Tokyo Game Show kicks off later this week, and while a lot of the attention will be on live streams and showcases, some of the big publishers will no doubt ensure that it's a global event. Square Enix is doing its bit in that respect by kicking off a big ol' Switch eShop sale, live now in North America and Europe; it's running until 4th October.
You don't want any more preamble from us, right? The list of Switch and 3DS discount prices is below (in USD and Euros):
Some of those prices are quite hefty discounts; are you tempted to pick any of these up?
Comments 36
$19.99 Is still way too much for Balan Wonderworld.
$11.99 makes me laugh for Crystal Chronicles. Would have bought that day 1 if it had local co-op.
It's really cheeky that the early Dragon Quest games don't include the original (and far superior) NES versions. It would have cost them very little to add them as bonuses. The remakes are the worst way to play these games. They're so bad that they aren't really Dragon Quest games at all.
Not much of a sale really. Square always thinks their old stuff is still worth something.
There are so many games going on sale lately, I need to resist buying them before I fall into the endless backlog abyss again lmao.
@TheWingedAvenger I'm shocked that they still haven't fixed the framerate issues, it looks like someone is shaking the screen when you move around the overworld map.
@Arckadius even if it was just 2 player split screen or 4 player wireless... Seeing the name makes me think of the music, and thinking of the music makes me want to play it again. Sadly, some of the music was changed as well, which made the demo feel really weird... Luckily, I still have the original. But I'm one of those who actually was looking forward to the remake.
Same with XIII remake (the amazing fps game based on the graphic novels, that I played on Gamecube for years, and read a lot, not the Final Fantasy game). I looked forward to it, ready to support it, it was such an easy recipe to please the fans, and they did everything wrong, much worse even than Crystal Chronicles.
The only games I like that square enix make is tomb raider & none of them are on switch
@Arckadius didn’t the GameCube have coop
I've been waiting for this sale for a few days, since I decided to buy Final Fantasy VII for the Switch I recently purchased from my girlfriend (she bought another Switch for herself). I have FF7 for PC (I bought it last year at a Steam sale), but the possibility of playing it both on TV and in portable mode is very tempting; besides, I already have several Final Fantasy for Switch (IX, X, X-2 and XII), and in the future I intend to acquire VIII as well.
I thought about buying Dragon Quest III, but maybe it's better to wait for the HD-2D remake that should be released next year.
I might get I am Setsuna and Oninaki. I've heard that the port of Crystal Chronicles was bad if you want to play multiplayer but I might get that as well since I prefer playing in single player
12 euro for Saga Scarlet Grace is not a bad deal at all.
@Vortexeo Good luck... I'm already there and still want to buy that Star Ocean First Departure R or Final Fantasy 9 ><
while DQIII on switch doesn't suffer as bad from the issues that the 1 and 2 ports have (scrolling is smoother and the character sprites are scaled better) i imagine that yeah, it would definitely be worth waiting for the HD2d remake.
i imagine said remake will end up on switch since square have generally been pretty good when it comes to releasing across multiple formats (unless its the original 6 ff games)
remake definitely looks gorgeous and i do hope it has some of the additions made with the SFC version (the current switch version does have said additions, one of them i feel adds a layer of replay value to the game)
Finally, Neo TWEWY is on sale. I will get that.
i feel like even if the game lacked direct local co op it would have been nice to have the original multiplayer structure available online for friend groups or in the case of the switch, have multi system multiplayer.
part of the reason i remember the original versions multiplayer so fondly was because it felt like an adventure together, and a lot of the game leaned on that aspect, as it is now you cant even do multiplayer COW RACING.
i still enjoyed the game, its a simple but atmospheric game with a lot of visual charm but multiplayer does feel like its had the main heart of it ripped out.
Guys do not buy any of the three Dragon Quest games, those are garbage. Just wait until they all get the remake treatment like Dragon Quest III HD. You shouldn't had to pay money for garbage products.
I'd say grab these if you want them, but SE has eShop sales at least twice a year. I'll jump on some of these titles (that I doneonr already have) one of these days....
@Vortexeo Just reclassify yourself as a collector instead of player and no more worries
I have most of the S-E titles I want on Switch physically (except FFVII/VIII, FFIX and Legend of Mana), and the only digital-only title I really want just released a few days ago and doesn’t apply to this sale.
Might get Neo, as it's supposed to be great.
Of the things listed I might get star ocean and Final Fantasy Legends.
It's hard to remember Square-Enix even published any games on 3DS outside Japan.
Pretty much just those two plus Space Bust-A-Move? (Which I remember grabbing when they were liquidating physical copies at like $8 yet still charging full price digital.)
I want to say maybe or two early games that ended up sales duds.
Trials of Mana for $25... Tempting.
@IronMan30 It's amazing. If you haven't played/have no access to the first one (and don't feel like buying on Switch), I recommend watching a summary vid on YouTube or watching the anime first. You'll still be able to follow the plot if you don't, but you'll miss a lot of the weight behind events/scenarios.
@Minfinity I may just watch the anime as I don't have a working DS/3DS handy (still have my copy of the old game and beat it ages ago). Thanks for the advice!
@KingMike They also released the original Theatrhythm, remakes of Dragon Quest VII and VIII, Bravely Default and Bravely Second, and Kingdom Hearts: DDD.
What are the chances of getting shining force III or dragon force, ported over to the ol' switcheroo?
I think I have all that I want from that list of discounts (which is 12 or 13 games on that list anyway)
Why no actraiser Renaissance? Sad
Neo The world ends with you comes recommend, that is if you have the patience to deal with it's dreadful pacing to get to the good stuff.
@Maulbert One of my local shops had them for a tenner and they still couldn't shift their copies.
Not 50% on the one I'm getting but I get it anyway.
Quality vs price… fake sale. Next! People at garage sales try to sell stuff at full price. Used 10 year old games available to buy full price no new updates, improvements removed - come buy this digital scat.
@Maulbert they would need to pay us at least a hundred times more than this to make us play balan wonderworld... What? They expect US to pay?
Collection of Mana not on sale in Australia D:
Probably a good thing so it doesnt add to my eternal backlog haha
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