sonic Adventure 2 does have one of my favorite sonic levels and sound tracks... Escape from the City.
Sonic Chaos. No one ever mentions it. Even when going on 8-bit nostalgia trips.
Heres a hot take: The Adventure games are actually quite good!
Haven't played them all, but my favorites are: Sonic 1 Genesis and Game Gear, Sonic 2, Sonic Advance, Sonic Heroes, Sonic Colors and Sonic Lost World.
I've never been the biggest Sonic fan, but I'm really enjoying experiencing Colors for the first time on Switch. Glad to finally have the chance to play it after hearing good things for so many years. I really hope SEGA ports Generations next (that one was natively HD, so I don't think it really needs the remaster treatment), as I only ever played the 3DS version, which I hear is vastly inferior. But everyone gushes about the console version of that game like they do Colors, and I'm sure they're right.
I like the 16 bit era and the colors, generations,forces eras equally. The 16 for nostalgia and the out of the wilderness for the straight fact they make sonic games worth playing again.
@hypnotoad SMW isn’t even the best 2d Mario game. Mario 3 is. And I like the new super Mario’s better then SMW as well.
The best Sonic games is Freedom Planet
Ohh… and Adventure 2
@Luigisghost669 having played 3 recently. I disagree. Most of the levels can be beaten under a minute or 2 without speed running.
I had fond memories of it as the best 2D Mario… but World is vastly superior.
@fafonio and that is vastly your opinion I’m not a fan of SMW it’s my least favorite 2d Mario or tied for last with Mario doki doki panic. I’m just not a fan and. Ever have been there is just something about it I’ve never liked
Well he WAS Mario's rival. Now he's just Mario's shadow who occasionally throws him a bone by appearing in Olympic games.
Sonic lives, but he does not learn.
Uh oh, they said bad things about Dreamcast sonic!
Bring out the pitchforks!
Personally, I would've gone with "tip of the Ice Cap."
"Sonic Lost World" was a success in most ways, much better than most recent Sonic games. It only struggles with the boss battles and somewhat with the 2D gameplay (although not as badly as "Colors" does while taking up a lower percentage of the gameplay).
@hypnotoad Sorry, but "Sonic 3 & Knuckles" > "Super Mario World" (and "Super Mario Bros. 3") as far as I'm concerned.
Part of what makes the classic Sonic games so great is how you have to control your speed and properly make the jumps despite the relative lack of finesse. You have areas where you go fast, but then you have to jump at the right time and/or do some slower platforming before you can speed up again. It's something that the "Unleashed"-style boost 3D gameplay fails to understand and a big reason why "Adventure," "Adventure 2," and "Lost World" are among the better 3D games, since they did an excellent job transferring that original 2D style into 3D.
@chocolate_supra I prefer "Sonic Adventure 2" over the first game for 2 main reasons: First, the story is better. Second, a significantly bigger percentage of the game consists of good gameplay. The gameplay for Sonic/Shadow, Tails in SA1, the mech characters, and the special boarding, SHMUP, and driving sections, and of course the Chao Gardens are all great. However Big's gameplay absolutely sucks, the treasure hunting levels are pretty lousy, and Amy's gameplay is mediocre. As such, over 2/3 of "SA2" is really fun to play but quite a bit less than that in "SA1."
Plus, "SA2: Battle" had a good competitive multiplayer mode added to it.
Gameplay wise 2D Sonic is the pinnacle of the series, and I'm glad I was around to experience the hype first hand when Sega took the platforming crown away from Nintendo.
Recent 3D Sonic generally hasn't lived up to the franchise's promise because I think Sonic Team has leaned too much on making gameplay about sheer speed, which simply doesn't make for great 3D platforming.
Because they've decided that Sonic's all about "gotta go fast", actions like attacking enemies has devolved into button mashing (because anything other than auto targeting enemies would be too unwieldy), and traversal can become mindless (grinding-on-rails sections, or much of Sonic Forces where you can get through courses without even touching the controller!). As far as interactivity in 3D games go, these design choices are simply not that fun or satisfying.
Unless they change up the formula, I'm not sure that Sonic Team knows how to make a great 3D game that can challenge the likes of, say, Mario Odyssey.
Gameplay from the upcoming game, Solar Ash (made by the studio who gave us Hyper Light Drifter), gives me hope that a 3D game can effectively marry both speed and platforming, and perhaps provide a template that Sonic Team can follow in the future.
I hardly think of the Dreamcast Sonic games as "failures", considering the audience they have. That title should be thrown out to the likes of 06, Boom, Lost World and Forces. I would use the term, "Rough around the edges".
And obviously 16-bit Sonic is my favourite, with Sonic 2, 3 & Knuckles and Mania leading the way. Adventure 1 and 2 follow that, along with Colors and Generations.
My favourites are Mania, 2, 3 & Knuckles, Adventure 2 and Generations. Voted for 16-bit, but all eras have they ups and downs. Sonic 1 and CD aren't any better than Heroes or Unleashed in my book.
Sonic 1, 2, 3, Sonic and Knuckles and the first Master System games are untouchable as far as I’m concerned. CD and Mania are very, very close and may well one day be on par with those games (familiarity with the older games and being less familiar with CD/Mania is the only thing separating them at the moment. I haven’t had the desire to put much effort into any other Sonic title, especially the more recent 3D games, as he just hasn’t translated as well as Mario, who remains great in both 2D and 3D (though could also be accused of a bit of over familiarity at times as well, but that’s no great crime).
Although I am a veteran of the playground 16 bit console wars many years later I see Sonic and Mario (and SNES and Mega Drive as well) less as competitors and both examples of equally excellent but quite different sources of entertainment. After all; I love pizza and burgers equally. Neither is ‘better’ that the other, it’s more about what you are in the mood for at the time. Either way, at their very best you are going to have a great time whether you play classic Sonic or classic Mario. We never realised just how lucky we were to have both…
"Yes, you’re screaming, it did get a version of Sonic 3D as well as the racing spin-off Sonic R, but the best Sonic title in this era was the Sonic Jam compilation of classics."
(finds this part of the article to had been unfair and assumptious)
@ludotaku it is part of the main series, from 1-3, & Knuckles, plus CD. Mania takes place after saving the lil blue planet. Essentially the true Sonic 4
Oh wow... all the sonic-fanboys are going to trash you for this. Even after all this time, they still cant understand how bad the games after adventure 2 were. I don't know if they have convinced themselves otherwise, but they are destined to feel like victims each time a new bad game is released. It's almost a meme "3d sonics can be good too" or "everybody trash sonic and is against him, but its good". It's like they got stuck 20 years ago.
I’m probably an outlier, but I thought the series peaked with Sonic 2. I found Sonic 3 and Knuckles to be jam-packed with secrets, but either found myself speeding past alternative routes or slowing down to explore and feeling like I was missing the point of a Sonic game (which I always took to be the sheer speed at which he pelts through levels). The overly busy graphics with horrid effects, and the rancid music didn’t help.
Still, liked CD, Sonic Adventure, Colours, Generations, Mania, the first level of Secret Rings, and the handheld games had their moments, so it’s not all bad, but what a patchy run of form for a mascot character to have!
@mlj11 Well, they did do the 3D gameplay right from the beginning with the "Adventure" duology. However, they unfortunately moved away from that (save for a brief return with "Lost World") with that inferior style focused too much on speed starting with "Unleashed."
Although, at least Sega knows how to make proper automatic behind-the-back cameras for their 3D platforming, unlike the main studios at Nintendo.
@ShadowofTwilight22 Rush and Manía are NOT 3d. Generations is a "best of" and it barely qualifies as a new game. And that leaves you with... Unleashed and colours? wow 2 games in the last... 13 years? wow, what a great track record! And what was released since?
@ShadowofTwilight22 " you don't get to" <- Yes, i get to... its my comment. Not my problem that your best sonic games are anniversary nostalgia games or an awful game like sonic heroes. Not my problem if you are one of the people i mentioned and you cant see how bad Sonic team is as a developer.
When you know people are talking about the 3d games... and still, you bring up Dimps developed games for portables in 2d, you know you are in a bad position. For each semi-decent game game sonic has, theres 3 or 4 awful ones.
Christ, no one cares about Sonic's 30 year history and especially no one cares about what you think of this franchise with the same old "2D good, 3D bad" cliche. Congrats on wasting your precious time writing this garbage, Mr. Stuart.
@hypnotoad I can smell the hypocrisy from all the way in outerspace. Mario games have their fair share of mid-level or beginning-of-the-level cutscenes where you can't play and have to watch the character move as you lose control of them. The only difference being Mario games are slow and peaceful, while you need fast reaction times and inputs for Sonic games so the few second breaks you get inbetween levels to introduce someone or just show you a cool rail grinding segment are just to give your hands the little rest they deserve. Growing up with both franchises, from an unbiased POV, I would like to say both franchises are good and have charm in their both way. They are seperate and can be enjoyed on their own. Let's put the passive-aggressive fighting aside and just agree any fun is good fun with fair criticism, not random points that can go for both sides being sent into one side.
@SurfRaichu I had a Megadrive on import probably before you were born.
And you don't think Snes Mario didn't need fast reactions !!!
Back to school for you, boy,
@hypnotoad I 100%ed SMW when I was 5, one of the easiest games I know. Also one of the best. Age doesn't come into this, I don't care if you're 5, 27, or 100 years old. If you can't make good arguments, you're failing.
@SurfRaichu Sega - I like them. They've made some great games.
Nintendo - I love them. They've made even better games.
@hypnotoad yea it doesn't sound like you love Sega since everything you said so far is about Sonic games being boring and uncharming and just plainly being about speed with no "finnesse". There are slower paced Sonic games that are slower than some Mario games. it's the concept that matters and how well it is executed. Not some biased "oh yeah one of them has a few games where there are ingame cutscenes while the other game doesn't have cutscenes" (spoiler alert: it does, and so does SMW in the beginning of levels and the end of castles). You also called someone's opinion "wrong" for liking Rayman Origins more. We both know you're a Nintendo fanboy.
@SurfRaichu I can't wait until the release of Metroid Dread.
What have Sega got coming out ?
Another sub-standard Sonic ?
@hypnotoad honestly Sonic hasn't gotten anything good since SLW which sucks, Sega sucks on time crunching and being too strict with the direction of their IPs doomed '06, Boom, Forces and now the Colors remaster. Here's hoping for a good Sonic since "the dark age" was never the "dark age". Also yeah I'm excited for the two Metroid games coming out, especially Dread.
The DS RPG stylus driven game, can't remember the name. And the Sonic racing games.
But Colours ultimate looks ok, got it for Christmas but I haven't opened it yet.
Sonic is a series that I always felt should have just died with sega after Dreamcast. And judging by the fans above, I’m not the only one. They have kept it alive on pure nostalgia and not because the games are any good. Try saying that about zelda or Mario.
Was there when Sonic first came out and was amazed by Adventure then some meh games came out before Generations and Mania saved the day. I can't wait to try out the new open zones. I missed the Adventure fields.
To me Sonic 3 and Knuckles is an absolute masterpiece and one of the most beloved parts of my childhood, right up there with Mario.
I used to draw Sonic and his friends/enemies obsessively and I had so many issues of Sonic the Comic. To see his fall from grace has been heartbreaking but Sonic Mania was such a glorious return to form and hit me right in the nostalgia.
Such a shame Christian Whitehead and the team aren't working on a sequel.
Want to learn more about the story of Sonic X-Treme and why Sega and Yuji Naka are douchebags, this is the video for you.
Original looks goofy af
"Dark age" is my personal favorite.
weird how so many people are just basically whining "sonic bad, sonic 3d bad, sonic games bad" here
@crocwithadock yeahh it is weird.
Honestly my favorite "Sonic" game is a controversial one, which is: Shadow the Hedgehog. I usually pretend like it isn't my favorite when talking with others online because there's always "those people" who'll start talking about just how awful the game is and sure it may be a bad game in their opinions and I know it's not a great game but what's most important is that I am having fun playing the game.
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