
Topic: 'Gamers can go to hell' - Jack Thompson.

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Oh he's back and he is angrier than ever. Jaaack Thooompson, ladies and gentlemen.

Basically after everyone hearing that the Taliban were going to be in the Multi-player for Medal Of Honor, people got annoyed, angry and some retailers even refusing to sell the game. EA has since then announced that the Taliban will be removed from the game and instead called the 'Opposing Force' ala Call of Duty 4.

Of course good ol' jacko had to get on the bandwagon and even contacting the US Defense Secretary and had to say the following: “With all respect for everything else on your plate, but as someone who has represented the surviving family members of such video game-caused massacres, I personally urge you, as Secretary of Defense, to do what is necessary, proper, and legal to stop the release of Medal of Honor on October 12 on the basis that it poses a demonstrable danger to our troops by providing a training tool for those who wish to kill them."

Training tool?....yes folks Jacky boy here thinks the Taliban will be using the game as a training tool. Lulz are to be had indeed.
Someone contacted Jack for comment on the Video Game Medal of Honor and here's what he has to say, remember lots of lulz to be had.
"Sure. I win again, as usual. Any gamers who don’t think so and who don’t appreciate what I do to protect our culture can go to Hell.” with a later follow-up email adding “and please add: Any gamers that don’t know how to get to Hell on an expedited basis, let me know, and I’ll send along the cheat code to get there more quickly."

So anyway, if you play any games like Medal of Honor, Jacko here thinks you should be sent to hell and face SATAN!!
Jack you really hurt our feelings man, but we'll buy the game anyway!!

Edited on by Sean007s

Playstation Network ID:Sean007s
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Currently playing:Uncharted 2,Soul Caliber 4,ModernWarfare2,Final Fantasy XIII.
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I thought he was dead...

Anyway, there really is no excuse for this guy to threaten over half the human population with hellfire. Come on, seriously? "Go to hell" is the mentality of a teenager.

And being 14 years old, I would know.

Edited on by YoshiSage

I'm gone. Good f*cking bye.



Edited on by Hokori

3DS FC: Otaku1
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Nintendo of Japan
niconico community is full of kawaii!
Must finish my backlagg or at least get close this year


YoshiSage wrote:

"Go to hell" is the mentality of a teenager.

This is true. Trust me, I would know.

"Oooh, yes I said it! I said it! I said it 'cause I caaan!"
My Backloggery


We all know Jack Thompson has the IQ of a Monkey or even an ANT!!
But you have to feel sorry for him. Ok maybe not. Go to hell wackdy jacko boy.

Playstation Network ID:Sean007s
Wii Friend Code:8597 6921 2179 2755. Add me please..
Currently playing:Uncharted 2,Soul Caliber 4,ModernWarfare2,Final Fantasy XIII.
Excited for: Fallout New Vegas,Gran Turismo 5,CoD:Black Ops.


WaltzElf wrote:

"Go to hell"

Dante's Inferno showed me how to get back out again, so I'm cool with that.

I'm gone. Good f*cking bye.


Ok, I'll be the one to ask. Who is this Jack guy?

Twitter - Infernape1000
Youtube - Infernape1000


[spams Jack Thompson fails picture]

Does he seriously think he's going to receive respect from us by telling games to go to hell over a game? It's not like violent games make violent people.

Edited on by ItsFuzzyPickles


Switch Friend Code: SW-1409-9782-5984 | Nintendo Network ID: astarisborn94 | Twitter:


@YoshiSage - "Go to Hell" is more a tween thing than teen thing. I should know, I go to high school.
@WaltzElf - That is hilarious on so many levels.

Anyway, no, games don't teach you how to kill. Holding an ergonomically shaped piece of plastic and moving various parts of said plastic while staring at a TV screen doesn't teach you how to kill, moron. Hugo Chavez claimed the exact same thing about Mercanaries 2, and clearly that hasn't happened. Get your facts straight and from somewhere other than Wikipedia before you start running your mouth about something you know nothing about.

My Birdloggery

3DS Friend Code: 2105-8643-6062


Just thought of this, so sorry if I'm double posting. Any person who believes another person(s) should go to hell from a completely biased and intolerant standpoint that truly reflects only a small percentage of said people deserves to go to Hell themselves.

My Birdloggery

3DS Friend Code: 2105-8643-6062


'Gamers can go to heaven' - Me

@Birdman13 You can use the edit button to the top right of your post instead of double posting.



For anyone who doesn't know who Jack is.
Basically he tries to ban violent games or games that depict real life in a bad way. Mostly he tries to ban violent games though.
He's famous for blaming games like Grand Theft Auto for a Teenagers robbing cars, teenagers killing themselves and such.

He is sad. I don't think he even wins any of the court cases.
He tries to bring huge companies like Rockstar to court, he tried to ban GTA 4. What a moron. He has NO power whatsoever and he is arrogant to that. God i hate him and so does 99.5% of people. Sad man.

Playstation Network ID:Sean007s
Wii Friend Code:8597 6921 2179 2755. Add me please..
Currently playing:Uncharted 2,Soul Caliber 4,ModernWarfare2,Final Fantasy XIII.
Excited for: Fallout New Vegas,Gran Turismo 5,CoD:Black Ops.


A quick synopsis from Wikipedia:

"During his time as an attorney, Thompson focused his legal efforts against what he perceives as obscenity in modern culture. This included rap music, broadcasts by shock jock Howard Stern, the content of computer and video games and their alleged effects on children.

He is also known for his bizarre filings to the Florida Bar, including challenging the constitutionality of the Florida Bar itself in 1993. Later the Florida Supreme Court would describe his filings as "repetitive, frivolous and insulting to the integrity of the court". On March 20, 2008, the Florida Supreme Court imposed sanctions on Thompson, requiring that any of his future filings in the court be signed by a member of the Florida Bar other than himself.

In July 2008, Thompson was permanently disbarred by the Florida Supreme Court for inappropriate conduct, including making false statements to tribunals and disparaging and humiliating litigants."

Check the rest of the article here for more of his declining mental stability.

"The government of the United States is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion."

-President John Adams

Treaty of Tripoly, article 11

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