Retro News


  • News Legend of Zelda Prototype Cartridge Posted on eBay

    Yours for just $150,000

    When it comes to online purchases, you're unlikely to find any other website with quite the same variety as eBay. You can quite easily buy some custom made birthday cards for a few dollars, or a rare prototype The Legend of Zelda cartridge for just $150,000, which is the price of a small house or expensive sports car. The...

  • Feature Olympics Fever on Nintendo Systems

    Button mashing for gold

    If you’ve been living in a cave and isolated from the world for the past couple of weeks, then you may not have been bombarded with coverage of the London 2012 Olympic Games. It’s now well under way, and thousands of athletes are running, cycling, swimming and more in the name of winning a shiny gold medal. None of the...

  • News Find The Real Master Sword in This Ocarina of Time Tribute

    Expect the unexpected

    For gamers infatuated with iconic moments in gaming, who also happen to have a camera and a bit of film-making expertise, there's only one place to go: YouTube. While there's plenty of appalling rubbish on everyone's favourite video-sharing site, there's also some good work that re-creates memorable sequences with a twist. One...

  • Review Decathlon 2012 (DSiWare)

    Torch it

    Well, the London 2012 Olympic games are officially underway, and the eShop now has its equivalent of those ubiquitous bootlegged t-shirts in the form of Decathlon 2012, a digital souvenir that hopes to coast on the excitement of the Olympics without shelling out for the rights to refer to them by name. Already we're off to a great start,...

  • Review Mole Mania (3DS eShop / GB)

    Dig in

    Poor Muddy Mole has returned home to find his family kidnapped by the evil farmer Jinbe. That's the entire plot, and we're happy about that. After all, Mole Mania isn't about storytelling; it's about a massive gauntlet of clever puzzles, and that's exactly why we like it. Divided into eight very large levels, Muddy's adventure finds him...

  • Review Rabi Laby 2 (DSiWare)

    Return to Wonderland

    Remember the old adage “less is more"? Even if you don’t, Agetec certainly does, as is clearly reflected in Rabi Laby 2, its most recent DSiWare release. While it’s true that not much has changed from the first instalment, the original Rabi Laby was pretty good, so there’s not much to find fault with here. Much like its...

  • Review Successfully Learning English: Year 2 (WiiWare)

    Back to the classroom

    If you combine DSiWare and WiiWare, Tivola’s Successfully Learning series has been one of the most prolific franchises available for download. Just when we thought it was all over, Successfully Learning English: Year 2 makes the transition from DSiWare to WiiWare, and young pupils can breathe a sigh of relief. The question is...

  • Review Petit Computer (DSiWare)

    Massive potential, minor headache

    There are few better places to learn programming than within the BASIC family — heck, it's in the name — which offers general-purpose, relatively simple environments in which to learn the ropes and concepts of coding. Petit Computer is a powerful BASIC coding environment, a type of homebrew application seldom...

  • News Post-It Note Mario Has The Moves

    Only 7000 notes used

    As Mario is, arguably, the biggest icon in video game history, it's little surprise that he's the subject of various fan-projects and videos. One new video, posted yesterday on YouTube by user FinalCutKing, apparently uses 7000 post-it notes — and a lot of patience — to create a stop-motion video that sees Mario platforming...

  • Feature GameCube - GBA Connectivity and Wii U

    Blazing a trail

    Nintendo has been known to dip into its past when looking for the future. The 3DS is a good example: while the handheld may be the first glasses-free 3D video game system, it's hardly the company's first foray into the third dimension. The forgotten Famicom 3D System brought pop-out graphics to Nintendo's original home console in...

  • Feature Batman's Nintendo Adventures

    Holy topical feature, Batman!

    Today sees the launch of The Dark Knight Rises in UK and North American theatres, amongst others, and it's become a cultural phenomenon, dominating the thoughts of Batman geeks and film lovers alike. We figured that you'll see the word 'Batman' wherever you go, so we might as well wrap it up in our favourite...

  • News Apple Co-Founder is a Tetris Master

    Those other gamers can't deny

    Tetris is a brand that will forever be in the history of handheld gaming in particular, as it's credited by many as being the key title to launching the Game Boy to popularity. It had appeared on various consoles before Nintendo's handheld, but found its home on the system and became a phenomenon. The second part of...

  • Review Wario Land II (3DS eShop / Game Boy)

    Greed is good

    After the success of the first Wario Land, Nintendo decided to take another shot at putting its beloved new anti-hero in the spotlight. To differentiate it from Mario even further, it removed the "Super Mario Land" prefix and also made a massive gameplay change for Wario Land II. But is it one for the better? Defeated at the end of...

  • Review The King of Fighters '96 (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    A step in the right direction

    King of the Fighters '96 marks the third release in the popular SNK fighting game series, and while we've already seen KoF releases from both before and after this title, SNK has finally decided to go back and release this pivotal release in the series. With a host of new gameplay additions, many of which help balance...

  • News Create 'A Game By Its Cover' Competition is Underway

    Heading to Nottingham's GameCity festival

    Indie game developers have delivered some memorable titles, mainly downloadable, in recent years. While blockbuster experiences can be terrific, there's a growing market of determined programmers and game designers going their own way, and 'A Game By Its Cover' is a competition that's encouraging people to...

  • Review Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition (WiiWare)

    Hopping mad

    Frogger reached its 30th anniversary last year so, as is tradition for gaming birthdays, Konami has marched out a new edition of the arcade classic. Frogger: Hyper Arcade Edition sets out to bring multiplayer and new play styles to the franchise, but it's not quite all it's croaked up to be. It's split up into eight modes – six game...

  • Review 2020 Super Baseball (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    Step up to the plate

    Taking a popular sport and fusing it together with a futuristic theme is certainly nothing new in the world of video games. Atari managed quite a bit of success with its robotic football release Cyberball, so it comes as no surprise that other companies would follow suit. Back in 1991 SNK took a page out of Atari's book and...

  • Review Candle Route (DSiWare)

    Candlelight delight

    Candle Route is a unique and colourful puzzle game starring Sparky, a plucky, anthropomorphic flame charged with bringing light to Crayon Castle before night comes around. The adventure that follows feels a bit like a cross between ChuChu Rocket!, mini-golf, and being a mother duck; most importantly it's beautiful, original and...

  • Review Ace Mathician (DSiWare)

    Smooth operators

    Ace Mathician, from Flipper developer Goodbye Galaxy Games, is a unique puzzle-platformer that succeeds in combining the magic of both marsupials and maths. The basic idea is to help a friendly koala named Ace reach the fruit at the end of each single-screen stage by rearranging platforms using algebraic equations. Make no mistake:...

  • Review The Sword of Hope II (3DS eShop / GB)

    The great black and white hope

    Poor Prince Theo. Not only is his first game still unavailable in the eShop, but his second adventure begins with all of his previous hard work being undone, an evil spirit being set free by would-be grave robbers, the Sword of Hope being stolen, and a young orphan accusing him of murdering his father. He really can't...

  • Review Kirby's Pinball Land (3DS eShop / GB)

    Less than the sum of its parts

    While primarily known as the star of a reliably charming series of platformers, Kirby has also starred in a fair share of spin-offs. One of those, Kirby's Block Ball, came to the eShop just a few months ago. It's a flawed but fun reimagining of Breakout. It plays to the strengths of both Breakout as a template and...

  • Review Let's Create! Pottery (WiiWare)

    Different console, same game

    Every now and again a game gets released that makes its players collectively ask “why? Why did this happen?” Then, inexplicably, the same exact game gets released on a completely different console after it has barely been changed at all. As you may have already guessed, this is exactly the case with Let’s Create!...

  • News Pixel Nation Volume 2 Hits Stands

    Bubbly bobbly

    Independent retro games magazine Pixel Nation has just published its second issue, available in both physical and PDF form. This volume comes loaded with articles on topics as diverse as bizarre NES accessories — ever heard of the Miracle Piano? — and a look back at classic gaming year 1986, there's something for everyone,...

  • Review 3, 2, 1... Words Up! (DSiWare)

    Fun with words

    3, 2, 1... Words Up! is a great example of how simple can be satisfying. This word-unscrambling game does one thing and does it well, providing a solid dose of portable wordplay to anyone looking to test their lexical limits. The basic objective is to create as many words as possible from a bank of seven letters, and there are two...

  • Review NES Open Tournament Golf (3DS eShop / NES)

    Retro golf gaming at its finest

    While the eShop already has Golf for the Game Boy available, anyone who purchased that game may now start to wish they had saved their money. NES Open Tournament Golf is a superior experience in every way. Perhaps not substantially so, but it's certainly a more rewarding way to spend a day on the links. NES Open...

  • Feature A Visual Guide to Nintendo's Handheld Revamps - Part Two

    Time for double vision

    Earlier this week we brought you the first part of our visual guide to Nintendo's Handheld Revamps, starting with Game Boy and going all the way up to Game Boy Advance SP. In terms of handheld console models, and despite the number of years covered, that only covered about half of the story; now we'll pick up with the first...

  • Review Topoloco (DSiWare)

    It may be a map, but it's no legend

    Congratulations are in order for Abstraction Games: it released a topography game that's even less fun that it sounds. Topoloco almost deserves an award for just how much it gets entirely wrong. Before you read the rest of this review, know that we didn't expect this to be much of a game, per se. Topoloco markets...

  • Review Project Zero 2: Wii Edition (Wii)

    Poltergeist snap

    If you're more than a little wary when it comes to bumps in the night, it might be best to stay away from Project Zero 2: Wii Edition. Tecmo Koei's ghastly survival horror series, also known as Fatal Frame, throws you within the clutches of dozens of malicious apparitions with only a camera for protection. A proton pack it ain't...

  • Review Castlevania: The Adventure (3DS eShop / GB)

    Belmont's first portable adventure

    When the Game Boy hit store shelves in 1989 it didn’t take long for a vast swathe of third-party publishers – many of which had grown fat on the profits generated by Nintendo’s astonishingly popular NES – to sign up to produce software for the device. Konami was one of the first to pledge its allegiance to...

  • Review Flip the Core (DSiWare)

    Hit or bore?

    We've already seen a few shoot 'em ups pop up on DSiWare, but for the most part the selection has felt more gimmicky than traditional. Flip the Core continues that tradition with a unique "flip" design that allows you to flip the flat background planes, greatly altering the level with one push of a button. And while this interesting...

  • Feature A Visual Guide to Nintendo's Handheld Revamps - Part One

    Because one is never enough

    The recent announcement of 3DS XL less than 18 months after the original 3DS hit shelves drew a lot of discussion, so we thought we'd dive through the archives to present you with a visual history of the evolution of Nintendo handheld consoles, starting with the good old Game Boy. We're not going to go into all of the...

  • Review Jewel Legends: Tree of Life (DSiWare)

    Was it meant for you?

    Not that there’s any shortage of them on DSiWare, but right off the bat it should be said that Jewel Legends: Tree of Life is a puzzle game. Not only is it a puzzle game, but it’s a match three puzzle game, which means that you know exactly what to expect with this download. While there are some new features to spice up...

  • Review Escape the Virus: Swarm Survival (DSiWare)

    Mini-thrills with micro-organisms

    Escape the Virus: Swarm Survival, an offshoot of the WiiWare title Viral Survival from a few years back, is a collection of two score-based arcade games that take place under the microscope. While there's not a lot to this simple petri dish offering, what's there is an awful lot of fun and the core mechanics are...


  • Review Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Wii Virtual Console / NES)

    Revenge is sweet

    When Double Dragon first hit the arcade scene back in 1987, it was immediately lauded for its intense beat 'em up gameplay and slick visuals and soundtrack. After making pit stops on a number of platforms, the NES included, the game only grew in popularity. So it was only natural that a sequel, Double Dragon II: The Revenge would...

  • News Atari Turns 40 Today

    The original gaming behemoth

    Current-day gamers are familiar with just three game console manufacturers at the top of the tree: Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony. Some who are older may remember when SEGA was in its pomp and challenging Nintendo in the 1990s, but for those that care to go even further back, Atari comes into the picture. Atari is 40...

  • Review Pokémon Conquest (DS)

    Resistance is feudal

    Peanut butter and chocolate, Chris Farley and David Spade, Marvel and Capcom. Taking two great things and smashing them together is a long-standing tradition of the human experience. Now, in the year 2012, another legendary combination can be etched into the annals of history – Pokémon and Nobunaga’s Ambition. Pokémon is...

  • Review Goooooal Europa 2012 (DSiWare)

    Missing an open goooooal

    DSiWare is like any other downloadable game platform: it features gems full of creativity and compulsive play, and then it has titles like Goooooal Europa 2012, which tries to hide its painful inadequacies with a ‘fun’ title and a tenuous link to a major football tournament. The idea of a table football game with stylus...

  • News Get a Load of This Retro Rap

    Rad rapping

    Music dedications to classic gaming are relatively common on YouTube, but a new rap track from Richie Branson and Random a.k.a. Mega Ran is a cut above the rest. Super Nintendo, SEGA Genesis is fondly dedicated to the retro 16-bit rivals, with both rappers dropping references to many of the most memorable games and trends of the time...

  • News Nintendo Serves Up Mario Tennis History Infographic

    One love

    This week sees the start of Wimbledon, and with Mario Tennis Open only a month old Nintendo's combined the two in infographic format. The official series history starts from 3D sports game Mario's Tennis and ends with... 3D sports game Mario Tennis Open. Weird. It's a bit confusing, though: it mentions Mario Tennis in 2004, presumably...

  • Review Sonic Blast (3DS eShop / GG)

    From the past, not a blast

    Not to be confused with Sonic 3D Blast, Sonic Blast only really shares a fondness for rendered sprites with its 16-bit namesake, sticking to more mainline Sonic staples like running, spinning and grabbing Chaos Emeralds. The rendered sprites weren't particularly impressive back in 1996 and they don't stand up too well...

  • Review Save the Furries (WiiWare)


    We've seen several WiiWare titles make the jump to other, probably more profitable, platforms, but it happens the other way around too. Save the Furries is one example; it started life as an iOS title, but now the alien-saving puzzler has scurried over to the Nintendo side. The goal is to get the titular helpless creatures from A (their...

  • Review Lola's Fruit Shop Sudoku (DSiWare)

    Sudoku Jr.

    Earlier this year we were pleasantly surprised by Lola's Alphabet Train, a rewardingly sweet journey through simple spelling drills. It was colourful, engaging and inventive. Now we have a sequel in the form of Lola's Fruit Shop Sudoku, and while the previous game's charm is intact, it's a bit less impressive overall. You'd be forgiven...

  • Feature Nostalgia vs. Eternal Darkness

    Jon celebrates the 10th anniversary of this cult horror classic by losing his mind, in more ways than one

    Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem is one of those games whose cult status has snowballed since it hit in 2002, and with good reason. As a fairly innovative horror game from Silicon Knights and Nintendo, it kept players on their toes for its...

  • Feature Summer Sizzlers

    Hot stuff

    Dust off your swimming trunks and stock up on sun cream because summer is upon us. While this may not be completely true if you live in a certain southern hemisphere (or a country like Great Britain, where meteorological conditions defy all logic and expectations), here are some games that will bring you that warm, fuzzy feeling of the hot...

  • Review 7 Wonders II (DSiWare)

    A small wonder

    When it comes to clones, very few genres are more prime candidates than puzzlers. When Tetris hit back in the 80's it was quickly cloned and in fact, is still being cloned to this very day. 7 Wonders of the Ancient World took the match-three idea and attempted to inject a few new twists into the mix but somehow failed to take the...

  • News Fifth Mario Marathon Fundraiser Set for 22nd June

    All for the Child's Play Charity

    There are millions of gamers who enjoy playing Mario games, whether it's the NES classics or the latest titles on Wii and 3DS. The world-famous plumber is also the inspiration for Mario Marathon 5, a webcast taking place this Friday to raise money for the Child's Play charity. This event has enjoyed success in its...

  • Review Devil Band - Rock the Underworld (DSiWare)

    Ear piercing

    If musicians really can save the world — Bob Geldof and Bono would both like you to believe they can — then it's a shame they couldn't do it in a game more interesting than Devil Band - Rock the Underworld. CIRCLE's latest essentially takes Plants vs. Zombies, robs it of its charm and adds in a lot more tapping. You control a metal...

  • Review Tumble Pop (3DS eShop / GB)

    Tumble Pop and lock

    In the future, nests of hornets will be the least of pest control's worries. Tumble Pop is filled with strange beasts, from living skeletons to little grey aliens, manic clowns and Sweetums from The Muppets. In this arcade platformer, it's your job to clean them up with nothing more than a trusty – and presumably engine-powered...

  • News NES-Bit Magazine Volume 2 Hits the Stands

    Back to the past

    Fans of the humble Nintendo Entertainment System can learn more about their favourite machine with a new issue of NES-Bit, a fan magazine devoted to all things 8-bit. The second issue features a look back at the NES vs. Master System war, a guide to importing Famicom titles, a Castlevania series retrospective and much more. It's...

  • News Harmony of a Hunter Follow-Up Album Shoots for Perfect Run

    Available later this year

    Earlier in the year we told you about Harmony of a Hunter, a fan-produced double-album of music from the Metroid series. We also had an interview with director Darren Kerwin and assistant director Torbjørn 'Falcool' Brandrud, who said the project was devised to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the franchise, even if...

  • Review Donkey Kong Jr. (3DS eShop / NES)

    Defeat the villainous Mario!

    Donkey Kong Jr. was the inevitable sequel to the massively popular arcade smash Donkey Kong. Surprisingly — and rewardingly — it inverted the formula, casting Mario as the villain to be defeated, and Donkey Kong's diaper-clad son as the avenging hero. Is there any wonder Nintendo released this one just in time for...

  • Review The Last Blade (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    Neo Geo fighting at its finest

    There are very few game consoles in existence that can compete with the diverse fighting game library of SNK's Neo Geo system. While some of the earlier efforts came up short of reaching the quality of Capcom's Street Fighter II series, many later efforts ended up being some of the best 2D fighting releases of the era...

  • Review Mega Man X2 (Wii Virtual Console / Super Nintendo)

    Still mega

    When Capcom created Mega Man X, it had clearly done something right. Many fans loved finally getting a refreshing take on the series, rather than what was essentially the same thing over and over, and it became quite popular. While the Classic Mega Man series went on a break for a few years, Capcom churned out a few more X games,...

  • Review 99Seconds (DSiWare)

    I got 99 problems but time ain't one

    Tiny time-waster games like 99seconds really aren't all that dissimilar from the arcade games of old that we now look on so fondly as champions of game design: simplistic ideas with an execution engaging enough to keep the flow of quarters flowing. Here, the concept is a form of extreme keep-away with a slow-down...

  • News Bowser and Bison Join Wreck-It Ralph in Therapy

    Bad boys

    Bowser will be making a return to cinema screens for the first time since that live action movie in Wreck-It Ralph, Disney's new computer generated film that's out later this year. Poor old Ralph has been stuck doing the same old job for 30 years: smashing up buildings in an Rampage-style arcade game. Bored of being the bad guy that nobody...

  • News ZombiU Is Really a Blast from the Past

    Did you know Zombi was Ubisoft's first game?

    ZombiU was one of the major Wii U announcements yesterday as part of Ubisoft's press conference, with a CG-filled trailer that showed plenty of zombie chaos. Our interesting fact of the day is that Ubisoft's first ever game release was called Zombi, which was an icon-driven adventure game released in...

  • Review Rayman (3DS eShop / GBC)

    Rayman, fighter of the Night Man

    In 1995, the platformer Rayman was released to great critical acclaim on the PlayStation. It was the first entry in a hugely successful franchise that also spawned an entirely separate sub-franchise along the way. Rayman had charm, class and above all a tremendous sense of fun. Five years later, the game was still...

  • Review Metal Slug 3 (Wii Virtual Console / Neo Geo)

    Heavy metal

    Due to the bevy of fighting games released for Neo Geo, it's always a refreshing sight to see a game of a different genre from the format re-released on Virtual Console. We've just about hit the jackpot this time — Metal Slug 3 can easily be considered one of the single best games the system ever got. The first and second games in the...


  • News Square Enix Launches Final Fantasy 25th Anniversary Website

    Time to work on your Japanese

    The original NES Final Fantasy was released on the Famicom in Japan in December 1987, which means that this year will be a landmark 25 year anniversary for the series. Release in the west was substantially delayed, but Square Enix is starting the celebrations in Japan with an anniversary website to show off the legacy...

  • Review Snakenoid Deluxe (DSiWare)

    In which the word "deluxe" is cheapened enormously

    Last year, we reviewed Snakenoid, a Snake/Arkanoid hybrid from Cinemax that answered our question of how one could possibly combine the gameplay from those two games. That answer was, "pretty disappointingly, thanks for asking." We felt it was a bit of a mess, at best, a complete waste of time and...

  • News Donkey Kong Champion Improves His World Record

    The doctor is in

    While some of us may consider ourselves useful when playing some old-school games, there are few that are legitimately world-beating retro gamers. Dr. Hank Chien is one of the elite, as he's the record holder for the original Donkey Kong arcade title, an honour that he currently holds despite constant competition from fellow retro...

  • Review Chronicles of Vampires: Awakening (DSiWare)

    Bloody good?

    It seems that popular culture's obsession with vampires may be entering its twilight years. If contemporary films, books and TV series focusing on gothic lore ever felt fresh and exciting, that effect has worn off and the bloodsuckers have come to feel a bit bland and tired. Still clinging onto the trend is the second in Teyon's hidden...

  • Feature Retro Console Launches - NES

    Sharing the power

    In recent weeks we’ve written about console launches such as Wii, 3DS and GameCube. This is all because we’re currently gearing up for the Wii U launch later this year, and E3 promises to build hype and excitement to astronomical levels. In the coming months most of us will learn all about Wii U online with various websites...

  • News Check Out These Kirby Drawings from Nintendo's Bosses

    Such care-free times

    It's easy to underestimate how long some of the current Nintendo senior figures have been working at the company: some of them have been there since the very beginning of NES, for example. Andriasang has unearthed a picture from a 1993 Nintendo Strategy book to make us, and the Nintendo legends in question, feel a bit old. The...

  • News Upcycle Nintendo Gear into Office Equipment

    Get down to business

    If your GameCube's given up the ghost or there's more nails in your Nintendo 64's coffin than hairs on your head, you might be thinking of recycling it. Etsy store GreenCüb goes one better and upcycles dead consoles and controllers into office equipment. Graeme Abraham turns GameCubes into desk organisers — cleverly the...

  • News Ocarina of Time Makes a Good Bedtime Story

    Cute baby included

    Sometimes video games deserve to be passed from one generation to the next, with The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D being a perfect example that brings the Nintendo 64 classic to 3DS gamers. Kyle Hilliard and Ben Hanson from Game Informer have decided that age is no barrier to learning about this particular adventure; they've...

  • News Go On, Judge a Game By Its Cover

    Nobody says you shouldn't

    You might remember some of our previous coverage of Famicase, where artists create stickers for fictional Famicom games. A Game By Its Cover (AGBIC) takes this concept to the next stage, inviting developers to create games based on the stickers. The competition runs from 17th June until 18th August and is open to anyone...

  • Review Kirby's Dream Land 2 (3DS eShop / GB)


    Dream Land's peaceful moniker is surely false advertising. There are constant problems with invasions and takeovers, the bad guys are apparently impossible to evict, based on how often they show up and the fact that some buffoon keeps dumping huge piles of those star blocks in everybody's way. It's an absolute nightmare. You wouldn't get that...

  • Review Curling Super Championship (DSiWare)

    Bowls on ice

    DSiWare has been home to some interesting concepts and ideas, developing a diverse library of different experiences of varying standards. Despite this, Curling Super Championship is one of the more unique entries, taking a relatively minor winter sport and turning it into a video game. While some may feel the need to dismiss it off...

  • Review Monster World IV (Wii Virtual Console / Mega Drive)

    Worth the wait

    Originally released in 1994, Monster World IV is the final game in the Wonder Boy series. It's a very well-liked game and another great entry in the franchise, but there was just one problem: it was never released outside Japan. Until now that is, because SEGA has finally given the rest of the world a chance to experience the game,...

  • Review Wonder Boy in Monster Land (Wii Virtual Console / Virtual Console Arcade)

    Boy wonder

    The Wonder Boy franchise is one of many treasured relics from SEGA's past. Dedicated fans have clamoured for a new entry in the platform series ever since the 1994 Mega Drive release of the sixth title, Monster World IV. For now, though, they'll have to make do with the splurge of digital download re-releases. This time, it's the arcade...

  • Review Sonic Labyrinth (3DS eShop / GG)

    Maze craze

    Failed game pitches from the 1990s: Madden without the ball. Mario without the jumping. Sonic without the speed. Except someone at SEGA must have thought the last one was a good idea, and gave Minato Giken the go-ahead to develop Sonic Labyrinth for Game Gear. As the story goes, Dr. Robotnik has tricked Sonic into wearing special shoes...

  • News Zelda Rock Album Available Now

    Suitably epic

    The Legend of Zelda is a franchise with immediately recognisable themes and soundtracks, which naturally prompts fans to produce their own arrangements and covers of the iconic music. In an interesting approach, one musician has opted to, in his words, produce a 'post-rock inspired rearrangement of Koji Kondo's music', giving it a new...

  • Review Paul's Shooting Adventure 2 (DSiWare)

    Looks like we're having twins

    Upon its western release in late 2010, Paul's Shooting Adventure was a pleasant surprise. It starred a flying baby named Paul, also known as The Ultimate Pacifier, who battled evil alien sea creatures because, hey, why not? It was a surprisingly fun game with colourful graphics and an upbeat soundtrack, not to mention...

  • News New Mega Man Book Arrives in Thailand

    Or Rockman, to be precise

    About a month ago we told you about the Mega Man Robot Master Field Guide from UDON Entertainment, which is packed with facts about the series and its characters. The blue bomber is famous in a lot of places, with a new book just released in Thailand to give fans in the region their own comprehensive tome on all things Mega...