Mario Wonder Standee
Image: Nintendo

The Super Mario Bros. Wonder Direct today shared details on the games online multiplayer, but one big surprise is that it doesn't have traditional online co-op, really.

While you can play co-op locally with up to four people, Mario Wonder's "Online Play" is completely different, encouraging you to create rooms for friends and participate in Friend Races. In these rooms, you can see what levels your friends are currently playing, and play those same levels — you'll appear as a live shadow that can revive them or give them items.

One other neat addition, though, is a sort of Dark Souls-esque mechanic, where you can leave a standee in a level and any player online can touch it if they die to revive themselves. Standees can be bought from shops throughout the game, and there are more than just Mario standees.

The standees can reveal a lot about a player, too. If you touch someone's standee, you'll see their 'Heart Points', which shows how many people they've helped online by reviving or giving them items.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is bringing lots of new additions to the Mario universe — aside from its changes to online multiplayer, we're also getting three new power-ups to play around with.

Super Mario Bros. Wonder is coming to Switch on 20th October 2023. Are you disappointed about the lack of a traditional online co-op mode? Let us know in the comments.