If you played the Wii back in the day, at some point you likely tried out the included launch title Wii Sports. It was a mix of sports that demonstrated the capabilities of the system's Wii Remote and motion controls at the time.
If you've ever wondered what's beyond the boundaries of the game, then you might want to take a look at the new Boundary Break video. While the same channel has already covered this game (about five years ago), it's now taken a second look - presenting viewers with all sorts of things they may not have even realised were featured within the game.

Interestingly, these aren't the only Wii Sports discoveries in 2021. Earlier this year, a YouTuber discovered a glitch that allowed players to take shots from any location (even out of bounds areas) in Wii Sports Golf. You can learn more about this in our previous post.
DId anything in the above video surprise you? Does this bring back fond memories of playing certain Wii Sports games? Which sport was your favourite? Leave a comment down below.
Comments 18
I want to see one day there will be another Sports Mii game with Boxing and or Kickboxing on it + proper Mii body with customization including the Shirtless option.
The nostalgia is suffocating me in a good way.
Takes me back to the time before Miis were first revealed but character customisation was still a known feature (or at least rumoured) for the upcoming Wii (Revolution, then), and I was excited to design my own Yoshi, only to be disappointed with what we ended up getting.
In hindsight, Miis make a lot more sense, even if I still don't care for them.
@Anti-Matter The Miis are shirtless in boxing. Besides, that’s quite the fetish.
I can’t fathom why there isn’t a new version, I’m sure it would be popular. It’s the only reason I keep my WiiU 😂
@nessisonett I remember my first evening on Wii release day. I pulled a muscle playing boxing 😂
(And I was in good shape, lol).
They don't have proper body in Wii version but they have the best body looking from Miitomo.
Remember the muscular boxer skins from Miitomo ?
Nintendo should revive those skins on next Mii games.
@Anti-Matter eh?
@Anti-Matter They’re cartoons. Muscles like that just would not look right in the art style. If you’re starting to have shirtless muscular men then you might as well have Miis with breasts at which point I think my brain might need replacing.

Surprisingly, the muscular boxer skin from Miitomo looked fit with Chibi form of Mii.
@Anti-Matter your comments here are always interesting.
@Yosher Would that be your Yoshi persona you were gonna make? Can't help but be curious about it.
@nessisonett You can see his user icon, right?
I love that guy! 😁
@Mariotag It'd be moreso that I'd like to mess around with the feature more if it was Nintendo characters/species rather than bland cartoony human-like characters (Miis), which a Yoshi would be my main go-to character/species for to mess around with.
Wow, I had to break out my copy of Wii Sports after this. I didn't even know about Matt's Gym. I just wasn't that into Wii Sports and while I did log some time on the main events, I never checked out the training. So when he's showing the gym, I kept thinking, "Never mind the details, I don't remember this at all!"
@Anti-Matter you scare me
@Yosher Ah. Sounds about right.
Tbh I've been curious about your OC/persona for a while.
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