For a third-party release, Monster Hunter Rise has performed tremendously well on the Nintendo Switch.
Since its arrival towards the end of March, its worldwide sales have continued to rise. It started out in the opening week shipped four million units globally and just last month reached six million copies. Now, as of the end of May, it's shifted over seven million units worldwide.
Once again, Capcom has decided to celebrate with the release of yet another commemorative item pack. Here is what's included:
This sales milestone follows on from yesterday's 3.0 update - which includes an all-new ending, two new monsters, some extra DLC and much more. You can see the full patch notes in our previous post.
Have you contributed to Monster Hunter Rise sales yet? How are you finding the game's latest update? Let us know below.
Comments 39
And this is all on a single console...not even on PC yet. I wonder how it compares to how base World did when it first launched on the PS4 and Xbox, in sales at around this same time?
Mad props to this series, it rose up and quickly made a name for itself. To move 7 million games this quickly after release on a single platform is nothing short of impressive. Granted that doesn't mean 7 million sales so far necessarily, it's still fair to bet that at least 5 million games have been sold, if not 6 million.
@Highlar Remember it says they shipped over 7 million copies, not sell over 7 million copies. A lot of those physical copies may still be at retailers waiting to be bought or is leaving the stores by the numbers.
And it's all thanks to putting those Monster Hunter Mii outfits in Smash Bros.
Shipped=Sales according to the industry, so I'm rolling with that.
This really goes to show what you can do if you dedicate some time making games designed to run on the Switch.
Monster Hunter Rise is at at the top with all the other premium Switch games and it's a AAA game in it's own right on any console.
Meanwhile RE Village has sold 4 million on all platforms
@anoyonmus it’ll probably sell another 4 at the upcoming steam sales. I never buy games on other platforms than the switch if not discounted. (Cheap skate, I know, but those sales happen so frequently!)
Capcom has learned the secret to success. Push out game experiences that are packed with content and minimal (if any bugs) and people will buy your game...and keep buying it.
Now how do we teach this lesson to other AAA developers? Wait... they're nevermind... they're swimming in dirty mobile game money...
I keep saying this but most people don't get it. It's not that 3rd party games don't do well on Switch because they are on Switch. It's because the majority of them are ports of games already available on other platforms, and most of the time game that have been available for months or years.
It's 2021. Most gamers aren't limited to a single device.
But with Monster Hunter Rise we have a 3rd party game that was made by a AAA studio, that was designed for Switch and had maximum effort put into development. Not some AAA studio's team of interns and amateurs. But some of their best people!
MHR isn't a port of last year's game heavily modified to run on Switch. It's a 3rd party AAA game. This is proof that when a company releases a game on Switch that they put their best efforts into, that those games can see resounding success!
Love it. And with that many ppl having a copy it’s been easy to find ppl to hunt with. Keep it rolling. GOTY
@duffmmann It reportedly sold 6 million as of a few weeks ago. Chances are with this announcement actual sales are probably 6.5ish
Not surprising at all, the game does deserve it.
HOWEVER I wish the game did not repeat mistakes base game World made, instead they repeated some of them from World and made them worse, World tried something new, made mistakes but had it's charm and fixed a lot of issues in Iceborne.
I expect a G-Rank/Master Rank expansion of Rise to fix Rise it's issues, but it doesn't change the fact I am slightly dissappointed with Rise repeating those issues, and somehow making them worse (some stuff they did better, but the balance on that regard is not there)
And I don't mean the difficulty, yes Rise is easier in some ways but what I said above is not about that.
Anyhow well deserved Capcom, even while the game has it's issues, the sales are 100% deserved and I hope to see more for the game (G-Rank/Master Rank expansion).
Also I hope Stories 2 sells well too, I was surprised to see them do one of those again, because I did enjoy the first Stories a lot.
@Heavyarms55 Yeah. And I think the evidence shows 3rd Party games do do well on the Switch. I think the top indie games are multimillion sellers on the console. And the last time I checked, indies are 3rd Party. And games like Minecraft, Dragon Quest 11, Octopath, Story of Seasons, Momotaro have all done well too.
Monster Hunter Rise has taken it to the next level, though. I think Stories 2 and the new Resident Evil which leaked will also do well.
Not surprising the series has been growing with each new game even World sold amazing while everyone here thought it was a terrible idea because it moved away from a Nintendo console and the game was gonna fail, but what some fanboys don’t understand it’s that fans of MH don’t care about the console but instead they care about the game and it’s gameplay with new mechanics and monsters
Monster Hunter Rise has surpassed Street Fighter II on SNES to become the best-selling Capcom game of all time on a Nintendo platform.
The current best-selling Capcom game on a single platform is the PS4 version of Monster Hunter World, which has shipped 9+ million copies by now. Looks like Monster Hunter Rise is on its way to outselling it.
Great news!
The game is great. I just wish they added more places for me to hang my scrolls and display my trinkets! Lol
Build it, and they will come. Shipped doesn’t mean sold to customers, but if shipments continue to retail then it IS selling or the shipments would stop, simple as that. Wii U wasn’t selling in stores to the point Nintendo took stock BACK from retailers.
the sales are going to continue to go up with each update bringing new monsters and armor/weapons to create plus with g rank quests on the way its going to bring in more players as well.
@Ghost_of_Hasashi : A point too often missed. Still though, Capcom would not have produced seven million copies if not reflected by the current trajectory of demand.
Woah! That's a big number and well deserved. I've been playing since Tri on Wii (500+ hours there. 80+ hours now on Rise.) and can safely say it's the best MonHun I've ever played, by some way. From the monsters, to the armour and weapon designs, to the mobility provided by the Wirebugs, to the weapon balancing, it's just an exquisite piece of software. Change your weapon type and it almost becomes a different game. Well done Capcom. You deserve every success for this.
Quickly? I wouldn't call it quickly. This game is the 6th generation. Monster Hunter is almost 20 years old. Didn't really see any acclaim before the 3th generation.
How about saying what you mean instead of highlighting what you do not?
It's not really the gameplay that made World. The gameplay was mainly what people was bitching about. You only know if you have played former games. What made World was the fact that it was on a dedicated home console and not a handheld, so that graphics and power could finally lift the game to what the others could not.
Guys, this isn't a willy-waving contest about who knows the most, or who has played the most MonHun. You're all MonHunners. Try to get along.
Here before the usuals "IT WILL SELL MORE IF ITS ON PC OR TRASHSTATION" rektr fanboys comments.
Unless publishers 'ship' their games on a 'sale or return' basis then 'shipped' = sold; sold to the middle man.
@anoyonmus lol, pathetic, right ?
@gcunit exactly, the retailers are the customers of the manufacturers. If they weren’t selling them on to us, the consumer, then the shipments would soon stop.
One of the last two fighters for Smash DLC has to be a hunter, right?!?! I hope this is the case and it gets announced at E3.
@Brumblescope sadly, monhun stuff was added to mii fighters so probably not. Also, if they did throw in a monhun rep it should be a palico. More wacky fighters for smash, no more serious characters!
@CorvoRevo exactly right
@Chowdaire Ha! Yes. A Palico would be amazing. I suppose you're right considering the mii fighters... darn.
@Aneira I never ever hear someone complain about the gameplay in World in fact, everyone that I know praise it and even on reviews every comment was positive and like the QOL improvements and if that was true Rise wouldn’t basically have the same gameplay that World has, and while it’s true that the improvement of graphics was a big jump for the franchise in the reality it was more the fact that it moved from Nintendo so others players could play the franchise for the first time since not everyone plays on a Nintendo hardware
As a long time Hunter (been playing since Freedom on PSP), I'm just glad to see the series finally get the recognition and success it has long deserved. Many like me knew it was destined for greatness from the moment we hunted our first Yian Kut-Ku...no matter the hardware it's on, Monster Hunter is and has always been a beast of a game.
@Rayquaza2510 What are those issues? Also, someone who has played previous MH games and maybe you have too. I'm confident in saying that MH Rise is by far better than World, and is not as easy as World was, especially after 3.0 update. I was not expecting Advance quests! That's like between Highrank and G-Rank
People on other consoles could play it for the first time?
You know it's been on Sony hardware before, right?
It's been niche for years. Along with going multi plat, it was all the qol changes that finally opened the series up for new players.
I tried twice before to get into the series with Tri on Wii and 4 ultimate on 3DS and it just didn't grab me.
Rise has me absolutely obsessed, I'm 140 hours deep already.
I loved it so much I picked up MHGU to play in-between Rise updates and I'm really enjoying it.
I can appreciate the quirks of the series alot more now that Rise has me so in love with it.
Delighted the series has become such a phenomenon.
@steizgr8 Well you said it yourself the franchise before MH3/U wasn’t really good honestly and it was really hard to get into that’s why it was niche because it had potential but plesioth hip check was too much for a normal player, so it doesn’t really matter if it was on a Sony or Nintendo consoles, the franchise really started with MH3 when they fix tons of things and from there every game in the series has improved
And there were some who thought, and more pathetically were hoping, the game would fail. Good to see MHR getting the great sales it deserves. I've said it before and I stand by it, Capcom needs to lean in a little more with original titles on the Switch. Despite the mixed relationship with Nintendo as a company, Capcom games have almost always sold well to the Nintendo fanbase. Put the effort in and the players will respond. From the leaks it seems RE is up next, it'd be great to get an original Street Fighter game for Switch as well, or 6, day and date with other consoles, if they could work that out.
@Rayquaza2510 What issues are you talking about?
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