
Topic: Switch 2018 is going to be the Dust Collecter

Posts 201 to 220 of 239


@Octane I could see it go either way because the 3DS port of Returns added like 9 levels to World 9 that wasn't in the Wii original.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano I don't even want Retro to waste their time on extra levels in a DK port. I think they would've announced the extra instead of the Funky Kong mode during the Direct if they existed.



And The Last of Us was $60 on launch too, which is the more comparable scenario if you ask me.


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


@MarcelRguez The Last of Us Remastered? It was $50, and it came with the Left Behind DLC included.



MarcelRguez wrote:

And The Last of Us was $60 on launch too, which is the more comparable scenario if you ask me.

Actually Sony Reduced the price down to $50 for launch, and it include all the extra dlc.



@MarcelRguez Not comparable at all. The Last of Us Remastered came with the critically acclaimed story DLC 'Left Behind' & multiplayer maps. Resolution & FPS bump from 720p/30fps to 1080p/60fps as well as added content in the form of additional difficulties, photo mode & developer commentary. It is a fantastic package.

Sony vs Nintendo game pricing shouldn't even be up for debate. Launch prices of high profile PS exclusives:
Shadow of the Collosus Remake- £25-30
WipEout Omega Collection- £25-30
Uncharted The Lost Legacy- £25-30
Crash N'Sane trilogy- £25-30
Ratchet & Clank- £30

I bought all these games, because they were priced accordingly.

Sony pricing being better than Nintendo pricing isn't an opinion- it's a fact. This applies to sales and discounts as well.

This is another reason why I find it difficult to buy third party games for Switch. The platform doesn't matter to me- my bottom line matters to me. Sony are far better at pricing. Why should I pay more for the same game, when portability isn't a major draw for me.

EDIT: The most frustrating bit about all this is that Nintendo knows it can get away with it. They have a fan base that will defend them to death & the ones that question it are shot down for being negative.

Edited on by Fight_Teza_Fight

Lives, Lived, Will Live.
Dies, Died, Will Die.
If we could perceive time for what it really was,
What reason would Grammar Professors have to get out of bed?- Robert & Rosalind Lutece


@Octane You're right, I had this in mind. It never actually came out at $60 despite being the original retail price.

Still think it's easier to compar Tropical Freeze to something like this and not to remasters like Shadow of the Colossus or Yakuza 0, which are niche games that can't afford to ask for full price.

@mowerdude Already noticed, but thanks for pointing it out.

@Fight_Teza_Fight The one example I can agree with of your list is Ratchet, since it strikes me as the game that's closest to a "remake" than a "remaster" for Sony out of those. What I see is that Sony doesn't think people would buy those games at full price because of their age (and that's despite the effort invested, because I would consider most of those full-blown remakes). That's why I think the comparison to The Last of Us is more appropriate, both it are Tropical Freeze are "new games" in the eyes of their respective companies.

Edit: And I hope you're not pointing the finger at me with that edit, because I'm not trying to defend Tropical Freeze at all. Explaining why something happens ≠ endorsing it.

Edited on by MarcelRguez


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


@MarcelRguez Yeah, Sony doesn't believe retro games sell despite Nintendo proving them wrong on so many occasions. If Sony did a PS1 Mini, it would definitely print money especially if it came with important 3rd party games like FFVII.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@Grumblevolcano Yeah, it's like the one issue I have with them in terms of features. Microsoft is doing a great job with retro-compatibility, and so has Nintendo in the past, why can't they?


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


If a person owns both a PS4 and Switch and doesn't care about portability, then there is no reason whatsoever to buy any non-exclusive games on the Nintendo system. Especially when prices for games tend to be so much better on Sony's system.

With that said, I feel the same exact way about PS4 and PC. By and large, games are going to run better and cost less on my PC than on my PS4, so I have zero reason to buy non-exclusive games for Sony's system.

Ultimately, for me:

  • Third party on PC for price/performance/more options (keyboard+mouse/controller, mod support, etc.)
  • Third party on Switch for portability (which makes it the default option for indies and everything that isn't really demanding on the hardware)

Edited on by Ralizah

Currently Playing: Yakuza Kiwami 2 (SD)


@MarcelRguez I'm not sure they think people aren't willing to pay. The same applies to SEGA. I just think that they know more people will buy the game if it's priced as a 'budget' game. And since it's not a brand new game, they can easily do so, because it takes a lot less resources to remaster a game than to built one from scratch. I think it even applies to remakes. There's virtually no planning or concept designing, no alpha builds, etc. There's a clear end goal, which means you likely don't end up things that get scrapped in the final version. Anyway, lower price = potentially more sales, higher price = potentially higher revenue, it's a choice all publishers make.

Going back to the Tropical Freeze vs Last of Us comparison, one game went from $60 to a $50 game, remastered (30fps, 720p to 60fps, 1080p), DLC included (and apparently multiplayer maps too). The other game went from a $50 Wii U title to a $60 Switch port (with an added easy mode I guess). I also believe TLOU was barely a year old when the remaster came out.

That being said, I don't have an issue with ports and remasters. I'll gladly buy a game twice if it's good, just to play it again on another console (and Tropical Freeze is my all-time favourite Wii U game) But they have to be priced accordingly. And €60 for a game I paid €50 for, almost four years ago, doesn't feel right IMO. I believe Tropical Freeze was a Selects title at one point too. I personally think that €30-€40 would've been a better price.

@Grumblevolcano But then people would be complaining they're copying Sony again. They can't win this one



Well, I think that about decides it, then. Sony's pricing on remasters is much better than Nintendo's. So what the heck are we still doing here? Especially you, OP. Shouldn't you be in the corner making out with your PS4 or something?



@Octane Since people keep bringing DLC up (and I'm aware this is kind of a weird position to have), I don't really consider including it on a republished edition something worth of praise. That's the bare minimum publishers should do. It's extra value added to the whole package, sure, but once there's DLC out for a game, there are no other options but to including the DLC. Putting the same game out without it feels cheap as hell. That's just probably me having a generally negative outlook on DLC, however.

About Tropical Freeze, the one thing you're overlooking is the platform it's coming to and the added bonus portability. For myself at least, it's the extra that justify the steep price of some ports (not Tropical Freeze for the reasons you mention). It's the same reason why I want, say, New Vegas on the Switch despite having played the original to death both on consoles and PC, or why I'm buying Dark Souls yet again in May.


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


Lol this thread is filled with a weird bitterness from posters



Sony does have better pricing. But that's because they under price, not because Nintendo over prices. The games are worth the price. DKC Tropical Freeze was worth $60 on Wii U, and it's worth $60 now. Only reason it was less on Wii U was the system was failing miserably and they were desperate to catalyze sales. That's no longer the case.

Problem is some people stopped buying games based on their value and instead base them on what they "feel they deserve". It was less on Wii U so I deserve to pay less now. Has nothing to do with the game's actual worth.

Sony could charge $60 for any of those games and I wouldn't complain, because they'd be worth it. Fact I get em for less is just a bonus.

As for the flamer title, I'll be playing my Switch all year long. As if playing it more last year than my PS4 and Xbox One for their entire lifespans wasn't enough already.

We're here to talk about the games we're playing, specifically the games we're playing on Switch. If you're not playing it, that's fine, go play something else. No need to announce it to the world. Nobody cares if you're not gonna play Switch. Nobody gives a crap I'm finally playing my PS4 for the first time in a year, and likely the last time I'll play it for another year. Nobody cares I don't touch my 3DS anymore. Or my PC.

You do you. If you're not playing games then we've got nothing to talk about

All have sinned and fall short of Gods glory. Wages of sin is death. Romans

God so loved the world He sent His only Son- whoever believes on Him has eternal life. Unless you believe, you will die in your sins. Whoever believes, rivers of living water flow within them. John


How about spinning the thread into a positive? As far as third-party content goes, there's been hints these last three days or so of a couple of games making it to the Switch:

  • Pillars of Eternity II (already official)
  • Call of Duty
  • Crash Bandicoot Trilogy
  • A new Sonic racing game

So imagine how many other confirmed games we'll be looking forward to by next month.

Edited on by MarcelRguez


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:


JaxonH wrote:

Sony does have better pricing. But that's because they under price, not because Nintendo over prices. The games are worth the price. DKC Tropical Freeze was worth $60 on Wii U, and it's worth $60 now. Only reason it was less on Wii U was the system was failing miserably and they were desperate to catalyze sales. That's no longer the case.

Problem is some people stopped buying games based on their value and instead base them on what they "feel they deserve". It was less on Wii U so I deserve to pay less now. Has nothing to do with the game's actual worth.

Sony could charge $60 for any of those games and I wouldn't complain, because they'd be worth it. Fact I get em for less is just a bonus.

As for the flamer title, I'll be playing my Switch all year long. As if playing it more last year than my PS4 and Xbox One for their entire lifespans wasn't enough already.

We're here to talk about the games we're playing, specifically the games we're playing on Switch. If you're not playing it, that's fine, go play something else. No need to announce it to the world. Nobody cares if you're not gonna play Switch. Nobody gives a crap I'm finally playing my PS4 for the first time in a year, and likely the last time I'll play it for another year. Nobody cares I don't touch my 3DS anymore. Or my PC.

You do you. If you're not playing games then we've got nothing to talk about

I'm sorry but I totally disagree... would you pay full price for a 2016 car in the year 2018? So why would you do it when its game related. Repackage it, put it on a new a system, add an easy mode.... it's still the same game that release on the Wii U over a year ago. I'm sorry I like to save money where I can and a game that was created well over a year ago is not worth $60 dollars... games do depreciate in value... like it or not.

Edited on by chucknorris078



chucknorris078 wrote:

would you pay full price for a 2016 car in the year 2018?

Terrible comparison. Most times a novel, film or album gets a new, up-to-date-tech-wise edition, it retails at a standard price, only slightly cheaper than brand-new stuff. Videogames have much more in common with those than with cars of all things. If anything, that's the hardware.

chucknorris078 wrote:

games do depreciate in value...

...which is an industry-wide issue that we should try to prevent if we want stuff like season passes and lootboxes out of AAA titles.

I mean, I love a bargain, but you can only stretch the whole economy of the industry so thin before it snaps.

Edited on by MarcelRguez


3DS Friend Code: 3308-4605-6296 | Nintendo Network ID: Marce2240 | Twitter:

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