
Topic: NintendoLife Artists Thread

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Thank you. 😄
I chose German as the place for this storytelling but the dialogues will still in English as this storytelling activity is a part of English lesson Literature.
The students have to watch and listen carefully from my storytelling performance and after that I will ask the characters & the storyline from the students, then they will do the worksheet based on my storytelling.

Btw, can you guess a little bit the situation from my sneak peek ?
What is my storytelling talking about and what kind of situation happened ?



Sounds like a good student exercise.

I think the story takes place in Tierstadt, a city full of animals. The main character is a police wolf and he will be working with an ex worker again. The police wolf is propably very strict or unconventional in his methods or just too good, so his ex worker has trouble working with him.

Some evildoers want to steal a crown and other stuff and the police will have to stop them. The ex worker will have to give it his best shot, to be a good partner for the wolf.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


Your prediction is nearly accurate with my story about. 😃
But actually the ex worker is not ex worker.
He is still a police in Tierstadt Police Department and that police wolf doesn't like with his partner attitude.
The villain have a plan to steal a crown and the police wolf with his partner have to stop the villain.

Btw, all the characters in my storytelling will be Anthropomorphic animals, imagine Zootopia but with completely different animals and different storyline.
Can you guess what other animals I pick for my storytelling based on their dialogues and what are their roles ?
There will be more than 10 different animals in this storytelling with some of them are extra roles (no dialogues from them, just only appear in the scene very short)



Oh yeah I was thinking he was the ex partner of the wolf, when I wrote ex worker.

Since this is a story about the police and thiefs, I think the police might be wolfes, dogs, pigs, lions, bulls and the thieves might be racoons, chameleons, rats, spiders and snakes.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer


I will update the full cast of my storytelling once already 16 May 2024.
Btw, the police animals I choose are actually from my Animal Boxer creations on my Deviantart but I gave them the roles as police.
I think I have ever posted them here on previous pages, around page 42.
I didn't even tell to my students if I will use my Animal Boxer characters as my storytelling characters as I want to surprise them, I just only tell them the teaser with that simple poster of upcoming storytelling schedule.

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



To be honest, I’m thinking of giving up on drawing altogether.



card-crunch78 wrote:

To be honest, I’m thinking of giving up on drawing altogether.

Why? It is an odd thing to say here. Do you want to be persuaded to stay or something?

This thread is dedicated to art and how we make it. We discuss processes, materials and how awesome it is.


My hand drawing of Botanist for Art extracurricular grade 2 & 3 with Harvey as the character.

I used younger version of Harvey from my previous storytelling The Honest Woodcutter.
In this hand drawing, he is around 20's years old but in his story Honest Woodcutter, he is almost 40 years old with his partner Evan as the Dishonest woodcutter.

[Edited by Anti-Matter]



@card-crunch78 that’s really good, i love how it seems magical yet so simple. Your art is amazing!

afk for a lot of fall, very busy month! still spying on yall :3


My Ninja Boxers in May 2024.

Wanna join in Boxing Ninja Club?
Then you can learn about using Ninja skill in boxing.



Today I finally got my art book from my favorite painter Jacek Yerka It was a pain to order it as it is sold from Poland and I had to translate the publisher site with Google translate


His finest works are made with acrylic paint on canvas.
His take on surrealism is very inspiring to me

[Edited by Zuljaras]


@Zuljaras yeah I don’t think transparent watercolors are a good fit for toned paper, gouache is probably a much better option. You could also just use the watercolor as a base color for pencils, I suppose.

It did come out pretty cool though!

[Edited by Eel]


<My slightly less dead youtube channel>

SMM2 Maker ID: 69R-F81-NLG

My Nintendo: Abgarok | Nintendo Network ID: Abgarok


I have done a quick design of an enemy for Castletoria. I called it the Seeker and it will be located in the Astronomy/Laboratory Tower of the Castle.



Today I did my very first resin art attempt. It was really poor

The idea was to have a kraken with an island on its head. I really miniature diorama to see what is like to pour resin. I put too much tint in the resin, and it is darker than I wanted. Also, too many bubbles but I realized that this resin is for even smaller things so that is the bubble issue.

I have another bigger diorama in the works for the rest of the resin and a proper kraken attack!

This was a little disaster, wish me luck on the next one



@Zuljaras It's really good, yes there are a lot of bubbles, but I think it gives it more of an underwater look.
Great job for a first go I think


Switch Friend Code: SW-5538-4050-1819 | 3DS Friend Code: 1633-4650-1215 | My Nintendo: Bunkerneath | Nintendo Network ID: Bunkerneat | Twitter:


This is my poster A4 size of the storytelling I did yesterday.

The storyline:

Wolfgang is a police animal in Tierstadt, a place of animals living in big city.
He is working at Tierstadt Police Department.
As usual, every morning he goes to Tierstadt Police station.
There are three police animals in the lobby, Harris (Police horse), Billy (Police Ox) & Shawn (Police skunk). Wolfgang greet them all and Shawn tells that the officer chief wanted to meet with Wolfgang.
Wolfgang goes to the 2nd floor where the officer chief office located.

Inside officer chief office, there is Marco the Tiger as officer chief. He gives Wolfgang a mission to supervise Weisz Museum as there will be exhibition of artifacts collection.
Also, Marco called another police to be Wolfgang's partner and he is Maurice (Police monkey).
Wolfgang is not happy to be paired with Maurice as Maurice is very clumsy and doesn't do anything seriously.
But they have no choice and must working together.

Then, they are going to Weisz Museum and meet with the owner of Weisz Museum, Ms Regina (Rabbit).
There are some visitors over there (Derrick Deer & Royce Rabbit) also with the janitor to keep the museum clean. While Regina have a little tour to show her collection, the janitor sneakily steal the artifact from the display.
And when Regina open the display of Goddess Statue, the statue is already gone.
Everybody shocked until they heard broken glass sound, then Wolfgang & Maurice immediately chase the suspicious janitor.

The thief run away from museum with stolen stuff Goddess Statue and he hide inside the door at the dead end. When Wolfgang want to open the door, Maurice with his silliness put a banana peel in front of the door then he open the door, but suddenly the thief escaped with his motorbike.
Maurice try to catch the thief but he slipped on his banana peel and the thief is gone.
Wolfgang is not happy to see that.

Back in the officer chief office, Marco is really angry to Maurice for failing the mission. Maurice admitted it was his fault to put banana peel on the ground and really sorry for being not serious. Wolfgang and Maurice have a little argument then Marco stopped the argument.
Marco tells that he got the CCTV video from Weisz museum and he analyzed the suspicious guy at Weisz Museum.

After that, he got the result and it was Felix Sandiego, one of most wanted criminal with specialist in stealing museum stuffs. Felix got arrested 3 years ago but escaped from prison last month according to his criminal record.
Wolfgang really want to catch Felix after Marco tells to Wolfgang that he had strong feeling if Felix will targeting next museum to steal another stuffs. He mentioned Crown of Helios from Kaiser museum as the rarest and the most expensive artifact in Kaiser museum.
Then, Marco gave both Wolfgang and Maurice to go to Kaiser museum, protect the Crown of Helios and catch Felix.
Wolfgang is really upset to get paired again with Maurice as he think Maurice will ruin the whole mission.
But in defence, Maurice promised to officer chief Marco if he will do his best and catch Felix.
Then, Marco tells to go to Kaiser Museum at midnight after the museum get closed to catch Felix.

Meanwhile at other place, the thief has arrived at his hideout inside old warehouse. He get inside, turn on the light and removed his mask.
Then, he open his laptop as he got customer from his black market website. The customer bought the Goddess statue for 100,000 Euro.
Felix is pleased with his dirty business and he has a plan to steal Crown of Helios from Kaiser museum.

At midnight, Felix with spy outfits goes to Kaiser museum and get into the 2nd floor where Crown of Helios being placed.
First, he jammed the CCTV with his gadget on his arms. Second, he used spray can to reveal the laser security on the 2nd room, then he used laser pen to make a hole on glass display of Crown of Helios. He grabbed the crown and he thought it was too easy, until... the lights turned on suddenly and Maurice is already in front of Felix.
Felix quickly run away from Maurice and he jumped high over the Wolfgang when Wolfgang tried to stop Felix from other direction.
Maurice meets Wolfgang and asked for Felix.
Wolfgang told Maurice to quickly catch Felix Sandiego.
For a whole Maurice is thinking and he got some idea.

On the street, Felix run away from police chase with his motorbike. Wolfgang use his police car to chase Felix, then he calls another police cars to block Felix from other direction. Felix turn around and go to other way to avoid the police chase. He speed up his motorbike, jump on car slope and landed on jet ski, escape from police chase. Wolfgang is really upset fir losing Felix again. But, suddenly there is incoming call from Maurice.
In the sky, Maurice use police helicopter to catch Felix.

Felix is running away in the ocean and as Maurice getting closer with Felix, he dropped a giant net from helicopter to catch Felix.
Felix is get arrested and mission accomplished.

Back to the city, Felix is sent to the prison by using police truck. Meanwhile, Marco praised Maurice for successfully arrested Felix by using helicopter. Wolfgang is also praised Maurice for did the mission seriously.
After that, Marco invite Wolfgang and Marco to go to Midnite Blue Cafe to celebrate the accomplished mission with some donuts and coffee.

The end.

What do you think of my storytelling, @Jhena ?



Nice, thank you for showing it. I think the story is cool. The drawings are also nice. There is even the lion in the background, which you showed a while ago. A monkey slipping on a banana peel is really sad, poor Maurice. Personally, I think Wolfgang could also use a liitle hero's moment, like Maurice throwing the net on Felix.

A few questions. Is the museum Weisz supposed to mean Weiß, the German word for white? Is Felix the black cat, inspired by the cartoon Felix the cat?


Switch Friend Code: SW-2361-9475-8611 | Nintendo Network ID: Traumwanderer

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