Atlus has officially announced its Persona series' 25th anniversary. To kick things off, it's opened a special website.
This page teases seven different projects which will be revealed between September 2021 and Autumn 2022. Below is a little a bit extra about what to expect. Keep in mind, there are no guarantees we'll see any Nintendo-related announcements.
"In 2021, the "Persona" series exceeded the cumulative worldwide sales of 15 million units. We would like to express our sincere gratitude and gratitude to all those who have watched over and supported us for a long time. And in September, the "Persona" series will finally celebrate its 25th anniversary. With gratitude to all of you, we are preparing a lot of fun as PERSONA 25th Anniversary YEAR for about one year from September 2021 this year to autumn 2022 next year."
While Nintendo systems don't have all that much history with this series, recently the Switch received Koei Tecmo's Musou, Persona 5 Strikers. Persona Q and Persona Q2 have also been released on the 3DS in the past and the Persona 5 character, Joker, was added to Smash Ultimate as a DLC fighter.
Do you think we'll get any Nintendo announcements out of this? Would you like to see more Persona games pop up on the Switch in the future? Leave a comment down below.
[source p-ch.jp, via gematsu.com]
Comments 104
One of them has to be a mainline entry on Switch. Doesn't make sense that it's been getting just the spin-offs
Here come the "Persona 5 for the switch when?" comments, not that i'm saying you shouldn't want it on the switch.
Come on! Let’s go! Can’t wait for some massive surprises!
I've already come in terms that mainline Persona games belong to PS and SMT belongs to Nintendo
Let me know if anything Switch related happens.
Persona 3 remaster that integrates content from both FES and P3P would make the most sense to tide people over until the next mainline title, I think.
More PC ports wouldn't surprise me, either.
If you go to the website of the Persona Anniversary, the first project (or at least announcement) is in 9/2021. It has yellow background, and even some effect of TV in there. It is highly P4G on Switch/PS4
There'll probably be something for Switch. Either a port of an older game, or a new game such as a teaser for a multiplat P6, like the P5 teaser from back in 2013. Perhaps both.
The Fall 2022 thing and the fact the website is teasing a secret image next to all the main protagonists (including Naoya, Tatsuya and Maya from P1/2) has to mean Persona 6 is imminent
The Switch project will be...a new Arena game that will also be on PS4 and PS5
@TheFrenchiestFry It has been almost 5 years since P5 launched, so I think it's not unreasonable to expect some kind of announcement at this point.
@yamato2706 All the mystery slots have the TV graphic. The yellow is probably to indicate which date is most imminent
Omg the 25 goes from Purple (P1) to Orange (P2) to Blue (P3) to Yellow (the best one and no I'm not taking questions) to Red (P5) to White (P6?!?!) I do hope we are also getting Persona 3, 4, AND 5 on all modern consoles, But I'm going to remain cautiously optimistic.
I had follow only the main Shin Megami Tensei games so anything from spinoffs like Persona, Last Bibles (Revelations, the series that evolve into Persona with Revelations: Persona), and DemiKids (Devil Children, the series that Persona evolve into) aren't for me though I do enjoy some of them.
@Orpheus79V Exactly. That and SMT V being this close to release means they're probably going to wait until that project is close to or is out the door and then blow their load off with Persona stuff since they clearly have a lot of stuff planned
Each main entry goes into pre-production after the latest one releases so P6 has been in development since around 2017/2018. It's probably about time it gets officially revealed or even teased like P5 did in 2013
@TheFrenchiestFry another thing to add, the 25 has all the colours of the five main entries plus white at the end. Seems we'll be getting a white theme maybe?
Edit: @KayFiOS ninja'd lol.
@Orpheus79V Either the primary color is white or it's white for now and then when the game actually gets revealed it'll change to a graphic featuring it's official color
I'm calling green personally
@TheFrenchiestFry Yeah, good point. It would be weird for them to reveal something that important to the game's visual identity so early, albeit under our noses. Whatever colour they go with in the end, it'll look slick.
Woah more acknowledgment of Persona 1 and 2. Maybe they will get updated ports some day. I've never played Persona series since they are just too long but Persona 2 always interested me the most as I hear a lot of positive things for its story.
P3P with remastered graphics and cutscenes, touch controls so it can be played properly. Switch is a handheld and the game was a PSP title so it makes some sense.
@TheFrenchiestFry I also thought that green would make a nice color.
Personally, I really hope that they'll reveal something related to Persona 6, however there are some things that make me skeptical of it happening. SMT V coming out this year is one of the reasons why I feel like it's unlikely to get a reveal, seeing that SMT V still won't be released by the time that they end up revealing the final project.
Another thing as well, is that Atlus apparently announced today that they just started production on Persona 6.
@VoidofLight They could show a teaser and then show nothing for 3 years like they did with SMT V
@Kirbo100 That could be the case as well. Same happened with Persona 5. I'm really hoping though that the game has been in development for a while, and things are going smoothly so we won't have to wait that long for it.
We know a new director is working on 6, since the old one stepped down.. so I really hope that's for the better, and that they'll end up doing something fresh with the next entry.
@VoidofLight Well the announcements are being stretched out until the end of next year, and they'd likely save the biggest for last. If Atlus really said that, that means 1.5 years of development time by the end of 2022, which is long enough for them to then make a more official announcement of Persona 6 I'd wager.
@Orpheus79V Wait, I thought the announcements were being stretched until the end of Autumn.
A game that, this time, is 60fps? From atlus themselves not Koei. Yeah yeah, it should not be the main focus but it would be very nice.
@VoidofLight "This website teases seven different projects which will be revealed between September 2021 and Fall 2022" either the article fumbled it up and you're correct or it's accurate.
@Orpheus79V I checked the website again, and it's true. I honestly didn't know that it was going to go on for a whole year. If Persona 6 does get a trailer, it'll be a long ways away. If it doesn't, then people will probably be upset that they waited a year, expecting information on it, but instead getting something else entirely.
The fact that there isn't mainline Persona game on Switch is asinine. They should at the very least put 4 Golden on it, but Atlus has the most ridiculous allegiance issues out of almost any company in gaming. I mean, Vanillawares games would KILL on Switch, yet they keep them as Sony exclusives. Someone needs to wake their dinosaur executuves up from their naps.
@Chamver Eh, I feel like more people just need to get the console they're releasing the games on. I do honestly hope they'll consider more PC ports though, since it'll sell better, and as everyone has a pc, they won't have an excuse not to play them.
Doubt Persona 6 will run on the switch, since I'd imagine it'd be taking advantage of the PS5's capabilities.
Surely Switch gets one or two offerings at least.
@Chamver Tell Atlus to give Sony a non-Nocturne mainline SMT first lol
or how about the dozens of non-Persona Atlus games like Etrian, Trauma Center and MegaTen subseries like Devil Survivor that are all Nintendo-exclusive
Hopefully they start posting all games all over like parent Sega started doing with Yakuza.
@Chamver Atlus and Square Enix. It’s too much to ask for a mainline KH on Nintendo too lol
@VoidofLight i think all persona games can run on switch to be honest. We don’t know about 6 yet but the games are not that demanding. I (for now) would not be able to think why it would not be able to run on switch.
@TheFrenchiestFry Do DDS and the Raidou games not count as mainline (I know they're spinoffs but they're still treated as "real shen megoomi tensay games") or are we talking the numbered SMT games only?
@BrintaPap Eh, I feel like 1, 2, 3, and 4 could probably run on Switch. 5 might, but they'd have to port over the ps3 version, and not royal, which would upset a lot of folks. 6 will probably be too much for the switch, assuming that it'll end up being built in mind for the PS5 hardware. If it's not however, then there's a slight possibility, but I still feel like Atlus will go with giving console exclusivity to Sony.
i still haven't finished P4G or P1 PSP yet, but SWITCH PORT SWITCH PORT
Here's hoping for 1-3 on Steam and/or consoles.
Ideally with an updated version of 1 that lets you switch between the PS1 and PSP soundtrack.
If Atlus likes money, they have a history looking like they don't, games on the biggest platform out today should be a no brainer
So the guy from Blazblue Cross Tag Battle and the Smash Bros DLC are getting their own games? Finally! /s
(As a person who only has a Switch, this is all I know them from lol)
The easy ports for Switch are 1 thru 4 , But one through three need some quality of life improvements that’s for sure. I have not played 5, but I will cross my fingers.One of the projects appear to be a mobile game called Code X name.
1) English Release of Shin Megami Tensei: if...
2) PC Release of Persona 1 (start of a series of PC releases)
3) English compilation of the PSP releases of Persona 2: Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment
4) Celebration of Persona 3
5) Unnecessary Persona 4 re-release
6) Small Persona 5 spin-off media
7) Announcement of Persona 6 featuring that globe-trotting story that Persona 5 wa supposed to have
(All of th is a joke.)
I got P4 golden on PC/PS Vita, p3 on PSP and p5 on PS3 (although i can't be bothered to connect the console). I really want P5 royal on Switch!
If there's anything Switch related I can only imagine Q or Q2. But a Switch version of P3 would be nice.
Come ooooooon, Persona 5 Switch port… 🤞
I’ve been wanting to play this game for years, but adult life means I don’t have the time for long play sessions on the TV, so my poor ol’ PS4 is gathering dust in the entertainment unit while my Switch gets 99% of my gaming time in-between work, chores, cooking, and the like. I’d love to be able to play this on the go!
Would love to see Persona 3 / 4 / 5 on the switch
I'd guess:
A fair warning for people that excited about this.
I like Atlus their games, and I remember my first Persona game being Persona 2, but really DON'T EXPECT ANYTHING because people that know Atlus even just a little, know these announcements will be "meh" at best because some japanese companies, Atlus included do such stuff to keep the franchise relevant and fans hyped about nothing.
A game port, even to PC would ve extremely wishfull thinking, DO NOT GET HYPED it will only bite you back in the end.
P.S for people expecting Persona 6, even if they teaser such a thing it will take at least 4 years before they even announce it "by name", Persona 5 Royal is still fresh in memory and they will focus on that mainly.
That's Atlus in a nutshell.
Removed - unconstructive
Not sure what to think but I'm guessing/hoping P3 port for PC and I can't help but think that the final one must be P6. But who knows, maybe it's just random stuff like some kinda live show in Japan (:
I'm used to Atlus announcing future announcements, but announcing seven future announcements!? Bonafide Monafied!
Going to set the bar high, all Persona games on Switch, some sort of anniversary for 1-3, single releases for 4G and 5R. These will all be on PC too, except 4 which is already there. PS4/5 for these too.
And a "P6 in development"
A concert, feating Lotus Juice.
Still down 2 announcement... maybe something to do with the Persona Q series and DLC for Strikers, bringing in the old crew.
@Entrr_username Or, as Persona is already a spin-off, and Persona Q is a spin-off series of a spin-off series, another Persona Q. Or another crossover with a Nintendo IP like Tokyo Mirrage Sessions. Don't get me wrong, if they port over the entire mainline Persona series as a collection, I'd happily welcome it, but I wouldn't be less happy with a new spin-off or a further continuation of a line of spin-offs in a spin-off series. It's what makes the name so interesting to me, the whole "what's next?". I mean, I wouldn't say no to a Persona Q Tactics, or a Persona Golden Collection, or a crossover with Pokémon, a third person stealth action shooter, a danci- No, I would say no to a dancing game. Cadence X Persona on the other hand, that's a rhythm game I'd definitely want!
Considering how well Persona 4 Golden sold on Steam when it released, I'm hoping Persona 3 will arrive on it as well. Hopefully a mix between the PSP version (being able to control ALL party members as well as some minor QoL stuff) and the PS2 version (better graphics than the PSP port, having the actual anime cutscenes instead of in-engine ones the PSP port had)
But Joker is in Smash Bros! That totally counts, right?
.... let me guess, no one of them is for the Switch ...
They better announce some Etrian Odyssey games on Nintendo Switch! Grr!
Never played a Persona game - the scope of certain JRPG series intimidate me and I get to scared to try and play them
@Chamver Don't blame the developers. It's obvious Sony is using their big wallet to keep some games exclusives. Nintendo and Microsoft are very nice with 3rd parties in comparison.
@VoidofLight persona 5 runs okay on ps4, don’t know how ps3 version runs since I have never played that version. Ps 5 royal runs better and has smoother animations on ps4 since they only needed to focus on 1 platform/console.
But the games themselves are “easy to run” but then again most jrpgs look simple/okay and run okay on hardware. Most action third/first person have prettier graphics and play/look more smooth. It is no jab or anything at atlus specifically.
I guess it has to do with budget and their optimalisation teams.
I'm done with Atlus if they don't give us a mainline Persona JRPG on Switch. Not a spinoff. No musou stuff no matter how "canon" the story may be.
If they don't give Switch something this time, I'm just done with them.
@Ralizah YES, PLEASE
really hope we get persona 3 definitive with those sweet sweet persona 3 dancing models used as the basis for the artstyle
I love how we're setting ourselves up for disappointment.
Really would love Persona 4 Golden on Switch. It's no longer Sony/Vita exclusive since it is now on Steam, so why not? (I can't actually get it on Steam because my PC is Windows 7... Lol. And who knows when I'll be able to get a new PC? sigh)
It'a a...Persona Pachinko Machine!
Knowing Atlus, I wouldn't be surprised if none of those 7 is a port of a mainline Persona game to Switch.
It’s been rumoured that Sony has some sort of exclusivity deal for the mainline Persona games which I honestly kinda believe at this point. How else do you explain Persona 5, a 5-year old PS3 game, not being ported to Switch at this point?
I hope I am wrong but I am also not gonna get my hopes up too high.
Anyways, I predict the final “project” revealed is Persona 6. The rest will be ports, spin-offs and maybe an anime or something.
@NoxAeturnus You’re thinking of Konami
You’re done with Atlus when they’re giving Switch owners an exclusive mainline SMT game in literally a few months?
It sucks that Persona has been skipping Switch but Atlus/SEGA have definitely been giving Switch owners a lot of content overall.
@Kirbo100 I was talking mostly mainline
Obviously there was a period in the early-mid 2000s where the PS2 got a crap ton of Atlus stuff outside Persona, but nowadays PlayStation basically gets nothing but Persona stuff. In terms of main entries a new one hasn't debuted on their platforms since Nocturne in 2003
@Heavyarms55 Bye. Don't need you. Have fun missing out on SMT V because there's no waifu dating
@glaemay Please don't...
@MarkyVigoroth Please let that first one be true
They can even rebrand it as something like Persona 0 since SMT If is basically a beta for the original Revelations game and established many of its ideas
@Kineas I mean they're not WRONG. Persona Q and Q2 at the very least are Nintendo-exclusives and one of the most popular protagonists in the series is a character in a Nintendo-published fighting game despite his game being PlayStation-exclusive so that has to mean something
And given your avatar, also KH The Story so Far
@RushDawg Also Nocturne HD, Catherine Full Body, TMS #FE and even re-releasing the first two SMT titles on the Switch Online service in Japan
Atlus didn't slack with Switch. People just don't care because it isn't Persona and that's sad
Honestly I'll take whatever I can get on Switch. Some people think they might do remakes of Persona 1&2. That'd be awesome.
@RushDawg perhaps Persona 6 can be multi platform this time around.
@jamesthemagi as nice as that would be square confirmed no more kingdom hearts games are coming to switch outside of melody of memory :l
@RushDawg Oh right, sorry, what I meant was we're getting remasters of P3 and P4, but they're full price straight ports of the original. It'll cost extra for the FES and Golden versions. Am I ATLUSing correctly now?
Now you got it!
7 mobile cross over games?
Like the Dragon Quest recent announcements I’ll keep my expectations in check. If one or two things I really want come out of this I still win.
I wasn't aware of that
Their lost
@jamesthemagi https://www.vg247.com/2020/09/07/kingdom-hearts-switch/
Persona 5 is on the PS3 so it could definitely run on switch, still unsure whether P5R could work though. I would also love to see ports of P4G and P3 too. Though I think Atlus will only give us one mainline entry for now.
@Snatcher Of course I want Persona 5 (Royal) on Switch.
Happy 25th anniversary, Persona!
As Persona fan, especially Persona 3, it will be great if Persona 3 Definitive Edition is one of 7 projects. This game is exactly what i dream of long time ago, when i start play P3D:
If Persona 4 Golden and Persona 5 Royal come to other platform like Switch, it will be fantastic, but i am not get my hope up yet.
People begging for personas on the switch instead of being hyped for SMT V coming soon exclusive for Nintendo or buying/playing TMS/#FE (also exclusive). In short, you guys (the majority) are not helping Atlus developing/porting their games to the Nintendo Switch.
@RushDawg I don't enjoy SMT as much. It's alright. But just alright. There's no possibility that I believe Atlus is unaware of the demand for Persona on Switch. People have been asking for it pretty much since launch. They're just rejecting that. As is their right.
As is my right not to buy other products from them when they refuse to sell those I do want.
Not gonna apologize for that stance.
I did buy TMS Fire Emblem though. It's more in line with my tastes than SMT.
Thanks, oh yes, I had read that before, but took it as he didn't want people to hold off on buying the rhythm game waiting on a mainline title.
I fixed my response, meant to say their lost, not last.
Just because we want some Persona doesn't mean we are not looking forward to SMT V. Is not 1 or the other. I want both! So stop assuming the worst in people. Switch players have been pretty vocal in the past about their desire to have Persona games on this platform. Atlus is the 1 not helping themselves.
@jamesthemagi would be awesome to have them all ( except for kh3 , cause switch wouldn't handle it ) but I guess square don't wanna port it or whatever their reasoning may be , which sucks would of loved to have kingdom hearts portable.
I'll bet nothing for Switch. Maybe a crappy spin-off but all the AAA stuff will go to the other consoles or even mobile
Completely agree. Maybe like Persona there is an exclusivity deal since a mainline games has never been in a Nintendo Console.
@jamesthemagi doubtful since the games are on PC & Xbox , square probably don't want to backport them to the switch cause it'll cost too much money/resources or something , maybe Nintendo's next console will get them
I wouldn't expect anything Nintendo related considering they're in full promotion mode for Shin Megami Tensei V untill november anyway.
Is weird the Final Fantasy games that were on other Nintendo consoles are the ones missing from the Switch. Where in the world is 4-6?
Oh yes, you are right, I forgot is on Xbox too
@CactusMan you could be right, unfortunately we will never know , hopefully they'll come to the next Nintendo console instead ^_^
@jamesthemagi it's good that it's on other consoles & PC now , more people get to experience the series which is awesome
As I much as I want Persona 5 to FINALLY come to switch, I feel that it could potentially hamper SMT V sales.
Maybe a port of an older persona game would be fine though
Bought Persona 5 Royale today. Yeah I'll buy it again for the Switch again like a mark.
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