The Persona series is currently celebrating its 25th anniversary, and as you might recall, Atlus has teased seven projects.
The first reveal is tied to Persona anime and music. Anniversary ambassador Morgana revealed in the first "Persona 25th Times" broadcast that all of the past Persona anime would be made available for streaming in Japan. This includes the following titles:
Persona Trinity Soul, Persona 4, Persona 4 Golden, and Persona 5, and the Persona 3 movie.
In addition to this, a Special Orchestral Concert will take place at the Tokyo Opera City Hall on 21st November. Persona 5 vocalist Lyn will also host a "mini concert" during Sega's event at TGS2021.
According to the 25th-anniversary website, the next project will be revealed later this year. You can watch the first-anniversary broadcast (in Japanese) over on the Atlus YouTube channel. Gematsu has a full transcript of the event, too.
Atlus West has also officially kicked off the 25th anniversary celebrations - with the launch of the local 25th anniversary website. In addition to this, it's announced a new and improved online storefront is coming soon and revealed some Persona 25th wallpapers.
This September, the Persona series will celebrate its 25th anniversary, and has also officially reached 15 million units sold worldwide! We want to thank everyone who has supported and helped push the series forward through all these years. To thank you all, we’re preparing a year-long campaign from September 2021 to Fall 2022, as the “Persona 25th Anniversary Year,” and we can’t wait for you to see everything we’ve got planned for the festivities!
With 25th anniversary merchandise, events, collaborations, and even game information, we’ll have many exciting announcements for Western fans and worldwide throughout the anniversary year. We hope you’re looking forward to them!
As you might have heard there's also been a rumour that one of the seven announcements will be a remaster of Persona 4 Arena Ultimax, you can find out more about this in our previous post.
What game-related announcements would you like to see made during Persona's 25th anniversary? Leave a comment below.
[source p-ch.jp, via gematsu.com]
Comments 56
I know what's not happening.
Persona 5 for Switch.
Persona on Switch? Real Persona, as in the JRPG, not a side story spin off that's a totally different genre of game?
Naw. At this point we know that's probably not happening. After literally years of fans asking for those games on Switch and Atlus showing as much interest in that as Nintendo is in having an actual upgrade to the Switch Home Menu.
@HotGoomba Don't worry, they'll give us what we really want and give us the Persona 3-5 dancing games in a bundle, DLC not included
@Heavyarms55 I mean, at least SMT is exclusive to Nintendo consoles. That's a pretty fair trade-off.
@Fiyaball At that point I'd just prefer a Persona Q collection lol
@VoidofLight Why though? Atlus is supposed to be a 3rd party. SMT5 should be on PS4/5, Xbox and PC. And Persona should be on Switch. They're not some small indie studio. A quick Google search suggests they've got hundreds of employees and the backing of Sega. Why do they have all these weird limits?
The only thing I can think of is that they get something in return for only releasing their games on certain platforms. Perhaps Nintendo and Sony give Atlus a larger portion of the profits to release a game only on their systems. But that doesn't make much sense to me. Could they be getting enough more that it warrants limiting their potential audience so much?
Also, this is just a matter of personal taste, but I don't remotely like SMT as much as Persona. The flavor and setting of the Persona series is more appealing to me. I know it's considered a spinoff of SMT and such and I don't actively dislike SMT. I just don't care for it nearly as much.
@Heavyarms55 I mean, it's exclusive to both for the same reason third party exclusives exist. The director of V said something about how he couldn't imagine the game coming out on anything other than the switch I'm pretty sure... at least from what I've heard.
It's kind of like asking why Yokai Watch was a 3Ds exclusive, despite Level 5 being it's own company, or why other third party games were exclusive to specific consoles. Not all of them are going to release on every device, even if it makes sense monetary-wise.
Congrats! Wish I could into these games. Probably waited too long and am way past the cutoff point to where I can enjoy Persona.
What a complete let-down of an announcement. Even more so for everyone living outside of Japan as we get nothing. Having said that hopefully the reason is they don’t want to shift focus from SMT5. The next announcement is in December a number of weeks after the release of SMT5 and we have the Tokyo Games Show soon so I haven’t given up…….yet.
@DiamondJim If you're expecting something like Persona 6, it probably won't be revealed until the end of the anniversary, at least if I had to bet on it.
@HotGoomba yup
Atlus ever since they become part of Sega they failed just like Sega.
@VoidofLight No just any game announcement that involves Switch. P4G would be great but P5R for Switch would blow me away.
I predict Persona 4 golden for switch and persona 6 for playstation 5
@DiamondJim I'd give up any hope for Persona 5 coming to switch. Atlus isn't interested in bringing it over, and it's pretty much clear. Persona is a Playstation Exclusive, and SMT is a Nintendo exclusive.. outside of a couple of games.
@Heavyarms55 Until very recently Atlus in house didn't really have the budget to consistently support multiplatform games for their big flagship RPGs, so they mostly just focused on a single platform that was typically the most popular at that time. Persona has a proven track record of selling really well on PlayStation so they saw no reason to deviate, and SMT after switching consoles throughout each gen has a proven track record of doing well on Nintendo, so now that's just the way
They keep talking about branching out to more systems especially after P4G's success on PC, but I wouldn't hold my breath. SMT and Persona are essentially third party exclusives to their respective consoles at this point.
Also no chance either of them would show up on Xbox in the near future. Atlus just doesn't care about that platform anymore after so many games bombed on those systems
The symphonic concert will be f*cking hype. Persona's OSTs are incredible and their concerts have never disappointed in terms of spectacle. Hope they also highlight the PS1 Persona OST, as well as some of the spinoff games like Arena and Q
@HotGoomba P5 on Switch is basically never happening now lol
It would've ideally been done when Royal was also coming out for PS4 but if it hasn't happened in the 2-ish years since Joker came to Smash and Strikers dropped, the ship's probably sailed. At best, maybe a PC version like P4G, but no other consoles outside PlayStation 4/5
@DiamondJim If P5 Arena or that rumored P4AU remaster happens, 100% guarantee it'll be on Switch given ArcSys has been a major supporter of Nintendo consoles
Please just a crumb of Persona 3 re-release, on literally ANY current platform.
I know what the December announcement is gonna be. First, they’re gonna open with the announcement that the live covers from the concert were shadow dropped onto Apple Music and Spotify. Then they announce themed tube socks. Lastly, they announce that the P3D/P5D model viewer is being released as a standalone game for $60.
Why am I not surprised that the celebration is exclusively focused on P3, P4, and P5? Cue the neglect memes again.
Release P5 for Switch and PC. Finishing up P5 Strikers right now and they call back to events in P5 I have no idea what happened. And they do that right up to the end. Ridiculous they never released it on systems they released the sequel on.
So nothing of substance actually got announced. Oh well then.
I get that Persona is popular, but personally I would be far more stoked by a sequel to or even a remaster of 3D Dot Game Heroes. Way too many companies are circling the wagons around 1-3 popular IPs instead of taking original risks or revisiting deserving ones from their past, and it's quietly strangling the innovation and variety the major players of the industry used to be known for.
Am I the only one that wants a Tokyo Mirage Sessions sequel?
@moodycat Never played the first three, but I wouldn't say 4 is trash. The story was pretty good. 5 is a bit less so, even though it was still great.. but you could tell that they were trying to recapture the same feeling 4 had going for it.
@Specters It'd be better just to get a ps4 at this point and play it there, given that it's never coming out on any other device.. at least for a while.
@ModdedInkling At least they acknowledged Trinity Soul for the first time in like ages
@Kirbo100 I've never seen Trinity Soul, but I've heard not so great things about it, making me glad it's not really canon. Things like how the personas work not aligning with how they work in the games, with them being a drug instead of something forged of one's mental fortitude.
@JR150 no, you aren't.
Like, I'm tired of hearing all the back-and-forth about Persona ports. I want something NEW from Atlus which is why I'm excited for SMT V.
But as a fan of TMS#FE, I'd love to see them improve the concept, add more Fire Emblem elements and take that IP to the next level.
@VoidofLight spend I don't value P5 at hundreds of dollars and a console I have no use for. If they even did a low rent port like they did for P4 Golden I would get it on PC full price easy. At least a million more have gotten the P4 PC port and I suspect they would too.
Switch makes so much more sense with Joker being in Smash. They had millions of eyes on the series but didn't capitalize on it. Smash Ultimate has sold over 8 times what P5 in all its iterations and sequels sold.
@Specters I’d wager they’ll probably release a port on steam once 5 turns 10 years old.
I expect a new Persona arena with P5 characters, kinda surprised it hasn't happened yet. Persona 6 will probably be the grand finale announcement.
As much as P5R should be on Switch and PC, I'm not holding my breath for it. Oh well, at least the wait for SMT V will be finally be over in less than 2 months.
I would love Persona 4 Golden for the Switch. It's just the best game of the series with best storyline in my book.
@VoidofLight You're giving too much credit to Atlus.
Now I get why the anniversary website was exclusive to the Japanese region initially. The Sept. announcement does not involve the international audience so they kept it there. Still, many were hoping to get some sort of game news but I understand Atlus needs to launch SMT V first before hyping up another game.
@TheFrenchiestFry Ever since I randomly bought P4G on Steam last year, Persona music has taken over my playlists. From the OSTs, Dancing to whatever concerts in YouTube I can find as well as a lot of awesome covers from Sapphire, Consuls, Tsuko G and others. Even Lotus Juice's own personal albums are amazing.
damn the obscure persona 3 trinity soul got a streaming release
@VoidofLight 3DS and DS games made a lot more sense because games would have to be totally redesigned for single screen.
3rd party exclusives are anti consumer and poor business decisions.
@Heavyarms55 Except when it's Nintendo right? You can just say you don't like the fact it's exclusive to PlayStation instead of trying to act like you wouldn't have bought it if it was only on Switch and nothing else. You've been pretty vocal about not liking the fact SMT V is on Switch but Persona 5 isn't.
Would love to see a collection of the two Persona 2 games on modern consoles. Got the English release of the first Persona 2 game on PSP, would like to get the second one too.
@Specters just play P5 in RPCS3.
Unlike SMT 5, Persona 5 is not exclusive. If it was they would’ve said as much and ended any doubts at all. They have only said “no plans at this time” which is not the same as saying exclusive. I am getting SMT 5 and if it’s announced I’ll be getting P5 on Switch as well day one. They don’t have to wait for the hype of smt to die down to announce a port.
@Heavyarms55 Not really anti-consumer. Gives more value to those who actually own the consoles. If it weren’t for persona being a ps exclusive, then I wouldn’t have a reason for owning a ps5. Same with Final Fantasy XVI, if it weren’t a ps5 console exclusive.
uhhh still waiting Atlus. Persona 5 on switch please. We'll all buy it.
I hope P5 DOESN'T come to Switch, sick of the Port Begging and it shouldn't be acknowledged or rewarded... BUY SMT V to show Atlus support, and revel in the fact you guys get THAT as an Exclusive 😒
As a REAL Persona Fan (aka a PlayStation Fan) I want New games or Ports of older Titles that are hard to get a hold of now, you wanna play P5 go get a PS4 and the game, ***** would cost you like $100 now... Seriously (much more wallet friendly than those of us who were forced to get the Switch, which always was overpriced for what it is and with not much we can't get better on PS4/PS5 🤷♂️ #FACTS)
@GameOtaku P5 and P5R are still exclusive, so stop making things up about not being one. There is no guarantee that that game is coming to Switch at all. It is like me saying SMT V isn't exclusive either because some random person at Sega said that they are "exploring" to port more of Atlus games in the future.
@Heavyarms55 Because they are 'backed' by Sega, and Sega regularly makes questionable choices when it comes to Nintendo . I don't know what happened but to me it seems that Sega has a blood feud with Nintendo and would rather burn itself to the ground rather than release certain games and/or franchises on the Switch.
Man, Nintendo consoles get exclusive access to Shin Megami Tensei, Etrian Odyssey, various spin-offs and cross-overs of these, and even certain Persona cross-over games. Let the Playstation people have something to look forward to as well.
Anyway, my personal hope is still for a Persona 3 remaster that unifies the unique content and conveniences in P3P and FES into one package. It's silly that we still have to choose between a version where the AI controls your party members and a version that feels like a visual novel outside of dungeons.
What we'll probably get are more Persona fighting games or something. Uck.
Sure, all the love for Persona and Shin Megami Tensei from Atlus, but what about Trauma Center? We haven't had a new entry in the series since Trauma Team in 2010! We need Under the Knife 3 for the Switch already!
It’s been said by Atlus that smt 5 is exclusive to switch but the same hasn’t been said about Persona 5. By the same token however it may be a timed exclusive depending on demand for it on other platforms I’d have no problem with them porting it if it means more consumers can enjoy it rather than Sony fanboys/girls gatekeep Persona.
I'm going to say this again but start porting Persona series to other consoles ffs!
Why does everyone want P5 for Switch? It doesn’t seem feasible. I’d much rather have it for PC with 60fps.
FPS doesn’t matter in a turn based RPG. Besides the Switch is more than capable of playing it.
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