Following on from recent news that Tails voice actor Colleen O'Shaughnessey will be once again voicing Miles Prower in the upcoming Sonic movie, the poster for sequel has been revealed, and it appropriately references another Sonic the Hedgehog 2 — some might say the real Sonic 2.
Unveiled on Twitter, the new poster (below) features Sonic, Tails and Robotnik — as played by the returning Jim Carrey — flying high above the land in Sonic's biplane, the Tornado, first seen in the original Mega Drive / Genesis sequel. You can see a few Eggman's drones giving chase as the sun rises in the East... or perhaps the shot is pointing south and the sun's setting in the West? Either way, it's nice-looking.

The Game Awards honcho Geoff Keighley also tweeted to not only confirm rumours that Sonic's next game will feature, but also that both Jim Carrey and Ben Schwartz — who play Robotnik and Sonic respectively — will be in attendance at Thursday's awards event to introduce a 'World Premiere' of a trailer.
The movie's scheduled for release in April 2022 — on the 8th, as you'll know if you're paying attention to the poster. After the first movie got a very rocky pre-release reception which prompted the producers to totally rework the main character's design, it looks like the sequel is more in tune with fan expectations from the off. It certainly doesn't hurt to reference on of the hedgehog's greatest games, that's for sure! Let's hope that this sequel ends up at least as surprisingly entertaining as the first movie.
Let us know below if you're excited for this speedy sequel.
Comments 70
I still ask this since the movie first debuted: Why blue arms on Sonic?
@E-Man because both movies are set in winter.
God, I hope it's at least as fun as the first one, if not more. Frankly, I expected to hate the previous movie and, surprisingly, I ended up kinda loving it
@E-Man I still ask why vdeogame movies are doomed to be mediocre.
Can't believe i'm actually excited for the next one, the first was a nice surprise.
Now I have to watch The Game Awards.
Love it, they're leaning more into the classic Sonic elements like the iconic Egg Mobile or the Buzz Bomber, and of course their bi-plane, the Tornado.
This is great. I’m smiling like an idiot right now in class. I love that they’re doing a modern spin on the classic ideas. Like you got the egg mobile and buzz bomber and the plane 😆 This is awesome.
Movie trailers are exactly what a videogame show needs.
Ah yes, the movie they should have made to begin with!
I thought the first one was middling; neither a single thumbs up or down.
But I'm certainly willing to give this one a shot as well, if only because Sonic 2 was always better than Sonic 1.
I just wished they’d cast anyone except Jim Carrey he’s such a despicable human being.
The Sonic movie was pretty good imo. I liked it a lot actually
Despite not typically enjoying Jim Carrey movies, the first movie was a pleasant surprise.
I guess my bias for the subject of the movie rose above my biased for the actor. Although I still think that Doctor Robotnik's character seemed off, Carrey did a passable job for an entertaining movie.
I have high expectations for the second!
Halo TV show, Sonic movie, etc. I'm even more convinced that Nintendo's big reveal at the Game Awards will be something to do with the Mario movie.
@Grumblevolcano If it isn't, that will be a shock, for sure.
That poster is basically Sky Chase Zone, a level act stage in the actual Sonic the Hedgehog 2.
The only hype I have for this is to see 3c films forced to wear a sonic costume.
The first Sonic movie was a great time for what it was. Looking forward to seeing what they do, now that they seem to be adapting even more of the source material.
@E-Man Does it really matter? Some versions of Sonic did had blue arms before.
I quite enjoyed the first one and I'm quite excited to see this the sequel, especially after seeing this
If they make a third film, and let's face it, we know they will, my greatest desire is that they officially title it Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles. Then I can finally rest... and watch the sun rise on a grateful universe.
Cool. I don’t like Sonic. Liked the movie.
Crazy to think what started out as the absolute lowest of expectations for the first movie has led to legitimate interest/excitement for its sequel.
I think it really is big thanks to the redesign. While it probably wouldnt have changed the plot of the first one, I just couldnt see a reality where it'd have been tolerable with the old gremlin version.
@HamatoYoshi your entitled to your opinion but your dead wrong about jim carrey.
The first movie was passable, but game movies set such a low bar that it really wasn't much that much lower to go if it failed.
@Vexx2 because Hollywood doesn’t respect the medium. It’s competition. They think they can do it better, so they green light ***** scripts, thinking they’re embracing a game’s vibe rather than doing the IP’s justice.
Then during the marketing all they talk about how big fans they are of the source material.
It’s the same with comics. The quality was rather inconsistent until Marvel Studios came around.
@E-Man You can't fool us. We know it's you, Chris Chan
@Specter_of-the_OLED the heck did you get the second picture from? It looks like sonic underground.
@Vexx234 Most likely for two reasons 1. Video game stories have always been mediocre or a copy of the already told movie ones, with the main appeal being that you get to be the hero (even with Ripley replaced by Samus). 2. Those games that do have great stories would take more than your regular movie runtime to tell. A multiple episode show would work better.
Man this poster just got me hyped! I remember when people at the theater lost it when Tails showed up at the end of the first movie. Hopefully restrictions will loosen up around that time otherwise I'll have to sail the high seas, I'm not waiting a second for this! I'm looking forward to TGA exclusively because of the Sonic news so Sega, don't let us down 🙂
@RiasGremory he used prostitutes and passed on sexual diseases to his partner! But if you think that kind of behaviour is ok………
It’s a bit weird to see a movie poster like this if you grew up in the 90’s playing the games and listening to your friends impersonating Jim Carrey. But then so many things go into the pop culture blender these days
I'm not a fan of Sonic as a franchise... but I sure love the fanbase.
@HamatoYoshi The majority of people Americans idolize are messed up individuals in some capacity. Either give up everything and live the life of a hermit, or learn to separate the art from the artist. You aren't going to find puritans.
@Hikingguy @HamatoYoshi
I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed the movie, but the first trailer set such a low bar, it wasn't hard to exceed my initial expectation that it would be a dumpster fire.
It's disappointing that, whenever a video game doesn't have a detailed plot to draw inspiration from, screenwriters always seem to default to either A. person from the "real world" is transported into a video game, or B. character from a video game ends up in the "real world."
Aside from the clichéd, generic plot, the main thing that held the movie back, for me at least, was Jim Carrey.
I dislike him as a person, and I find him bland and boring as an actor, because, with rare exceptions, he typically phones in his performances by just playing variations of his own comedic persona, whom he's been playing since his stand-up days.
I don't expect him to be Daniel Day-Lewis, but Jim Carrey was playing Jim Carrey in a mad scientist costume, not Ivo Robotnik.
I'll wait to see how he does in the sequel, but for now I think he was horribly miscast.
Complaints aside, I thought the movie was pretty okay. I got a good laugh at the crazy hermit character using infamously bad Sonic fan art as his rendition of the "blue devil" he was trying to capture.
@Greatluigi In some early comics of Sonic Underground, Sonic had blue arms. This is just a cover art from one of them.
@InvisiBulbasaur To be fair Sonic was a mediocre movie. So of course top actors are going to phone it in. It's a cheap movie made to appeal to children. Actors are rarely going to give top notch performance for something as low as a video game movie. They aren't exactly jumping into these franchise for the hopes of winning an Oscar.
Videogames movies are a tier or two below comic book films. A quick paycheck is a paycheck.
@E-Man I kind of like the blue arms better.
Sally cameo when?
Agreed. And that explains say, James Marsden's performance, because he can be a good actor when he wants to be.
But Jim Carrey is just a mediocre actor in general.
@HamatoYoshi source or be branded a liar.
@westman98 Love that movie BTW.
I can't wait for this, The voice actor for tails is coming back and, Is it just me or does he look different? He looks less Classic sonic size and more modern game size, idk maybe just me.
@HamatoYoshi But even you have to admen't, that this movie would probably been *** if it hadn't been for Jim, And I need a link or some source because this is the first time I have ever heard of that.
@Specter_of-the_OLED That's not the Sonic I grew up knowing.
Removed - disrespecting others; user is banned
Jim Carrey always plays Jim Carrey.
But the movie itself was fun.
People will find anything to complain about with films.
it's like sheep go: Movie's gotta be rated at least an 8 or it sucks, funny they do the same with games. Tho I've watched plenty of stuff even some ranked in the 6 range on IMDB and enjoyed it. All i gotta say is critics will be critics and nitpick anything possible just to moan, i use my own mind to decide if i like something.
@FlyingFoxy Would you prefer a critic lie about his/her opinion and just rate everything high? If you need positive reinforcement there are plenty of youtube critics who people run to as harbingers of truth. They will give you the positive feedback you need while pretending only mainstream critics are bias.
@E-Man Maybe to differentiate movie Sonic from the one in the games.
@DripDropCop146 Eh, I'm not looking for any confirmation, I'm simply stating people whine about any little thing to drag the score down.
I've seen and played stuff that had high ratings and didn't like them too. Why would i want critics to rate everything high? I think Halo is overrated, and Pokemon and a bunch of other game series.
I decide for myself if i like something. I don't run to critics first to see if they hate it. I usually do that afterwards. But that's mostly for movies.
@HamatoYoshi thats bs and you know it nand unless you have proof which you dont then your just a troll.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@HamatoYoshi Thats some BS were is the link?
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@HamatoYoshi I asked for a link, not a file?
Edit: wile looking into it, I need to look into a little more, but I don't think anything was proven as fact?
Not even a Sonic fan myself, but I really enjoyed the 1st one, hence looking forward to the sequel actually. James Marsden feels like Paul Rudd's younger brother in terms of generally likeability 😎
The Dolby Vision/Atmos version is currently 5 bucks on iTunes btw.
@E-Man The blue arms isn't even the weirdest thing... It's the fact he has 2 separate eyes.
@E-Man The eyes are the weirdest thing to me. Also the weird electric ability thats never in the games at all lol (besides sonic 3s electric shield magnet power up bubble but thats clearly a bubble around him not a power from his hair.) But Hollywood always has to change things so.. idk lol
@Bermanator Exactly lol I just wrote a comment about that before seeing this. Definitely is the eyes
Oh, that Jim Carrey.😉 Doing roles for kids.
@HamatoYoshi the sun ha ha ha you're not from the UK are you that's a BS tabloid gossip rag that has naked women on page 3. Good job mate on discrediting your own argument.
@Cosmo_Joe not just in the Sun but loads of articles about him and it was on the mainstream news years back…. Seems there’s lots of people on here that don’t like the truth about him!
@HamatoYoshi I think the reason people don't know the "Truth" is because none of it was or proven true, like at all, I can't find one thing that says for a fact it happen'd, I can't find any youtube videos on it, what I did find was people saying she passed it down, not jim.
And what do you mean people don't like the truth? your truth as not been shown to be fact! Let alone you called his son sun.
It'll be funny to see knuckles at the ending credits as a troll.
@HamatoYoshi innocent until proven guilty is my stance. What if someone made up a rumour about you that wasnt true? And everyone just blindly believed it. When jim Carey is found guilty in a court of law of the crimes you and a sleazy tabloid newspaper perpetuate I will believe you.
@Cosmo_Joe touched a nerve? Do you apply your rationale to O.J. Simpson?
Touched a nerve? I thought we were having a friendly debate over whether or not an individual should be judged a monster based on hearsay and accusations? who is OJ Simpson?
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