Image: Sonic Stadium

It's no secret that Lego Dimensions is getting more expansion packs with new properties, but one of the more interesting rumours we've heard lately is that Sega's mascot could be rendered in block form.

Speculation began back in September 2015, when code words relating to the next wave of Lego Dimensions packs surfaced - one of them being "S". This rather tenuous link to Sonic the Hedgehog has been backed up by comments from "Lego insider" CM4Sci, who recently posted the following messages on Lego fan site EuroBricks:

Sonic's coming!

I also know for a fact Sonic is in if that confirms anything.

The name CM4Sci might not mean much to non-Lego fans, but according to Brick Enquirer, he's a trusted source within the community and has been right on many previous occasions. Another code word was "KR", which is speculated to be the famous 1980s TV series Knight Rider.

Super Girl and Green Arrow are all but confirmed for the next wave of Dimensions packs.

[source brickinquirer.com]