Update: Nintendo of Europe and Nintendo of America have now tweeted the news, too. Guh-huh!
Nintendo's official Japanese Twitter account has confirmed that Rare's N64 classic Banjo-Kazooie is joining the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pack in January 2022.
There's no exact date given in the tweet, just the month. Paper Mario is launching today on the higher tier of Nintendo's online subscription service, with other games including F-Zero X, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Pokémon Snap announced for the future, but it appears that Banjo will be the second game to hit the service following the launch batch and Paper Mario:
This may indicate that Nintendo is going to continue the one-a-month drip feed of additions to the NSO N64 library — a pretty slow roll out which has upset some fans given the extra cost of the Expansion Pack and issues with emulation.
While there are those of us who were hoping to head to Freezeezy Peak on Switch over the holidays, it's good to see Nintendo communicating the release of the next game in advance — and good to know that we'll be seeing Banjo back home on a Nintendo console at the start of the new year.
Let us know below if you'll be heading into Grunty's lair in January.
Further reading:
[source twitter.com]
Comments 105
That's cool and all but i'm still very sick of this dripfeed. you clearly have the games up and running, just put them on the service
If it continues at one a month it’s still too slow but I’ll be captain obvious and say it’s better than one every three months.
Diddy Kong Racing
Wave Race
Rogue Squadron please
When the controllers come back in stock I’ll order one and probably sign up - I’ll get a lot of fun out of Banjo, Mario Kart and Paper Mario.
Hear that? Drip Drip*
It’s slow but I like the idea of a new game being announced when one game is released so there’s always something to look forward to
Not played all the games in the service as it is, so much prefer to get the games as an ongoing thing, rather than all at once, but do get your point.
Same here, feels more special if that make any sense, just imagine a direct where they announced Goldeneye or Pilotwings.
Hopefully fingers crossed we will get Diddy Kong racing, I mean Banjo must have been far more difficult to secure considering Microsoft own Rare now.
Maybe I'll actually grab that expension pass once then to play Paper Mario and Banjo-Kazooie since I've never played them
So true, much better to focus on what games the service has, rather than what's missing, and people need to give them a chance, the extended service has only just come out.
Thank Gods. I was worried that it'd be one of the last games to be released on the expansion.
I appreciate going back to monthly releases, but if they’re going to do one N64 title, they need to start adding more to the other services or push Sega to speed up their own releases.
@johnvboy that would be pretty awesome, and tbh I’m getting tired of negativity about the service. Yes it’s far from perfect but it’s a lot of fun particularly welcome at this time of year
About time, geez.
@johnvboy That was my logic. Goldeneye rumours seem they sorted the licensing there and Star Wars seem to be embracing their back cat so I hope that licensing will be ok - wave race is probably the hardest as it has licensed Jet Skis. Although I wouldn’t mind if they just made the jet skis generic but I’m assuming that’s more work than they want to do.
It's just... Not good enough.
1 release a month absolutely pathetic Nintendo
Why can’t the N64 games be available to purchase as downloads?
judging from how poor the N64 emulation is I just cannot be excited for this...
https://www.xbox.com/en-GB/play/games/banjo-kazooie/BSJG7TTSWVJ2 can even play with Touch Controls on mobile (if you really wanted to).
Give us Rare Replay or a Banjo physical compilation.
Hoping we get Banjo Tooie and Perfect Dark as well!
I wish they would let us buy these games alone instead of subscribing to their lame service.
If they keep adding one N64 game to NSO + Expansion Pack, then all of the 38 datamined N64 games will be on the service by April 2024.
So much whining here, give it time.
@BlackenedHalo sounds more like youve never even checked it yourself
That would be great if you could dip in and out of the service. But you are forced to pay for 13 months up front. It’s in your interests to be aware about what’s to come because that’s where the value proposition is.
I'm not sure why people complain about something they aren't forced to pay for. I'll upgrade to the premium tier when I think it is financially worthwhile, until that point, I won't. So give it a year and then it will probably a good purchase.
Majora's Mask or we riot.
Xbox already has the superior HD-rendered version.
NintendoLife, what is up with the constant negativity of the Switch Online, with regards to this method of rollout?
Complaining about how the release is being handled with 64 Oline goes against the exact same argument ye made against the previous iterations; the services weren't being updated consistently enough. A slower drip-feed is exactly the kind of solution discussed (less games but more often) and we're hitting the point of retro gaming where the length of games are increasing to the point that the lack of new ones has a lessening impact than previous (I'm fairly certain you can beat the majority of the SNES Online library in the time it'll take a casual player to finish Paper Mario). On top of this, the quality of the titles yet to be released (even limiting ourselves to the non-leaked titles) is still overall higher than any previous service after launch (Banjo-Kazooie and Majora's Mask are definitely higher quality than Jelly Boy and Bombuzzal).
I'm all for legitimate criticism of the service ye make, but this article literally argues against the major points ye complained about earlier that have been addressed.
Where's the Snes/Nes games at? Where's the Sega games you know the reason for the big price at? Nintendo needs to step up the service big time. Drip feeding one good title is not enough to justify the ridiculous price NSOE is at. Its crazy Ninty doesn't get this
Anyone know if any changes were made to emulation? I don’t remember any real issues except the fog being weird in Zelda.
BK is the entire reason I paid for this service. Yay! Now I don’t have to care about the pace of releases
That's only if you want to believe the data miners!
I think they will do a drop of 2/3 at once as a strategy to pull in people, maybe when they feel they have lost the attraction of the animal crossibg dlc.
So much whining. Like, none of you are wrong. But jeez, the absolute whining.
I won't care until we can buy the games.
I can work with one a month, it's a drip feed but that's fair. I think Nintendo does not want these games to overshadow new releases. Hopefully they actually stick to this release schedule.
The Japanese box art for Paper Mario is awesome. Now Japanese box arts are identical to other regions’.
Well that'll be a nice birthday present. Thank you Nintendo!
Well, One of my criticisms for the expansion pack was the date in which the said games would be released. 💧 drip 💧 💧. Unfortunately, one game a month it’s just not good enough. What of Sega? What of SNES? What of NES ? Drip 💧 drip 💧 drip 💧
It is too bad I have a plethora of criticisms for this service. Oh, well moving on.
Yeah I shall pass at this price....will stick to the Rare Replay version
AC-DLC + BK (plus the handful of N64 games to come) might be enough to justify that upgrade for a year for me, so I'm actually looking forward to this.
Ever since the 90ies there are some of grant kirkhopes tunes deeply stuck in my head and they alone are a reason to get back to it.
Alright let’s do some calculations. They said we’re mid life cycle for the switch, so ~5 more years. 60 games left to release, start counting 😂
@johnvboy I'm sorry but what exactly has Nintendo done to deserve the benefit of the doubt? They've been drip feeding these services since the Wii.
@Mattock1987 Time is money friend
Removed - unconstructive
It will be interesting to see if it is early or late January. If late, they are clearly on a 1 game every 6 weeks schedule and plan on making those extra 7 games all we will get until Oct 2022 renewal time.
@Don Because a service makes more profit.
What’s the next Genesis game?
If Nintendo CONSISTENTLY adds one excellent N64 game a month, I'll quit my bellyaching. Here's to Majora's Mask in February hopefully.
One N64 game a month? Sure.
But what about the rest of the consoles..?
@Bustacap personally? I did not..however I saw tech reviews and made my opinion, as I would have had the same bad experience as the people who did those reviews I saw
While Nintendo is drip feeding games they can't emulate right, the hackers are taking those same N64 games to new levels. Behold the new Smash Remix
And that's just one of many awesome N64 fanhax
Did they abandon adding games to NES and SNES? It's been since May/July when those saw additions. Nintendo only catering to the Expansion owners..
Hyped for this, can't wait to play Banjo again, it's a classic. Hoping for DK64 at some point too, I loved that game even if some didn't.
I'm crossing everything tho for Blast Corps, still one of my favourite games of all time.
I think given how NSO Expansion Pack is still an abomination at the moment, I'll stick with the 360 version that came with Rare Replay for the time being.
@AlexanderDaniels Honestly, I'm getting annoyed by this since they fed us nothing but mostly garbage over they course of this year.
Hey Nintendo, where's Zoda's Revenge? Earthbound? Super Mario RPG?
If you were going to ignore the NES and SNES backlog after you added the N64, then you could at least add those games..
I guess I have never had an issue with any of the services amount of games, so for me no benefit of the doubt is required.
Banjo-Tooie better be joining Banjo-Kazooie in january with the Stop N Swap system in place or some of us may have to start unsubscribing from the NSO subscription service. if we only get one new game a month, the game better be worth it.
Apparently NintendoLife requires that I write a longer comment. So, might I add:
Still not worth the $50 imo at all.
This is the game that will get me to pay for the N64 online server upgrade and buy the N64 controller.
@Mew Yup, some people will get it for a certain game, a couple of games, whatever, and as long as they're not there, they're not getting it. I want to know if Conker's Bad Fur Day will be on it. Because that would be the ultimate test. Rare IP, M-rated, hard to emulate, hard to get physically,... And even though I still have a very good condition complete in box copy of the NTSC region version of the game, and the remake on xbox, I actually want to play them both on Switch. Or a new remake, but as soon as I wrote those words I realised it would end up even more censored instead of uncensored. So never mind.
@Giowo I agree. It’s good that they let these classics enjoy their space and time to shine, but I’m not interested because the emulation quality is poor.
Why would they bring the Stop n' Swap system back? Rare did not put it to good use when they implemented it in the XBox 360 re-release along with Nuts n' Bolts.
I'd buy the game if it was sold separately, but the NSO subscription just isn't worth it for me.
"Banjo-Kazooie Is Getting Jiggy With Nintendo Switch Online In January"
Left the $50 Expansion Pass part out of the headline. 🤑
I know it's not NL's fault Nintendo has a stupid naming system for it's tiered service but can you at least write the article title w/ a + or +EP?
How unexpected. Thought it be last.
At least there appears to be a regular schedule.... I guess :/
The XBLA version is better in every way.
Well, at least we might get an idea by April what comes after the already announced games.
And I guess Mega Drive is left out in the cold, despite having many more games to drip feed (I mean come on, Pulseman by Game Freak maybe?)
I surprised that Nintendo didn't just rehash this and sell it on its own for £40.
Yeah, still happy about not buying the Expansion Pack. Sure I'll be missing playing games of N64 and Genesis, but considering the attention, Nintendo gives to the NES, SNES library, I had a hunch it wouldn't be worth the price.
@Stocksy It's a funny one with Wave Race. On Wii all the Kawasaki Jet Ski logos/icons were removed, but on Wii U there were featured. Hopefully, that means Nintendo has the license to carry over from that version and we'll get the original uncut version on Switch.
Game Pass on Switch confirmed!
Man I really wana sub to play this. But I'm not about to shell out the cashé for it
I just traded a damaged copy of Pokémon Ruby for this game. Better than paying $50 a year for it.
@Medic_Alert Nice one! So true, people love to complain, but we all have huge backlogs.
Told a friend that Banjo is coming to NSO and he replied "Sweet! Is it gonna be the XBLA versions?".... Obviously not dude! it's the "N64" app xD
Top tip: why not stop moaning & play one the most outright fun games ever made.
they can implement the feature because they can. besides it would be nice to see the feature in the N64 version. it took them about 10 years to before the Stop n Swap showed up on the xbox 360. i think 20 years is enough time to wait to see it on a Nintendo system.
either way its just nice to banjo-kazooie on a Nintendo system once again. it only took 20 or so years so why not go all out?
The good son returns home.
However, while Microsoft was a terrible company to the Banjo-Kazooie franchise, at least the Xbox 360 versions of Banjo-Kazooie and Banjo-Tooie are better than the N64 versions.
Especially with Tooie, Kazooie runs fine, but the N64 was not ready for Tooie, it runs very poorly on the original hardware, while the Xbox version runs at solid 30FPS, that alone made the original N64 cartridge obsolete, you finish the game faster and have more fun with it.
The Switch versions will probably be worse than the original cartridges since not only they are probably going to be just the original ROMs, but on a terrible emulator.
@HaNks and if not for Nintendo xbox wouldn't have that version because it wouldn't exist..I have rare replay but it was always better to play it in the console it came out on
@victordamazio I haven't had any issues with the n64 online service lol just a reason for people to wh!n because the switch is doing so so so well
I would’ve been so excited for this years ago but with the bad emulation history lately I’m a little less than excited. Hopefully they can work with Rare or the ppl that ported for the XB360/1 4J I think.
These services are a waste of time, that's why I have plenty of retro systems. With plenty of retro games:) don't have to worry about the drip feeding lol 😆
Is it still glitchy? Wanted to jump in but heard it ran pretty terribly so I've been waiting for them to maybe smooth things out.
@Darkyoshi98 The good ol' excuse of "They hate us cause they ain't us", any criticism is shruged as jealousy.
Ok, so I’ve started Zelda, Mario 64 and Paper Mario.
WTB more time in the day.
Goldeneye would need a remaster where they added dual stick with optional gyro aiming. Everything else can remain as is.
Great game, but this drip fed content is insulting. Also that price point...
@Axelay71 Nothing like original hardware & CRT - using original carts just give a sense of occasion to the play session that you just can’t get elsewhere.
@andykara2003 totally agree mate 👍
This is great news, still have my Xbox 360 with the HD version so it doesn't bother me but glad everyone else can get to experience Banjo Kazooie it's an amazing game.
If they bring Diddy Kong Racing to the service I would strongly consider buying.
Do love Banjo... haven't played in a while. Since the release on 360 years ago. Perhaps it's almost time to give it another run
What about Megadrive, SNES and NES games? It is a joke how we have had none of those for months either
Well, at least Nintendo won't get burn out and stop doing the 1 N64 game a month thing, just like when they put out 3 NES/Famicom games a month.
This honestly tempts me. I might have to give in to the expansion pack.
I've had the definitive version on XBox 360/Xbox One for years. And you know what the best part is? If I decide I don't want to pay $50 a month for a trash service...I still get to keep the game.
@Fugman Just emulate it or get the XBLA version.
@RetroOutcast I forgot how much that damn thing cost. That sounds much better
@Fugman It also has several QOL updates such as notes not resetting if you die on a stage so, really, it's a much better investment unless you just really like to lick boot or are somehow super opossed to emulating games in 2021.
Definitely sounds much better emulating. It's not like Nintendo makes money from me buying used games anyway.
@mariomaster96 if you no played those 2 yet, definitly is worthy get the expansion pass.
@DreemWeever The best part is this means killer instinct 1 on snes ans killer instinct 2 on 64 can came too.
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