The world of online publishing moves quickly, but the accuracy of our reporting is an essential part of maintaining the trust we have with our community on Nintendo Life. Our Corrections Policy explains how you can tell us about a mistake, the steps we’ll take to investigate and correct it, and how we acknowledge corrections in our articles.
How To Report An Error On Nintendo Life
If we’ve made a mistake in our reporting, we want to know right away. To make sure the editorial team can investigate quickly, please use our Contact page and select 'Editorial / Factual Errors'.
Please provide us with as much detail as possible (including a URL to the article/video in question) so we can investigate the error thoroughly and make any necessary corrections promptly.
How We'll Correct Errors On Nintendo Life
Once we’ve verified an error in our reporting, we’ll move quickly to update the article by removing the incorrect information and replacing it with the correct information. It is extremely unlikely that we would remove the article entirely purely because of a factual error.
As well as correcting the mistake in the article itself, if appropriate, we’ll also add a paragraph to the top of the article explaining:
- The nature of the error
- How it has been corrected within the article
- The date and time the correction was made
When we make mistakes, it’s vital that we’re transparent with our readers about what went wrong and the steps we’ve taken to put things right.
Contact Us
We hope this policy helps you understand our approach to corrections and how to report any errors to us. If you have any questions about this policy or would like to give feedback on it, please contact us via Nintendo Life's Contact Us page.
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