Nintendo's new tier for the Switch Online service has raised some concerns about future support for the SNES and NES libraries.
Will games continue to be added to this service, or is Nintendo done with these older retro libraries for good? It seems there's no need to worry. Axios writer, Stephen Totilo, has been informed by Nintendo that more games will continue to be added to the original membership service.
"Nintendo tells me that there will still be more NES and SNES games added for people who don’t upgrade to the new tier of Nintendo Switch Online."
In other words, fan favourites like EarthBound and Super Mario RPG still have a chance of appearing on the service. The most recent additions to these libraries were Claymates, Jelly Boy, Bombuzal and an SP version of Super Mario Bros. 3.
While there's no information about the price and release date of Nintendo's new NSO tier just yet, we do know it will launch with a "collection" of Nintendo 64 and Sega Genesis (Mega Drive) games - with more titles already confirmed as future releases.
Are you relieved to hear Nintendo will continue to support the SNES and NES online service? What games would you like to see added to these particular libraries? Leave your thoughts down below.
[source twitter.com, via nintendoenthusiast.com]
Comments 157
Super Mario RPG plz.
Oh boy, more Jaleco games!
I somewhat doubt it, but.. I'm still hoping Super Mario RPG and Earthbound get added eventually (preferably in the near future).
All of Nintendo classic consoles please and thanks Nintendo Life
They abandoned both libraries months ago.
Of the games left that could reasonably be added, Super Mario RPG is at the top of my want list. Seems so strange that it (and Earthbound) are still missing.
My long shot hope is still Rockman and Forte since they aren’t afraid to release Japanese only games on the non-Japanese NSO services. Capcom didn’t include it in either Mega Man Legacy Collection, so it’d be a cool way to make the SF/SNES version of this game available to other regions.
I thought they abandoned these libraries some time ago.
"New games"
Don’t worry you got 8 games to look forward over the next two years and half of them you’ve never heard of and haven’t been localized.
Beyond NES and SNES games, I could see Nintendo adding GB/GBC to the standard NSO service.
I think any other platforms beyond that (i.e. GBA) will only be added to the NSO Expansion Pack upgrade.
How about yall start with giving us some actual games.
Didn’t think they were. I swear some folks are like a puppy with separation anxiety. “Oh no it’s been a few months…they must be dead”. Do people not have backlogs? Have they beaten all the games in the service? Have some patience.
@Liam_Doolan Will standard subscribers be able to pay a cheaper upgrade fee to change packages? If not that's a REALLY dumb move on Nintendo's part because it'll cause existing members to wait till their subscription ends before upgrading.
Wait, what did they mean by abandoned? Would they have just shut down the NES and SNES service? Because, sure Nintendo adds no new worthwhile games, but I still haven't beaten A Link To The Past, so I am glad that they're at least keeping it around.
When was the last time they added an NES game anyways?
@ObeseChihuahua2 I think by abandoned they meant "don't worry, we're still planning to add more NES and SNES games to the service". In other words the N64 and Genesis games are not replacing other games they still plan to release.
That's funny - it sure feels abandoned.
@Ryu_Niiyama You're right and you should say it.
I still think Super Mario RPG is the next for the SNES
I have Nintendo Switch Online solely for the cloud saves and the very occasional online play with my nephew and even more occasional with friends.
The games that are worth to play these days I can play elsewhere.
I so hoped they would continue with the classic systems lineage, I would give my nephew for a Nintendo 64 classic!
@dustinprewitt nope every 2nd or 3rd month they add new games on nes & snes
I don’t know if this are good news. The last additions were Z Tier. Unknown games. With only a few people interested in. I’m not sure if those are worthy additions, when there a some fan favorites missing.
@talllennart they add D-list shovelware when they feel bothered to remember. There, I fixed it for you.
I kind of wish they would add a collection of games once a year and be done with it. It's a yearly subscription service not a monthly one and I feel like the unpredictable additions stress people out more tham excite them. 😆
I want to know is, WHERE IS THE GBA?
Good, because the N64 library is tiny.
Also funny how y'all took that guy's clearly wishful thinking as some kind of proof that Nintendo is adding GB/GBC service. And no one said a peep about N64 or Sega Genesis. Shows how good those "leaks" are.
@RCGamer true i love gba better then n64 and sega
i hoped to see gba more(minish cap, metroids m.m.)
The NES app NEEDS the Gauntlet collection. I’d pay for the collection, if 4 player support isn’t removed.
All the games ever made ever! And hurry up!
@SmaggTheSmug you mean Nate the hate?
Yeah, he’s losing credibility fast lately.
I didn't think they were going to do that anyway.....?
Thank god, I was pissing my pants
@SmaggTheSmug there were also rumors about n64. Don’t remember from whom. But I had thought gb was more true than n64. Just because Nintendo.
@KiraMoonvalley All of this please.
Oh yeah, I forgot that the rumor said we would get GBA games as part of Switch online.
What is going on that Nintendo hasn't added Super Mario RPG and Earthbound?!
There are still many, many great SNES and NES games that I'd love to have added. How about Overhorizon, Parodius, Super Famicom Wars, the SFC Parodius games, Chronotrigger, all the Final Fantasy games, Devil World, Super Aleste, Worms (I'd like to have the SNES Worms), Super Bomberman 1,2,3, etc,
@TKundNobody Those rumors were around for at least a year.
Test Drive 2 and Sim City, please?!, please?!!, please.....?
@Friendly The thing is that even his post was more like "yeah that would be cool" rather than "I have insider info Gameboy confirmed!".
I blame Nintendo Life for making it into a thing.
Yep, love this. I like having the option of choosing a nominal fee for online (and get SNES games!)
At the rate new additions have been coming, I doubt many folks would be able to tell the difference if Nintendo HAS abandoned them.
Legend of the Mystical Ninja games please.
N64 and Genesis really should be part of the existing subscription anyway. I'm in doubt on whether or not I should upgrade...
Japan doesn't have games like Thracia 776 and Super Famicom Wars on NSO yet so it makes sense that there's more to come. Outside Japan will probably continue to only get really obscure 3rd party games though.
I would love to see some WWF & WCW games come over to the NES & SNES NSO. But most importantly we NEED the AKI Wrestling games on the N64 (NSO) I don't know how many different companies would need to agree, but it must be less then trying to get Goldeneye again!!
@nessisonett I liked how they included Winback with the initial N64 games to prepare us for the inevitable N64 shovelware updates.
I think the concern is if they are thinking about charging more.
I thought they already abandoned NES and SNES…too cheap to offer more decent games with all their profit it seems.
From peoples reaction you would have thought they had just stopped all updates, and increased the yearly subscription to $150.00.
I prefer to have a choice, rather than they increase the price of the service for everybody regardless.
So why doesn't Nintendo just spend some money with 3rs parties and make a true Gamepass service with as much as the classic libraries as they can get onto the service and charge one price for it all.
wait they arent doing what trickling out games that no one wants. wow thanks nintendo. Im waiting to announce they go all digital and watch it flop.
@SwitchplayerJohn they are from japan. My wife is in charge of her company japan office and they complain no one else in world uses fax machines. and actually scan documents and send them. despite all getting issued company laptops and i phones. During covid and home office when i heard her shouting at someone im like usa or japan lol
Wow I can expect one crappy game every couple of months without spending even more for a horrible online service that will offer one or two "new" (20year old) games every few months?! What a deal!
Nothing comes good from creating a multilayered tier.
Never had any interest in these and won’t be bolting on the N64 options.
Yeah, that's called life support.
The glaring omissions:
Come on Square!
No sane person would want to play all the games the service provides.
Good point that, it is a yearly service, makes sense to just give people a load of games each year.
And for paying more, will we actually get a better performance when playing online, which is what the service is primarily supposed to be for.
@johnvboy That's what I mean though. It should be of the existing service without increasing the price. I feel like it's already hard enough to justify the current subscription with how little they actually offer for it. This higher tier should've been for GameCube games instead, if you ask me. Having NES, SNES and N64 in the current subscription would've been perfect, IMHO.
@Franklin I haven't noticed an actual increase in quality with online play as of yet. So if that's what we're paying for then they should do a better job.
Either that or I'm just unlucky in my matchups or something.
The service is very cheap for what it offered in the first place, in my own opinion of course.
This is a choice as to if you want upgrade the existing service.
Since the glacial release schedule and dubious quality of some nes and snes offerings on NSO were being explained by the Nintendo Defence Corps by 'they're just a free addition, you're so entitled, shut up and consume', what's going to be the explanation now that you're explicitly paying to upgrade to these new systems?
This is slightly off topic but I really wish they would give people the option to “buy” the games they want individually so they can play them offline or off subscription, especially the n64 games coming (like Paper Mario for instance).
@Clyde_Radcliffe At least WinBack is actually sort of influential. It basically invented the cover shooter.
It's like when they said 3DS would live on side by side with Switch.
In that case it made sense that they abandoned 3DS quickly as Switch is a way better handheld.
Presumably the NES/SNES games may get better in quality depending on how many people upgrade to the N64/Megadrive membership.
It's likely a combination of licensing costs for the games already on plus the online subscription amount not changing basically means the longer the NES/SNES service continued the cheaper and more obscure the games Nintendo would be able to license.
You had two kinds of people:
The I want Nintendo to give me the classics like Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, and Chrono Trigger but when got them turn around and says oh look more old games that are already widely available on other old platforms.
Then you got the why don't Nintendo ever gave us any other hidden gems, instead we got the usual Super Mario RPG, Earthbound, and Chrono Trigger but when games like Jelly Boy and Ignition Factor got release it's why give us these when you could had given us more classics.
Make up your mind what you want people.
I think Nintendo will overprice it.
I would pay for the N64 games but I did not really get value when I subscribed. I did not play online gaming at all, or the NES/SNES games very much.
So I guess I would have to pay for those before I can pay and play the N64 titles.
I bit like buying a box of chocolates and only eating a few favourites.
What incentive does a developer/publisher have to make their NES/SNES title available on NSO versus selling it on eShop?
NSO priced as cheap as it is, I'm 1. not surprised games release so infrequently and 2. Not surprised they need more money in order to secure additional games and consoles.
SEGA are not giving Mega Drive games out of the goodness of their hearts, are they? They literally have a Mega Drive Collection game on eShop that will see sales drop off as a result of this NSO update.
The whole thing is one big mess if you ask me. Nintendo have clearly tied themselves up in knots with a poorly executed subscription approach.
NL should do some investigative reporting on it.
I heard Earthbound is still considered a trigger for the permanently offended, so I'm not certain if it's even on the cards to be released soon.
NES Star wars, TMNT in time SNES, all the SNES Star wars games and the SNES version of Chaos Engine??!! Absolute long shot on all of them, but IMO Christmas has come early if this was pulled off!!!
"Don't Worry, Nintendo Isn't Abandoning Switch Online's SNES And NES Libraries"
(senses conversational language in this part of the article; suggests not using such language in future articles for this site)
"Will games continue to be added to this service, or is Nintendo done with these older retro libraries for good?"
"for good"?
We need battletoads and earthbound
@karatekid1612 I am not against any game being added, but the Super Star Wars games are mediocre games. They would be low on my list as to what to add next.
I figured they wouldn’t. Still a big liberal of games rather people are familiar with them or not. Still, I’m satisfied with both the NES and SNES Mini.
@Steel76 Jaleco made no N64 games, and European developers made great stuff like Star Wars Rogue Squadron and Battle for Naboo, GoldenEye (and 10 other Rareware games), Rayman 2, Body Harvest, Space Station Silicon Valley, Worms Armageddon, and Wetrix to name a few.
@Specter_of-the_OLED Thank you!
Why would anyone expect them to abandon the existing systems when you're paying for that, too? We still get NES games now that SNES has been out, why would that stop when paying more for N64 and Genesis?
Yes, it's Nintendo, but even they're not that dumb.
I would like Tecmo Super Bowl, Batman: The Video Game and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles I, II and III to be added to the Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online Service.
I would also like Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars, Dragon Quest 5/6, Secret of Mana, Lufia 2 and Illusion of Gaia, Street Fighter 2, Mortal Kombat 1/2/3, Dragon Ball Z Super Butouden 1/2/3, Dragon Ball Z: Hyper Dimension, Final Fight 1/2/3, Super Double Dragon, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IIII, Picross 1-6, Bust-A-Move, The Lost Vikings 1/2, Mario and Wario, Fire Emblem: Mystery of the Emblem, Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, Fire Emblem Thracia 776, Ogre Battle: The March of the Black Queen, Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, Romance of the Three Kingdoms 2/3/4, Uncharted Waters: New Horizons, Super Bowling, NHL '94, NHL '98, NBA Jam: Tournament Edition and Tecmo Super Bowl 3: Final Edition For the Super Nintendo Entertainment System - Nintendo Switch Online.
Thank you for that reality check! I understand people are impatient with the drip feed and want Earthbound, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG, or whatever licensed, 3rd party title they love added to NSO, but for the money, there is a lot of content in there! Plus a little bit of effort gets you access to Japan’s NSO selection, too.
Backlogs are real, lest we forget! It’s ok to take a moment among all the hype to enjoy what you’ve already got.
I think they could've added Game Boy to the standard tier. Seems mean not to keep adding more systems. Fair enough that they want to add a higher tier with extra systems for more money, but I think they could still add the likes of Game Boy to the standard tier also
I think they could come back next year and announce Game Boy & Game Boy Color games for the standard tier and Game Boy Advance & PC-Engine games for the Expansion Pack tier.
Good to hear. Speaking of which, it's been a couple months since the last update, so.... can we get some more games, please?
Maybe now, we can get the SNES Controllers for the Switch more easily, and at a reasonably affordable price.
Yeah...I won't hold my breath.
But than Multiplayer for free, i don't need such a Service.
I warned you that adding N64 games to the service was not going to solve the problem, they would add the classics first, but then a bunch of games no one cares later, it would be a improvement, but not really solve the core problem that is games coming too slow and picking games no one cared even back then.
But I wasn't expecting Nintendo to charge extra for N64 games, meaning that technically we got no improvement.
Just give me Zoda's Revenge and I'll be happy.
I think the Chip Shortage is why Nintendo is doing this instead of making an N64 Classic Edition. How are you gonna put in the Rumble Pak and the Memory Pak into the controller without opening the door for it to be Hakchi'd, giving everyone a chance to add the games they WANTED, as long as it's within the boundaries of limitations?
Cancelled a year subscription after the first year of NSO. I still don't feel like i am missing anything with a new tier being added.
Although online F Zero X would be great fun (btw it most certainly IS wink).
This is a very good point.
It's hard to believe that Nintendo is making more money with the NSO than they did with the Virtual Console.
Is anybody else thinking about how the inclusion of Super Mario 64 in this new subscription tier is probably the reason Super Mario 3D Allstars got a limited time release? They didn’t want the two releases to be in competition with each other. It all makes a lot more sense now.
This really wasn't a concern of mine, but uh it's good to confirm they'll keep releasing SNES games on the Nintendo Switch online subscription.
Pretty ridiculous how they haven't announced a price for the expansion pack yet.
More like they are expanding it since past consoles are no longer supported...what else would you expect NIN to do to keep making money.
@GameManAdvance It is a thought, but the other N64 titles will still give value as do Sunshine and Galaxy in the collection.
Maybe they would need to discount digital sales for NSO expansion subscribers??? $40 would be better than the $0 they are getting from the collection right now.
@acefondu Annoy Square Enix about that one. The reason it took so long for us to get it on Wii and Wii U had to do with Square owning the original characters like Geno. So for us to get Mario RPG on NSO will require Square Enix and Nintendo to come to an agreement...
@GameManAdvance I predicted just that. And I'm sure Sunshine and Galaxy will come to the eShop probably next year.
@Franklin Color me insane (by your standard) then. I like to play games... I'm weird like that.
@GameManAdvance Meanwhile, everyone that bought Mario 3D All Stars now gets to pay twice for Mario 64 !!
Well I say twice... it's five times for me!
On the N64
On the DS
On the Wii virtual console
On the Switch
On the Switch again via NSO
We do it to ourselves, don't we...!!
(Also, SEGA have Sonic 2 on the eShop, and then it's on the NSO lineup too - but I guess the eShop game is technically different. Makes me think Nintendo should have done a less lazy port of 64 in 3D All Stars).
Wait the NSO is supposed to have games?
What about Game Boy and GBA games? Will they ever be added to NSO?? And GameCube games? In 4/5 years maybe??
the service is soo undercooked....
@KiraMoonvalley yeah that isnt on there. Weird at least have them on the switch via the eshop as Ive heard square wants to sell them and not put them in a subscription
I hope they add the SNES Fire Emblem games. Or Final Fantasy. Something like that. Probably too optimistic though...
I can’t believe people are willing to pay to “upgrade” to the new service..
.. if the snes games are anything to go by, you’re gonna get something like 2 games* a year if you’re lucky.
@acefondu Up to Square Enix
@Yosher please explain how $20 a year is too much for what the service currently offers. It’s easily the most convenient, stable, and inexpensive way to play a nice sized chunk of classic NES and SNES games.
By what other means are you going to play theses games? Original carts and hardware nowadays are 5 times the yearly subscription price, and do I really need to explain why piracy is not a recommended avenue?
So what’s the thought process here?
Nintendo is insulting their consumers' intelligence by raising the price of an online service that frankly needed more to justify the CURRENT price (of course they call it an "expansion", "tier", or whatever, but there's no amount of spin that can cover how tone deaf it is). Sony and Microsoft must be laughing out loud after seeing that announcement; their respective services may be more expensive, but feature-wise there's no comparison; fans don't have to campaign to get cloud saves support for first-party titles (BotW and ACNH), and they have the option to actually buy and keep legacy games which are tied to their user accounts so they can be carried forward to the next console generation. Nintendo's act of killing the Virtual Console and replacing it with this bad joke of an online service (while staying true to their longtime method of hawking hardware peripherals) isn't just bad form when examined through an objective lens; it's just plain pure, unabashed greed, control, and arrogance.
say wat you will about the library of nes and snes games on the switch online service but its kind of hard to release more games for it cause of getting permission from 3rd party devs since most games for nes and snes are 3rd party games.
@AtlanteanMan you sound salty there not going to jack up the price that much on the expansion most likely it be $10 more compare to sony and microsoft that charge alot more then that for their services.
@BabyYoda71 fire emblems maybe but final fantasy take that up with square since nintendo has no control over 3rd party games.
@Hooty The fact that online play used to be free on Nintendo hardware. The fact that they're still not using dedicated servers unlike what you'd expect from a paid online service. The fact that not even all games support the cloud function. The fact that they're drip feeding us poorly aged games on these services and don't seem able to offer certain games people really have been wanting. The fact that you'll never own these games anyway due to then being tied to a subscription rather than being bought and owned by the consumer.
You're free to disagree with me if you want and I fully respect your opinion, but in my opinion there's just too much wrong right now with the service to make a higher tier subscription to justify this. If I didn't play games like Splatoon and Mario Kart online occasionally I'd already have dropped my subscription, probably. Now if they offer more for this higher tier, like a free new theme every now and then (if/when they actually become a thing on Switch), or any such thing, then it'd already be more justified in my book.
That's just how I feel about it though.
@ATaco Oh, okay.
@MontyCircus I think the ship has sailed on Square games, especially the big hits like Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger. Why isn't Earthbound there though? And I am still holding out for Battle City.
@RiasGremory Two words: READING COMPREHENSION. I mentioned their services were more expensive in my post. One more word: VALUE. Switch Online is a bad joke even at $19.99 a year; the cloud saves that were the original centerpiece were originally not even going to be implemented for some of Nintendo's own AAA titles, like BotW and Animal Crossing: New Horizons. And are you REALLY satisfied with the selection and pacing of the additions to the Switch online game catalogs? Heck, Hamster adds a new Arcade game EVERY SINGLE WEEK; a company the size of Nintendo that isn't doing at least as much with its own legacy titles is doing so out of deliberate choice, not due to lack of ability. And they don't even give you the option to purchase them anymore; XBox does that much, and with HUNDREDS more games.
Don't be that gullible. Nintendo's asking you to pay "only $X more" for games/systems that should already be part of the base subscription because, as PT Barnum once said, "There's a sucker born every minute."
Mario rpg is literally all i want from this service
You mean they haven’t abandoned it more then they already have. Doubt will see anything we actually want (Earthbound Super mario rpg Chrono) since most are shared ip with a company that would rather release them at a premium instead of handing them out on this service
@SmaggTheSmug Earthbound is also square
At this rate, but the time they add 5 Wii games to NSO, it'll cost us $100/year.. and we still wouldn't have folders/groups, party chat, messaging, updates section, more themes, etc.
@tee-cup It is going to stink though not being able to see your save file years later (like those Pokemon games). I like the service but I would have loved to actually own it.
@Ryu_Niiyama there is nothing wrong reconsidering which games to play if quality ones were added to these services. We are paying for these, do not forget it.
I figured the NES and SNES games wouldn't stop. In another thought, I wonder how long until the N64 and Genesis start digging into the obscure pile (for better and worse).
There are some terrible games on the service.
Do you also read awful books just because they're available at the library?
and there's the fundamental lack of choice. With Virtual Console you could decide what games to get.
@Franklin “awful” is subjective and since I won’t know if I will enjoy something until I try it I do within reason make the attempt to try as much as as I can. Books included (books especially, actually). By time I graduated high school l’d read about 80 percent of the books in the school library. So yes actually, I do. Anything else?
@Fulgor_Astral I am paying for online multiplayer, myself. But at a mere 20 bucks a year I do tend to forget that.
@CupidStunt Bwahaha! Your name though..... props.
Final fantasy NES please? This is why I subscribe.
The only, THE ONLY, games I play on the Nes/Snes emulators are Punch-Out!! & Super Punch-Out!!. So what I'm trying to say is, I'm running down to Jack in the Box. Does anybody want anything?
Why does Nintendo always suck with everything they do with online services? Why can't they just straight up just rip off Xbox Live? Nobody is gonna diddle the kids Nintendo! JC!
Defender II
Super Spy Hunter
Bubble Bobble
Arch Rivals
Thunder Spirits
Pit Fighter
Clay Fighter
C2 Judgment Clay
Super Off Road
Super Double Dragon
What you can do is be more selective and save time. For instance. Bubsy 3D was never worth playing.
This site for example provides reviews.
Regarding literature, you don't need to read nonsense such as Mein Kampf.
I don't know if you've been to university, but what they'll do there is give you a reading list which helps narrow things down.
For leisure, reviews, friend's recommendations, bookshops, etc. can help avoid the need to go through 80% of every library you come across.
Lol, as if they hadn't well before this announcement.
@Franklin or what I can really do is enjoy my hobbies as I see fit. What you can do is be selective with your time and realize that not everyone goes through life the way you do nor do I want to. As for reviews also subjective so again I will try games as I see fit. Same with your very useless “advice” about literature. I like discovering a new favorite and I enjoy my time spent in the library. Anything else?
You are of course free to waste your time as you wish, I don't dispute that.
@Franklin Not a waste of time when I enjoy myself. However reading your insipid tripe was an absolute waste of my time and it’s a shame I did so. So you are right and let’s not waste anymore time that we can’t get back. I could have been reading something worthwhile or gaming. Have a nice day.
Unreal cuz I want my library of NES games available:
Dragon warrior
Battletoads/Double dragon
Kid Icarus
Ms. PacMan
Castle quest
Bubble Bobble
Kirby's Adventure
Wheel of Fortune
Tetris 2
Street Fighter 2010
Monster Party
Mach Rider
MegaMan 4
Wizards & Warriors
Have a good day,
and enjoy Wayne Rooney's second autobiography.
@Yosher ok but all of those features you listed that you’d like to see come to Nintendo’s online service are very much in line with what other consoles are currently offering. The main difference being that switch online is only $20 dollars a year, compared to game pass which is $50 every 3 months or PlayStation plus which is $60 a year.
You’re obviously entitled to your opinion (never said you weren’t) I just don’t actually see what’s so bad about Nintendo’s price point for what they offer. $20 a year is literally nothing.
It seems to me that Nintendo’s approach to their online service is very much in line with Gunpei Yokoi’s “lateral thinking” school of thought. Functional, entertaining, and cheap. It’s a winning formula that’s proven itself many times for the company. No matter how hard people complain about fine details and bells and whistles and say things like “well it’s not state of the art enough or on par with this or this or that”:
The GameBoy. We all know how that went down.
@AtlanteanMan you’re insulting yourself by wasting your time crying paragraphs in the comments section about a cheap online service that tons of people enjoy. Lol.
At the end of the day i think we get what we pay for. If Nintrndo said "hey guys, you can have the n64 and were putting in a voice chat function but the sub is going up to £45 a year (or your countries equivalent) everybody would still moan. If Nintendo said" were going to give you 1 game a month for free in that package" everybody would still moan because A, the game would be shovelware or it would be a game that everyone would have purchased already. Just pop over to push square when they announce the PS+ games for confirmation of this trend. The things i personally dont like is the feeling of isolation by not being able to tell someone who i am. Ive had plenty of friend requests from this site(as its the only place i advertise my friend code) but dont know who has actually added me due to a different handle etc. Id love to be able to say hi to people, set up a chat/whatsapp group somehow and go hunt some monsters or a few rounds on MK8 etc, but its simply not possible as i dont personally know many people that own a switch who i am in contact with, unless im missing something? Nintendos online function has ironically stopped me enjoying online gaming.
Honestly I'm baffled with how little backlash Nintendo is getting for this bad idea. Nintendo online is already a very limited service, but I won't complain for the price. But asking extra for the same feature (playing retro games, why should the system matter) just seems to overcomplicate things for the consumer. I'm a big Nintendo fanboy, but unlike some here, I can call out crap when it is crap.
If PlayStation would suddenly say they'll add PS1,PS2&PSP games to psnow but you'd have to pay extra for your now subscription the community would rightfully say that it's a no go.
All the great games still available in the SNES library and instead we get Jellyboy.
@HungryHungryHomer They are new if you haven't played them before 😉
@AtlanteanMan i dont speak troll so the only one thats being gullible is you making assumptions without any proof.
@RiasGremory Making assumptions without any proof? Everything I said is well-documented and readily available for anyone who wishes to do a simple Google search (it also helps when you can simply remember said events or facts as they happened). FACT: BotW and ACNH both weren't going to support cloud saves until fan outrage forced Nintendo to reconsider. FACT: Hamster has released at least one new Arcade title every week since the Switch launched. FACT: XBox's BC program lets you buy legacy games outright without the need for subscriptions to either LIVE or GamePass, for those so inclined; Switch Online does not.
Trolling is when someone attacks a person or entity solely for its own sake, without any regard for submitting provable facts to back up their statements. Most often it's also driven by malice or hate. I don't hate Nintendo; I've supported them and their products to the tune of thousands of dollars since the NES. But I'm not a fanboy, and I will absolutely dish out criticism of corporate decisions where I believe it's justified; the same applies to Microsoft, Sony, or any other company.
These corporations have gotten filthy rich from our support over the years, and anyone with an ounce of objectivity who takes the time to scrutinize their business models and priorities knows full well that, on average, the end consumer is paying more for less than ever before, and they want you to subscribe to "services" instead of buying games (just look at what EULAs have done to consumer rights) because once you own anything they can't gate/control it any longer.
It's Business 101; Corporations are in business to MAKE MONEY, and EVERYTHING they do revolves around that. If you think asking more money for a service with a subpar track record to tack on a couple more 25-30 year old consoles is about more value, then that's what I'm saying is gullible. In any case, let's just say we disagree on the subject.
The expansion should be free or they should make a new system for online to justify paying for online in the first place. They have had the same system in place since the wii
@AtlanteanMan You keep saying, over and over, that BotW was not going to have cloud saves, without even bothering to substantiate the point. Which makes sense, because you are wrong, BotW was always going to support cloud saves, it was one of the games Nintendo explicitly noted as supporting cloud saves in the NSO announcement (and because unlike you, I actually bother to back up my point, you can check the initial list of excluded games here: https://www.gamespot.com/articles/no-cloud-saves-after-all-for-nintendo-switch-games/1100-6461634/
Look at that, no BotW!)
@PressTurn I did check, and I admit that I was wrong regarding the cloud saves for BotW specifically. However, the reason I said so was because A) when NSO was about to launch a lot of folks were up in arms because the Switch didn't even allow save backups (the BACKUPS ISSUE was where my memory was off) on SD cards or any other means; a subscription to NSO was required in order to prevent your saves from being lost forever because saves, just as online purchases used to be, are tied to a specific system as opposed to a user account (because Nintendo; 'nuff said). Also, up until the launch it WASN'T clear that BotW would be supported, as the example from GameRant.com dated May 9, 2028 states below:
"Players may also be frustrated with the lack of information regarding which games will be available on Cloud Backup and which ones will not. Fans won't want to pay for the service only to learn later that it won't allow them to back up their 100% Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild save to the cloud. Thankfully, as the Nintendo Switch Online Cloud service doesn't launch until September, there is still time for Nintendo to clarify all of this information. But at the moment, it's understandable if some prospective Switch Online subscribers are feeling disappointed."
That said, my point regarding spotty first-party support by Nintendo for cloud saves remains relevant. The aforementioned fan campaign did take place for ACNH, and to this day there's still no support for Splatoon 2.
I would hope so considering there's still so many exclusives and Japan-exclusives we still don't have.
@tameshiyaku While I agree to an extent, the two networks have differences. PS Now gave you a free downloadable game every month but every other game had to be purchased individually. If PlayStation instead had a similar system where having an online subscription allowed you immediate access to a selection of games from PSP and PS2 but then added a selection of PS3 games to the mix alongside access to any future PS3 games added, I reckon PlayStation would make tiers of subscription as well. I’d only be instantly into it if the N64 games raised the price by $5 or less, I already have too many Switch games than I can reasonably play so the lack of N64 or Sega games isn’t a massive loss to me.
In my two years of owning Switch I’ve definitely played enough NES/SNES games to be worth the asking fee I’ve paid for that time. That probably wouldn’t even include the good games I wouldn’t have tried unless it was attached to a streaming service, including Clu Clu Land, Crystalis, Adventures of Lo Lo, Breath of Fire II and Kirby’s Dream Course.
@Mazor775 thank you! I don't know how I don't get banned from Nintendo online services
@Supaguy Nintendo online really shines the most for me if they add niche Japanese games that never or barely made it to the west.
I do believe you're getting psplus and psnow confused. Psplus enables online play and offers several games for "free", while psnow gives you access to a library of games to download or stream. There they offer PS4, PS3 and to a very limited extent PS2 games.
@tameshiyaku Huh you’re right. I haven’t owned a Playstation console since the PS3 but yeah they get a better deal than we do. That’s actually ridiculously good. Nintendo do need to step up their game, they’re getting trounced by both PS and XBox with Gamepass, and N64 games should have come for free and in a higher quantity and getting more Third Party support for every retro system. Of course they won’t change if people keep paying for the current service so idk if that’ll ever happen.
Hope to see some new games get added soon. Not sure i'll upgrade to N64 and Megadrive just yet as there isnt really too much i want to play straight away...
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