Retro News


  • Review 999: Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors (DS)

    Fine, fine, fine

    You wake up in a cabin on a ship, clueless as to how you arrived. You soon remember a mysterious figure in a gas mask and an odd odour filling your apartment. Before you have time to put the pieces together, the window cracks and water begins to flood the small space. Either you find a way out of the locked room, or you drown. This...

  • Feature A Guide to Hunting Dracula

    The old-school way

    So far this week we’ve listed our top 10 Castlevania games, while also launching the Nintendo Life Book Club with the horrific Simon’s Quest novel. A common theme across the series is the quest to defeat Dracula, mostly by trekking through his unfeasibly huge castle. Should the unlikely ever occur and the world looks to you to...

  • News Pix'n Love Updates Site, Puts New Books Up for Pre-Order

    Turning over a new leaf

    Pix'n Love Publishing, the company behind the rather good History of Nintendo: Volume 1, has just overhauled its website and put up a stack of new books to pre-order. Top of the list is the next issue in the series, titled The History of Nintendo: Volume 2 — Game & Watch, which goes through the development of Nintendo's...

  • Review Professor Layton and the Last Specter (DS)

    Smells like evil spirit

    By this point, most of our readers already know if they will like a Professor Layton game long before it's actually released. This is due to the fact that while the specifics of Layton's investigations change, the gameplay remains largely the same. With games such as these, however, that's not a bad thing. The Professor...

  • Review Just Dance 3 (Wii)

    It's evolution, baby

    The world is not lacking in Just Dance games. Since that original perfect storm of pop style, goofy fun and lack of inhibition crashed the Wii party near the tail end of 2009, Ubisoft's dance factory has put out an additional eight releases of varying quality in a short two years. It would thus be easy to dismiss Just Dance 3...

  • Feature Nintendo Life Book Club - Castlevania II: Simon's Quest

    For all you bookworms

    Here at Nintendo Life we do our best to keep you entertained with a diverse range of news, reviews, features, podcasts and music shows. We've been missing one thing, though: a Nintendo Life Book Club. There's a lot of game-based literature out there, so we thought that the bookworms out there would like to chill out with a...

  • News Now It's Getting Cold, Stay Warm with Game Boy Gloves

    Look cool, feel hot

    Our readers in the Southern Hemisphere can comfortably look away now: this one's for the northerners currently approaching the chill of winter. You know we love some Nintendo arts and crafts here, and these knitted Game Boy gloves by Nintendo Life reader MaDonna could be just the thing for keeping your hands warm during the...

  • Feature Castlevania - The Terrifying Ten

    Our favourite Dracula quests

    As the dreaded night of Halloween continues to loom ever closer, we are now turning our attention to the Castlevania franchise, which recently celebrated its 25th Anniversary. All of this week there'll be features looking at the series, as we join the hunt to take Dracula down once and for all. In previous features we've...

  • Review 1001 BlockBusters (DSiWare)

    1001 ways to say "meh"

    101 Dolphin Pets. 101 Shark Pets. 1001 Crystal Mazes Collection. And now 1001 BlockBusters. Teyon sure tends to feel a great deal of pride for the sheer amount of content it packs into every release. But playing this most recent game, at least, it's difficult not to wish that it'd aim for smaller, more refined ex

  • Review Furry Legends (DSiWare)

    Fun, but still floaty

    To say that Furry Legends for DSiware has been in development for a long period of time would be an understatement. In fact, the game became so far removed from gamers' minds that many assumed that the game had been cancelled altogether. But here we are, over two years since the game was first announced, and Gamelion has...

  • Review X-Men: Destiny (Wii)

    XY oh why

    X-Men is the type of comic series that makes it tempting to visualise yourself in a starring role. Its heroes are just like the rest of us, give or take a few chromosomes, and its universe works both as an allegory for coming to terms with your identity as it does for the larger issue of race relations. But does X-Men: Destiny mutate into...

  • Review House, M.D. - Episode 3: Skull and Bones (DSiWare)

    Numb skull

    It’s about time we all came to terms with the fact that episodic games aren’t really going to change from episode to episode. Sure, each episode may have a different plot and contain different puzzles, but the gameplay will stay generally the same. Because of this, all of the good elements of the first episode will generally carry...

  • Review Spider-Man: Edge of Time (Wii)

    Here come the Spider-Men

    Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions had a lot going for it last year with its snappy presentation of four incarnations of the webhead powered by a scrappy developer. While not quite in swinging distance of comic game king Batman: Arkham Asylum, Shattered Dimensions brought a massive jolt to a franchise on life support — and...

  • Review Wario World (GameCube)

    Wish you weren't here

    Nintendo is a company that's world renowned for its varied cast of versatile characters and Wario is certainly no exception. Since his first playable appearance in Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3, Wario has starred in a plethora of 2D platforming adventures spanning the Game Boy right through to the DS, each one seeing...

  • Feature Resident Evil's Nintendo History

    Undead on the big N, past, present and future

    The claustrophobic darkness. The creeping undead. The hideous monsters. The Resident Evil series has brought such thrills and chills to our TVs since 1996, and it’s taken quite a unique path when it comes to Nintendo consoles. With the month of All Hallows’ Eve upon us, we decided to take a look at...

  • Review Catrap (3DS eShop / GB)

    Definitely not a trap

    Nintendo's been releasing 3DS Virtual Console games at a very nice pace so far. In just a few months, we've already had classics like Donkey Kong and Gargoyle's Quest. The newest release, Catrap, however, is probably the most obscure title yet. Originally released in Japan under the title Pitman, and based on a game earlier...

  • Review Horizon Riders (WiiWare)

    Well balanced?

    Horizon Riders is definitely a Wii-exclusive experience. A game that makes use of both the Balance Board and Wii Zapper, Sabarasa's on-rails shooter is tailor-made for the console. If you are one of the millions that bought Wii Fit, consider yourself in for a treat, as the game makes good use of the peripheral and really shouldn't be...

  • Book Review The History of Nintendo Volume 1

    Let's-a go

    You might consider yourself a Nintendo expert, with innumerable facts and figures at your disposal, but even the most knowledgeable follower of the Kyoto company will find hitherto unknown realms of information in The History of Nintendo: Volume 1 — 1889 - 1980: From playing-cards to Game & Watch. The book made waves last year in...

  • News If You Like Storage and Nintendo We Have Just the Site for You

    New life for old friends

    To many retro gamers, cartridges are hallowed things: plastic shrines that hold the sacred texts within. They're also really handy things for sticking hard drives and portable storage in too, of course. Crafts website Broodr has some of the more ingenious options we've seen so far, with everything from Game Boy Advance carts...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 21: Curse of the Halloween Hootenanny

    Fear the reaper!

    Since it's not only the single best month of the year and because we had so much fun last time [citation needed], the NLFM Halloween Hootenanny has returned! More spooky, more sinister and more deathly, this episode is best listened to in a dark castle dungeon while eating raw pumpkins. Failing that, anywhere else will do. 1. Hip...

  • Review Side Pocket (3DS eShop / GB)

    Dead ball

    The great thing about the Virtual Console is that it allows people to experience games that they somehow missed out on the first go around and encourages discovery of forgotten and overlooked gems. The flip side is that not everything dug up has aged particularly well, like Data East's portable version of once-esteemed billiards game Side...

  • News Unreleased N64 Game Glover 2 Surfaces Online

    The sequel that never was

    N64 platformer Glover may have been lost in the sea of other 3D platformers that flooded the system, but it's got nothing on its sequel. Glover 2 was never finished, but in 2010 a prototype version of the game made its way to eBay, allowing the world to see Interactive Studios' unreleased sequel. Check out the video below...

  • Feature Remembering the Super Game Boy

    A colourful entry in the Game Boy family

    The original Game Boy was a big hit when it launched in 1989, thanks to a winning combination of portability and some cracking games. One thing it did lack, however, was colour. Whilst rival handhelds the Sega Game Gear and Atari Lynx boasted colour back-lit displays, Nintendo's portable was limited to four...

  • Review Sonic Adventure 2: Battle (GameCube)

    Super Sonic or Super Chronic?

    SEGA's attempt to have Sonic the Hedgehog transcend his 2D roots and venture into the realm of 3D didn't go nearly as smoothly as Nintendo's own Super Mario 64, despite Sonic Adventure being generally well received upon its release on the Dreamcast in 1999. It didn't take long for the cloud to lift from the judgement of...

  • Review Rune Factory 3: A Fantasy Harvest Moon (DS)

    Farm-assured prime cut

    Thanks to Rising Star Games, gamers in Europe have finally caught up on the Rune Factory series — until Rune Factory: Tides of Destiny launches on Wii in North America next week, that is. Rune Factory 3: A Fantasy Harvest Moon on DS is the third and so far final portable instalment in the Harvest Moon spin-off, and the...

  • Review Crystal Caverns of Amon-Ra (DSiWare)

    Is the quality of this game just a mirage?

    Puzzle games are a dime a dozen on DSiWare, so when a new one comes along, it's pretty easy to dismiss. Throw in a word like "crystal" and the words "Bejeweled clone" immediately come to mind. While this does involve the matching of three similarly coloured objects, however, Crystal...

  • Review Mickey's Speedway USA (Nintendo 64)

    Another kart racing game? Oh, boy!

    By the end of the Nineties, UK developer Rareware had established itself as one of the most talented softcos in the world, and along with Nintendo's own in-house output, had helped to placate Nintendo 64 gamers throughout most of the console's life with a steady supply of premium software. Having delivered the...

  • Review escapeVektor: Chapter 1 (WiiWare)

    Virtual world, real quality

    After the delightful Pop (and its various offshoots), it seemed a bit like Nnooo was taking a break from game development. The studio released several applications through DSiWare, and while they were quite good, gamers might be forgiven for assuming that the company's future releases would gravitate more toward...

  • Review Aliens: Infestation (DS)

    "Another glorious day in the Corps!"

    Of the four main Alien films, it's James Cameron’s action packed 1986 movie Aliens that provides the most explosive source material for a video game conversion. Konami knew this when it picked up the licence and released a fun arcade game, enabling players to blast pink xenomorphs in 1990. SEGA fans have...

  • Review The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Anniversary Edition (DSiWare)

    Four Links for the price of none

    In the hubbub, hype and over-excitement of E3 2011, some gamers would have been particularly delighted by a DSiWare announcement from Nintendo: while that seems unlikely, it does reflect the dedication of fans and their love for the Zelda series. After a relatively short wait, the much anticipated The Legend of...

  • Review Bugs'N'Balls (DSiWare)

    Together at last

    Say what you will about the rest of the game, one thing Bugs'N'Balls gets exactly right is its title. It has bugs, and they are indeed armed with balls. The question is this: do bugs and balls go together like peanut butter and jelly, or is it more like oil and water? Let's just say it's peanut butter jelly time. Bugs'N'Balls is...

  • Review 101-in-1 Explosive Megamix (WiiWare)

    101 reasons to avoid this

    One hundred and one games. It's a tempting proposition isn't it? It's unlikely that as an average consumer you will play, let alone purchase, one hundred and one games in a whole year, so when Nordcurrent comes a-knockin' at your door and offers you exactly that many titles for the low, low price of 700 Points, you'd be...

  • Round Table Remembering the Nintendo 64

    Check out the polygons!

    This week we have been celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Nintendo 64, looking at memorable games, the revolutionary aspects of the system, the let-downs and disappointments, as well as the possible 3D future for N64 titles. Now it’s time to relax and get into some good old retro reminiscences, scouring our aging...


  • Review Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (3DS eShop / GB)

    Monochrome Mario is back in style

    Nintendo managed to squeeze quite a bit of the Super Mario experience into the original Super Mario Land, but many gamers felt like the game was a bit too scaled down to feel like a true adventure from the series. Nintendo obviously sensed this when they sat down to create Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins, as this...

  • News Club Nintendo Offers Collectible Handheld History Cards

    Know your roots

    We've recently been diving into the history of Nintendo, and now Nintendo itself wants its fans to have a bit of a history lesson, releasing some new collectible cards for North American Club Nintendo users. The 12 hand-drawn cards detail over 30 years of handheld systems, from the Game & Watch up to the 3DS. They even come in a...

  • Talking Point The Role of the N64 on the 3DS

    Classic games for a new audience

    It's no secret that Nintendo has been having something of a tough time of it in regards to the 3DS. Since its launch in late March of this year, Nintendo's newest handheld has battled through a significant price drop, a shaky start as far as its online functionality is concerned, complaints about poor battery life...

  • News UK Retro Computer Museum Hosts Gaming Weekend in November

    Will you be there?

    As much as we love to look forward to the future of Nintendo, it's important to acknowledge the company's past too. The UK's Retro Computer Museum is doing just that with a weekend of retro gaming scheduled for late November. Held at Snibston Discovery Park in Leicestershire, the show will celebrate 35 years of gaming from all...

  • Review Break Tactics (DSiWare)

    Uninspired, but not broken

    Strategy games come in many forms, but these days, subgenres like tower defence and resource management are far more commonplace than your traditional turn-based affairs. Break Tactics helps fill the void, and while it's a fine entry in the category, it doesn't innovate much either. The game is reminiscent of Chess and a...

  • Feature Nintendo 64 Let-Downs, Head Scratchers and Conundrums

    Analogue stick scars and unrealised Crystal Dreams

    When the Nintendo 64 entered our living rooms for the first time, most of us couldn't help but marvel at its power and dream of the possibilities. But with great power comes great responsibility, and not all of those dreams ended up coming true. We already explored the system's most memorable games;...

  • News G4's X-Play Celebrates Nintendo 64 Console's 15th Anniversary

    Nintendo's 64-bitter turns 15

    It seems that G4 TV's X-Play is about to join in on the fun in celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Nintendo 64 console. The show starts at 6:30pm ET on G4 and will be covering a wide range of Nintendo 64 topics. Wanted to let you know that tomorrow on G4’s X-Play, Adam Sessler and Morgan Webb celebrate the 15th...

  • News GameCity to Transform Nottingham into Hyrule Town

    Only with more shambling undead

    UK event GameCity has established itself as one of the most notable events in the gaming calendar: kicking off five years ago with a celebration of SEGA music from maestro Richard Jacques, it's since taken in Katamari Damacy creator Keita Takahashi, zombie world record attempts and everything in between. This year...

  • Review Turok: Rage Wars (Nintendo 64)

    Rage against the machine (gun)

    Multiplayer has been a mainstay in first person shooters since only a few years after the genre's formal debut. Nonetheless, PC gamers had been shooting each other either in LAN setups or online for many years before console FPSes got in on the act. It wasn't until GoldenEye 007 hit the N64 that the idea of getting...

  • Feature Celebrating the 15th Anniversary of the Nintendo 64

    The Big N’s gift to modern gaming

    Looking back on the Nintendo 64, there are plenty of subject areas that warrant exploration. As a console, the N64 was a trend-setter that pushed the boundaries and expectations of gaming experiences. This status as a technologically advanced and experimental console was both a blessing and a curse, as it enjoyed...

  • Review Cut the Rope (DSiWare)

    This cuts it

    There has been much debate in gaming circles about Nintendo’s digital offerings and the competition from smartphones and tablets. Now one of the biggest hits from those rival platforms, Cut the Rope, has finally arrived on DSiWare. The question is, does this title succeed on the DSi, or does it miss out on the candy? The premise of...

  • Talking Point The Most Memorable Nintendo 64 Games

    Get N, to the Nintendo Life Poll

    It seems like the year of major anniversaries in all things Nintendo, as this week we celebrate the 15th Anniversary of the Nintendo 64. The good old N64 was released on 29th September 1996 in North America and introduced 3D polygon graphics at a level that hadn’t been seen before. Throughout the course of this...

  • Review Escape Trick: Ninja Castle (DSiWare)

    Escape while you still can

    Escape Trick: Ninja Castle is the second game in the Escape Trick series that we've seen here at Nintendo Life. The first game, Escape Trick: The Secret of Rock City Prison, failed to really grab us: its ambition was laudable, but its execution consisted of dull visuals, underwhelming gameplay, and nonsensical puzzle...

  • Review We Dance (Wii)

    Don't touch this

    When a genre of game saturates a market it's fair to expect that any new title coming out within that style of play must do a good impression of the leaders in the field, in the very least aping what made the forerunners successful, hopefully providing an interesting alternative. As the number of first person shooters, mini-game...

  • Review Defense of the Middle Kingdom (DSiWare)

    Middle of the road

    Many games take the history of Asian nations as their focus, from the Japanese combat-based Samurai Warriors series to the Romance of the Three Kingdoms games, which use the warring kingdoms of first-century China as their basis. The newest to enter the ring is Defense of the Middle Kingdom, which also focuses on the latter's...

  • Feature Staff Memories of the Game Boy Advance

    Remembering the last ever Game Boy

    This week we have been celebrating the 10 year anniversary of the Game Boy Advance. It was the last handheld of the Game Boy era, and is fondly remembered for vivid graphics, multiplayer gameplay and for the portable gaming experience that it offered. To round off our GBA celebrations, we’ve invited some of our...

  • Review Dragon Quest Monsters: Joker 2 (DS)

    Joker's wild

    When Enix released the original Dragon Quest Monsters for Game Boy back in 1998, many quickly dismissed it as just another vain attempt to cash in on the Pokémon craze. But over the past 13 years, the Monsters series has developed quite a following and become more in-depth and multiplayer-friendly with each new release. Where the first...

  • News A New Zelda Figurine is Available for Pre-Order

    Link rides into view

    Some of you may already be aware of the Twilight Princess "Master Arts" series of figurines from First 4 Figures. There have been two models up to now, the first represents Zant, the villain from The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, while the second portrays Midna and Wolf Link. The third figure is now confirmed,...

  • Feature Remembering the Game Boy Advance

    The end of an era

    For many years, the Game Boy brand was as synonymous with Nintendo as Mario and, perhaps, it still is. Have you ever been playing on your DS or 3DS and had someone who’s not particularly games savvy refer to it as a Game Boy? After all, the Game Boy was a worldwide brand phenomenon, penetrating the public consciousness and...

  • Talking Point The Most Memorable Third Party Game Boy Advance Games

    We’re a bit late to the party

    Back in June, the Game Boy Advance was celebrating its 10 year anniversary. We’re sure there was a party, with lots of balloons and a GBA shaped cake, but we weren’t there. We were a bit tied up with the excitement of E3 and the unveiling of the Wii U, while also looking ahead to what was next for the 3DS. Now we...

  • News Would You Trust a Goomba to Clean Your House?

    The uprising starts now

    Goombas are so much more than their common portrayal as easily vanquished stomp cushions would have you believe: they have other skills, like cleaning the house. That's right: someone made the inevitable leap and combined the Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner with the Goomba and created... well, the Goomba Roomba, presumably. The...

  • Review Kirby Mass Attack (DS)

    Ten for the price of one

    It's no secret that Kirby has been a huge part of Nintendo's portable systems over the years, even making his debut on the original Game Boy back in 1992. When Kirby Canvas Curse was released, it took the traditional button controls away and replaced them with the touchscreen controls of the DS. While some die-hard fans of...

  • Review MotoHeroz (WiiWare)

    In pole position

    If there's one letter of the alphabet that, when included at the end of a title should instantly tell you not to buy that game, it's the letter “z”. The quality of a product with a name that has the linguistic audacity to inappropriately replace the sensual sweeps of a sexily shaped "s", is for the most part awful:...

  • Feature Luigi's Mansion 10th Anniversary

    No longer the other brother

    It may not be grabbing the headlines at the moment, but a notable anniversary has just passed: September 14th was the 10th anniversary of the release of Luigi’s Mansion in Japan. With the sequel due to arrive on 3DS in 2012, Downloads Editor Corbie Dillard and writer Jacob Crites have taken up the challenge of exploring...

  • Review We Sing: UK Hits (Wii)

    Great Britain, average game

    Is it OK to be competent? Is it OK, not to excel, not to push the boundaries, but just to be totally fine? It's fair to say that we all want this medium to drive forward and provide us an experience you can't find elsewhere, but when a product doesn't claim to be groundbreaking should we really expect a revolution in game...

  • Review Paint Splash (WiiWare)

    A blast, easel-y

    Painting is a lot of fun, and as it happens, it's even more fun with a group. Why it's taken so long for a game studio to realise this is beyond us – and it was beyond the man behind Paint Splash and father of three, Uffe Flarup, as well. That's why he created Kidspaint, a homebrew application that let families everywhere enjoy...

  • Review Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (3DS eShop / GB)

    Slightly less than mega

    Back when the Mega Man franchise started with the release of the original NES game, Capcom never thought it would do well — the first game was expected to bomb horribly, as almost nobody at the famous developer thought people would like it. Fast forward to today, and Mega Man has become one of their best-known franchises...

  • Review BIT.TRIP COMPLETE (Wii)

    Aptly titled

    The BIT.TRIP titles have been wildly popular on WiiWare, but despite being able to purchase the games individually, fans of the series have been clamoring for a Wii compilation disc release since the series was completed. With the release of BIT.TRIP COMPLETE, fans not only get the collection they've wanted, but also a wealth of brand...

  • Feature Nintendo - Gaming in Black and White

    The continuing appeal of retro

    In the midst of lively, colourful menu tiles that spin with a blow into the microphone and play charming tunes when selected, many 3DS's are littered with other tiles that are glaringly less interesting. They don't play charming animations on the top screen, and when selected, the greeting is nothing more than a little...

  • Review DotMan (DSiWare)

    Not quite on point

    Welcome to DotMan, the game of driving in circles. And that's it, basically. There's also a small amount of strategy, along with boredom and frustration, but we'll deal with those shortly. DotMan has its roots in classic games like Dodge 'Em and Pac-Man, but that's a bit like saying Twilight has its roots in Bram Stoker's Dracula:...

  • Podcast NLFM Episode 20: It's Alive!

    Thanks for hanging on to those RSS feeds

    Had you going there for a while, didn't we? Weekly. Ha! Sorry for the absence, fearless listeners, but Nintendo Life's chip and game music podcast NLFM is back on track after a too-long hiatus. And boy do we have some doozies for your ears! 1. Shiryu — The Goddamn Batman (Shiryu’s Arcade vol. 4)2. Yoko...

  • Review Golf (3DS eShop / GB)

    Yep. It's golf.

    Rare is the game that leaves us truly speechless, but the Game Boy version of Golf is certainly one of them. Of course that's just because there's not really much to talk about. Golf, as you might expect, is a golf game. Whatever comes to mind when you hear that, that's what you get. No less, and no more. It consists of two courses...

  • Review House, M.D. - Episode 2: Blue Meanie (DSiWare)

    Blue all over

    Earlier this summer saw the release of Legacy Interactive’s first DSiWare game, House, M.D. - Episode 1: Globetrotting. If you played the game, or simply read our review, then you’ll know that this maiden voyage was not a very successful one for the company. Now, several months later, the series continues with House M.D. -...

  • News The History of Nintendo Book Gets English Release

    Know your roots

    Pix'n Love Publishing's book The History of Nintendo was until now only available in French, but after a pre-order run last year it's now available to buy. The 240-page book spans Nintendo's humble beginnings in 1889 until the early 1980s, with more than 2,000 exclusive pictures illustrating the story along the way. The book costs...

  • News Fox McCloud Returns As Star Fox 64 3D Launches Worldwide

    The whole crew's here

    After a lengthy absence — his last starring role was back in 2006 — Fox McCloud is back, as Star Fox 64 3D takes off across North America and Europe today. The updated version of Star Fox 64 (known as Lylat Wars in Europe) is one of the better games we've seen released for 3DS so far, as our Star Fox 64 3D review explains:...

  • Review Trenches Generals (WiiWare)

    Fun with guns or suicide mission?

    The blood. The smoke. The little exploding cartoon men. War is Hell. Recreating the feel of battle with a cartoony spin is Trenches Generals, the latest spin on the tower defence subgenre, updated from the recent iOS version for WiiWare with updated AI, levelling-up system, content and more. But is this an explosive...

  • News You're Not Alone in Finding the First Zelda So Hard

    So does Eiji Aonuma

    The re-release of Legend of Zelda as part of the 3DS Ambassador program has reminded gamers just how hard Link's first outing is. If you haven't finished it yet, don't give yourself a hard time about it: neither has series producer Eiji Aonuma. In a recent interview with Game Informer, Aonuma revealed to this day he has never...

  • Feature Star Fox - Pioneering 3D Shoot-em-ups Since 1993

    Shoot everything in sight

    This week sees the release of Star Fox 64 3D. As you're no doubt aware, it's a remastering in the same vein as Ocarina of Time 3D, so updated visuals are naturally present. Given the updated hardware, Fox McCloud and the team will be appearing in true 3D for the first time. On the 3DS, a true sensation of depth should...

  • Review 1950s Lawn Mower Kids (DSiWare)

    A bit of a chore

    When it comes to attempts to turn boring, low-paid jobs into exciting DSiWare downloads, Zordix AB jumped to the fore with Valet Parking 1989. It was an intriguing but flawed game, jam packed with nostalgia and 80’s humour. The developer is now continuing the theme of decade-specific chore simulation with 1950s Lawn Mower Kids...

  • News After 25 Years, The NES Gets A New Magazine

    Oh happy day

    The humble Nintendo Entertainment System: responsible for bringing so many to sip from the cup of gaming, and now enjoying yet another lease of life via the recent 3DS Ambassador games. As with all Nintendo consoles it has a dedicated following online, but it could soon have a bigger presence in the print world as website

  • News Replay Expo Expands to Celebrate More Nintendo History

    Now twice the size

    The annual Replay Expo in Blackpool, England has become a highlight of the gaming year for many retro enthusiasts: featuring plenty of classic and obscure games from Nintendo, SEGA, Atari and more, it's a gamer's dream. This year's show is promising to be better than ever, with a second ballroom added to accommodate twice as many...

  • Review Bridge (DSiWare)

    Over troubled water

    It’s one of the simplest forms of entertainment: if all electronic entertainment is unavailable, when there is nothing else to do, a simple pack of playing cards can save the day. Card games can be simplistic or confusing and complex, with straightforward options often seeming suitable as cheap downloads on the DSi shop. More...