In the ancient dawn of time a few breakthrough Indie games made their name on Xbox Arcade, such as FEZ back in 2012. Just shy of a decade later it'll make its debut on Nintendo hardware, dropping on the Switch eShop today.
It was casually dropped in as part of a sizzle reel at the close of today's Indie World Showcase, but it's worth consideration once that game page appears. Below is an older trailer while we await an updated video on YouTube.

It's certainly a piece of 'Indie Gaming' history, and a darn interesting game to boot. Are you tempted to pick this up on Nintendo Switch?
Comments 60
Nice game, for 10 Euros or less I'm willing to double dip.
Never played it previously but it's a type of game I usually enjoy so I'll likely give it a go. Just waiting for it to pop up on the eShop so I know how much it is before deciding whether or not to grab it today.
Edit: $18.90 AUD is acceptable enough. I'll bite.
GetSuFuMaDen... Can't take that off my mind now. From all the indies showcased turtles & GetSuFuMaDen with some I can't remember gat me wishing it's out now!! Why can't we have the good things early.
This is a super chill and atmospheric game def worth picking up.
Omg yes, I haven't had the chance to get this until now!
Man if only we were getting FEZ 2.
I never expected this game to come back after all the mishaps that led to its sequel getting cancelled
Nice to see it's getting a second lease on life. It's a really good puzzle/platformer
I saw this game on Indie Game: The Movie, so yeah, I'm interested.
Cool, this was one of the games I've waited eternally to go on sale on Xbox 360. Never happened.
Never thought this game would ever be released on anything new... it's a great example of the indie game revolution and I'm glad to see it getting new life on Switch.
Already have it on PS4, but... AT LAST!
I have always wanted to play Fez, but I haven’t owned a non-Nintendo console since the PS2. It may not be today, but I will be picking this up!
Wasn't Phil Fish the dev criticized for this game? I recall something very vaguely about that.
Kinda surprised they snuck this in in the reel,, seems it could’ve deserved a lil more fan fare being that it was such a groundbreaking indie at the time. Never played it tho so excited to finally give it a whirl!
The game is fantastic. It belongs on the Nintendo indie machine. Slowly but surely every classic indie game is making it to the Switch.
I have such fond memories of the 360 Arcade Collection catalog. Shame Xbox gave up on that type of thing in the Xbone era, but hey thankfully the Switch has taken the crown as the perfect device for indie gaming.
Cool, I was just thinking about how cool Fez would be on Switch the other day!
@NookMiler not the game. It was critically acclaimed. It was Phil Fish himself who was in the spotlight of dumb fake controversy about. Basically it was just an ego thing and spawned old memes about indie developers and how highly they think of themselves. Go watch Indie Game the Movie. It's actually really good.
I'm buying this ASAP. Abso-bloody-lutely adore Fez. Met Phil Fish once upon a time. Decent chap. Shame he left really but what he left behind is a modern classic. IMO one of the top 3 Indie games ever is Fez when played in a perfect setting: your best headphones, a cozy nook in your house, all chores/jobs/tasks complete, mildly alcoholic drink to hand.
In my case that's: Apple Airpods Pro (had to pay 35 quid for the lightning-3.5mm audio jack cable but to play Switch on them is perfect. With Transparency mode on it feels like I'm not wearing headphones at all BUT also I can hear game audio when those around me cannot. It's pretty sweet.), windowsil, yes, gin+bitter lemon.
Oh man I keep refreshing the store page.
I already own this on PSN: Vita+PS3+PS4. It's ace on the OLED Vita display for sure but the Switch is just the best system ever. Just need that Switch Plus now.
The graphic style of this game was mind-blowing when it came out and is still quite unique now. I have this on Vita - it's a special game.
With Spelunky 1 and 2 coming this Summer the Switch is now a complete Indie beast!
@NookMiler if my memory is correct, a sequel was announced he then had an argument with a journalist on twitter, cancelled fez 2 and quit the video game industry
An amazing game! One of the best.
@NookMiler It was never about the actual game - just some sideline nonsense and maybe Phil being rather emotional in response. No biggie but the press turned it into quite the drama.
Stone cold classic. People should really play this.
There was a time I would have jumped on this. Never played it. I remember all the hype and watching a documentary about the dude who made it. Now I have the Toad game. I’ll pass on this.
Double dip, ACTIVATED!
I'm just waiting for the store to go up.
This and Oneshot, then the best past indies on Switch shall be complete!
This game has some of the most amazing music I've heard in a game! Played it on PC a year ago.
I always hoped we would get it on the 3DS because stereoscopic 3D would be amazing for it but oh well.
@smithpa01 Mostly correct. Phil is an oddball who probably shouldn't be on social media. In person he's awkward but compared to most in his situation he's easy to get along with. At least he was at the one time I met him around Fez 1's launch.
He rubbed too many people up the wrong way. It wasn't just one journalist as such... the straw that broke the camels back. Plus add in the fact he was very vocal about (good) progressive issues back in the day when it wasn't discussed he felt the ire of angry nerd boys the world over. A fraction of people liked the guy. As I say shame. For a similar reason I don't have any social media accounts lol.
But yah he was a really top bloke. Great politics, great socially minded. Then 2 years later GamerGate happened and nobody liked nerds any more.
I created an account just to give props for the reference to The Doctor on the article!
Heard of Fez plenty of times but this is the first time I’m seeing it in motion. Really cool! Reminds me of that whole Captain Toad thing with viewpoints and stuff. Yeah I’m buying depending on the price.
I just got Dark Devotion so that was my “big purchase” this month.
I have it on PC and played a bit. It's brilliant, but I never really bother to hook up the PC for long play-sessions unless it's some immersive cinematic experience like Death Stranding. Or if I want to replay all of Half-Life, for some reason.
On the Switch, though, it's another story. Yeah, I'm double-dipping on Fez.
One I'm interested in.
But blimey, how good does that Konami game look?
With Fez out now and Braid releasing later this year, the Switch will finally have the 2 of the classic indie games featured in Indie Game the movie.
This movie FYI, well worth a watch if you haven't seen it before. http://buy.indiegamethemovie.com
Started playing this on Steam years ago, but it seems like it should have been on Switch from Day 1. Been waiting for it. Shall I wait for physical?
Eh... thanks but no thanks.
This is a good game and a fine addition to the Switch library. Also, I appreciate the Doctor Who reference.
Oh wow, I never realised it was a hat, and instead thought the character was some sort of a chicken like creature. Whoops...
Logged on and bought it instantly. Fez on Switch is a dream come true! If they gave us folders on this darn thing, Fez would be in the "All time classics" with the Final Fantasies, Dark Souls, Mario 3D All Stars, Okami, etc...
Oh hell yes! Been waiting for a Switch port of this for ages, and figured it would never happen! Doubt it'll support cross save but happy to start afresh!
Really sad that I missed this one getting announced since I wasn't able to catch the Indie World. I had a good time with it on the Xbox 360, and wanted it on Switch, but I didn't think it would happen. Really excited now that it is on Switch
One of my favourite games of all time, and a phenomenal soundtrack. I'm incredibly pleased.
Yup, will be double dipping over here as well. Will probably end up playing it more on the Switch then I did on the PS4.
I loved this game when I played it, but remember that some of the puzzle solutions became too arcane for me to work out without google. I also remember finding traversing the map traumatic at times. But maybe I’ve got smarter since then so might give it another go.
Took them this long to get this game to Switch. Definitely would buy it again just to have a version on the go.
Well, I'll buy it for the Switch. Didn't pay for it on the PS4, it was a freebie on PS Plus for the PS4, PS3 and Vita. Wanted to buy it... but that Phil Fish character was a bit of crank back in the day. So, supporting him was low on my list.
In my all time top 5 but I’m not sure I need another version just yet. Vita version good enough for me - for now, naturally.
Even if I had a few odd interactions with him online, I wish Phil Fish had made Fez 2. Oh well, this is a very good game and worth getting.
I recall the guy Phil Fish making his jokes about Fez on Nintendo platforms. Wonder what he has to say about this.
Loved Fez back on the 360! This, Limbo and Ilo Milo we basically the only things that I felt compelled to turn on that console for in the end (just personal taste, I’m sure for others there was plenty more). Hope Ilo Milo comes across to other consoles one day, fantastic game too.
I would love to play Fez again, but nearly a decade on is £12.59 (or £11.33 during it's 10% sale) worth it for a near ten year old game port?
@NookMiler I think salt was being tossed about because he didn’t care to bring the game to Nintendo or so times have changed and so do people I guess
@Bentendo1609 if a game is worth it, as Fez clearly is, less than $15 is a no brainer.
Already bought it! Was waiting for it since switch launch, actually...
He rubbed too many people up the wrong way. It wasn't just one journalist as such... the straw that broke the camels back. Plus add in the fact he was very vocal about (good) progressive issues back in the day when it wasn't discussed he felt the ire of angry nerd boys the world over.
@Mynameishello @smithpa01 @eatdogs Unfortunately, we have this kind of person in Québec and Canada generally - the kind of evidently gifted yet clueless and ideologically-driven person who gets him/herself into trouble, and makes a career of it. I've met a number of them in other fields. The issue is less their politics than their shrill self-righteousness and lack of perspective, coupled with an inability to communicate.
I wasn't following this hobby when Philippe Poisson was still in the industry, but I've seen other examples of this kind of thing in gaming as I've tried to catch up. One of the Celeste devs (in Vancouver) is quite the ideologue, and out of the UK, there are the developers of Ooblets, who perfectly typify the problem. (I'm still interested in Celeste, but Ooblets crossed the line.)
In this life, disagreement is essential, but we're losing the knack of it. As an example, I've thought twice about buying Dragon Quest games since learning some of K. Sugiyama's views. Yet if I shut out such incredibly broad swathes of society as a daily practice, I'd be making Phil Fish's mistake: picking up my net and hockey sticks, and going home to sulk. Even so, I have a very long Ignore list, and I stay the hell off Twitter, so...
Funny I was just trying to remember the name of this game the other day. I had it on the 360 and never completed it. I liked the game tho, probably will ick this up at some point since my Xbox bit the dust.
Impossible for me to recommend Fez enough. It is a one-of-a-kind experience.
Neat! I always wanted to play this game. And now I probably will!
@nmanifold When "Braid" drops, that will complete the "Indie Game: The Movie" trifecta along with this and "Super Meat Boy".
"Fez" debuted with a 10% off sale. Insta-buy! Love when that happens.
@smithpa01 Interesting. Seems weird FEZ randomly pops up on Switch then after all these years.
@MontyCircus yes indeed, we will have the indie game movie trilogy. I must ré-watch the movie, I loved it when it was released.
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