Charles Martinet
Image: Nintendo

Nintendo has shared that long-awaited video message from Charles Martinet — the former voice of Mario and the new Mario Ambassador — and Shigeru Miyamoto, the creator of Mario.

The video message from the pair doesn't give us new information on who might be voicing the iconic plumber, or even what the Mario Ambassador role will entail for Martinet (who himself has admitted he doesn't really know, either!), but it does showcase the excitement and passion from the voice actor for the fans and for his new role.

Miyamoto-san thanks Martinent for his work and involvement in the series, acknowledging the long journey the two have had together since Martinet's first mainline game voice role in Super Mario 64.

Rather adorably, Miyamoto reveals that Martinet used to call him "Papa" whenever they would meet. And while Martinet's new role hasn't been detailed, the actor did reveal that he would be travelling all around the world to meet fans. So we assume he will be appearing at conventions for a while, at least.

As to who is the new voice of Mario — and Luigi, Wario, and Waluigi — we won't find that out until Super Mario Bros. Wonder launches in October.

Will you miss Martinet as the voice of Mario? Let us know in the comments.
