Retro News


  • Review Learn With Pokémon: Typing Adventure (DS)


    It would be very easy to dismiss Learn With Pokémon Typing Adventure as ‘just another Pokémon spin-off’, or even worse, an ‘edutainment game’. Yet in fact, the title conceals a rather addictive addition to the Pokémon franchise, bundled with a nifty Bluetooth keyboard and stand. As with most Pokémon spin-offs,...

  • News Your Wall Is Crying Out For This Amazing Mega Drive Poster

    And the creators are interested in doing a SNES one, too

    Sega-loving James Newton may have left us, but we still have a lot of time for the company that gave the world Sonic the Hedgehog. We therefore heartily approve of this bespoke, limited edition Mega Drive poster, produced by and designed by

  • News Gamemaster Howard Shares Some DK History in Latest Comic Strip

    Kickstarting a Know-It-All game

    Howard Phillips, or Gamemaster Howard as he's known to fans of retro Nintendo, is making a return to the public eye. He's best known as one of the very earliest employees at Nintendo of America, whose ability to memorise and master game details was part of the reason why he rose to prominence as a spokesperson and...

  • News Voice of Mario Was Inspired by a Shakespearean Character

    Yes, really

    Younger gamers may think that Mario's always had a voice, gleefully exclaiming phrases such as "Wahoo" and "Yippee" for all time, along with the occasional sentence. The voice fits the character, and it seems like Mario wouldn't be the same without his famous catch-phrases. It's easy to forget, then, that Super Mario 64 was the first...

  • Review Quarth (3DS eShop / GB)

    Break it down

    Originally released for the Game Boy in 1990, Konami's Quarth takes the presentation of a Space Invaders-type shooter, and instead gives us a puzzle game. As tempting as it might be to enter these stages with guns blazing, what Quarth actually requires is a healthy amount of foresight and on-the-fly problem solving. It's not without...

  • News Check Out Some Mario Facts in This Video

    Cameo appearances, cancelled sequels and other mysteries

    Mario has so many video games that if there weren't peculiarities and quirks throughout them, something would be wrong. The sheer volume of games over a period in excess of 25 years is impressive, especially if you go beyond the scope of the main franchise and venture off into spin-offs and...

  • Review Kart Krashers (DSiWare)

    A party worth krashing?

    Kart Krashers has a plan to shake up the kart racing genre: keep the karts, erase the race. Sure, it sounds rather pointless, but stick with us. The basic idea is to drive your kart around arena-like courses, shooting for a high score by collecting stars and rings and taking out baddies. The "Krashers" in the name implies a...


  • News Super Paper Mario Bros. - Level 1-1 Recreated in Mobius Strip

    Yours for $24

    With a franchise like Mario, it's safe to say that there are plenty of arts and crafts projects out there that have been created as a dedication to the moustachioed one. Pins, animations with nothing but post-it notes, and any wacky idea you can imagine have probably been done already. One that involved a fair bit of effort and skill...

  • News Ex-Rare Developers Join Forces To Create A Spiritual Successor To Banjo-Tooie

    All hope is not lost

    Nothing puts a frown on a Nintendo fan's face like mentioning Rare. The company that once brought Perfect Dark, Donkey Kong 64, Banjo Kazooie and GoldenEye 007 are currently working on the Kinect Sports series for Microsoft. While most gamers have given up on seeing a new "proper" Banjo Kazooie sequel from Rare, a new glimmer of...

  • News Clever People Turn a NES Zapper Into a Real Laser

    Ducks beware

    We have exciting news for you today, and possibly the most important scientific breakthrough since the wheel: a laser NES Zapper. Some smart — and we hasten to add, safe — people have changed the famous NES accessory from a light gun to a laser gun, and we're not even kidding. After taking the light gun apart and stripping out...

  • News You Fools, Blowing on NES Cartridges Is Not The Answer

    Well I never

    We've all done it. Blowing on cartridge connections has (apparently) always been the most effective way of getting stubborn games to load, but according to MentalFloss, it could actually cause more problems in the long term. MentalFloss spoke to Digital Press expert Frankie Viturello and he had some pretty damning words to say about...

  • News Mega Man 3 Leaps Onto The Japanese 3DS Virtual Console

    For those about to rock

    The third instalment of Capcom's popular Mega Man series is launching on the Japanese 3DS Virtual Console this week. Mega Man 3 - known in Japan as Rockman 3: The End of Dr. Wily!? - will go live on the Japanese 3DS eShop tomorrow (September 26th) for 500 yen. Even harsher than its already tough predecessor, Mega Man 3 has...

  • News Shigeru Miyamoto: Mario and Luigi Don't Have Last Names

    So stop saying he's called Mario Mario

    When it comes to Mario, Nintendo's number one icon, there are plenty of myths and stories that can be debated by gamers until the moo moo cows come home. One of these, thanks to the Super Mario Bros. movie that wasn't particularly good, is that Mario and Luigi's last name is actually Mario, meaning that the...

  • News We Sing 80s Hits The Nintendo Entertainment System

    In the fictional world of video game promotion, at least

    We Sing 80s is the latest in a long line of Wii-based music titles, so it's a given that the promotional campaign for the game needs to be something special for it to get noticed. Publisher Nordic Games has done just that by mocking up a video which shows what the game would have looked like...

  • Review Retro Pocket (DSiWare)

    Through the Past, Darkly

    Before Retro Pocket, Game & Watch fans were poorly served. If they wanted to enjoy those early Nintendo forays into gaming, they were out of luck. There was no way for gamers to get their hands on recreations of those originals, short of picking up the Game & Watch Collection, of course. Or its sequel. But apart...

  • Review Kirby's Dream Collection: Special Edition (Wii)

    Sweet dreams

    The Kirby series has been a staple of Nintendo game systems since the pink fluff first appeared on the original Game Boy back in 1992. While the games have always been known more for their charm and unique gameplay than their difficulty, they've become some of the best selling video games in history. Now Nintendo has released Kirby's...

  • Review La-Mulana (WiiWare)

    WiiWare's last big game?

    La Mulana's WiiWare release has been a rocky road. It was first announced by developer Nigoro in 2009 and suffered several delays before finally hitting the service in Japan in 2011. Of course, most were expecting it to be released elsewhere soon after, but that didn't happen. It was eventually cancelled by its old publisher...

  • Feature Diamonds in the Rough - Dementium: The Ward

    Worth a scare

    Whenever we look back at a console’s lifespan, the first thing we nearly always do is remember the good stuff. We remember the Marios, the Zeldas, the hordes of Pokémon, and maybe even the odd Kirby game depending on your level of pink puff-ball persuasion. But we’re often so caught up in remembering what’s great that we very...

  • News Reggie Fils-Aime Would Love to See GameCube Games on Wii U Virtual Console

    So would we, Reggie

    As Nintendo's Wii U approaches we can expect a number of announcements, some big and others small, over the coming weeks. There are a variety of things we want to know more about, one of which is the Virtual Console offering on eShop. The latest console to feature on the Wii's Virtual Console was Nintendo 64, so it immediately...

  • News Ever Wondered How Your 3DS Battery Life Compares To the Original Game Boy?

    Semi-scientific evidence now available

    As portable systems become more powerful it's almost a given that battery life has to suffer as a result. We all fondly remember getting hours and hours of use out of our old monochrome Game Boys and Game Boy Advance MK1 consoles, but just how much more stamina do these retro relics offer when compared to the...

  • Review Bookstore Dream (DSiWare)

    Let us tell you about this game, fair reader

    Bookstore Dream, to be clear, has about as much book-selling realism as the Call of Duty series has to real warfare. Ultimately though, it is just a game, and this one draws much of its inspiration from a series of smartphone resource management games from developer Kairosoft. We won't complain about...

  • News Don't Expect A Game To Celebrate Mega Man's 25th Birthday

    Capcom: "Please do keep expectations in check"

    Mega Man's 25th anniversary is upon us, and Capcom is planning to celebrate the Blue Bomber's quarter century in style. However, before you get too excited, that doesn't mean a new game is on the way. Here's what Capcom's Christian “Sven” Svensson had to say on the matter: In December “some but...

  • Review Zelda II: The Adventure of Link (3DS eShop / NES)

    The underdog of the Zelda series returns

    Back in the early days of several franchises, the second game in a series tended to be radically different from the first, because developers had not quite pinned down what they wanted the series to become - take a look at Castlevania II or the western Super Mario Bros. 2 for example. Zelda II is another big...

  • News Want To Guess Which Nintendo Racer Inspired WipEout?

    If you said F-Zero, you're wrong

    Given that Sony's famous futuristic racer WipEout features craft which float just above the track surface, it's reasonable to assume that Nintendo's F-Zero - which predates WipEout by almost five years and also contains anti-gravity racing - would have provided the main inspiration. However, lead designer Nick...

  • Review Crazy Hunter (DSiWare)

    Hunting, it’ll make you crazy

    Have you ever thought to yourself, “what’s the least amount of fun I can possibly have while playing a DSiWare game”? Well, think no more, because now your wildest fantasies can be a reality when you play Crazy Hunter. With a plot that makes no sense and controls that are almost impossible to master, you’ll be...

  • News New Super NES Game Project Launches

    Investors call the shots

    In recent months we've reported on some fan-funded campaigns that have appeared on sites such as, but a new project has launched that's a little different in its approach. It's the latest campaign from Magical Game Factory, called 'ProjectN', which will be an all-new game developed for Super NES. Unlike...

  • News Check Out Dinosaur Planet, Before it Was Invaded by Star Fox

    Anthropomorphic characters, but different

    Star Fox Adventures was the last Rare developed game on a Nintendo system before the company was bought by Microsoft, and it was famously not what had initially been planned. It was going to be a new IP called Dinosaur Planet, with creatures called Sabre and Krystal, sidekicks Tricky and Kyte, as well as a...

  • News This Super Metroid Cover Will Blow Your Mind

    Rock me, Ridley

    Given that video game music is held in such high regard by players, it's perhaps not surprising that there are literally hundreds of tributes floating around the net right now. However, few can match the awesomeness of this effort by On Being Human. The band - which is made up of film, television and video game composers - posted...

  • News It's Nintendo Versus Sega, Anime Style

    Epic console wars of the '90s retold in animation

    Japanese anime has tackled a wide range of topics over the years. From the price of fame to the effects of the bombing of Japan in World War II, the medium has been put to stunning use by animators in the Far East. However, there's plenty of oddball stuff around, too - like Aoi Sekai no Chuushin...

  • News Today Would Have Been Gunpei Yokoi's 71st Birthday

    Play a game of Tetris in his honour

    Gunpei Yokoi was one of Nintendo's original star employees. His inventions made the company millions, with the Game & Watch series kick-starting a period of portable dominance for the firm which was cemented further by the launch of the insanely successful Game Boy - possibly Yokoi's most enduring legacy...

  • News GoldenEye 007 Designer Gives Amazingly In-Depth Post-Mortem On The Game

    Martin Hollis talks about creating the perfect Bond game

    Famed developer Martin Hollis may have gone on to other projects at the now-defunct Zoonami - creators of the WiiWare classic Bonsai Barber - but he started his career at Rare, where he worked on titles such as Killer Instinct, Perfect Dark and - possibly most famously - GoldenEye 007. Hollis...

  • News LCD Gaming is Resurrected in Retro Pocket on DSiWare

    New downloadable title channels the spirit of Nintendo's Game & Watch range

    Nintendo's Game & Watch series was the precursor to the Game Boy and introduced many fledgling players to the concept of portable entertainment. The simplistic yet addictive LCD games captivated a generation, and they're due for a comeback courtesy of UFO Interactive's...

  • Feature Want to Know The Real Reason Star Fox Was Renamed in Europe?

    Unravelling the mystery behind Star Fox, Starwing and Lylat Wars

    It's funny what you take for granted. When we posted a photo of the N64 game Lylat Wars on our Nintendo Life Instagram account, we never thought for a second it would result in confused replies from our followers: "I've never seen this....what kinda badassness is in that cartridge?"...

  • Review Successfully Learning English: Year 4 (WiiWare)

    A bit tougher than A, B, C

    So, the Successfully Learning series continues its relentless march onto WiiWare, with Successfully Learning English: Year 4 being the third entry in this particular run. As we've come to expect it's much of the same thing, but with a notable step up in challenge for its young pupils. Freddy the Vampire is starting to get...

  • News Tetris Halloween Outfits Are a Puzzling Sight

    Blocks walking 'round the block

    When you combine video game enthusiasts and that strange time of year, Halloween, there's no limit to what strange costumes may be seen strolling around normally quiet neighbourhoods. It seems that one group of friends forgot that they were trying to scare people, so instead opted to cause puzzlement instead. As you...

  • Rumour Sega Is Working On Skies of Arcadia Remake

    Trademark renewal suggests the cult RPG could be getting a new set of wings

    Skies of Arcadia is one of Sega's most beloved RPGs, having turned heads on both the Dreamcast and GameCube a few years ago. The GameCube version is now quite a collector's item, as it added content and generally improved on the Dreamcast original. It would appear that Sega...

  • News The Complete 1986 CES NES Brochure For Your Viewing Pleasure

    Another retro gem from the vaults of ex-employee Howard Phillips

    Howard Phillips has been raiding his collection of Nintendo-related memorabilia again, this time coming up with an awesome NES brochure from the 1986 CES. The promotional material focuses heavily on R.O.B. the Robot, Nintendo's ill-fated attempt to give the fledgling NES a little...

  • Review Kirby's Star Stacker (3DS eShop / GB)


    Anybody who plays video games probably knows all about the likes of Tetris, Dr. Mario, Puzzle League and other puzzle games, but Kirby had his own original puzzler (as in, not a reskin of Puyo Puyo) as well. The last Kirby game for the original Game Boy, Kirby's Star Stacker is actually a fairly fun game, if a little shallow. Like most...

  • News NES Signed by Stars of The Wizard Up For Sale

    No Power Glove, unfortunately

    One trick of adding value to old gaming memorabilia is to get it signed by famous people, and even if you have no intention to sell, it makes it that bit more magical. If you're going to get a Nintendo Entertainment System signed, then, you could do much worse than obtain the scrawls of the stars and director of The...


  • Feature The Rik Mayall Nintendo Adverts You Totally Forgot About

    What happened when a legend of British comedy and Nintendo collided

    Nintendo Life readers over the age of 25 and based in the United Kingdom will no doubt be familar with the comedic talents of Richard Michael "Rik" Mayall. One of the pioneers of 'alternative' British comedy in the '80s, he starred in a whole host of popular TV shows, including The...

  • News Good Lord, The Knit-tendo Entertainment System Actually Exists

    We're not pulling the wool over your eyes, honest

    When you consider how omnipresent the NES was in North America during the early '90s, it's hardly surprising that a wide range of money-spinning - but ultimately pointless - peripherals were pushed out onto store shelves (Power Glove, we're looking at you). However, the king (or should that be...

  • News Capcom's Street Fighter Reaches Its Quarter Century

    If you played the SNES original, you're officially over the hill

    As pointed out by Kotaku, Capcom's seminal Street Fighter series is now 25 years old. The first game - which is also known as Fighting Street and ironically, isn't very good - launched in arcades in 1987. Of course, it was the sequel

  • News Serve Up Some Pixels For Breakfast With The NES Toaster

    Full of retro goodness

    Digital artist, MyBurningEyes, has recently posted a rather smashing 3D design of an NES Toaster on Sadly the Nintendo gadget is only a concept, but we're hoping that someone with the necessary skills will spot it and make our dream breakfast machine a reality! And then send us one to try with complimentary...

  • Ninterview Super Famicom Guy

    You can call me Stu

    Welcome to a new regular feature on Nintendo Life: the "Ninterview". Once a month we'll be taking the time to talk to someone who has a special affinity to Nintendo, and our first subject is Stu Brett - who also goes by the moniker Super Famicom Guy. Stu, a 33 year old designer from Scotland, is such a huge fan of Super Famicom...

  • News Meet The Man Who Brought Nintendo To America

    Howard Phillips' amazing journey from warehouse to boardroom

    Although it's hard to imagine it now, Nintendo wasn't always a dead cert in North America. Back in the early '80s, before the company had launched the super-successful NES system in the States, it was just one of many Japanese coin-op manufacturers attempting to muscle in on the flagging...

  • News New Documentry Celebrates The World's Unsung Tetris Masters

    Block buster

    Everyone loves Tetris, right? Everyone from your grandma to Steve Wozniak, in fact! But for some people, the most famous video game ever to emerge from Russia is much more than just a way to waste a few minutes while waiting for the bus - it's a way of life, a challenge which defines and shapes their existence. Tetris lover Robin...

  • News Nintendo Champ Puts Coveted Golden Mario Trophy Up For Auction

    Got a spare $300,000?

    Way back in 1990, Thor Aackerlund saw off all challengers to secure the Nintendo World Championships in the 12-17 category. Now, over twenty years later, he's selling his one of a kind trophy on eBay for an eye-watering $300,000. Just in case you're thinking that figure is a little high, it should also be noted that included...

  • Review Metal Slug X (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    X hits the spot

    While Contra has always been the game by which all run and gun titles have been judged, serious fans of the genre will still flash a wide grin at the mere mention of the Metal Slug series, especially Metal Slug X. There's no denying that Metal Slug 2 had all of the makings of an amazing run and gunner, but the rampant slowdown ended...

  • Feature 20 Years of Mario Kart

    How the time, and kart, flies

    Today is yet another Nintendo anniversary, in this case the 20th anniversary of Super Mario Kart's release in Japan. That's 20 years of powering around tracks and making other mascot's driving lives miserable, while infuriating their masters in multiplayer. It's a series with enduring appeal that has evolved into one...

  • Review Successfully Learning English: Year 3 (WiiWare)

    Freddy says relax

    Certain things are inevitable, such as death, taxes and another Successfully Learning download. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, if you have a young child that could use some extra help with the subject at hand, and Successfully Learning English: Year 3 delivers reliably. It does exactly the same as predecessor Successfully...

  • Feature In Defence of Super Mario Sunshine

    Do or don't look back into the sun

    Ten years ago today, on 26th August 2002, GameCube title Super Mario Sunshine was released in North America to an abundance of critical acclaim, with relatively muted murmuring that it was an unworthy follow-up to Super Mario 64. Gradually over the past decade opinions have grown more divided and gamers have become...

  • Review Abyss (DSiWare)

    Fun but lacking depth

    Abyss is almost an archetypically simple game. There are no modes, power-ups, online features or options, and every face button performs the same action. The premise is correspondingly uncomplicated: as the charmingly named deep-sea submarine “Nep2no”, you'll float through close-quartered underwater stages, avoiding the...

  • Feature Classic Gaming Typos, Errors and Translations

    Conglaturations for reading this

    Earlier this week there was a great deal of chortling at a minor grammatical error in New Super Mario Bros. 2, with the initial Coin Rush notification being the offending screen; many of us actually missed it in our eagerness to play the mode itself. There's also a bit of a grammatical slip-up in the North American...

  • Review Crazy Chicken Pirates (DSiWare)

    Not crazy enough to work

    Recently two games were released via Nintendo’s handheld online services, Crazy Chicken Pirates and Crazy Chicken Pirates 3D, and, as you’ve probably guessed, they’re very similar to one another. By “very similar”, we actually mean that — with the exception of the additional 3D effect and higher resolution of the...

  • News Intrepid Programmer Brings Super Mario Bros. to Atari 2600

    Harder than it sounds

    While many of us enjoy indulging in retro classics on a regular basis, whether experiencing them for the first time or starting a 20th playthrough, there are those with a passion for past generations of systems and games that take the hobby further. Case in point is user Sprybug from, who has reproduced World 1-1...

  • News Dr Hank Chien Breaks His Own Donkey Kong World Record

    Just to rub it in

    Dr Hank Chien is the current master and world record holder on the original Donkey Kong arcade. Ahead of a Kong Off II event in November, it seems that Dr Kong isn't merely content to enjoy his record and wait to face his rivals, but is actively trying to assert his place at the top of the tree. After extending his world record to...

  • News Conker's Bad Fur Day Madness and Vulgarity The Work of "Twisted Genius"

    Warning: poo references

    Although Nintendo systems are notorious for censoring and toning down adult or vulgar content, there have been various mature games released on its consoles. A recent example, to name just one, is Madworld on Wii, which had enough violence and bad language to keep any mature gaming fan happy. If you want to go back to retro...

  • News Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles Helped to Save NES

    In the UK they were heroes, not ninjas

    It's a popular perception that NES swept all before it when it was released, dominating sales and 8-bit popular culture in the late 1980s. While that's probably true in North America and Japan, Nintendo's debut home console actually had a slow and rather unsuccessful start in the UK, with distribution via...

  • News Rare Final Fantasy II NES Cartridge Hits eBay

    This one's only $50,000

    A little while ago we posted news of a prototype cartridge for The Legend of Zelda on eBay, with the seller pricing it at $150,000 — though ultimately it went for around $55,000. Today brings another NES cartridge with a price tag to make the eyes water; this time it's a copy of Final Fantasy II on NES for $50,000. The...

  • Review Real Bout Fatal Fury Special (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    Special indeed

    Generally speaking, the "special" SNK releases are generally used as an upgrade to iron out kinks found in the previous releases of the game. Real Bout Fatal Fury Special is no exception and actually goes quite a long way at upgrading the previous Real Bout Fatal Fury title, even tossing in a bunch of new goodies for fighting game...

  • Review Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon (3DS eShop / GB)

    Not so mystical

    Shortly after the original release of the excellent Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon for Nintendo 64, Konami released another game with the same title for the original Game Boy. Tragically, the N64 game has still not been released on Wii Virtual Console, but is this handheld offering a good alternative? This instalment of the Goemon...

  • Review Escape The Virus: Shoot 'Em Up! (DSiWare)

    Not hugely contagious

    Escape the Virus: Shoot 'em Up! is a top-down twin stick arcade shooter without the twin sticks. As a tiny bit of friendly bacteria, you zoom about firing out rounds of red and blue pills at an endless onslaught of nasty-looking viruses, shooting in whichever direction you're moving. The viruses always eventually win, so the...

  • Feature Let's Celebrate Kirby's Spin-Offs

    Kirby's had a busy 20 years

    Earlier this month, at his apocryphal 20th birthday celebration, we're sure Kirby was able to blow out his candles with trademark gale-force and reflect on what has been, even for a Nintendo character, an astoundingly diverse career. While keeping his day job of walking from left to right and inhaling enemies, Nintendo's...

  • News Albert Chen - Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II Aimed for "Fantasy Fulfilment"

    Would love to see a remake on 3DS

    One of the highlights of the GameCube library — a launch title no less — was Star Wars: Rogue Squadron II, a wonderful sequel to the Nintendo 64 original that dazzled with high-end graphics. For fans of the films that wanted to immerse themselves in the action and go all Luke Skywalker, it was an exciting and...

  • Review The Lost Town - The Jungle (DSiWare)

    Lost in translation

    It’s rare for a sequel to a well received game to be released with little to nothing in terms of new content. Usually, a sequel calls for a fresh plot which ushers in new characters and gameplay elements to keep the familiar franchise fresh. Sometimes though, a sequel gets released that is essentially just a re-skinning of the...

  • News Turok Developer Wants To See N64 Versions On Virtual Console

    Ex-Iguana dev talks N64 development and the influence of James Bond

    Former Acclaim and Iguana Entertainment designer Ryan Tracy wants to see the four N64 Turok games made available on the Virtual Console, but admits that the thorny issue of IP ownership could mean that his desire never comes to pass. Speaking to, Tracy also...

  • News Baseball Team Commemorates Vital Win Through The Power of The NES

    Celebrating in style

    When sports teams score a particularly significant or memorable victory, it's customary for them to celebrate the event with some kind of promotional activity, but The Dunedin Blue Jays have gone one better - they've immortalised one of their proudest moments in 8-bit form. A single-A affiliate of Toronto, The Blue Jays...

  • News Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run Set For November Release

    Blasting your speakers soon

    Harmony of a Hunter: 101% Run, the fan-produced music album of Metroid music and remixes, is now confirmed for a November release. A follow up to the original Harmony of a Hunter double album, 101% Run will feature music that missed out on the first release as well as brand new tracks. Like its predecessor it'll be...

  • Review Toki Tori (3DS eShop / GBC)

    A good egg

    Many will be familiar with Toki Tori on WiiWare, released a few years ago and since on several systems; it's been quite the popular game, but not many people are familiar with the original entry in the series. This is understandable, because it was released at the tail end of the Game Boy Color's life cycle back in 2002, but now has a...

  • Competition Toki Tori - Game Boy Color Giveaway

    Win a sealed copy of Toki Tori for Game Boy Color

    To celebrate the Euro release of the fantastically addictive Toki Tori on 3DS Virtual Console, Two Tribes and Nintendo Life are pleased to offer European, Australian and North American readers the chance to win a sealed copy of the game for Game Boy Color. How to win? All you have to do is answer the...

  • News The Legend of Zelda Prototype Cart Sells For $55,000

    One third of the Triforce price

    Earlier this week we told you about a The Legend of Zelda prototype cart for sale on eBay, with the seller establishing a target price of $150,000. A sale has now been made for a handsome sum, but it's ultimately just over a third of that target price. According to, $55,000 is a record total for a...

  • News Commodore 64 Celebrates 30th Birthday

    Birthday wishes still loading

    We've seen some big gaming anniversaries in the past year that made some of the Nintendo Life team, and probably a fair share of readers, feel rather old. It's time for another one of these landmarks, as Commodore 64 turns 30 years old. While some may not know much about it, Commodore 64 was a games system that was...


  • Review World Heroes Perfect (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    Not quite perfect

    When World Heroes was first released on SNK's Neo Geo arcade and home console system, it was yet another attempt to capture the popularity of Capcom's Street Fighter, this time by developer ADK. While the game featured some unique gameplay and visual features, it was still regarded more as a nice attempt at the genre than any type...

  • News Programmer Shares Experiences of Developing on N64 and GameCube

    'N64: Everything just kinda works'

    There may be some who read this article that are aspiring game designers, possibly playing around with PC development tools or maybe even a Raspberry Pi device — that's a super-cheap computer, for those that don't know. Beyond that group there are surely plenty of gamers curious about how a game goes from code to...

  • News King Nintendo 64 Lords It Up At Otakon

    Kneel, PS1 loyalists

    The console wars are long since over for Nintendo 64, the curvy chunk that heralded the end of the cartridge era and fought heroically before succumbing to its rivals. If that particular console war was ever re-imagined, however, then there seems to be one gamer that could ride into battle with Epona: King Nintendo 64, of...