Sega Corporation and Paramount Pictures have announced Sonic will be getting a third film along with a new live-action series.
Development of the third feature film has already commenced development, even though the second film isn't out until April. As for the live-action series, the Paramount+ production is due out in 2023 and will feature the character Knuckles - voiced by Idris Elba.
Here's what Sega Corp's CEO Haruki Satomi had to say about the news:
"We are delighted to announce that the third Sonic theatrical film and the first live action Sonic series for Paramount+ are being actively developed. We’ve got a remarkable partnership with Paramount, and we are excited to continue expanding the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise with them. 2022 is shaping up to be a significant year for the franchise with the second film being released this April, as well as Sonic Frontiers, the highly anticipated video game title, coming this holiday. Sonic has been beloved by fans across the world for over 30 years and we look forward to continuing to bring memorable moments and experiences to them for many years to come.”
President and Paramount Pictures CEO & Nickelodeon CCO Brian Robbins added the following:
“We look forward to continuing our collaboration with SEGA, Neal Moritz, and all our creative partners as we explore additive ways to holistically scale the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise across platforms and captivate its loyal audience around the world.”
Sonic's second movie outing is due for release on 8th April. The original movie banked nearly $320 million at the box office worldwide.
Are you looking forward to a third Sonic film and live-action series featuring Knuckles? Comment down below.
Comments 47
The first is okay. It's well produced but it's too Hollywood and Sonic is just a standard character. It's not a bad film but I expected it to be more Sonic and less Hollywood factory item.
They really do run with anything that does even slightly well, don’t they? Before movies even come out, there are 5 million spin-offs, sequels and tie-ins already announced. Guess that’s another thing to thank Marvel for.
I actually really enjoy the movie. If they got too close to the game style, I don't think it would have fit the big screen. Really hyped for the second movie
I'm pleased this is happening but I don't want them to milk and potentially butcher something special. When the first movie was announced I was like nah it'll never work, well how wrong was I.
I think they need to be careful here.
@spyro202 Same. It's one of the movies of 2022 I've really got my eye on.
...The second one isn't even out yet, slow down Sega.
I wonder if they're getting a little ahead of themselves here. Disney did the same thing with Star Wars. If you remember the success of the first movie had them announcing an additional trilogy, one-shot stories like Rogue One, signing up auteur directors for some unspecified story and it all fell apart.
They also just might be announcing every single possibility they threw up on the whiteboard and end up picking up whatever they think works when the landscape becomes clearer.
Why are you all surprised? It’s Sonic we’re talking about here, when does he ever slow down.
Hopefully the second Sonic movie is good. I love Dr. Robotnik and his assistant in the first one, but Sonic was a little bland. The additions of Knuckles and Tails should help his character grow.
@Snatcher He'll always have Tails to save him if he's going to fall off.
A third movie announcement before even the second movie get released ?
@Banjo- 😂🤣
I enjoyed the first movie, looking forward to the second one. Hopefully it does good enough to justify a third installment.
It will be called Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. You will have to buy a second movie ticket to unlock the third act.
I know that's another thing, but finish Sonic Prime first
They are really banking on this second movie being good. Video game movies can’t handle a bad movie like Star Wars or marvel can.
Imagine if they never listened to the fans, went "Haters gonna hate" on the people who disliked the original Sonic design that was ugly like a hellspawn, insulted their own customers and kept Sonic like that in the final product.
The movie would probably fail, and no sequel, no TV series, Hollywood needs to stop going the "The complainer is always wrong" route.
I won't get Paramount+ knowing Sonic Prime will be on Netflix.
Honestly a bit excited for this announcement, they've done an amazing job at following the Sonic lore bible and making things accurate to their best attempt. I'm definitely hoping the next one is completely off planet, or at least has less focus on humans. More on G.U.N., Eggman creating Shadow, maybe Amy, Rouge or Big even ✌️(okay yeah big expectations)
Paramount+ thus far has been a graveyard of mediocre shows. Yeah?
Aren’t the Raimi Spider-Man movies on there. That’s worth the price of admission alone.
I really enjoyed the first movie, it took me a while to see it, I eventually grabbed the bluray. Out of all the Video Game based movies Sonic I thought was the best, though I did also enjoy Detective Pikachu. And I like the original Mortal Kombat movie because it starred some real fighters..
Many will say the best video game movies are the Resident Evil ones as they spawned a few sequels and did realativly well.
So as far as the second movie with Sonic I'm hopefull it will be a blast. Obviously they must have had a couple of stories ar a long story that maybe could be split into two. But I think with these type of movies considering the target audiance each film should focus on a particular story and just have a teaser like the original at the end.
Looks like Sonic's gonna be spin dashing all over the place, and I for one can not wait..
Now I wonder what that Plumber will be doing in his outing ..
What would be a good story is , oh I best keep it secret , I may tell Sega and get some kudo's
@sleepinglion Well if your a nick guy, and want to watch the older shows they don't stream anymore, thats the place to go.
Hopefully Amy and Metal Sonic debut in the 3rd film.
Stop! Stop! He's already dead... T_T
who knew the best Sonic stuff would come from any company not Sega and oddly worse from Hollywood
wait Halo is also on paramount+
Microsoft to buy Sega confirmed!
@Joeynator3000 Exactly like bruh
I predict the third movie will have the debut appearance of Amy, Shadow and……. Big the Cat
@Snatcher Agreed, man! The back catalog is solid, it's the new material that's iffy
@blindsquarel I'm not knocking the older content, it's the new material that is poor, and the upcoming Sonic show would be new content
Whoa whoa whoa Sega don’t count your chickens before they hatch!
Personally, I’d be pretty hyped if Shadow shows up, cuz I KNOW that they would reference guns in some way, shape, or form, and it could make for some pretty funny bits
@Banjo- You cannot do that in a live action movie and make it even remotely believable other than turning it in half animated/half movie kind of thing they did back in the early 90s with Roger rabit and that Spacejam film.
Those were kind of unique and wouldn't fit well with Sonic.
I think Sonic was a great film and they did it well. They listened to the fans and changed the appearance of Sonic during development of the first film, after critique of the first trailer. Showing they even remotely care into making it a success.
If there isn't a Halloween special where it's Knuckles going to Pumpkin Hill, something's not right.
@sleepinglion Looking at you star trek lower decks LOL.
@Snatcher Definitely their newer Trek offerings. Even The Stand was pretty unwatchable
Honestly one mediocre movie was enough for me.
As I die hard and sometimes long suffering Sonic fan since 91, many times I've fallen prey to hype only to be disapointed, but the highs of the series and the appeal of the characters and worlds always keep me positive.
The first film was so much better than I feared, and for what it is, I love it. My only complaints were that it didn't have enough of a tie to the original games, and was TOO based in the "real" world.
The ending of the first film made it very clear that this decision had been somewhat of a concession to the higher ups, and if the film succeeded, the second film would be a lot more "game" and "lore" filled. At that moment, I felt sure that the second movie was not only coming, but it would be better than the first.
I really don't want to talk up trouble, or get my hopes artificially high, but everything we've seen of the second film so far makes me feel like it almost can't fail to at the least, please longterm fans, and be entertaining for kids. Whether it makes more or less profit than the first remains to be seen - its a higher budget, so more difficult to turn profit, and sequels often are a harder sell, but I can't envision an outcome where it completely flops.
The fanbase's response is strong enough already that Paramount obviously see that regardless of whether the "general public" like the film, there's enough fan momentum behind it built by the goodwill of respectfully leaning more into those references, a third film is a no-brainer. I'm not remotely surprised that they've already started working on it. I'm just surprised they decided to anounce it already... I guess it builds hype for the second movie, being they are SO confiedent in it.
As others have said, they really need to include Amy and Metal Sonic, if not in the second film, then in the third. The fact Amy wasn't included in Mania/Plus is still a big bone of contention for many, she was a character before even Knuckles was added. There are many other great characters in the universe (I'd enjoy a Chaotix spin off series perhaps. Sure others would love Shadow, Rouge, Cream etc) but if you are going to keep to just a manageable handful, Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy were always the main lineup. The fact she gets left out of things makes no sense, from what I see online there's as many female Sonic fans as male.
Rant over. TL,DR: I'm hyped for the second movie, and am totally down for a third. The fact they are already planning it means they are pretty confident, so I'm taking that (plus the awesome trailers!) as a good sign
@Jeronan I don't agree. There was no Sonic lore or anything Sonic, it's like it was made by people that don't know Sonic and Sonic himself was a very standard character that doesn't really match his personality. You have another opinion and you already said that you don't agree, that's fine.
A Knuckles spin-off? Is that Ken Penders hiding behind that tree over there?
We're dining in heaven!!!!!!!! SO MUCH SONIC CONTENT AHHHHHHH!
Finally, Sonic 3 & Knuckles: The Movie /s
@Z-Core My immediate thought was they really did miss an opportunity to simply title this article "Sonic 3 & Knuckles"
Milk, milk, milk it good!
Can I attach Sonic 1 to it and watch the movie using Knuckles instead?
I bet that Amy Rose & Metal Sonic will also be in this movie as well, besides Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, & Doctor Robotnik.
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